Sunday, August 25, 2019

Dr Scholl's Work Massaging Gel Advanced Insoles, 2 Pairs (Men's 8-14), 2 Count

How to dry shoes at home

Dr Scholl's Work Massaging Gel Advanced Insoles, 2 Pairs (Men's 8-14), 2 Count

Which of us didn't fall into rain or sleet, get wet at the bus stop, or step into a puddle? Such an inconvenience can happen to any person, it is important that the results are removed correctly. To avoid getting sick, you should go home as soon as possible, take a warm bath, vaporize your feet, drink milk with honey or raspberries and tea. This will protect you from the cold. But what to do with wet shoes? How is it dried until the next morning so that it does not lose its shape and brightness? How to dry the shoes from the inside, so that an unpleasant odor does not appear? In this article we will try to deal with wet shoes and answer all your questions.

How to dry wet shoes?

Often, the problem occurs when the snow begins to melt in the offseason (in the rain or in the spring) and flush the forms everywhere. What to do with wet shoes?

First of all, shoes should be wiped thoroughly from the residue of clay, dirt and road reagents, as they dry, dirt can enter the skin's surface and leave unpleasant marks and stains. Dry your shoes thoroughly with a damp cloth.
After that, the shoes should be as open as possible for the evaporating moisture to escape. This means that we remove their wet soles, untie the ties and lace up, open all the locks, yarns and velcro. We open the shoes, twist the top of our boots as much as possible.
Then you should choose a drying method, which we will discuss in detail later. The simplest is the heating radiators in every home. But remember, batteries that are too hot can deform the skin. Therefore, it is best to leave the shoes to dry on a stool near a source of heat.
To dry thoroughly from the inside, shoes must be beaten with the fact that they absorb moisture well. An ordinary newspaper handles this task in the best way - absorbs moisture instantly. However, this method is not suitable for snow-white shoes - there may be traces of black printing ink on it.
Under these conditions, the shoes are allowed to dry for 5-6 hours. If you want to speed up the process, you need as often as possible to change wet papers from shoes to dry.

These are options for drying shoes in emergencies and unexpected situations. Keep in mind that if the shoes get wet frequently, the deformations begin to pass more moisture. Therefore, it is better to make rubber boots in such wet weather - well worn, attractive design and most importantly, they will not flush at all.

What else could be dried shoes?

In the fight for comfortable, dry and comfortable shoes, you can use a variety of drying methods.

Heated floor. If the house has underfloor heating, you do not need to take any special precautions - just leave the shoes on a warm surface. This is an ideal solution because the shoes are then slowly and evenly dried without overheating.
Hair dryer If shoes need to be dried quickly, then use a hair dryer - just direct the air flow inside. Of course you have to work hard, but you can dry your shoes in just an hour and a half. Note that the shoes should be set in cold mode to ensure that the air flow is not hot during drying.
Special dryers. On sale there are special devices specially designed for drying shoes. Such dryers may be portable or stationary, many of which are equipped with ionisers - preventing the formation of an unpleasant odor. In some models, UV sterilizers can also be installed - they disinfect the inner surface of the shoe and protect the person from nail and skin fungus. These dryers should be placed directly in the shoes, warmed up to a certain temperature, and the shoes should be allowed to dry within a few hours.
Fan. If you do not want to stand with a hairdryer, install a wet pair on the fan grille and switch on the appliance. Make a few ordinary rings or hooks to attach the shoes to. Make sure the air flow is fully in the shoe.
Absorbent materials. Instead of a newspaper, you can put another padding on the shoes that are perfectly absorbed into moisture. It can be soda, salt or rice only. The selected products should be poured into a canvas bag and placed in soaked shoes. Cat litter does an excellent job with this problem. Not only does it absorb excess moisture, it also prevents the spread of unpleasant odor.

When filling the shoes with absorbent material (newspaper), try not to fill them too tightly. First, it disrupts air circulation - shoes dry longer. Second, dense filling shoes may deform in an unnatural position and be dry. When drying leather shoes, you should get into small struts (plastic or wooden sticks), which will help maintain their shape during drying.

How is the shoe dried?

If you want your winter boots and boots to serve you in more than one season, you should pay attention to these. Most importantly, faulty drying should not allow shoe methods.

Do not leave your shoes directly on a hot battery - it may melt and change shape. If the battery is hot, stop drying for a short time - at least 50 cm, and not too close.
Never dry your shoes with a hot air blow dryer. This adhesive melts, it simply goes away, the shoes pass more moisture.
If you wear boots for skiers or other professional shoes, you need to dry them in a special dryer. If you do not follow this rule, quality shoes will gradually deteriorate.
Never dry your shoes in the oven, even at low temperatures. With prolonged heating, the skin only cracks, the pair of winter shoes is irreversibly damaged.
In particular, you cannot install open shoes and electric heaters. Shoes are not only spoiled, there is a high risk of fever, which is very dangerous.

Often the feet get wet in campaigns and picnics, that is, in nature. In such cases, people often throw their shoes on fire. This should be done very carefully without bringing your shoes too close to the fire. You can't leave your shoes and go to bed at night - a spark can be enough for fire, not just for shoes, but a whole camp fire. In such cases, it is best to bring a spare pair of shoes or a special dryer that runs on batteries.

To avoid unpleasant situations, you need to dress according to the weather - wear rain boots in the rain and mud, and with work to buy removable shoes. Remember, winter shoes must be of high quality, because it depends on your health. If the shoes start to leak, you will not be able to completely restore the integrity of the sole - it is worth thinking about a new pair of shoes or boots. Remember, we're not rich enough to buy cheap shoes.

Dr Scholl's Work Massaging Gel Advanced Insoles, 2 Pairs (Men's 8-14), 2 Count