Friday, August 16, 2019

Bug Bite Thing Suction Tool, Poison Remover - Bug Bites and Bee/Wasp Stings, Natural Insect Bite Relief, Chemical Free, 2 Pack

How to Avoid Insect Bite?

Bug Bite Thing Suction Tool, Poison Remover - Bug Bites and Bee/Wasp Stings, Natural Insect Bite Relief, Chemical Free, 2 Pack

All insects (mosquitoes, black flies, horse flies, fleas, mites, human fleas, wood dicks, ticks, etc.) bite, and none of them can be said to be fun. Although it does not feel very bad at the first bite or sting, then swelling and itching can become quite frustrating. Luckily, there are a lot of things you can do to reduce the pain and itch after insect bites, with or without medical equipment, and even get rid of the bite completely.
Method 1
Treating Insect Bite

Clean the bitten area. Thoroughly clean the area of ​​the bite before you do anything. Use soap and warm water to do this. If the insect bites swelling, you can apply cold compresses or ice pack to the area to prevent swelling. Cold will help relieve both pain and itching temporarily. [one]
Apply a maximum of 10 minutes of cold compresses or ice pack at a time.
After 10 minutes, take a break for 10 minutes. Repeat this for about an hour.

Scratch the bite. The area of ​​the bite will probably itch and you will want to scratch it, but don't do it. Do your best to resist the urge to itch.
Unfortunately, scratching the insect bite can cause infection, making it worse. [2nd]

Use anti-itch cream or lotion. If the area continues to itch, to relieve itching calamine lotion, topical antihistamine or corticosteroid cream
use. All of these lotions and creams are available at pharmacies without a prescription. If you're not sure which one is best for you, you can consult your pharmacist. [3]

Use oral medication. If you need to relieve pain or itch, you can take paracetamol (eg Tylenol), ibuprofen (eg Advil) or antihistamine (eg Claritine) orally. [4]
If you use allergy medication on a daily basis, be careful if you want to take antihistamine in addition to your medication. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about whether you can increase the dose, or choose to use it with another type of medication.

Use carbonate paste. Applying homemade carbonate paste to bites can help toxin out and relax the itch. It is also said to accelerate the healing process.

Making Carbonate and Salt Paste
Mix 2 parts of carbonate with 1 part of salt.
Add water and mix until a thick paste is obtained. [5]
Apply the paste directly to the insect bite with a cotton swab.
After waiting for 15-20 minutes wash. [6]

Consider using a meat softener. Yeah, you read it right! Mix the natural meat softener with warm water until it becomes paste-like. Apply this paste directly to the bitten area to reduce itching. After waiting 15-20 minutes wash the paste. [7]

Try using tea bags. To reduce itching, apply the wet tea bag to the area where the insect bite, after soaking the bag tea in warm water for a short time. If you really used the tea bag to make tea, make sure it has cooled down sufficiently before applying it to the area. Leave the tea bag on the bite for 15-20 minutes. [8]

Chop fruits or vegetables. There are many fruits and vegetables that contain enzymes for relieving itching. Try one of the following options: [9]
Papaya - Leave a slice of papayas on the bite for an hour.
Onion - Scrub the area with a slice of onion.
Garlic - Crush a garlic and apply it to the bite area.

Soak the bite with apple cider vinegar. As soon as the insect bites, soak the area of ​​the bite with apple cider vinegar for a few minutes (if any). If you still have discomfort, put a piece of cotton soaked in apple cider vinegar in the bitten area and tape it with a band-aid. [10]

Crush the aspirin. Crush a tablet of aspirin in a mortar with a spoon or pestle. Add a little water to the paste consistency and apply to the bite. You can keep the paste on your skin (just as you would with a calamine lotion) and wash it when you take a bath or shower. [11th]

Drip tea tree oil. Once a day drip a drop of tea tree oil onto the bite. Although this does not help itching, it can help reduce swelling and disappear. [12]
Alternatively, use one or two drops of lavender or peppermint oil to relieve itching.

Get help from a homeopath specialist. There are some homeopathic treatments that work on insect bites. However, the method to be used depends on how much. Ask a homeopath specialist or the stores selling homeopathy products for information on the option that suits you. [13]

Method 2
Treatment of Tick Bite

Find the tick. Ticks are very small animals living outside. Unlike other insects, they just don't bite. They settle in the skin and continue to feed on the human being. They like small, hairy areas such as the scalp, the back of the ear, the armpits, the groin and the fingers. When searching for ticks, start searching from these regions; But check your whole body to be sure. [14]

Remove the tick. The tick entering the human body must be removed. The person bitten by the tick will most likely need the help of another person; especially if the tick is at a point where it is difficult for a person to grow. Don't touch the tick with bare hands. [15]

Removing a Tick
If you're alone, nervous, unsure, or if you don't have the tools, go to a healthcare facility to remove the tick. If you do not have a serious allergic reaction, you do not need to go to the emergency room.
Grab the tick with a pair of tweezers in his mouth or head . Try to keep the tick as close to the skin as possible. Don't crush the tick with tweezers.
Gently and gently lift the tick straight up and do not bend.
If the tick breaks down, make sure the skin is cleared of all parts.
Don't throw the tick , even if it's torn to pieces.
Do not use petroleum jelly, solvent, knife or matches.

Save the tick. Yeah, you need to temporarily hide the tick. Because ticks can carry diseases such as Lyme disease, and even if you show the symptoms of this disease or not, you may want to have it tested. If the tests are positive, you may need additional medical treatment. [16]
Place the tick in a small bag or small box (such as an empty medicine box).
If the tick is still alive, keep it in the fridge for up to 10 days. [17]
If the tick is dead, keep it in the freezer for 10 days.
If you can't get it tested in 10 days, throw the tick out. Though frozen or stored in the refrigerator, ticks are not suitable for testing after 10 days.

See a doctor. If the tick settles deep under the skin, or if some of the tick is left inside, you will have to go to the doctor and have the tick completely removed. You should also see a doctor if you are showing any signs of Lyme disease. [18]

Lyme Disease Symptoms
The first symptom: ring-shaped rash, called bull's eye.
Common symptoms: fatigue, fever or chills, headache, spasms or weakness, drowsiness, tingling, swelling of the lymph node. [19]
More serious symptoms: impaired cognitive functions, nervous system disorders, joint diseases and / or abnormal heartbeat.

Wash the tick bite. Use soap and water to wash the tick bite. Use antiseptic to disinfect the area. Toilet spirits, antibacterial hand cleanser etc.
you can use. Make sure you wash your hands after completing this step. [20]

Have the tick tested. You can have the tick tested at some health care facilities. Check with the health directorates at your nearest test center. Since only some species of ticks carry disease, the type of ticks will be determined first in the laboratory. If the tick is of a concern, the tick will be tested or sent to a more comprehensive laboratory for further testing. [21]
If you show signs of infection
And if you're still waiting for the tick test to come to an end, delay in treatment
Do not forget that negative results can be misleading, even unintentionally bitten by another tick.

Method 3
Preventing Insect Bites

Perfume dressing. Certain insects attract certain odors or attract something that smells them out of habit. were out perfume or scented lotion and creams
Try not to use. [22]

Use insect repellent. Insect repellents can be found both as a spray and as a lotion. Before you go out, first use insect repellent to prevent insects from coming on you. Spray can be sprayed directly on clothing, making it easier to cover the entire body. In addition, the lotion can be applied directly to the skin and applied to exposed areas. [23]
Read the instructions for use of the repellent spray to see if you can apply it to your face. Never use it near your eyes.
Insect repellents DEET containing substances are the most effective.
Wait at least 30 minutes before applying the insect repellent to your newly applied skin.

Wear protective clothing. In addition to wearing long-sleeved tops and trousers, you can also wear clothes designed to protect against insects. These special garments include a hat with a thin gauze covering her face, neck and shoulders. This might be a better option than an insect repellent if you're going to a lot of insects. [24]
To prevent insects from biting your wrists, you can put your socks in your pants.

Eliminate stagnant water. Accumulated waters in trenches and ditches or other stagnant waters that do not move by current may be the reproductive sites of mosquito eggs. If there is any still water in your land, destroy it to eliminate the possibility of mosquito formation. When outside, avoid areas with still water, if possible. [25]

Idris candle light. Idris, linalol and pelargonium extract
containing waxes are known to remove insects, especially mosquitoes. In fact, there are studies showing that idris grass reduces female mosquitoes by 35%, linalol by 65% ​​and pelargonium by 82%. [26]
Badges with scent of idris are also produced to put on your clothes.

Make insect repellent with essential oils. There are some oils that are known to help remove insects, and which are mixed with water and applied to the skin to remove insects. You can also use an essential oil diffuser instead of a candle. [27]
Oils to keep insects away include: eucalyptus, cloves, idris grass, nim oil or cream and camphor and menthol gel.
If you are going to apply the solution directly to your skin, keep it away from your eyes.

Method 4
Determining what needs to be done

Diagnose insect bite symptoms. While this may seem easy to understand, it's important to make sure that what you're trying to treat isn't anything like poison ivy, except for the insect bite. In addition, some complaints may be similar to other medical conditions, especially if you are allergic to the bite that bites you. [28]

Symptoms to Consider
You may have one, some or all of these symptoms, or you may not have any of the symptoms. This depends entirely on the individual's reaction to a particular insect and bite. [29]
Symptoms on or around the bite: pain, swelling, redness, itching, temperature, hives and / or minor bleeding.
Symptoms that may indicate a life-threatening allergy to insect bites include: cough, tingling in the throat, squeezing in the throat or chest, difficulty breathing, wheezing, nausea or vomiting, dizziness or fainting, sweating, restlessness and / or bite Itching and rash in the body outside the area. [30]

Know what situations are urgent. if if you are bitten by the mouth, nose or throat, or if you have a severe allergic reaction, call 112 or take the bitten person to an emergency room immediately.
People in this situation may need medical support for breathing and may need some medications to reduce their complaints (eg epinephrine, corticosteroids, etc.). [31]
If the insect stinger has a known allergy to any insect sting, he may be carrying EpiPen (a portable syringe injecting epinephrine). If you have EpiPen next to it, read the instructions on the drug and apply it immediately. Information on using EpiPen can also be found here .
Even if you injected this person with epinephrine, you should take him to the doctor immediately.

Know when to see a doctor. If the person who has been bitten by the insect does not show a serious allergic reaction (or has not been bitten from a point of the respiratory tract), he may feel well for a short time. If you have any of the following symptoms, you may need to see a doctor for treatment. [32]
Secondary infections can be caused by infection by bacteria as a result of skin cracking caused by itching. The skin is the first layer to protect against infection.
Signs of infection in the area of ​​persistent pain or itching, fever, insect bite.
For example, if a person has an infection, he or she will probably need antibiotics to combat it.


If you have been bitten by a flying insect, such as a bee or a wasp, make sure you remove the needle from your body before applying the above-mentioned home treatments. If you can't do it with your fingers, you can use tweezers. [33]

Bug Bite Thing Suction Tool, Poison Remover - Bug Bites and Bee/Wasp Stings, Natural Insect Bite Relief, Chemical Free, 2 Pack