Monday, September 2, 2019

Ziploc Jumbo Big Bags 3 ea

How To Store Dried Fruits

Ziploc Jumbo Big Bags 3 ea

The question of how to store dried fruit has occupied almost everyone's mind. Although the dried fruit is more durable than fresh, it may deteriorate if it is not kept under proper conditions.
The first is to find a dry and cool place where we can store the dried fruits. In winter this is a bit more comfortable. But the dry place can be found easily in the summer, but we have trouble with the cool place. The first solution that comes to mind is to store it in a refrigerator or freezer. Let's look at the details of how to store it in the refrigerator or freezer. First of all, let's answer why we need a dry and cool place.

Why do we need a dry and cool place when storing dried fruit.

The purpose of drying the fruits is to prevent the reproduction of harmful microorganisms such as mold and fungus that can reduce and spoil the water. Although the fruit is dried, these harmful microorganisms multiply if not stored in a dry place. It does not benefit the destruction. Because the chemicals called afla-toxin that they spread to the environment cause cancer. Therefore, it is not suitable for health to consume not only dried fruits but also other foodstuffs that are moldy.
How To Store Dry Fruits In The Refrigerator.

In today's refrigerator, there are indicators that allow us to adjust the temperature even at the minimum feature. Only dry fruits that are put directly in the refrigerator can be humidified due to the difference in temperature. We can use paper without any paint, etc., especially paper bags. When storing dry fruits in the fridge, we should avoid newspaper papers for health reasons. Otherwise, we make an eyebrow. Solutions, ink, etc. used in the preparation of newspaper may threaten our health.
How to Store Dried Fruit in Ice Cube Tray or Deep Freezer

As for the question. Fruits to be stored on the name of the ice in the freezer or in a batch, even if it is placed in a deep freezer after a while can stick to each other with the effect of freezing.

If the dried fruit we put in the freezer or freezer is more than we will consume at once, we will have to lay it in layers in layers. A refrigerator bag or paper bag can be used to prevent layers from sticking together.

You might think it's worth the effort to put it in the freezer. Freezing only frozen and then thawed food products is of health harm, so it is more appropriate to dissolve as much as we can consume each time.

Ziploc Jumbo Big Bags 3 ea