Sunday, August 25, 2019

Dr. Scholl’s TRI-COMFORT Insoles (Men's 8-12, Women's 6-10) // Comfort for Heel, Arch and Ball of Foot

6 helpful tips for comfort with high heels

Dr. Scholl’s TRI-COMFORT Insoles (Men's 8-12, Women's 6-10) // Comfort for Heel, Arch and Ball of Foot

Open air parties, country weddings, birthdays, when we say, many warm invitations are waiting for us to wear. Since pantyhose we take shelter in the winter is no longer an option to show our legs more smoothly, it is inevitable that we prefer heels. We found some clues to survive all night wearing high heels and still surviving. Here are 6 tips to make you comfortable with high heels:
Knowing your foot structure

Wondering how others can stand on high-heeled shoes you want to throw aside in two hours? Maybe it's because they chose shoes that fit their foot structure. Just knowing the foot number is not enough to choose the right shoe; If you can answer questions like whether your feet are thin, scalloped or high curved, you can choose the right shoes. Wrists are also important: For example, women with thick ankles are not recommended to choose ankle-tied shoes.
Leaving shopping in the evening

Leave the shopping in the middle of the day / afternoon. A comfortable shoe to your slightly swollen feet will make you comfortable with high heels for longer.
Thick base, thick bands to choose

If we wanted to choose between high-heeled sandals and boots, most of you would probably say that the boots are more comfortable. This is about how much the shoe covers the upper part of the foot. Thick banded sandals make you comfortable for longer than thin and bruised bands.

It is recommended that you prefer platform heels, which hold the front of the foot high, rather than high-heeled shoes (stiletto type), which are thin as the front. They reduce the feeling of walking at your fingertips and provide your body with the necessary support. You can also put support gel insoles inside them if necessary.
It is recommended that you choose platform heels that keep the front of the foot high.
Tap the third and fourth fingers together

If you do not wear open-toed shoes, you can tap a tiny band-aid and the two toes next to the toe pinky toe. This makes your foot more comfortable inside the shoe and the pressure on the fingertips is more evenly distributed.
Apply Vaseline to printing points

Vaseline, an indispensable product, reduces friction and reduces the risk of discomfort such as flushing and collecting water. Behind the wrists, where there are wrist band touches, next to the thumb to put Vaseline and wear high-heeled shoes.
Expand your shoes with freezer method

You can expand your shoes which are a little narrow with deep freezing method. How Does? Fill the refrigerator bags with water and place them in the shoes and leave the shoes in a bag in the freezer overnight. As water freezes and expands as it becomes ice, it will expand your shoes proportionally but without exaggeration.

Finally, movements such as moving the wrists after removing the heeled shoes, extending your fingertips forward and pulling back, will help you relax the next day by stretching both your feet and leg muscles.

Dr. Scholl’s TRI-COMFORT Insoles (Men's 8-12, Women's 6-10) // Comfort for Heel, Arch and Ball of Foot