Friday, August 16, 2019

Bug Bite Thing Suction Tool, Poison Remover - Bug Bites and Bee/Wasp Stings, Natural Insect Bite Relief, Chemical Free

Bites by insects, spiders and reptiles

Bug Bite Thing Suction Tool, Poison Remover - Bug Bites and Bee/Wasp Stings, Natural Insect Bite Relief, Chemical Free

Before going on holiday, get to know the typical flora of the country concerned (especially the tropics) and be prepared for insects, spiders and reptiles that are not always harmless and can turn your holiday into a bad memory.


In temperate areas, mosquito bites are not life threatening, but in tropical areas, fly bites carry the risk of malaria and dengue. Mosquitoes become extremely uncomfortable, especially at night, in harbor or stream lengths.

If you have been bitten by mosquitoes and have a swelling in your conscience, wash with oxygenated water or soap and water. If itching and burning, you can apply cold compress or special cream. A popular method for coping with itching is the onion juice or onion which reduces itching with antibacterial properties and is cut transversely and printed directly on the point.

If you have high fever, allergy and other allergic symptoms as a result of biting, you should consult a doctor.

Wasp and wasp

If many people are afraid of the bites of such insects, their bites do not pose a danger unless there is much bite in the lips and throat area and they are not allergic at the same time.

Bee sting causes redness and swelling of the vicut, usually within 30 min and does not require special medical treatment. If the bee needle remains in your conscience, it should be removed with the help of pliers as soon as possible. Wash the bitten area with oxygenated water or soap. Cold compresses and also special creams will help reduce the uncomfortable sensation.

Neck, face and lip area is very dangerous to be bitten by bees and as a result of swelling becomes difficult to breathe. If you have difficulty breathing, hoarseness or snoring, wear a cool wrap around your neck, avoid swelling with cold water, and seek immediate medical attention.


Tick ​​bites cause Lyme disease and infections that are harmful to human health and other dangerous diseases. Knees are most common in forested areas and if you are traveling to these areas, choose long sleeves, thick socks, trousers, hats and suitable shoes. In between, you should use vicut and clothing sprays.

After leaving the hazardous area, carefully check all parts of your body. If you have found a tick on your body, remove it immediately with the help of pliers. Do not lubricate the area and do not rotate the tick while removing it; If you think that a part of the tick remains in your body, see a doctor immediately.


There are dangerous spiders such as tarantula, black widow, monk, etc. in the tropics. If you plan to travel to these areas, you should take precautions against a possible bite.

Always check where you stay (you can use a tulle / mosquito net to protect from flies). Always check your clothes and shoes before wearing them.

Treat spider bites in the same way as insect and bee bites, and seek immediate help from a doctor, perhaps adding serum or drinking an antidote. The main symptoms of dangerous spider bite - muscle aches, swelling, vomiting, sweating at the site of the bite.


There are about 600 species, scorpions of varying size and venom power in the world. Scorpions found in Europe are relatively harmless. Dangerous scorpions, cells and nervous system damage caused by biting live in Africa. The main symptoms are muscle paralysis, shortness of breath, heart problems, visual disturbances and bleeding. You should see a doctor immediately in case of a scorpion bite.

The scorpions are more active, especially at night, so check your bed and your clothes before going to bed.

the annual

Despite their bad remembrance, snakes rarely attack and avoid contact with humans. However, it may bite while sitting or accidentally stepping on the snake. Clean the wound against the snake bite, do not move the area, because the haraker causes the poison to disperse quickly in the body. Prevent blood from getting into the bitten area with the help of a garment or belt. Never try to suck the poison. Go to the hospital without delay.

Bug Bite Thing Suction Tool, Poison Remover - Bug Bites and Bee/Wasp Stings, Natural Insect Bite Relief, Chemical Free