Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Baking Soda, Gluten Free 2/16oz Bob's Red Mill, Packaging May Vary

7 ways to clean burnt iron and make it look like new

Baking Soda, Gluten Free 2/16oz Bob's Red Mill, Packaging May Vary

Iron is one of the most used household appliances in the house and unfortunately it is the most neglected in terms of maintenance and cleaning. If we start observing , the iron of the iron gradually becomes darker and sometimes even adheres to synthetic fabrics.

Given that this is a very common situation, today we wanted to collect the best methods to make it like new . After all if we want our clothes to look good, we need to take good care of the iron and see how easy these simple steps are to make your iron look like new
How to remove stains on the iron?

If there is a lime mark on your iron or any stain on the soles, you will be able to make the iron as new with the materials you can find in your home below…

Cleaning with iron

Take a dry cloth and sprinkle a few tablespoons of table salt . Turn on the iron, allow it to warm up and make it back and forth until traces of burning disappear. Turn off the iron, allow it to cool, and clean the soleplate with a damp cloth. Problem is solved:)

2. Metal cleaning with iron polisher

Rub your iron with a metal polisher until the stains disappear. When finished, clean the iron with a clean cloth. important: your ironing plate must not be coated. Then clean the iron with a clean cloth.

3. Iron cleaning with dish soap

Mix some warm water with dish soap. Soak a cloth with this mixture and pass it through your iron. Remove residues with a cloth dampened with water or vinegar. This trick is especially useful for plates with Teflon cover.

It is important not to use abrasive cleaners or very strong cleaners to avoid damaging the surface or interior of the device.

4. Ironing with white vinegar

With vinegar, the great ally of ecological cleaning of the house , it is quite easy to remove stains formed on the plate .

Acidic compounds make cleaning easier and help polish the surface as before.

How to use?

Heat a small amount of white vinegar and apply to the iron with a cloth or sponge.
If burns remain in the holes of the appliance, apply the product with the ear stick and rub until it is perfect.

5. Clean the ironing with white vinegar and baking powder

A mixture of white vinegar and baking soda helps to clean the iron. A mixture of the two removes stains on the soleplate and leaves them soft and shiny.

Be sure to unplug the appliance and wait until it cools down.

How to use?

Dilute the white vinegar and water evenly.
Spread the liquid on a clean cloth and sprinkle some baking soda.
Make a circular motion in the iron with a damp cloth.

6. Ironing cleaning with lemon and baking powder

Lemon juice is particularly effective when combined with baking powder. Acid compounds eliminate stain-forming substances and leave a bright appearance.

The mildly corrosive effect of acid and baking powder from lime will make your iron look like new!

Squeeze the juice of a lemon and mix with a small amount of baking powder.
Once a paste has been obtained, apply to the cold ironing plate and rub for 5 minutes.

Wipe off any excess paste with a damp cloth and allow the iron to dry.

7. Ironing with toothpaste

Make sure the iron is unplugged and then apply some toothpaste to the surface of the appliance. Gently rub with a clean cloth. Then, operate the iron for 5 minutes. Wipe the toothpaste from the iron and make sure there are no residues.

See how easy it is? You don't have to leave the house to renew your iron. You can clean your iron by simply opening the kitchen cabinet.

Baking Soda, Gluten Free 2/16oz Bob's Red Mill, Packaging May Vary