Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Arm & Hammer Pure Baking Soda Shaker - 12 Oz

The way to beauty is baking soda!

Arm & Hammer Pure Baking Soda Shaker - 12 Oz

It's time to take care of your worn body in winter. Experts suggested the use of baking soda against hair , nail , skin and skin problems ...

Baking soda, one of the indispensable ingredients of cakes , pies and cakes, cares for the body from top to bottom.
Experts, bright teeth, healthy and beautiful hair s, strong nail s to have the benefit of baking powder is transferred.
Here are the formulas for the care of your body with baking soda before the holiday ...

SKIN ...
If you are tired of your pimples, mix some honey and baking powder and apply it to your face. Rinse after waiting for about 15 minutes. With this mask you will apply to your clean skin once a week, your acne will not be as problematic as before.

To remove makeup, dirt and foreign matter from your face, pour the cleaning product you use routinely into a container and add baking soda until it becomes paste-like. Then apply this mixture to your skin as it exfoliates.

A mixture of baking soda and lemon juice sounds like a medicine against warts in various parts of the body . After mixing this pair, apply it to the wart and let it dry.
Then wash thoroughly.

LEGS ...
To get smooth and soft feet, all you have to do is simple. Lavender oil for a while soften your feet with water and baking soda to prepare with a paste-like mixture to rub and rinse. Your feet will look much smoother and smoother ...

Quotes ...
Add baking soda to Peroxide and rub your nail-free nails with cotton soaked with this mixture. When you apply this method regularly, you will see that you get rid of the yellow color that is placed on your nails .

You can also use the power of baking powder against the flesh around your nails . For this, mix the baking powder with water. Rub the nail and nail edges with a brush. You will see that it creates a manicure effect.

If you want to have whiter teeth without damaging your tooth enamel, mix enough strawberry and lemon juice with baking powder.
When the mixture becomes viscous, apply it to your brush and brush your teeth.

The HAIR ..
If your hair gets greasy quickly, sprinkle the amount of baking soda that you determine according to hair density and length to your hair bottoms. After waiting for a short time, distribute the powder all over your hair with a light massage.
Wait until the shower and rinse.

For voluminous and fuller hair, when you pour your shampoo to your hair, add 1/4 of the amount of shampoo to the shampoo and wash your hair. Gently mix with your finger and wash your hair with this mixture.

Arm & Hammer Pure Baking Soda Shaker - 12 Oz