Friday, August 16, 2019

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What to do if a wasp was bitten. How to get first aid for wasp stings at home

Benadryl Extra Strength Cooling Anti-Itch Spray 2 fl. Oz and Benadryl Extra Strength Itch Relief Stick 0.47 fl. oz, Both with Diphenhydramine 1 ea

If a person is bitten by a wasp, what to do at home - this problem is especially true in the hot summer months. Young children and elderly people do not always tolerate the consequences. For someone who is prone to developing an allergic reaction, wasp bites can be fatal. Allergists estimate that about 10% of people have allergies to wasp venom. According to statistics, 1 out of 100 children is at risk of developing anaphylactic shock after a wasp attack.

Over the years, wasps, various insecticides, plant killers, and so on. That was 50 years ago. After contact with the şerit striped fly Hast, patients increasingly seek medical attention and do not know what to do if a bumblebee or bee bites.

For a healthy person, a lethal dose of wasp venom equals 500 insect temperatures. However, for an allergic person suffering from a painful reaction to a wasp venom, even a bite can have tragic consequences.

Wasp venom is a colorless, clear liquid with bitter taste. It contains a small amount of biological substances that can cause pathophysiological reactions.
A deadly wasp venom is equivalent to 500 bites.

Composition of poison:

30% dry matter
biogenic amino acids

The composition of wasp venom may vary depending on which continent's insects live. In foreign countries, for example, cross reactions with ant venom may occur. The aggression of the poison depends on the composition of the antigen, the age of the wasp or bee and the weather.

The greatest danger is pain in the oral mucosa. . In this case, the insect does not regret the poison because it is afraid of cramped conditions. As a result, tongue swells, even worse - larynx. In the case of swelling of the tongue, there is nothing fatal; whereas swelling of the larynx can cause suffocation. Also, do not hesitate to do what you will do if a wasp was bitten in the neck. Emergency medical attention is required in this case.

After a wasp sting, a local reaction occurs in the form of edema on the affected skin. Swelling is more pronounced when inserting into the soft tissues of the face. It should be noted that persons with immunodeficiency, young children, the elderly and allergies are most vulnerable when in contact with a bitter insect.
Edema is seen in the bite area. It is characterized by redness and itching.

In addition to edema, the following symptoms may occur:

pain in the bite area;
redness of the affected skin area;
fever, fever (read in this publication, how effective it is for children);
recurrent itching;

In a normal course, all these symptoms disappear within a few days without a trace, while allergy sufferers may suffer from a bite for a week.

In addition to the standard symptoms, a person suffering from allergies may experience tachycardia, severe shortness of breath, chills and even short-term loss of consciousness. This is not safe for human life and requires immediate medical attention.
How to treat a bite

Even if a person is not suffering from allergies, if a wasp has bitten, especially when he is a child, he should know what to do at home. Bites are very painful, bitter is more powerful than bees. Pain relief - the main task. In hot and sunny summers, you also need to know the rules of first aid in the case of sun and heat strikes. More - stuff.
First aid
Wash affected area and apply a cold compress.

Find out what to do if a wasp enters an arm, leg (most common cases) or another body:

Flush the affected area with cold water to remove dirt and poison residue. You can also add a cold compress or a piece of ice.
Disinfect the wound - alcohol, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, etc.
If swelling and itching increase, apply to the affected area with an antihistamine preparation such as Fenistil gel. An alternative is to insert a rag soaked in vinegar.
Take tablets Suprastin, Claritin, Loratadin to prevent allergy complications.
In case of anaphylactic shock or angioedema, seek immediate medical attention. While waiting for the medical team, the injured should be in a lying position by placing their legs above the head.
Due to the general poisoning of the body, it is recommended to drink plenty of liquids - plain water or very sweet tea.

No need to choose a wound to find a needle, because it only leaves bees.

What if a wasp bit a child? To begin, administer an antihistamine according to the age category, then sterilize the wound and use folk remedies (lemon juice, onions, vinegar) to neutralize the poison.
What to deal with affected area
Wasp poison allergy

Insect venom releases histamine and other components that trigger the onset of an allergic reaction. Therefore, you need to know what to do if the wasp is bitten and the human hand or leg is swollen.

Allergy is divided into several degrees of severity:

Slight degree bite redness and swelling at the site (normal body reaction).
Moderate. Redness and swelling, difficulty breathing, abdominal cramps and diarrhea.
Heavy grade. Anaphylactic shock develops. Emergency medical attention is required in this case.

The risk of serious anaphylactic reactions to allergies is most commonly seen in people with chronic heart problems and asthma. In case of a local allergic reaction (edema around the bite area) the following should be done:

Take an antihistamine as soon as possible. It prevents the action of histamine, an agent secreted by some cells in the body during an allergic reaction.
Apply cold compresses to reduce pain and swelling. You can use a piece of cloth or an ice bag.
What to do if the wasp is put on the finger and the person has painful discomfort all over his arm: analgesics such as paracetamol or ibuprofen help to alleviate the pain .
In the event of a severe allergic reaction, an allergic person must enter adrenaline.

In the next video, the Doctor of Medicine will tell you how to help sting a wasp.
Allergy Tests

A skin test or blood tests for specific IgE antibodies are performed to diagnose an allergy to insect venom. The only way to alleviate the symptoms of an allergic reaction is to systematically administer small doses of insect venom. This procedure is performed in a hospital or outpatient setting. The doctor regularly injects an injection to ensure the normal functioning of the immune system. This treatment lasts 5 years and guarantees a 90% result.
If the swelling grows and grows, that's why you see a doctor.

If an anaphylactic reaction occurs, allergy tests containing an allergen of some kind should be performed for insects 2-3 weeks after bite.

It is determined by the degree of allergic reaction depending on the body's response. If the first test is negative, it should be repeated after 4-6 weeks. Such manipulations should only be performed by an experienced allergy specialist who can skillfully prevent the development of allergy during the test.
When to seek medical advice

After a bite, you should listen to your body and monitor your well-being. The body's response to the poison of each individual and progresses in different ways. Get medical attention if:

the general situation of the victim deteriorated sharply;
edema does not decrease, on the contrary it becomes more (reads the causes);
temperature rises, contractions occur;
pronounced allergy symptoms are evident;
several wasps attacked the man at the same time;
an insect (tongue, larynx) inserted into the soft tissues of the face;
wasp lice in the eye;
develops an anaphylactic reaction.

Common First Aid Errors

Get some alcohol. Alcohol triggers swelling and aggravates symptoms.
Squeeze the poison. This can lead to infection spreading all over the body, aggravating the condition of the victim significantly .
Leave a person alone in anaphylactic shock. In this case, you should wait for the ambulance and not leave the victim.


Nobody gets immune from poplar bites and it is very difficult to avoid insect attacks completely. However, it is possible to minimize this risk, so it is recommended that you observe some precautionary measures:

putting mosquito nets on windows;
during outdoor activities, check food and drinks carefully, especially before drinking sweet ones;
use repellents or special candles;
do not walk barefoot through the blooming grass;
opting for light, muffled clothes on warm days in nature: bright, colorful things stand out;
skipping where there are hives and trash cans;
do not overdo it with souls;
Do not make sudden movements near wasps;
be sure to pick the fruits falling from the tree;
Do not try to kill, attack or expel insects, because it only provokes their attacks.

Particularly at risk are people with allergies to wasp venom, young children and children of allergic parents. The elderly should be careful, especially when meeting with wasps. Reactions to pain may not be predictable.

Wasps are not the only danger that hides people during outdoor activities. Go to the first signs of heatstroke and find out what the symptoms are. You can learn everything about the symptoms of sunstroke and the danger of it for children and adults.

Symptoms of a wasp sting may range from redness and itching to nausea, vomiting and shortness of breath. Therefore, it is especially important to prevent insect attacks with allergies. However, if it still occurs, the affected site should be washed and sterilized, and both pharmaceutical and folk remedies will be suitable for relieving bloating. Antihistamines will reduce the development of allergic reactions. Severe cases may require medical attention.

If you need to consult a doctor after a wasp sting, you will learn from the video below.

Hymenopterism - poisoning of the human body due to the bite of hymenoptera: bees, wasps, wasps, bumble bees and so on.

The bites of wasps and other painful hymenopteras are a very unpleasant component of summer time. However, this danger can be tackled and countered. At first glance, there seems to be nothing wrong with a wasp sting. However, the application shows the opposite. If the majority suffers one or more bites, a permanent allergic reaction to the poison of bitter insects is recorded in 1-2% of people. In this case, only one bite can cause life-threatening anaphylactic shock. The same is true of many bites - a large dose of poison can cause serious poisoning and cause death. Therefore, it is very important to know what to do in a situation when a wasp stings you and someone around you.

Note that an allergic reaction does not occur immediately after the first bite of Hymenoptera. However, each subsequent bite becomes more severe.
Wasp Bite: First Aid

First, but very important advice - try to calm down. Wasp sting is painful, causing severe stress. So try to get yourself together. It is best to ask someone for help nearby.
Moreover, we urgently brush the bee and leave the dangerous place. You should not swing your arms or make any other sudden movements. Don't try to crush the criminal. This will repeatedly attack the beetle and its relatives.
Since the wasp leaves no pain, you will not need to remove anything from the wound. However, soap foam or lemon juice should be washed thoroughly. The latter will not only get rid of the pollution, but also neutralize the remnants of the poison. The wound must then be disinfected. Medical alcohol or any alcohol-containing liquid, bright green, furatsilin or manganese solution is suitable for the hydrogen peroxide procedure.
The next step is a cold compress to reduce swelling. For at least 30 minutes. Use cold running water or bottled water and a towel. If you are in nature, it will make a handkerchief or other clothing made of fabric. Help remove ice or compress from a cloth (a teaspoon of water glass) dipped in a weak solution of alcohol, salt, vinegar or baking soda.
Then take the horizontal position and drink plenty of liquid. It is best to offer the victim a solution of Regidron, hot green tea, mineral or slightly flavored water.
Regardless of whether you are allergic to wasps bites, you should take an antihistamine: Erius, Zodak, Suprastin, Claritin, Tavegil, Claritin, Dimedrol, and so on. Remember to calculate the dosage and read the contraindication list - read carefully, read the instructions for use.
After a bumblebee bite, if there are no uncomfortable symptoms other than mild swelling, pain and burning sensation, medical measures can be taken at home without going to doctors.

Do not try to spray the wounded poison! Filled with infection.
It is not recommended to drink alcohol or dairy products. This will increase the overall poisoning of the body.
When should I go to the doctor if I have been bitten by a wasp?

In some cases it is important to get medical attention as soon as possible:

the location of the wasp bite wins major edema;
an insect suffering from diabetes, asthma, or a patient with cardiovascular disease;
rash, swelling or difficulty breathing, dry mouth;
the victim has fever above 38 ° C;
wasp bitten face area, lymph nodes, oral cavity;
predisposition to allergic reactions in humans;
more than 3-5 bites in the body (for children under 12 years - more than one bite);
loss of consciousness;
heart palpitations;
headache or dizziness;
There are signs of infection - fever, abscess formation in the bite area, fever, increased pain syndrome.
a wasp bit a child, a pregnant woman, or an elderly person.

If the child was bitten by wasp , treatment at home is an undesirable condition. It is recommended that you contact a health institution as soon as possible. Children have a more sensitive body than adults. Therefore, immediately after wound treatment, give the child an antihistamine in age, apply a compress (preferably from a saline solution) or apply an antiallergic cream to the bite area - Ketopin, Fenistil or Panthenol.
Folk remedies for the bite of wasps and other Hymenopteras

During the summer holidays, when a wasp is bitten, a condition usually occurs and you did not have a first aid kit. Don't panic. In the absence of an allergic reaction to the bites of whiskers, the victim may be assisted using conventional medical recipes:

Apply a clean banana or dandelion leaf to the wound-washed wound. It is desirable to stretch the front sheets, so they gave the juice. This measure helps relieve inflammation and swelling in the bites of other insects - bees, wasps or horns. Herbal compresses change every 3-4 hours.
Another great remedy if bitten by a wasp is a common onion juice. Divide the onion in half and hold it in the area inserted into a cut area. You can soak the gauze or cotton ball with onion juice and apply it to the wound.
Plants such as aloe and parsley have healing properties. Pre-wash, knead in an oil, rest on a painful area and wrap freely with a bandage or towel. Make changes every 1-2 hours until the pain disappears completely.
If you have been bitten by a wasp, use lotions from tansy source - pour 2 tablespoons of bunch of water and boil for 15–20 minutes. The solution should be cooled and moistened with a gauze, put it in the bitten area.

First aid for a bite wasp is quite simple. The good news is that the drug rarely produces a fatal outcome due to the bites of these predatory insects. However, care must be taken and a first-aid kit containing the necessary medicines should always be available. But we do not recommend self-healing. If you are bitten by a wasp, it is wise to seek expert help from an expert to avoid adverse health effects. This is especially true when a wasp bites a child.

Summer is the time for ripe fruits and berries. However, we need to remember that we just don't like sweet juicy apples, pears and apricots. Be careful not to take a bite from a wasp or bee, rearrange them. As a result, the effects of a bite can be serious.

The bite of a wasp or a bee causes pain and burning, redness and swelling, which usually disappears within 1-2 hours. On the face, swelling can last up to two days. If you have a few bites, a toxic reaction may start. In this article, we will explain what to do in the event of a bumblebee or a bee bite, what is the first aid for a bee or bumblebee, and what you should do to prevent it from being bitten. Bee and bee bites were recorded between July and August. The venom of these insects has a different effect on each individual, but if you get bitten by a wasp or a bee, it always hurts. It's hard to forget the bite. When a person is bitten by a bee or wasp, they experience severe pain comparable to burn pain. But this is not the real thing, but it is important that the effects of a bite can be different: from the painful swelling of a bitten wasp or the bee area of ​​the body to a strong allergic reaction. Therefore, if you have been bitten, take immediate action to prevent poison from entering the body.

What to do: a wasp or a bit of a bee - first aid

It's hard not to notice the pain of an insect bite, which means you know where you've been bitten, and you can give yourself first aid when there's a bee sting or a wasp. Please contact the hospital immediately if you have more than one bite from bees or hornets! Check the wound to determine who bit you. The pain remains only by bees, so if you are bitten by a wasp, do not try to detect the sting. You may need the following items: tweezers, pins or other tools to remove the insert; Alcohol, iodine, green, hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin solution, soap for disinfecting the location of a bee sting or wasp; antihistamines - supradine, clarithine, zodak, erysus or other means (read the dosage and contraindications). So, if you have been bitten by a bee or wasp, you must: Wash the bite thoroughly to remove dirt and debris from the poison; gently pull the insert so that the poison does not continue to spread; hands should be washed and disinfected before operation; sterilizing the wound itself; Apply a cold compress; Even if you have not had an allergic reaction to anything before, take antihistamine. If you have been bitten by a wasp or a bee, you are under stress, so you need to lie down and lie down for a while. Drink as much liquid as possible unless a bee sting or bumblebee swells. Hot sweet tea or sweet water is recommended for those affected by a bee sting or wasp. Remember that after a wasp or a bee bite, pain, redness and swelling usually disappear after a few hours. If inserted into the face, swelling can last up to two days.

A bit of a wasp or a bee - folk remedies:

Alcohol - can not be used after bite of a wasp or a bee, as it will cause edema to increase. The bite can be processed with parsley - juice with parsley and a juice to lubricate the bite; it can also be treated with the fresh urine of a healthy person - sterile, so it is often used in the public treatment of bites, scratches, burns; you should remember that bee venom and wasp venom are inherently different, that the venom of the wasp is neutralized with lemon juice and that the bee venom is normal liquid soap; help to soothe the bitter sour - try to apply sour berry, sorrel, lemon, vinegar compression; Pain is also alleviated by the milky stalk of dandelion; removing swelling will also help lotions from tea, ice, aloe juice, onions, parsley, bananas; sugar, hot water bottle with cold water, ice cube or a handkerchief pre-moistened with cold water, calendula tincture will help to remove swelling.

What to do if a child has been bitten by a wasp or a bee?

If possible, go to the hospital immediately! After all, the child's body is much more susceptible to wasps and bee bites than an adult. If there is no possibility of going to the hospital immediately, take precautions on site.

As previously described, if there is a sting, disinfect the wound and apply a cold compress to stop the spread of the poison and relieve the pain. If a child has been bitten by a wasp or bee and has signs of an allergic reaction, for example: severe swelling, difficulty breathing, blistering and rashes, give the child a pediatric dosage of antihistamine (read the instructions for the drug) and treat the bite with antiallergic cream, which may help. And immediately contact a doctor or go to the hospital. Remember that an allergic reaction in a child bitten by a wasp is more likely if it tends to diabetes, bronchial asthma and other allergic diseases.

If you are bitten by a few, not by a bee or a wasp, you must not encourage fate. It is believed that a general toxic reaction can be initiated if the number of bites is more than three.

If bitten by a wasp or a bee on the lips, tongue or larynx, seek medical attention immediately. In this case, edema occurring after the bite of a wasp or a bee may cause suffocation that spreads throughout the larynx.

Therefore, if you need to go to the hospital urgently and immediately, if: a wasp or bee on the face, a wasp or bee on the lips, tongue or larynx, more than three wasps or bees. If a person has a tendency to allergic reactions, go to nature, always take antihistamines with you. In allergy sufferers, wasp or bee bites can cause dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, anaphylactic shock (sharply reduced arterial pressure, larynx stenosis, muting), nausea, convulsions and even loss of consciousness.

For initial actions after the bite of a wasp or a bee, it would be beneficial to attach a nettle zone to the bite zone. To prevent a decrease in blood pressure caused by urticaria, victims may be given 25 drops of cordiamin.

If bitten wasps:

Wasp bites are painful for humans, but the toxicity of the venom varies greatly depending on the type of horns: some species do not cause much more pain than other species, while some species are often listed as the most toxic insects known to date.

If a wasp has been bitten, allergic reactions to the bite can be fatal if, in some cases, immediate medical attention is not provided to the victim of anaphylactic shock.

As a result, the effects of a wasp bite depend on the reaction of the body. It is less toxic than ordinary wasps horns and most other species of bees; The pain in the injection does not remain in the wound (the wasp can shoot several consecutive shots). If the wasp injected a large amount of poison, then a very serious inflammation occurs. On a particular scale of Schmidt stings, the pain of stinging a wasp is roughly comparable to the pain of stinging a honey bee and is in the middle of the scale (moderately severe pain). Thus, the fear of wasps is exaggerated in many ways: the bite is not proportional to the size of this insect.

If the hornet has eaten horns, try setting the trap. Hornet trap: put sugar in a jar with a layer of about 1.5 cm, then mix with water (150 g) and then add beer to half of the beer. Close the metal cover and apply a cross into it, bend the edges inward.

Small nettle insects such as wasps and wasps can attack when they first feel the danger. Even a sharp movement provokes Hymenoptera. Therefore, when meeting them, it is better not to wait for the attack and not to move away from the so-called nest or flock. According to statistics, more than 1.7% of allergy sufferers and more than 1.2% of anaphylactic shock die every year due to wasp stings. Under the influence of poisons in humans, large amounts of histamine, serotonin and blood sugar increase, increase in adrenaline, gastrointestinal tract violation, central nervous system and respiratory organs are seen. Therefore, if a person has been bitten by a wasp, you should immediately contact a health institution.
Poisonous wasps

Among the class of insects, bees, wasps and wasps were not selected as a separate category. They all belong to bitter hymenoptera. But don't identify them. Unlike the bee, wasp is a predator. Not only does he sting the enemy over and over again, he also bites using the chin apparatus. Wasp bite is not as dangerous as the composition of the poison released from the pain:

acetylcholine. It lowers blood pressure, dilates blood vessels, paralyzes or reduces the muscle responsible for student constriction, provoking false myopia. Heart contractions slow down, sweats, lacrimal glands work increases;
histamine. Each human has a small amount of biologically active substance. It is a means of allergic reactions at rest, which is activated when toxic substances and allergens enter the body, causing spasms of the bronchi and smooth muscles, a drop in blood pressure. Under the influence of histamine, blood circulation is impaired, blood stagnation and acceleration of cardiac contractions are observed, the amount of adrenaline released by the adrenal glands increases;
hyaluronidase. An enzyme that promotes capillary permeability and the spread of poison;
protein quinine. It participates in the formation of pain, prolongs the inflammatory process, lowers blood pressure;
fosfoloipaz to. It causes inflammatory reaction, paralysis and contractions and contributes to toxin release and spread. It affects red blood cells;
cytotoxin. It destroys blood vessel walls and triggers bleeding.

You should follow special care outdoors by wasps or people with allergies. Even once, toxic toxins that penetrate the body act in a poisonous manner and are lethal when applied repeatedly. This is especially true for young children or people with weak immune systems, bronchial asthma or diabetes.
Symptoms of a wasp sting

Insects attack people most during a country holiday or during a park. Some suffering individuals build their nests on the ground, on the roof of houses or on trees. A wasp swarm is easy to notice, but it is not always possible to take care of a single wasp. And only after a sharp penetrating pain, other symptoms that are characteristic of wasp bite are observed:

redness, itching and burning;
fire; fire;
lowering blood pressure;
disorders of the stomach and intestines;
vomiting, nausea;
lack of air.

Sting representatives are very active in the summer. In flowering plants, trees and honey, they attract lawns with the smell of fruit, gasoline and perfume. All this makes a wasp sting.
First aid

The most important thing - Eliminate possible allergic reactions and serious complications that may occur after biting wasps. If insects bite the victim earlier, you should contact medical personnel, call an ambulance immediately. If a wasp or wasps bite, how to help and what to do:

Try to remove the sting. Extrusion is strictly prohibited. It is better to use tweezers or gently remove the nails;
wash the affected area with soap and water;
add ice to the wound or apply a cold compression;
"Aspirin". Crush the tablet and apply it to the injury site;
taking a vitamin C or acetylsalicylic acid tablet;
sprig of bananas or parsley. Mash and apply to affected skin;
Bitten limbs tightly bandage or harness. This will prevent the poison from spreading to the body.

It is recommended that the victim drink plenty of water to get rid of tight clothing, loosen the belt and take a horizontal position. What is prohibited after a wasp sting?

Kill the beetle. Bumblebees are very sensitive to the smell of poison released in the event of danger. This can serve as a call for other individuals;
drinking alcohol or disinfecting the wound with perfume;
try to remove the poison and press the affected skin.

Independent action is prohibited. False first aid can trigger the spread of wasp venom in the body and the penetration of germs and bacteria into an open wound.
How to resolve swelling and swelling after a wasp sting

Use existing methods to eliminate the effects of an insect attack. To get rid of swelling after a bumblebee sting, you can buy drugs and medications from your nearest pharmacy:

"Validol . " Moisten the tablet and leave for half an hour in the edema training area;
cognac Dissolve salt in 3 spoons and 1 spoon. Damage every 2 hours;
tea tree essential oil . Soothes skin, damages 1-2 drops are sufficient;
"Furatsilinom" . Local administration of the solution acts on microorganisms, antiseptic for wounds;
ointment "Levomekol" . Relieves inflammation and has antimicrobial effect;
"Diazolin" pills . Antihistamine, which blocks histamine activity, normalizes blood pressure, calms the central nervous system and reduces permeability of vascular walls.

Removes the tumor after an insect bite and baby urine. Perform a compression and the wound should remain for 30 minutes. It is recommended that this procedure be repeated several times.
Itching after wasp sting

After acute pain and redness, discomfort occurs, the skin begins to itch poorly. However, it is impossible to touch the affected area because of the threat of toxins moving more in the body. Then, to relieve the itch that caused a wasp sting:

Gel, drops and capsules "Fenistil". It has antibacterial effect and eliminates allergy symptoms;
ointment "Hydrocortisone." Reduces swelling, inflammation and relieves itching;
mosquito products. It is used to prevent insect bites and treat their effects;
soothing balm "Proteskin Insect". It cools and relaxes, has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effect. Contains natural eucalyptus extracts, tea tree oil, rosemary;
Means of protection from the "Gardex" brand. Plaster and roller balm after an insect bite.

Unusual ways to get rid of itching include ear wax. Redness is applied as an ointment.

Wasp bite: treatment

When an insect burns several times or bites its neck or head, there is a danger to life. If a wasp causes irritating painful or allergic reactions, health workers know what to do and how to help a person:

« Adrenaline" 1% solution. Subcutaneous administration;
"Suprastin" 2% solution. Intramuscular drug. Dosage - 2-4 ml;
"Diphenhydramine" % 1. The first day rate is 1-2 ml;
Prednisolone . 180 ml intravenous injection.

The patient should be supervised by medical personnel for approximately one day. If severe allergic reactions occur, additional treatment is prescribed in a hospital.
Folk remedies for wasp stings

When it is not possible to get medical care quickly, it is better to use non-traditional treatment methods. Always in a country house or even in the country. Use proven folk remedies after insect bites:

potato. Grate a raw vegetable and apply oatmeal for 20 minutes;
substitute tomatoes, apples, lemons or lemons, garlic and bite cut into rings;
crushed oatmeal from a golden mustache and narcissus plant;
decoction of thyme. Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. Beat in a glass of boiling water with a teaspoon of dried grass for about 10 minutes. Bite handle;
a compress from aloe, tansy or mint leaves relieves pain
celandine juice. Disinfects and reduces inflammation.

It provides temporary relief of symptoms and relieves pain and slows the effects of insect venom. All vegetables, fruits and plants must be washed beforehand and heat treated to prevent contamination of the open wound by microorganisms.
Wasp bite: what to do at home

The absence of a protective mosquito net in the windows or an open door in the room contributes to the entry of a bitter insect, which, in exceptional circumstances, will treat a person as an enemy. What to do if a wasp has been bitten or bitten at home:

wipe the wound with a weak vinegar or lemon juice solution;
bumblebee bites or bites after a wasp with cola solution. Melts a teaspoon of baking soda in 200 ml of warm water;
hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate, suitable for disinfection of liquid ammonia;
poison removes a moist piece of sugar;
Get strong tea with sugar.

If a person's condition does not improve, it is better to consult a doctor. Put the patient to bed and warm up. You can use hot water bottles. Before the ambulance arrives, the victim should drink 2 tablets Dimedrol or 25 drops Cordiamine, 1-2 mg Tavegila.
Drugs after wasp stings

Allergy or sensitivity to the effects of certain insect species on humans requires immediate treatment. If you have stung wasps or wasps, you should take powerful medications with you:

"Clarin" . Antihistamines. Prevents edema development and reduces itching, relieves cramps and cramps. Assign with insect bites. 5 mg; daily intake in adult patients provides 10 mg in children under 12 years;
Lorageksal . It eliminates allergic reactions in the form of tissue edema, has a soothing itch effect and anti-inflammatory effect. Children up to 12 years are allowed adults, 5 mg per day - 10 mg;
ointment "Baneotsin" . Combined antibacterial drug. Prevents the development of purulent infection after an insect bite, reduces protein synthesis. Local application;
Zodak . Antihistamine drug. Reduces itching, swelling and allergy symptoms. Children under 2 years - 2.5 mg, a child between 2-6 years - 5 mg, adults - 10 mg;
"Tsetrin" . It is prescribed for seasonal and other allergy types. An antagonist, which prevents the development of skin reaction to histamine, reduces bloating and inflammation. Dosage 5-10 mg per day;
Prednisolone . It has antiallergic and antimicrobial effect, promotes the removal of toxins in the body, prevents swelling of tissues and mucous membranes, increases blood pressure. Reception per day - 20-30 mg;
"Megadexan . " Reduces sensitivity to allergens, activates the body's immune system, histamine reduces the release of basophils. The daily dose of the active ingredient is 4-8 mg.

With an allergist you can individually choose an effective treatment. After examination, he will describe the exact dose and the daily antihistaminic drug.
Negative effects

For a human, an insect sting is not fatal, symptoms disappear within 7-10 days. However, there are many bites in the neck, lymph nodes and the head with health hazards. Wasp sting causes serious complications:

increased blood sugar;
anaphylactic shock.

If the victim does not recover after taking the medicines and taking folk remedies, you should seek medical attention immediately.

How to prevent wasp stings

Humans are affected by a large number of insects, such as mosquitoes, bees, wasps and wasps. If you have a wasp nest nearby, you can protect your home from them using modern mosquito nets. And what to do not to stick the wasp:

Avoid light and colorful clothes. Choose better light and monotonous;
carries antihistamines;
Do not make sudden movements, shaking;
The use of perfumes and aromatic substances in nature is prohibited.

Before outdoor recreation or picnicking, you should pay attention to the special ways of protection from insects. Ultrasonic and universal stationary devices, aerosols, gels, manufacturers have a negative impact on wasps of aid Raid ”,“ Deta ”,“ OFF! ”,“ Mosquitall ”,“ BugSTOP ”and ex Gardex am patches.

Every year, dozens of people get medical attention from doctors because of wasps bites. Vasily Frolov, practicing policlinic of the Ministry of Health of Moscow No. 8, explains what to do when a bumblebee bites and how to get first aid.

Wasp sting is very painful, causing acute pain and a strong burning sensation. The effects of bite and body reaction can be different: from redness and mild swelling to severe allergic reactions in about 1% of people.
The most common symptoms of wasp sting allergy:

scratch bite zone (itch can spread beyond the bite zone);
severe swelling of the biting zone (especially the eye, mouth, oral cavity, larynx), swelling, extending to a large tissue area and in some cases to organs;
unstable pulse (accelerated or slow);
wheezing, rapid breathing, shortness of breath;
loss of consciousness;
nausea, vomiting.

If the body successfully fights poison, the edema is reduced after 2-3 hours. However, if the swelling only becomes stronger over time, this is a sign of allergy to wasp stings. In this case, it is mandatory to seek medical attention.

Do not do without a doctor if a person has more than one bite. Especially dangerous bites on the neck, lips and tongue. Usually this causes drowning, in which case you should immediately call the ambulance.
What to do if a wasp bites?

Examine the wound. If pain remains, preferably carefully remove with tweezers. Hands and tweezers should be clean.
If the insert cannot be removed, it cannot be squeezed out of the wound. This can accelerate the penetration process of toxins.
Apply an antiseptic to the bite site to prevent infection from entering and developing.
Apply a sterile dressing. Apply ice, wet compress - it will help localize to reduce pain.
Drink a lot. This contributes to the abundance of urination and the elimination of toxins from the body.

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