Friday, August 16, 2019

Caladryl Lotion, Calamine Plus Itch Reliever, 6-Ounce Bottle

Choosing an insect bite ointment to relieve itching, swelling and allergies

Caladryl Lotion, Calamine Plus Itch Reliever, 6-Ounce Bottle

An effective insect bite ointment is designed to mitigate the effects of attacks of biting or stinging arthropods. However, it is impossible to treat such drugs as a panacea and to guarantee 100% guarantee to avoid all unpleasant symptoms: the ointment will only reduce the reaction of the underlying skin and tissues to foreign biological substances entering the body.

For example, some creams have anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and soothing effects, while other ointments and creams are more focused on preventing the development of an allergic reaction: they do not allow swelling to increase, but also help to relieve the itching from insect bites and minimize the appearance of a rash. happen.

Thus, the person should not be expected to determine how insect bites are transmitted.Any remedy can completely save you from all unpleasant consequences - such drugs are not only available.

In a note

Many ointments are not recommended for infants or children with very sensitive skin, especially if you decide to remember the insect bite in a child, it is worth choosing a remedy. In most cases, itching after bites is not dangerous, but some ointments that try to alleviate it can cause serious side effects.

Properly selected ointments will, in most cases, cope well with reducing discomfort after bites of insect parasites such as bedbugs, fleas, mosquitoes, gadflies and midges.

Böcek ısırıklarından sonra rahatsızlığın giderilmesi için en iyi merhem seçeneğinin seçimi ile ilgili bir takım önemli nüansları dikkate alın.

An effective insect bite ointment is designed to mitigate the effects of attacks of biting or stinging arthropods. However, it is impossible to treat such drugs as a panacea and to guarantee 100% guarantee to avoid all unpleasant symptoms: the ointment will only reduce the reaction of the underlying skin and tissues to foreign biological substances entering the body.

For example, some creams have anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and soothing effects, while other ointments and creams are more focused on preventing the development of an allergic reaction: they do not allow swelling to increase, but also help to relieve the itching from insect bites and minimize the appearance of a rash. happen.

Çeşitli merhemler tarafından uygulanan etkisi önemli ölçüde değişebilir ...

Thus, the person should not be expected to determine how insect bites are transmitted.Any remedy can completely save you from all unpleasant consequences - such drugs are not only available.

In a note

Many ointments are not recommended for infants or children with very sensitive skin, especially if you decide to remember the insect bite in a child, it is worth choosing a remedy. In most cases, itching after bites is not dangerous, but some ointments that try to alleviate it can cause serious side effects.

Properly selected ointments will, in most cases, cope well with reducing discomfort after bites of insect parasites such as bedbugs, fleas, mosquitoes, gadflies and midges.

But with the bites of bitter or poisonous insects (such as bees, hornets, hornets, predators and aquatic insects spiders, scolopendr, leeches), even a high-quality ointment from insect bites, cream or balsam, to combat the symptoms of poisoning and medication is often required. Unfortunately, ointments can generally slightly reduce the effects of bites.

As for tick bites, first of all, it makes sense to apply ointments with a pronounced antiseptic effect - in this case all other diğer virtues ın of drugs are secondary (it is better to use them if you have green dye or alcohol). However, even in this case, ointment is generally not possible, to protect from ointment borreliosis or encephalitis.

In any case, for best results, an ointment, cream or gel from insect bites must first be able to choose the right one.

How to choose ointment?

The preparations used after insect bite are produced in various release forms which are different in their compositions, tissues and packages.

These funds can be distinguished from the following three main groups:

gels - as a rule, these are water based products containing various pharmaceutical agents and (or) natural medicinal components;

creams - usually preparations based on natural or synthetic fats or oils, including certain medicinal additives;

Balsams - therapeutic agents usually based on plant extracts and natural resinous substances.

In a note

High-quality balsam from insect bites primarily contributes to the rapid regeneration of tissues at the bite site and is therefore mainly used after the attack of nettle insects.

It should be noted that there are other types of instruments used after insect bites: aerosol preparations, pencils, patches, and the like.

Creams are considered the most effective form of ointment for insect bites, because they allow the rapid transport of medicinal components from the skin of the fat components.

Nevertheless, other forms of funding are not far behind in this regard, particularly with a balanced formulation. For example, after insect bites, the following drugs work quite well:

Gel Fenistil;
Advanta that;
The Menovaz;
Hydrocortisone ointment.

The bites of various insects sometimes require a specific treatment approach. In contrast, each tool has its own characteristics and is most effective in a given situation.

For example, if you were bitten by mosquitoes or bed bugs, then the ointment's primary task is to relieve the swelling of the tissues and contribute to the rapid disappearance of itching.

Fenistil, Akriderm, Soventol, Mosquitall gel-balm, Gardex gel do an excellent job in this regard. When a secondary rash (allergic) occurs after the bite of insect parasites, it is sensible to spread the rash areas with Fenistil or Advantan.

It is also necessary to apply ointments of a slightly different orientation, especially those that prevent the development of an allergic reaction and contribute to pain relief after the bite of nettle insects.

In a note

Ointment, commonly known for its insect bites, is the most suitable for this purpose. The task of this medicine is to disinfect skin damage and promote rapid healing of wounds, scratches, ulcers and bruises. When insect bites are introduced, this ointment can recover only the tissue affected by inflammation more quickly, but cannot minimize all other symptoms.

If the insect bite is very painful, the damaged area can spread to Menovazin, which will create a sense of coolness and significantly reduce pain. If inflammation or edema occurs, Levomekol or Advantan should be used.

Levomekol is particularly good if you need to stain insect bites on a child who has managed to draw them before the appearance of pustules. Panthenol is also used in this case.

Finally, if an insect bite causes a strong allergic reaction with fast-growing edema and rash, the skin areas covered by them should be lubricated with hydrocortisone ointment. However, this tool has enough contraindications, so it should be used with extreme caution and best - consult your doctor first.

Probably the most versatile tool used against the bites of a wide variety of insects is Fenistil gel. It should be kept in a first aid kit to go to nature and will definitely be taken with you on trips abroad. In more detail about this preparation, it is possible to read a little below.

Things to do before applying ointment

After the first aid, victims should be given ointment, balsam or cream after insect bites. In the case of bites of blood-sucking parasites, such assistance is usually not necessary.However, stinging arthropods are required immediately after the attack of spiders, scolopendras and some others.

In most cases , first aid after insect bites appears in the following order:

If a bee has been bitten, first of all the smell is removed with a pair of tweezers (not after hornets or wasps bites, so you can't even see it);

then, as soon as possible, the poison is drawn out of the wound (if a person enters the oral cavity, it will not harm);
A cold compress is applied instead of biting (stone or wet soil cannot be used for this purpose - may be a source of infection).

In the case of bee stings, some of the poison is neutralized with soap and the hornet and hornets are neutralized with any organic acid (eg ordinary vinegar, a piece of lemon, apple or orange). Only then can the bite be arranged with a special device.

Gel Fenistil and its properties

The universality of the drug Fenistil from insect bites is essentially capable of perfectly softening the itch. Unfortunately, with bee stings or wasps, its use does not prevent the appearance of edema, However, with the body reacts moderately vigorously, this gel usually refers to antiallergic drugs because it stops the allergic reaction.

Optimal application of fenistil is mosquito bites, bedbugs, midge and flea bites. In these cases, the gel helps relieve the itching of bites and minimizes other unpleasant symptoms (slight swelling of tissues, redness, pain).

Another important feature of fenistil gel is the possibility of its use in children older than 1 month. The only thing to remember is that this preparation should not be stained on large areas of the skin or where there are scratches and bleeding abrasions.

The price of a 30-gram Fenistil gel tube costs about 350 rubles.


“Very good insect bite ointment - Fenistil. Even if the mosquitoes bite someone, it's enough to get the skin smeared once, and even to stop itching after a few minutes, we're always taking us to calves or kebabs. They had to clean the bites of the bees several times, but it also works well. The bite swells, but passes faster, the pain is not felt for a long time. "

Irina, Tver

Famous Levomechol

Levomekol cannot be called a classic tool specifically designed for the treatment of insect bites - it is used to disinfect wounds and ulcers, antimicrobial and antiviral therapy. Good medication and treatment of burns.

In the case of insect bites, levomechol is often used as an anti-inflammatory agent. Therefore, it makes sense to use it after a failed başarısız acquaintance arth with these arthropods, such as successive consecutive codes, wasps, bees, tropical ants, scorpions and spiders. Often an impressive tumor attacks are swelling, bleeding and sometimes even resulting in tissue necrosis.

If levomecholoma is used to spread the wound in these cases, it will provide accelerated tissue repair and inflammation removal at the site of the nettle.

The cost of pipes and ointments - only about 100 rubles per 40 grams tube.

Advantan with insect bite

Advantant ointment is often used as an antiallergic agent when insect bites. If you throw away with the affected place, it is quite possible to do sometimes even without the appearance of strong edema and urticaria, and even after the bite of insects such as paper wasps and insects.By attacking larger arthropods, the drug can also help - help to localize inflammation and prevent the development of allergic reaction.

It is useful to preselect one of the forms of the drug for yourself: an oil-based ointment, an emulsion or a water-based gel. Such a variety of release modes allow you to stay in the optimal product type for each specific skin type.

The effect of all three forms of this drug is the same, but in oily skin, the location of an insect bite is best separated by an emulsion for dry skin, ointment for dry skin and for normal skin - Advantan gel with a balanced ratio of water and oil.

However, despite all the positive aspects of this tool, it also has unquestionably negative - hormonal effects. This is why it is not recommended to treat Advantan with large areas of the skin - to prevent more serious problems.

Price Advantan, about 400 rubles per 20 grams emulsion or 15 grams cream.


Akriderm - a remedy for symptomatic treatment. As a rule it is used for various skin lesions and severe dermatitis.

For insect bites, Acryderm is used as a medicine to relieve itching and to get rid of the rash on the tumor site. and mosquitoes while treating bedbug bites .

An important advantage of this tool is the “subtlety eylem of its action - Akriderm can be used safely even for children.

The price of the drug varies from about 450 rubles to a tube of 30 grams.

Treatment of insect bites with Menovazin

The drug "Menovazin" is primarily intended to provide anesthetic effect, as the main "working" substance is menthol. With this tool, you can safely clean the bites of bees, wasps and large wild insects, because even after the appearance of inflammation, it will create a feeling of coolness in the bite area and reduce itching and pain.

Menovazin is cheaper - about 30 rubles for 40 ml.

Panthenol and its properties

Panthenol-based products are produced by various pharmaceutical companies in various dosage forms. And most of the time the buyer doesn't pay the advertised name and cheaper active ingredients.

Panthenol cream itself 50 ml costs 100 rubles, but various combined preparations based on the same active ingredient, for the same amount 350-500 rubles are offered by pharmacies for completely different currencies.

For insect bites, Panthenol is the most rational to use as a cream or ointment: in this case, restores the skin in areas of inflammation, relieves itching and quickly heals wounds.

Hydrocortisone ointment

Hydrocortisone ointment means hormonal effect, so when using, you should read the instructions carefully and be sure to take into account the current contraindications.

Insect bite ointment prevents the appearance of allergic reaction and release of histamine in the body. This tool can be used to prevent the development of anaphylactic shock from the stings of stinging insects, spiders and scorpions.

The price of hydrocortisone ointment is about 50 rubles per 5 grams.

Other ointments for the treatment of bites

All the above medicines for insect bites are sold only in pharmacies and therefore may not be available in some cases. Fortunately, supermarkets and household chemicals stores can easily replace approximately moving drugs within range.

Thus, the products of the brands Mosquitall, Gardex, Off, Taiga are widely distributed, including tools for children. For example, Gardex insect bites baby cream is very delicate and quickly relieves itching to mosquito bites and Taiga products, in addition to get rid of itching symptoms, it also protects against insect attacks.

In the vast majority of cases, you should choose oil-based products with additional antiallergic effect for the treatment of insect bites. Alleviating allergies in the "global" sense is more important for the body than for example relieving itching or getting rid of the painful senses. Ointments designed to combat unpleasant sensations should be used either in the absence of allergies or in addition to the antiallergic agent.

And finally, there are various means to scare and avoid biting insects. They are effective in protecting against the attacks of mosquitoes, fleas or bedbugs, but unfortunately it is not possible to scare an angry wasp or a caller.You should find the name "DETA" or "permethrin" in the composition by selecting such a tool. If the recommended deterrent ointment contains essential oils as the main active ingredient, then in practice there is no expected effect.

As a result, we suggest that it is better to safeguard beforehand to treat their effects against insect bites. Take care.

Caladryl Lotion, Calamine Plus Itch Reliever, 6-Ounce Bottle