Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Arm & Hammer Fridge-n-Freezer Baking Soda, 14 Ounce (Pack of 12)

Natural cleaning methods for a cleaner bath by baking soda

Arm & Hammer Fridge-n-Freezer Baking Soda, 14 Ounce (Pack of 12)

Bathrooms and toilets are very humid and difficult to ventilate. Therefore, cleaning the bathroom toilet is quite important.

bathroom cleaning In such environments where cleaning is important for our health, we sometimes lose ourselves and think that we use and clean whatever we get, such as salt spirit, descaler and bleach. However, when cleaning with these chemical pollutants, especially the person performing cleaning, acute respiratory problems, poisoning and subsequent lung cancer, skin cancer, respiratory and circulatory disorders are seen in the household. Every year, thousands of cases of poisoning as a result of these chemical pollutants go to emergencies. People; they continue to consume these products, which they think are doing cleaning even though they become ill as a result of these products, even if they are urgent, but are marketed by capital as a pollutant to human, nature and life.

As Gaia Magazine, we will provide you with recipes of real cleanliness from nature, thinking that we can build a healthy living space that starts from our small world and reaches to the big world. Because it does not serve the capital, under the name of cleaning is not possible to pollute the ecological and another cleaning !
Bathroom cleaning

Usually we use our bathroom to clean and purify. In the morning we get up and wash our hands, take a shower and clean our body. So, how do we clean ourselves if we contaminate the area we clean with chemicals?

The cleaning concept of the cleaning products used in the bathroom is to provide cleaning by completely eliminating microorganisms. Chemical cleaners are effective enough to eliminate microorganisms as well as us.

During the day, the doors of our bathrooms should be opened and ventilated frequently so that we can be protected against bacteria that grow in a humid environment and cause allergic effects, asthma and bronchitis. As you know, only in Turkey outside a large amount of bacteria in the bathroom after the shower thrown into the water with chlorine why there are huge amounts of chlorine and chlorine accumulation is a highly toxic substance for us. According to WHO studies, cardiovascular diseases may be seen as a result of toxic accumulation of chlorine. You should remember that you perform primary cleaning by ventilating all parts of your home.

Did you know that the wooden products in the bathroom, especially the ventilation windows and the rustable metal with soap and shampoo, threaten your health? Mold and rusty substances adversely affect our immune system. Consequently, many allergic diseases may occur. You should change the wooden window in your bathroom against mold and keep your ventilation open all the time. materials to be oxidized should not be used in bathrooms.
Shower and tub cleaning

The shower cabin and bathtubs should be cleaned with water after every shower and detailed cleaning should be done at least once a week. While thorough cleaning, start cleaning by hitting hot water on your bathtub and shower cabin and removing dirt.
Nature Cleaning Recipe for Shower Cabinets

1 teaspoon of washing soda
1 teaspoon of finely ground salt
1 tablespoon of Arab soap
1 teaspoon borax
3 glasses of boiled water

If possible, put all the ingredients in the glass bottle with spray nozzle and shake well. Then apply the contents to the shower cabin and the wall around the shower. Then rinse with water and wipe with the help of cotton cloth spilled with vinegar water.
Natural recipes for bathtubs

Half a liter of water
1.5 tea cup vinegar
1 teaspoon borax
2 teaspoons carbonate

Let's start your first cleaning peace by placing your glass bottles with fısfısıs in your hands and mixing them thoroughly.

Since bathtubs and slippery floors are constantly in contact with shampoo, soap and water, germs go with water, soap and shampoo. But soap, shampoo waste remains on slippery ground. The main task of the vinegar in this mixture is to dissolve soap and shampoo residue and clean.

We prepare the product into the bath by squeezing it in the oval position and cleaning. If rubbing is performed without placing weight on the wrist, we can also physically protect our body health.
Fragrant natural bathtub cleaner

3 teaspoons carbonate
1 teaspoon Liquid natural soap
1 teaspoon salt
5 drops of lavender oil

Put the ingredients in a bowl and mix well, then apply with a moistened sponge or bath brush and rinse. You can also make your bathroom smell nice while cleaning your bathtub.
Sink cleaning

Sinks are extremely important for house cleaning. Because these are the surfaces we are in direct contact with. For this reason, cleaning every 2 days is very important for you and your health.

The first part of the cleaning process is pouring the sink hot and removing dirt. You can then continue your cleaning process with the following recipe.
Natural sink cleaner

1 cup borax
Half a cup of carbonate
Half cup borax
Up to 10 drops of any of the oils of lavender, lemon, lemon balm, orange

Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a container. Apply with a damp sponge to your sink. After rubbing, rinse thoroughly with hot water. Even if our content is natural, steam should not be inhaled after hot water is applied.
Natural sink whitener

First of all, you can spend the stains caused by white and white lime on your taps by rubbing with lemon and then pouring water. You can rub the area around the tap with lemon and rinse for 30 minutes. Applying chemical descaler for this process is quite expensive and harmful.

1 teaspoon borax
1 cup of carbonate
1 teaspoon of finely ground rock salt
1 tablespoon of finely ground citrus, orange, lemon or grapefruit peel

Materials should be mixed thoroughly and applied by rubbing the surface. Then clean by pouring warm water.
For bathroom surfaces

2 cups of water
2 teaspoons borax
4 drops of pine extract
4 drops of cedar essential oil
4 drops of lemon essential oil

Mix all ingredients by pouring the spray into the glass bottle. Squeeze it on the surface of the bath and then wipe with a damp cloth.

Shake well before each use.
An alternative:

4 liters of water
1 tablespoon carbonate
1 teaspoon borax
2 teaspoons of cooking soda
1 glass of vinegar
2 tablespoons Arab soap

Pour the ingredients into the bucket, then apply with a brush and wipe with a clean cloth. By opening the vents, you can ventilate the area and dry it with a dry cloth.

This mixture can also be cleaned and disinfected around the toilet area. The remaining liquid is poured to the toilet and the interior cleaning is provided with a brush, then the toilet is flushed by siphoning.
Natural Bathroom Tile Cleaning

Joint areas between bathroom tiles are excellent for bacteria. You should clean your bathroom tiles once a week. Otherwise, chlorine vapor acts on joints and causes both toxic and bacterial accumulation. You should pay attention to the cleaning process for your health. You can also apply our recipe below.

1 cup baking powder
1 cup of lemon juice

Clean your tiles with vinegar first. Then mix the baking soda, lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of salt to the paste consistency. You can apply this mixture only by rubbing the joints with the toothbrush you will use for cleaning the bathroom. After you have finished, rinse the toothbrush and put in vinegar water.

With these recipes you will protect the health of nature while preserving your own health.

Arm & Hammer Fridge-n-Freezer Baking Soda, 14 Ounce (Pack of 12)