Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) (1 gallon) by Unpretentious Baker, Resealable Bucket, Restaurant Quality, Highest Purity, Food & USP Pharmaceutical Grade

How to whiten teeth soda

Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) (1 gallon) by Unpretentious Baker, Resealable Bucket, Restaurant Quality, Highest Purity, Food & USP Pharmaceutical Grade

Ways to whiten teeth How baking soda is widely known and quite popular for a number of reasons. The procedure can be used in the whole population, the cost of baking soda is low, itself also has a tool in almost every home.

It is effective enough already after the third procedure notices significant changes.

Professional dentists also enamel lighting sometimes this method of remedy. To do this, they produce baking soda dissolved in water and a strong pressure under a small jet of cleaning, mouth plaque.

Many miraculous properties attributed to soda. With his help, filming even inflammatory processes. But does so well bleach soda actually does not bring such a method harm to health?
Benefits and harms

If you ask a question "if you want to whiten your teeth at home" your own dentist, the answer is likely to be positive. But such a method of whitening is not always effective and appropriate.

Soda gives positive results, only when you keep your eyes open, exposure to external factors such as exposure to cigarettes, excessive tea or coffee, adverse hygiene, mouth. When enamel has a natural dark shade, try something to lighten it this way is not recommended.

Dark nature enamel will not lighten to soda

Contraindications with a list of soda at home, worth reading before to whiten your teeth. These:

thinning enamel and her hypersensitivity;
damage gums;
bleeding in the gums;
allergic reactions oral cavity;
complete destruction of enamel;
the presence of dental caries;
other dental diseases.

Important rules

It is a very important rule that you should try this method if you do not have a contraindication and if you make the right decision, procedures such as frequency should be about once in 2 weeks. You can often damage not only its integrity, gingiva, but enamel, if it comes to cleaning.

Using soda to whiten your teeth before going to the doctor will be a wise decision. Then this method of whitening, worth or other means of remedy can get the result the mouth doctor will give to those who want to leave himself to the city.

It should always be remembered, permanent molars are given to the human, nature, only once, therefore, carefully treat them. Immediately after reading the recipe home whitening tools to escape the bathroom a toothbrush. It is recommended to prepare in advance for such a serious procedure.

It contains a laboratory pasta in its composition, to give preference to soda whitening care before and after oral cavity fluoride. You should use them a month before lighting the procedure.

The brush should be whitening to make soft hairs.

Soft bristle brushes whitening for a better fit

Equally important is a diet. The food should be rich in calcium.

Should not be neglected hygiene, soda hoping in the mouth will eliminate dental problem. Whitening - not a panacea, just a way to make a smile more aesthetic.
Bleaching methods

There are several ways to whiten teeth with baking soda at home. Can be used as a cleaning agent, in a clean manner and in combination with other substances.

Pure soda is applied as follows: ratio of concentrated aqueous solution required for cooking 1: 2. Moist soda applied to a gauze or cotton swab and begin to process properly teeth. It does not matter desná hurt. You should use some preference applied to foreign objects and effective maintenance of your finger. Prewash hands again.

The procedure each tooth are paying no more than 2 minutes. Otherwise it may be damaged enamel. A toothbrush that you can use to clean cannot be this way. Its bristles complex with an abrasive tool will lead to a strong destruction of enamel. When the cleaning phase is completed, rinse the mouth thoroughly with normal water.

You can not use toothbrush to whiten soda in its pure form

If the enamel is dark enough, do not expect a whitish smile after the first treatment. Re-cleaning is recommended at the earliest after a week.

To achieve a more effective result already after the first application is mixed with soda using 3% hydrogen peroxide. The resulting composition should be close to a consistency, which is thick sour cream, applied to the teeth in the same way as the previous method. To speed up the process of processing, you can use a soft bristle toothbrush. Such pets procedures are suitable for children's brush.

After whitening mouth rinse water. Due to the more aggressive substances in the tooth enamel becomes and significantly lighter, but this method is not recommended, more often, more than 1 time, 10-14 days.

You can achieve a good result, if you mix fruit acid with baking powder. This can be enough acid in the composition, which contains lemon juice, kiwi, strawberries and other fruits. By the way soda and lemon believe that the most effective option, but due to its strong effect enamel such cleaning should not be done, more often, than 1 time in 2 months.

It is a highly aggressive, but effective method and is considered at home whitening mixture, lemon juice, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. All these materials are mixed in the same way as the tooth treated with a thick cleaning mixture before getting and in previous versions.

According to expert opinions, the method is intense cleansing, if the tooth enamel is very strong and teeth are not affected by hypersensitivity. Using a combination can not be permanent for whitening these components. To avoid damaging it is very difficult, the recommended amount of procedures should not exceed 3 times a year.

Regardless of the bleaching agents used in the teeth, after the application necessarily pay attention to strengthen enamel. Continue to consume, calcium-rich nutrients and other useful trace elements, care, oral cavity, firming pleasure if cultivating pastas and balms.

For diet should include healthy teeth. Many products with calcium

If the post house cleaning will increase the tooth sensitivity starts bleeding gums, visible scar or other unpleasant symptoms, the recommended visit delay, the dentist.
How to whiten teeth baking powder at home

Formerly a beautiful and snow-white smile was considered a sign of health wearer. To date, the smooth and shiny teeth are considered the main character, successful people. But every nature gives you beautiful teeth and usually them, a lot of time and money. Certainly whiten teeth at the dentist's office, but the cost of these services is not cheap. And then help comes from a normal baking soda, a poorly fangled methods can give you a bright smile.
Benefits of soda whitening

Here is the best soda for years and is a homemade tool for teeth whitening. But what about this popularity?

Baking soda is composed of microscopic particles, as if the brush is clean with plaque on the tooth surface. In addition, alkaline corrosive food residue and tartar. Therefore, we can simultaneously get mechanical and chemical tooth cleaning ensures a quality and professional liberation of dirt.
Soda has nice antiseptic, antibacterial and soothing properties. After such cleaning, inflamed gums become less painful, various wounds, heals the mouth, aching teeth.
Active ingredients have baking soda have a regenerating effect. After treatment the mouth soda composition, wounds heal faster than a stomatitis and thrush, recovers mucous membranes, pain is reduced.
Thanks to white crystals, soda, not only deeply and carefully cleans teeth, he gives them whitening.
Another advantage of this type of teeth whitening - an absolute low cost product. Any person who can afford such a whitening.

However please note, brushing your teeth with baking soda correctly, otherwise bring irreparable damage too much.
whitening, soda
How to whiten teeth

Here's a simple recipe that helps to clean and whiten teeth safely.

Boil water and pour a glass of boiling water. Wait at room temperature until the water cools. You can also use filtered water, but only flowing - a lot of chlorine, harmful tooth enamel.
In no way dissolves baking soda in boiling water - it moist and loses its useful properties.
A full teaspoon of baking powder dissolved in water cooked and cooled at room temperature. Mix well to avoid agitation.
Rinse the mouth with clean water, lower the brush prepared composition and brush your teeth. To wash several times, remove a brush and wash the washing soda again.
After that, rinse the mouth thoroughly, and wash with a brush. Then avoid cleaning, smoking, coffee and tea for a few hours.

Such a shoe soda is absolutely safe and effective - you will already have 5-7 procedures teeth tone white. Most importantly, you can use it without fear of such a whitening at least every day. If you want to succeed, you can get faster results, I recommend this. It is very difficult to walk down a wet brush with powdered soda and carefully. Do not push too hard soda crystals to scratch the tooth enamel. Such cleaning is not possible, at least once a week.
Recipes soda whitening

Soda - very effective for whitening, but only in this case, if you use it the right way. Here are some recipes with soda, which can be useful in explaining tooth enamel.

Soda and activated carbon. Activated carbon is a slightly softer soda, although it cleans teeth beautifully plaque. Melt baking powder in warm water and lower the prepared ingredients with a brush. After that you need a wet brush to dip shredded activated charcoal in tablet. Tandem two components act fluently - soda fine abrasive plaque, soft particles of charcoal clean them difficult tooth cavities.
Soda and lemon juice. It is a very powerful combination, which not only cleans, but also gives excellent bleaching effect. A moist toothbrush should moisturize with fresh lemon juice, then dipped in food soda. Carefully to clean, you can scratch the tooth enamel for the bristle by pressing too much. Reacts with soda and lemon juice gives a strong whitening surfaces that erode any dark areas. You can use lemon juice instead of citric acid - 1: 4 with dilute water.
Soda and hydrogen peroxide. This is another classic combination that will allow you to clean the tooth surface efficiently and safely. But since the peroxide diluted with water 1: 3, the composition was not concentrated. After that wet the brush peroxide, then dip the food in soda. Brushing your teeth carefully and no more than once a week.
Soda and kiwi. Meanwhile it has excellent whitening properties. The kiwi should chop and mix the pulp with baking soda. You will need a fruit, half teaspoon powder. Apply the prepared mixture to the teeth and gently rub. Soak for 5 minutes, but briefly a composition. After that, rinse mouth thoroughly. Along with the kiwi, soda gives a strong whitening reaction.

Remember, soda is in no case removable to clean the dentures. Their surface is softer, tooth enamel and then a similar cleaning material can remain on microscopic damage. Then there are accumulated microbes, food residues, visible bad odor, such a denture will serve much less.

For the teeth are always white, you need to feed, surface effects are strong pigments. Remember, coffee and dark tea teeth become gray and nicotine - yellow. To refrain from the same lollipop brightly colored - they leave, color toning on the surface of the tooth. In addition, carefully follow hygiene, mouth - brushing teeth twice a day, timely weigh the teeth to clean the dentist. And then your teeth will be guaranteed white and healthy!
How to whiten teeth Do you have baking soda at home such a whitening effect?

A dazzling snow-white smile is a symbol of your charm, health and even success. And the most affordable way to do this is teeth whitening baking powder at home. Let's write about the recipes and comment on all the kindness and possible harm, this way to further evaluate.

A simple and inexpensive tool to achieve the desired effect? A few recipes you can easily apply at home, but do not necessarily follow the recommendations, to damage and spoil the tooth enamel.
Soda and lemon

Lemon juice should be combined with baking soda only, if you are sure that it is in a healthy state of tooth enamel. It should be solid and healthy.

The same recipe itself is simple:

sufficiently apply a toothbrush over some soda and immediately drop him a drop of juice;
in a normal way about brushing your teeth forward.

It itself is citric acid which affects a lot of color enamel, but is capable of enhancing the effect of soda.

Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) (1 gallon) by Unpretentious Baker, Resealable Bucket, Restaurant Quality, Highest Purity, Food & USP Pharmaceutical Grade