Friday, August 16, 2019

Bug Bite Thing Suction Tool, Poison Remover - Bug Bites and Bee/Wasp Stings, Natural Insect Bite Relief, Chemical Free, 3 Pack

Ways to eliminate swelling after mosquito bites. How and what removes swelling from insect bites

Bug Bite Thing Suction Tool, Poison Remover - Bug Bites and Bee/Wasp Stings, Natural Insect Bite Relief, Chemical Free, 3 Pack

Insect bites do not always pass without trace and result. In the midge lice, the leg was swollen, what to do in such a situation?

Almost all possible subtleties and damage mechanisms need to be considered. Bites can cause flames and even death. Therefore, when a certain place on the body swells, you need to determine the situation correctly and take action on time.

Bites combine traumatic, allergic injuries and toxic reactions caused by various insects' damage to the skin and exposure of foreign elements to the body. The prevalence and diversity of bites of animals and insects leads to the fact that the bite can be obtained anywhere and at any time.

Health risks are represented by mosquitoes, because they can sometimes tolerate fever, malaria or helminthiasis. A person's mosquito bites can cause fever, hot flashes, and excessive sweating. In this case, you should consult a doctor.

A scanned wound can be a source of infection that causes inflammation of the skin. If the bite is very itchy, you can take ammonia and moisten the affected area. You can moisten the wound with water and soda solution. Then apply a protective spray or mosquito cream.

In children, the effects of a mosquito bite can last for several months, as children have very thin and sensitive skin. Therefore, immediately after bite, the wound should be treated with a green dye or a special lotion that can relieve irritation and dry the affected area.

When the midge bites, the wound should be disinfected with ammonia as soon as possible and cooled with ice. If possible, take antiallergic drugs. To avoid these unpleasant moments in nature, you should always have special pesticide protection devices and a first aid kit.

A bite from a bee, a wasp and a wasp can cause a serious allergic reaction. And in softer and more sensitive skin tissues, the reaction can be even stronger. A poisonous wasp bite can cause severe skin burns, make breathing difficult, and cause pulmonary edema. If a wasp has bitten, or if there is another nettle pest, remove the sting immediately. Then treat the wound with a 5: 1 solution of water and ammonia. Milky dandelion juice prevents swelling and relieves pain. Those who are susceptible to allergies, you need to take a special medicine. The victim needs to get a hot drink and give her peace of mind.

An allergic reaction from horse bite is very rare. However, the bite may be accompanied by swelling, redness and itching, deterioration of health and an increase in temperature. In this case, the affected area cannot be screened - this can lead to the development of dermatitis.

Hormonal drugs that relieve swelling and itching should be taken only by prescription.

Eliminating skin puffiness

After the gadget has been bitten, you will need to disinfect the wound, remove the swelling and relieve the pain to treat the skin.

How to remove swelling from an insect bite?

Press the affected area so that insect venom does not spread.
It begins to eliminate swelling with a piece of ice or other cold object to cool the bite area.
Wash affected area with soap and cold running water.
Treat the wound with antiseptic or hydrogen peroxide and burn with alcohol or iodine. Alcohol will numb the injured area and stop the bleeding.

If you do not try to scan the bite, the recovery time can be greatly accelerated. Legs are the most vulnerable part of the body for midge bite. In the legs, swelling can last for several weeks, which can lead to disruption of blood circulation and vascular diseases.

If allergies occur, it is good to have Suprastin with you. When bitten by a wasp, it could reduce red spots and burning skin.

A good remedy even for young children is vanilla sugar or baby cream with vanilla. Perfectly fits the wound after a midge bite.

If there are blisters or strange spots on the body, call a physician.

Normal body reaction of bite

Some people complain that their leg is swollen after being bitten by an insect. This is a common phenomenon that can occur even when attacked by small and innocent insects. After a gadget, a bee or a wasp bite, practically a tumor occurs in everyone, sometimes reaching a remarkable size.

A tumor is a sign of the body for the entry of foreign biologically active enzymes and toxins. In inflammatory processes, it accumulates in the soft tissues of the lymph and causes an increase in volume.

When part of the body is swollen from a bite, you should not immediately panic and worry about “terrible allergy..

As a result, the poison from the bite of a wasp or a wasp falls into the intercellular space and small blood vessels, destroying certain cells of the human body. The body responds by attacking these substances.

How to remove swelling and swelling of the bite? Both modern medical methods and folk remedies will cope with this:

Toothpaste containing menthol and mouthwash can help to fight swelling and swelling. Thanks to the cooling effect menthol swelling and relieves pain.
A red bite stain can remove laundry soap. All you need to do is soap the cotton pad with soap and treat the throat point.
Dandelion and banana have a wound healing effect. The leaf of the plant should be poured in the hands and should be attached to the affected place after releasing its water and fixed with a bandage.
After the midge bite, a small amount of chopped onion can be applied to the wound.
An ice-cold compress wrapped in the cloth can reduce unpleasant sensations and swelling.
Relieving skin swelling will help tea bags. There's tannin that can take all the liquids left in the tea.
When a wasp is bitten, sour cream or kefir can help.
When allergy symptoms occur, when a bumblebee or bumblebee bites, you need to take drugs and ointments.

Nobody gets immune to insects on the skin, so every adult should know how to avoid the consequences, and in this case, especially if the child has problems, they should know how to behave.

Small midges, one - a naturalness, a great inconvenience for all lovers to travel to nature. The main period of its activities is June and July, but in some areas it can also be encountered in marshes and standing water bodies in other months. The worst is that the beetle is minimal in size, which allows it to creep into almost any cavity (including the air inlets of tents) and does not really affect standard mosquito repellents.

At first, anesthetics affect the wound, but then severe itching begins. After midge bite, the skin is very swollen and red, swelling can last for several days. What to do in this case?

The first thing to do is to sterilize or clean the bite, as the middle-aged saliva may not only cause serious irritation, but also contain harmful microorganisms that are not dangerous but can trigger the development of unpleasant diseases.

The ideal solution is to stain the wound with cotton moistened with alcohol. If not, rinse the bite with clean water and slowly remove excess moisture by moving the rod movements. In any case it is not possible to rub the skin, it only causes the distribution of irritant between the soft tissues and increases itching.

It is recommended that you slightly compress the bite area to slow the absorption of the midge poison. If the hand swells after a bite, an elastic bandage may be placed on the affected area. However, it is very important not to transfer blood circulation here, so it is better to avoid such measures without relevant experience.

You should apply an antiseptic treatment to the skin so that the swelling does not increase and disappear as quickly as possible. You should always take it with you on your way to nature. In principle, even the furatsilin solution is suitable for primary processing and with it you can make a small compression under an elastic bandage.

If the skin is swollen and you have allergy symptoms, you should take an antihistamine immediately.
How do I get rid of the results quickly?

If you have been bitten by a midge in one or any part of the body at hand, special pharmaceutical preparations with antihistamine and anti-edema action will help remove all traces in one or two days. Specifically, people who encounter this problem repeatedly suggest Fenistil-gel, Tsinovit, Triderm and Trimistin.

Helps dressing with novocaine, achieve a strong itching, painful senses. Usually applied to children, so they do not scan the wound. However, if the bite did not occur in the limbs, but inside the eye, then it is better to use a compress with furatsilinom.

After a bite, the stomachs, swellings and rashes in the body are sometimes removed by rubbing the affected areas with a cotton swab soaked in a soda solution (1 t / l per 200 ml of water) or by compressing briefly for up to 10 minutes. This solution cannot be applied on the face and especially near the eyes!

In the absence of any medication, gently depress and apply a cold even as a slight bite. As seen in practice, this significantly reduces the time required to heal later.

It is important to remember that prevention is always better than cure, so you need to have a special repellent focused on scaring mosquitoes when you're out of town.

Our neighbors, insects, creeping, flying, buzzing, hymenopteras around our planet have lived with us for thousands of years, but still caused some people to resist, even panic, fear. Maybe someone is waiting for a dirty trick in the form of looks, legs, wings, antennas, hoses and a painful bite for fear. Unfortunately, such fears are not unfounded, because every human being in his life has been repeatedly subjected to idge midge bazıları attacks, and some are not fortunate to meet angry bees or wasps. How are insect bites treated in children and adults? We understand.
general rules

Treat the bite area antiseptically;
examine the wound on the left insertion body and, if found, remove it immediately with tweezers, re-disinfect the skin;
To relieve itching and swelling, apply a cold compress or a piece of ice wrapped in gauze to the affected area.

Then proceed depending on the situation. If the tumor rapidly decreases after bites, itching is reduced and health is not worsened, everything is fine. These days, try not to eat spicy foods and products that may cause you allergies, for cleaner carbonated water.

If you notice obvious deterioration, edema increases, suffer from tachycardia, dark spots appear in the bite area - call the ambulance immediately or go to the hospital by taxi immediately.

Caution: A small bloodsucker or bee sting, a wasp, a wasp on the face, a child who has suffered a major attack should be taken to a doctor immediately. Most likely, you will need medications that you need to appoint an expert. Otherwise, an acute allergic reaction may occur in anaphylactic shock or angioedema.
How are different insects bitten and first aid?

Some insect bites are relatively safe, easily tolerated by most people. However, there are situations in which a person with toxic substances can cause a painful shock, or even be fatal.

These useful insects revive our lives by producing a wonderful product - honey. But their bites are very painful. Often bees are peaceful and do not tend to attack first, so in the presence of these insects, you must remain calm and not make a sharp sweep. It is especially important not to panic if the bee attacks.

In this case, you must immediately retire to a safe place without making noise and trying to destroy the insect. Otherwise, you risk being attacked by a lot. You can recognize a bee sting with the following features:

bite pain is very sharp;
the injured part of the body quickly swells and turns red, filled with fire;
there is a poisonous pain inside the wound, which, if removed, may cause some pain, but will not quickly recover from other symptoms;
if the bitten person suffers from allergies, he may have difficulty breathing, observing increased swelling; In this case, you should call the ambulance team immediately.

Caution: In addition to multiple bee attacks, a person should be urgently hospitalized after biting the tongue, eyelids or eyes.

Honey from these insects will not wait, but they suffer to bees that are much more painful. No wonder "thrusting" like a wasp. Each individual can attack and injure several times in a row. Therefore, after finding a hornet's nest near the dwelling, it is better to get rid of dangerous neighbors. When they attack - back off immediately and hide. symptoms:

very sharp throbbing pain;
skin blush brightly in the bite area, swelling is seen;
insertion no in the wound;
bitten in the face area of ​​the wasps, if there is a strong swelling, it becomes difficult to breathe;
as the sensitivity increases, the person becomes pale;
nausea attacks occur;
There is pain in the chest and abdomen.

You must hide the victim in a safe place, place the victim in a "half-lying" position, release him from a tight belt or tie, and give him a glass of water. The wound should be disinfected with, for example, hydrogen peroxide. The best option to remove swelling from an insect bite is to apply cold. An iced rubber will make a hot water bottle or a kefir package, for example from a refrigerator. So we get rid of edema.
Be blind

These unpleasant and large fly beetle-like bites are not very painful but still stand out. In addition, they are characterized by a long and severe itch that forces those bitten by a horse to brush their skin at risk of secondary infection to their wounds. The bite has a reddish spot and a small swelling. The people most exposed to attack by the horse fly are the people sitting by the water.

The bites of these insects do not represent a pathological hazard to a healthy adult human, and the consequences can be eliminated by ordinary means. Similarly adhering to the problem area of ​​the cold removes swelling.

Has anyone ever been disturbed by these “night singers?? Unfortunately, they don't do serenades, but they get frustrated with the boring, constant ringing. Only female mosquitoes bite and sometimes do not stick to human skin almost precisely. The victim finds bite marks, begins to nickel uneasy.


Homemade ways to get rid of itching

After treating all wounds with antiseptic, prepare one of the following remedies to prevent itching from bites of bloodsucking insects.

Take a glass of cold boiled water, add a teaspoon of soda and stir. Moisten the cotton ball in the solution and apply it to the wound, wipe the swollen area.
Take a bunch of parsley with a blender. Apply the green oatmeal to the affected areas, wait 10-15 minutes.
Cut the onion and scrub the itchy skin with water, so as to relieve the discomfort.
Spread the mint leaves, apply a cooling mass to the pay.
If there is tea tree oil in the first aid kit at home, a drop of this product will relieve the discomfort.

When itching and burning sensations from insect bites are reduced, the spots will gradually fade and the bloating will decrease. This means that an acute allergic reaction does not occur and that a doctor is not required. You're lucky Just don't forget to disinfect the wound so that it heals completely.

Priority measures to provide medical care to bites are the same regardless of which insect class representative causes discomfort and pain.

Step 1. It is necessary to provide peace to the bitten man and restrict his movements. One should try to cheer up and calm down. To do this, keep the victim in a relaxed position, preferably in a reclined position.

The Savior should not be overcrowded, but the first step is to explain that any physical activity of the victim will contribute to faster absorption of poison in the blood and make it worse.

Intense movements with the injured hand or foot are a natural reaction of the body, but physical effort activates blood circulation and increases lymph flow. This causes the rapid spread of toxins in the bloodstream filled with the increased symptoms of allergic reactions.

Step 2. What to do next? Remove affected area from clothing and examine wound: determine if redness, swelling and redness occur, tissue swelling. If the attack falls on your hand, you must remove the jewels, open the bracelets of the watch. After an insect bite, if the leg is swollen, shoes and socks should be removed from the victim.

Step 3. The following first aid measures for insect bites: Give the victim the highest possible amount of liquid. This can be de-carbonate, purified water, freshly brewed tea, dietary juice, dried fruit bundle or decoction, rose hip extract. Abundant fluid intake contributes to a faster removal of insects from neurotoxic substances when the body bites.

When insect venom is ingested, the consumption of intoxicating beverages is a major mistake, leading to an increase in the rate of development of allergic reactions and making it difficult to eliminate toxins.

Step 4. What to do after insect bite? The puncture site should be treated with any bacterium.

A bitter Hymenoptera that bites it - if it is a bee, it is necessary to remove the remains of an alien element from the wound.

Step 5. If the injury has not been perceived with certainty and it is impossible to identify the perpetrator of the origin, the patient's overall condition should be assessed and local reactions should be considered.

Eliminate swelling can improvise:

apply an icy cold compress to the damaged area;
gently press and squeeze the tissue surrounding the puncture site;
wipe the area with gauze moistened with daffodil or awning of boric acid solution;
Apply a compress of diluted baking gas.

It is possible to eliminate edema by pharmaceutical means including antihistamines, decongestants, antimicrobial, antipruritic and anti-inflammatory components. Cremgenum has a rapid effect on insect bites.

If a small edema develops at the puncture site, the skin becomes reddish, if the person has a slight burning and itching sensation, the problem provocative in of the problem can be assumed to be a relatively harmless error: a fly, mosquito, insect, midge, insect.

If there is severe pain, unbearable burning on the construction site after insect bite but does not change the skin color, it can show bees, hornets, wasps, hornets by representatives of the flying hymenoptera row. If there is redness after an insect bite, but no edema, the culprit is probably a tick.

Step 6. After treating the damaged area, a compression bandage is applied to the body area above the bite point and must be loosened later as edema develops.

Step 7. If only local skin symptoms are noted: swelling, swelling, itching, skin redness, redness, the patient should be given tablet tablets of eg antihistamines, for example: tavegil or Suprastin at an appropriate age dosage.

Step 8. If deterioration of respiratory function is observed after an insect bite, edema develops in the eye or tongue area, providing immediate intensive medical care:

Step 9. What to do if a doubt arises: the injury was caused by poisonous insects: spiders, scorpions or ants? In this case, anaphylactic shock can develop rapidly. Immediate measures: apply for an indirect cardiac massage and artificial respiration. Immediately transport the victim to the nearest hospital.

The pain that occurs after a bite from a poisoned carrot or tarantula is very similar to the defeat of snakes in their manifestations. Saliva injected through the arachnid glands has a strong neurotoxic effect that affects the tissues of the nervous system and destroys red blood cells.

The clinical manifestations of poisonous insect disease include:

intense sharp pain of burning character in the puncture site;
visible perforation of the wound on the skin;
The lesion takes the form of a small tubercle with a whitish tinge;
bloody blisters or bright purple spots appear on the skin around the bite point;
one person complains of severe headache, dizziness;
body temperature may increase;
blood pressure indicators are reduced;
Throughout the entire area of ​​the affected limb, the victim draws attention to the resulting numbness.

Pests such as mosquitoes, bees, midges and other arthropods are very uncomfortable. It is uncomfortable when they bite an adult, and especially when they bite babies in the arms, legs, eyes and other parts of the body. For this reason, sometimes bloating, which should be treated with medicines, occurs. Sometimes these are not the only consequences of having been bitten by a limb, allergic reactions, pain shocks, and other disturbing conditions. If the problem is not resolved for a day or two due to insect bite, swelling and redness, or if symptoms worsen within the first day, you should seek medical advice from the doctor.

The nature of a tumor formation after an insect bite

Why is the resulting painful result of an insect bite?

After an insect bite, a tumor occurs as a result of human immunity starting to fight foreign infestation (saliva, poison and other elements) as well as reacting to skin trauma. The inflammatory process leads to the accumulation of lymph in the lesion region, which is expressed as external edema. Each insect has its own characteristics, because the throat point can swell in many different ways.

For example, a mosquito or flea bite is less noticeable because there is a special enzyme in its saliva that slows blood clotting. In this case, even in a child, after a bite, there is rarely anything other than a small swelling.

Another thing is, if you take a wasp, bee, wasp sample. When stung, a significant amount of poison is injected, which can destroy tissue walls and cause inflammation, allergies and bloating. Eye damage is particularly dangerous, in which case immediate medical attention is needed, not only to neutralize the effect of toxins, but also to remove pain to remove all foreign bodies.

Even if you do not have any allergies, it is immediately worth noting that no reaction can occur after a similar injury.

Symptoms of severe allergic reaction to insect bite

In 65% of cases, a bitten person is not threatened by serious consequences, and all he can do is a red spot with a slight swelling at the site of injury. These problems may occur in the remaining 35% of the sections:

Swollen eyelid (if the eye bite area), visual dysfunction up to;
Itching all over;
Burning sensation;
Increased body temperature;
Feeling of pain;
Internal swelling of the nasal and throat cavities;
Rash and redness in various areas (not only in the affected area);
Chest pain;
Shortness of breath;
Confusion and dizziness;
Increased lymph node volume;
In the absence of timely and immediate treatment, anaphylactic shock may occur.

Individual symptoms depend on specific pests. If you or your child has any of these symptoms, see your doctor immediately or seek immediate medical attention. They will provide not only how to remove the swelling, but also some tips that should be followed in the future.
What and who is dangerous?

Before giving any treatment and thinking about the results, you need to find out which insect swelling occurs after the bite on your leg, arm or other place. Then who should be careful?

Malaria mosquitoes;
Bed bugs;
Rat fleas;
Representatives of common flies and tsetse;

Even simple mosquito bites can cause serious complications (malaria, dengue, yellow fever, and others) as they carry various diseases through the blood.
What to do after an insect bite

Before you can do anything to counteract the symptoms that appear, you need to know the list of actions that are forbidden, which only complicates the situation.

Scan the affected area. You can carry the infection yourself, which causes additional inflammation. Children, unlike adults, cannot restrict this desire;
Rub the bite area. Because of this effect, toxins or enzymes falling under the epithelium will spread over a larger area;
Do not use any external preparations directly on the wound. Most drugs should be applied around healthy skin;
Even if the eyelid or leg in a bite becomes too swollen - you should not personally prescribe antibiotics, diuretics and painkillers (if prescription is required). All these drugs have a number of limitations and the doctor should prescribe them;
The affected area of ​​the eye, you should not try to remove the sting yourself (in the case of bees, wasps and wasps), leave it to a specialist;
Avoid household chemicals. This may increase the allergic reaction.

Treatment, how to remove the swelling from an insect bite

Now there are more options than eliminating the swelling of the bite, both medicines and public preparations.

Most of the above drugs have medicinal properties and are not just one.

Levomekol. If arthropods swell hands after a bite, a good option is to apply topically and relieve all inflammation, as it has good regenerative properties and easily penetrates deep into the skin;
The Betazo. Antipruritic, vasoconstrictor, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial drug.
When the leg is swollen, Fenistil can be an excellent option, effectively relieving swelling and itching due to its anti-allergic properties;
Swelling caused by bites of wasps, bees and other insects with stings is usually removed with Flucinar gel;
If a leg or other limb is inflated after an insect bite, due to an allergy, Sinaflan may be given ointment, relieving itching and bloating.

Folk preparations

Over time, many folk remedies were invented to help people cope with the effects of an insect bite:

Laundry soap. It is not liquid or contains any additives, disinfects the wound and prevents possible infection;
The most powerful help may be an ointment that you need to address the affected area. Mix 1 tablespoon. Add vegetable oil and add 5 drops of essential lemon and mint extract;
No matter how strange it may seem, if you apply toothpaste to a swollen place, you can reduce not only swelling, but also itching;
In addition, pressing the wound with the leaves of such plants will also be effective: mint, banana, bird cherry, dandelion;
Crumbled cabbage leaves or parsley are used;
Usually used in aloe juice.

If you have insect bites, tumors and redness, only the doctor can tell you what to do in difficult situations, especially if you have pain in the eyes or mucous tissues, self-treatment is prohibited.

Bug Bite Thing Suction Tool, Poison Remover - Bug Bites and Bee/Wasp Stings, Natural Insect Bite Relief, Chemical Free, 3 Pack