Monday, September 2, 2019

Glad Food Storage and Freezer 2 in 1 Zipper Bags - Gallon - 36 Count

35 Tips for Healthy Eating to Add Value to Your Life

Glad Food Storage and Freezer 2 in 1 Zipper Bags - Gallon - 36 Count

There are many important points to be considered about nutrition which is one of the most important elements of healthy life. That is why if you want your food not to be wasted or to return to you as vitamins and health, not as harm; take a look at our list.
1. Seasonal products should be preferred

We should choose the products suitable for the season. We should not take dents, rotten, germinated products. If we need to use a product that is not necessarily suitable for the season, it is healthier to use frozen products.

2. Packages must be checked

Foods in torn, broken, crushed packaging should never be purchased. Foods in this type of packaging always carry the risk of contamination.
3. Attention! Expiration date!

The expiration date of the product must be checked. This is because microorganisms can grow in expired products; the product may have lost its nutritional value and has deteriorated; The flavor and physical appearance of the product may be altered.
4. Damages of plastic containers

We should never keep food in plastic containers. Even and even experts recommend that we do not insert anything made of plastic into our house. Those used for food (cheese, yogurt, etc.) are produced in such a way as to cause less harm to health. But these are also disposable. Use of the product in the container until the expiry date is valid. After that it should be discarded, not used a second time. Glass containers are the healthiest.

5. Unknown danger: Aluminum foil

In aluminum containers and dishes cooked with aluminum foil, too much aluminum passes to the food. Aluminum is harmful not only in cooking but also in putting food into it. It causes bone and kidney diseases. Increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
6. Frozen foods should be used without thawing

Ready-to-use frozen or some of our own frozen foods at home should be used without thawing. This is especially true for food such as peas, ravioli, leaf wrap and ice cakes.

But meat, chicken, ground beef, fish, such as food should be used after thawing; these products must be removed from the freezer and placed on the upper shelves of the lower section of the refrigerator (even in the newly produced refrigerators there is a section for the removal of the products from the freezer and there is a section for a healthy thawing) and they should be thawed there slowly.

Germs grow in foods dissolved at room temperature. If we need to use the food very urgently; cold water should be put in a container and the food in the refrigerator bag should be used in this container after waiting for a while to dissolve a little.
7. Danger of careless handling: Teflon!

We must be very careful when using kitchen utensils made of Teflon. When using them, we should prefer tools made of wooden spoons or Teflon (to prevent scratching). The presence of scratches on the Teflon and their contact with metal and iron kitchen utensils (knives, forks, spoons) are very harmful to health.

When you consume food cooked in scratched teflon, you may feel nothing bad and think 'nothing happened'. But the effects of this are returning to us as accumulated diseases in our body. The Ministry of Health, even in the past years because of the health damage due to the use of teflon items had even decided to seize. That's why we should be very careful when using our kitchen utensils made of Teflon.
8. Microwave oven should not be used for cooking

Microwave ovens are best used for heating food, not cooking. The emitted rays can also be harmful. Therefore, you should not stay near when using the microwave.

9. Choose olive oil for frying

Boiling is the most healthy way of cooking. Steaming, grilling and baking are other healthy cooking methods. We need to cook the food without roasting. The experts even recommend that the onion be put together with the food without being roasted. Maybe you will say that the food made by roasting is more delicious, but experts say that cooking in the ways we mentioned is healthier.

Experts do not recommend cooking foods that are fried, especially because they burn fat and carcinogenic substances are formed. But if you want to fry, you should use at least olive oil to minimize the damage. Olive oil; Due to its high antioxidant content, it is the highest oil resistant to high temperature at high temperature oxidation. The boiling temperature is 220 degrees and the chemical structure does not deteriorate up to this degree.
10. Correctly clean cutting boards and blades

When we cut meat, chicken, salami, sausage and sausage on cutting boards; after use, we must wash these boards and the knife we ​​use by disinfecting them (using germicidal products such as bleach). It should stand at least 5 minutes in this way and then wash.

Never use another product to cut the product without disinfection. Kitchen utensils such as kitchen boards, knives and spoons that come into contact with raw foods should not be contacted with cooked foods. And the spoon used to taste each dish should be different. And that spoon should not be used again even if it is not to wash the dish before it is washed.
11. Importance of refrigerator bag

We should not use any other bag than the refrigerator bag for the food we put in the freezer. Because refrigerator bags are produced in a health-friendly way. Recently, glass containers have been manufactured for use in cold-resistant, freezer storage. It is healthier to use them.

Food storage times vary in the freezer. So we need to know which food can stay in the freezer for how long. The expiration date applies to products in the freezer. We must not keep products past the expiration date in the freezer.
12. How long should the food be stored at room temperature?

Cooked food; It should not be kept outside at room temperature for more than 2 hours. Of course this does not apply to 2 hours full summer temperatures. Its duration should be shorter. In summer heat, the food should be put in the refrigerator when it cools a little. In the heat of summer and when we need to go somewhere urgently, we must fill the pot with cold water into a large container and allow it to cool down more quickly and cool the food before leaving the house.

13. Cooked food should be consumed fresh

It is most healthy to consume our food immediately as fresh. Each time the food is heated, it causes vitamin loss. We must make our meals fresh every day and consume them immediately. But we have done more, increased or we have the next day, we have to do today. Then we just have to heat up all the food, not the whole pot. We shouldn't keep food waiting too long, even in the refrigerator. It should be tried to consume meat dishes within 2 days and olive oil dishes within 3 days.
14. Sausage, salami, sausage…

Milk, yogurt, salami, sausage, cream, such as perishable food should not be kept outside for too long. We need to get out of the fridge and consume in a very short time without waiting too long outside. These products should be placed in the refrigerator within 2 hours of purchase (unless it is very hot).

Cold storage bags are sold in the markets. These are bags designed for food that we receive from the freezer and perishable food. It maintains the coldness of the product for several hours and ensures that frozen products do not thaw. We should never put sausages in our children's diet.
15. Let's fly to Temel Reis

Spinach and any food made with spinach should be consumed immediately or in a very short time after cooking. In waiting spinach, “nitrite” is formed, which is very harmful to human beings.
16. Danger of “solanin eki in potato

Germinated, tuberous potatoes should not be used. These include “solanin” and are harmful to health.

17. Oil into carrot juice

Carrot is an oil-soluble vegetable. Because it dissolves in oil, even when we prepare carrot juice, we should put 1-2 drops of oil (olive oil is always preferred for health).
18. Dried legumes should be cooked well

Dried legumes such as beans, chickpeas and lentils; When cooked well, it is easier to digest and the protein value increases. Dried legumes other than red lentils are soaked in water at room temperature for 8-10 hours and then cooked in the expected water; because the nutrients in the legumes have been transferred to this water.

If there is a patient and potassium limitation is desired, boiling water should be poured and hot water should be added again during cooking. However, if the boiling water of the legumes is discarded, the losses in the vitamins and minerals of group B increase. Hard water makes it difficult to cook legumes. Soda is added to the pot to facilitate cooking, which causes loss of vitamins. Therefore it should not be used. Legumes shells can cause gas and bloating. If the shells are removed, gas formation is also prevented.
19. How should meat be cooked?

Meats should be cooked by light or medium temperature and for a long time no matter which method they prepare. After boiling 1-2 carcasses in high heat with the mouth closed, the heat should be reduced and the foams formed on the boiling should be taken. Mouths should not be opened frequently (1-2 times) when cooking meats as in the cooking stage of any kind of food.

Too high temperature solidifies meat proteins, causing water loss and reduced flavor. Protein and vitamin B1 decrease. If the meat is cooked in a pressure cooker or oven with hot water, this nutrient can be best utilized.
20. Caffeine adversely affects vitamin absorption

When foods are consumed with tea or coffee, caffeine and tannins adversely affect the absorption of vitamins and cause loss of some minerals in the body. Eat foods that make blood with vitamin C , foods with calcium and consumption with tea reduce iron absorption.

Especially tea should be drunk 2 hours after meals. Do not use unknown brands. In addition to blood-producing foods, we should use foods that contain vitamin C. Vitamin C provides the absorption of iron in the food. Besides the food, freshly squeezed fruit juices containing vitamin C and lemon salad prepared with tomato and pepper can be preferred.

21. It is acceptable to eat fruit / vegetables with peel

Fruits and vegetables become healthier and vitamins when consumed with their skins and raw. Because vitamin values ​​are just below the shell. And when we have to peel them (potatoes, celery, apples, etc.), we have to peel them very thinly.
22. To reduce vitamin C in fruits de

Vitamin C value decreases if the fruits are waited after being cut or squeezed. We need to consume them now. If the juices are kept in the refrigerator, the vitamin value decreases.
23. Nutrients of high nutritional value

Tarhana; yogurt and flour is made by mixing the mixture, the nutritional value is high. Boiled chickpeas, lentils and carrots add to the cooking value.
24. Bread selection and cutting is very important

If the bread is thinly sliced ​​and fried, its nutritional value decreases. Instead of white bread, we should prefer whole wheat, rye and bran bread. However, people who have anemia should not use too much bran bread and because it contains fiber in the bran, it can cause diarrhea in people with intestinal problems. It is best to consume all breads alternately.

25. When making dessert, sugar should be placed first

Eggs, milk, yoghurt, cheese and tahini desserts have high nutritional value. These desserts; it is more beneficial than just flour, oil and sugar. The use of molasses instead of sugar increases nutritional value. When making milk dessert, sugar should be placed first. The protein value of the milk cooked with sugar decreases.
26. Loss of Vitamin A when drying in the sun

Vegetable, fruit and tarhana dried in the sun can cause loss of vitamin A. Therefore, drying should be done in the shade. A, C, B2, B6 and folic acid values ​​decrease if milk and yogurt are kept in a light place.
27. Danger in canning: Botulism poisoning

When sufficient boiling is not performed in home-made canned food, ost clostridium botulinum ”bacteria grow. This bacterium is very dangerous and causes botulism poisoning which can lead to death. If the lids of the canned food we make at home or from outside have been bombed inward or outward, albeit less, these canned food is extremely harmful to health.
28. Fruits / vegetables should be washed by rubbing

Fruits and vegetables are very good on the remnants of the drug and we should wash by rubbing. Experts even say that only 25% of the residues disappear with this wash. They recommend having a brush that you can use to wash only fruits and vegetables. The scrubbing method does not completely eliminate the remnants of the drug, but leaves less residue.
29. How should pasta be cooked?

Pasta should be cooked with water and should not be kept under cold water after cooking.
30. Time to put lemon / salt / vinegar in salads is important

Lemon or vinegar is added to salads and vitamin A and C values ​​decrease when kept. Salad; oil, salt, lemon or vinegar should be added when brought to the table. Even if possible, the use of vinegar made at home will be much healthier.
31. Vitamin loss in yogurt

If the yogurt is placed in the bag and filtered and the filtered water is discarded, vitamin loss occurs.
32. Eggs should be stored in the box

Egg; should be stored in the refrigerator, cardboard box and must be washed when used. Boiled eggs are healthier than cooking in oil. The raw egg contains “salmonella ter bacteria, which can lead to death.
33. Soaking of vegetables in salted and vinegar water

Vegetables to be consumed raw; Parasitic eggs adhered to the vegetables to be separated and to kill invisible insects, after washing for 15 minutes in salt or vinegar should be washed again. Vegetables should not be cut or tear off. Fruit and vegetable washing concentrate, which provides disinfection of vegetables and fruits, is sold in the markets.

Vegetables should be cooked in less water and in a short time. Rooted ones after the root is removed; others are washed, chopped and used without waiting. Chopped fruits and vegetables are thrown into boiling water while cooking. When we want to roast the food, we must add hot water after roasting the vegetables. Hot water should be added when it is necessary to add water when you see that all kinds of food are running low.
34. am Uncle Grocery Wrapping Bread in Newspaper ”

It is wrong to store food such as parsley, dill, leek and spinach in the refrigerator and to buy bread wrapped in newspaper from the grocery store. Newspapers should not be used in any foodstuff and equipment. Spread the newspaper, eat on it should not. Since the chemical dye is used in the newspaper, this substance passes to the food and this damages our health.
35. Bonus: Watch out for these!

- We should wash our hands with soapy water before we start preparing food.
- We must protect our food from heat, light, moisture.

Glad Food Storage and Freezer 2 in 1 Zipper Bags - Gallon - 36 Count