Friday, August 16, 2019

Equate Chigger Bite Relief Ointment, 1.75 fl oz, Compare to Chiggerex


Equate Chigger Bite Relief Ointment, 1.75 fl oz, Compare to Chiggerex

The first fossil found on these ancient inhabitants of the earth is 407 million years old. It is noteworthy that these early creatures also had the ability to fly. Insects are living things in the arthropod branch of the animal kingdom. Eighty percent of these creatures, now defined as animals, fall into this class. Insects are also known to have the most species diversity in the world. More than a million living species are mentioned and several thousand new species are identified each year.

The total number of species is considered to be around two million. These creatures have been able to adapt to almost any ecosystem from the poles to the oceans and survive.

The body consists of three parts: head, chest and tail. In some groups, fusion may occur in these body parts. They have a pair of antennas and a compound eye. The breasts are three-parted and each has a pair of legs. Sometimes a pair of wings emerges from the second and third breast pieces, which for the first time appeared in this group in the animal kingdom. However, these wings are different from the wings of birds. The queue is 11-segmented and has no members in any segment. Structures such as junctional organs, digestive extensions or egg insertion tubes may be seen in the last segments due to structural changes.

The skeletons are outside and the restriction caused by the exoskeleton at the time of growth is compensated by the skin change. They move very quickly due to the striated muscles in their bodies. Circulatory systems are open. The circulating fluid in the body is mostly colorless, sometimes pale green-yellow. Many substances such as attractive or repellent odors, wax, poison, silk, fat, saliva, blood thinners are secreted from the glands in their bodies. Their senses and nervous systems are well developed for hunting or protecting them from predators. They are multicolored, some even have the ability to extract light.

They proliferate with eggs and in some groups are examples of colonial social life.

Insect stings are quite common in 56.6% and 94.5% of the population and most of them are uneventful. However, sometimes our body responds excessively and abnormally to these bites and stings. This response is defined as insect allergy. Allergic responses are typically caused by the stings of bees and ants or the bites of mosquitoes, fleas and ticks. When bees and ants sting, they give their victims venom called venom, while fleas, ticks or mosquitoes infect an anticoagulant called anticoagulant. In contrast, cockroaches can initiate significant reactions, especially in asthmatic patients, if body parts are contaminated with household dust and escape the airway.
1. Non-Allergic Reactions:

Insect stings or bites often result in simple local reactions such as pain, itching, swelling and redness. If these reactions are small, there is no need to do anything. If itching and burning are present, it is often sufficient to clean, disinfect, and apply ice to the wound. If itching is severe, it may be necessary to take an oral antiallergic pill and apply a cortisone pomade on the wound. Applying ammonia to the wound is of no use or harm.

Extensive local reactions usually occur in one of ten bites. In these reactions, the swelling can last from 48 hours to a week. Often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Sometimes it is infected and may require antibiotics. Large local reactions can sometimes block the airway and cause death in places such as the face and neck. Refik Halit Karay, one of the famous story and novel writers of the republican era, can be seen in the story titled “Testi alan in the story book“ Gurbet Hikayeleri “. In this story; Omar, a young driver, takes three bedouins to drive to his car in the evening. One of them cannot breathe. When Omar wonders and asks; he learns that, for fear of illness, he drank water from the jug, like other Lebanese people, and that he was stung by a bee from his jug while drinking water. It is reached, but unfortunately the doctor died a few hours ago. It is not known whether the doctor would survive if he was reached while he was alive, but the story ended with his death.
2. Allergic Reactions:

Suddenly increasing systemic response after insect bites can sometimes cause serious life-threatening conditions. This most serious reaction to insect sting is called anaphylaxis. Bee stings are particularly important, although anaphylactic reactions to sensitive individuals often result in death, although this is very common in the community. In general, the incidence of anaphylaxis as a result of insect stings varies between 0.3 and 3 percent in the community. In the US, approximately 50 out of 500 patients who die of anaphylaxis for various reasons each year are reported to be due to bee allergy. It is possible to include wasps, wasps, honeybees and feathered bees.

Honey bees and hairy bees are benign but they are stung when provoked. These stings cost the lives of bees. The exception is the African honeybee community in America and Africa, which collectively exhibits an aggressive attitude. Wasps nest close to the ground and decaying tree trunks. Foods fly around trash cans at picnic places. They can sting a few times. Hornets nest on the wall eaves. Bumblebees and wasps are attracted by fragrant foods and other scents. They are more aggressive and can insert more than one at a time. After inserting, they continue their lives. In this group, it is appropriate to mention an insect that is not in our country, but who should pay attention to those traveling to America. This insect is called the fire ant. This insect can react to any person. Itching in an hour. There's a little bump in four hours. Within 24 hours a white pus formed in this burning and itchy puff. These formations explode within 72 hours, usually within a few days the symptoms resolve spontaneously. Redness, pain, swelling and increase in temperature are signs of infection and require antibiotics. However, complaints such as itching and swelling suddenly cover the whole body, suggesting anaphylaxis. The patient may get worse and die within minutes.

BÖCEK ALERJİLERİ When the insect stings, the victim receives a venom called venom. This protein compound is a weapon normally used by the insect to kill or paralyz other insects. Insect stings may cause allergic reactions due to venom.

When the bee venom protein passes into the blood, it stimulates red blood cells, the element of the immune system, as a result of which an antibody called IgE, which should not normally be secreted against this substance, is secreted. This antibody is distributed throughout the body through the bloodstream and adheres to the cells of the immune system. In the second or subsequent exposures with this allergen, the antibodies immediately recognize the protein in the venom and react very violently. During this reaction, thousands of hormone-like substances secreted from the immune system cause an allergic inflammation of the organ where the allergen is acting and cause symptoms of the disease. From these organs; sneezing in the nose, discharge, itching, watery eyes, wheezing in the lungs, shortness of breath, chest tightness and difficulty breathing, itchy redness, swelling and swelling in areas outside the insect insertion in the skin, abdominal pain in the intestine, diarrhea, vomiting and bowel There may be many symptoms such as hoarseness, swelling of the tongue, dizziness or sudden drop in blood pressure, loss of consciousness or cardiac arrest.

For an allergic reaction to occur, insects do not necessarily have to bite or bite. In traditional Chinese alternative medicine, similar allergic reactions occur with the application of various insect extracts to the eye or skin. Treatments such as apiotherapy (treatment using honeybee products) in allergic persons may cause anaphylactic reactions resulting in death.

Anaphylaxis due to bee stings is more common in men under 20 years of age. Generally, none of the victims have health problems. In rural areas, especially in the summer, it is the cause of bee allergy in a significant proportion of people who were previously healthy and suddenly found dead. Within the first half an hour after the bee sting, a table resembling anaphylaxis for other causes occurs. It is reported that 60% of survivors may develop anaphylaxis at later stings, but this rate is less common in children. Treatment of anaphylaxis due to bee stings is no different from anaphylaxis caused by other causes.

Toxic reactions: Anaphylaxis-like reactions that occur as a result of excessive poisoning due to multiple insect stings at the same time.

Rare reactions: In some cases, days and weeks after insect stings, disease conditions involving various organs, called vasculitis, nephritis, neuritis, encephalitis and serum disease, may develop.

The first thing to do after bee sting is to remove the needle. Credit card or blade can be used. Pulling out with fingertips is not an appropriate approach since it can spread the poison further. To remove the swelling, remove the limb, apply some ice. If a finger with a ring is inserted, the ring should be removed quickly, otherwise the finger will swell and the blood of the finger will be disrupted. Painkillers for pain, antiallergic drugs for itching, or cortisone creams should be added to the treatment. In case of dizziness, reach out to the floor and raise the feet. An allergic reaction should be treated first with adrenaline (epinephrine). The person can inject himself or this is done by the doctor. Antihistaminic drugs and cortisone treatment can then be added. Sometimes other treatments such as intravenous fluid and oxygen delivery or breathing apparatus may be necessary. Although the patient's condition improves, he may need to remain in hospital for at least 8 hours under close observation.

Persons who have previously had reactions and who have been proven to be allergic should always be told to carry the adrenaline pen with them and be taught to use it. If signs of anaphylaxis occur, the protective sheath of the device is removed. The black end has the needle of the injector and the gray end has the safety cap. First, the safety cover is removed, then the black end thigh 1/3 upper side, the trousers burn line and the front stitch line between the target, pressed. In the meantime, the needle will be opened automatically and drug release will begin. In this case, the injector should be held pressed for 10 seconds. Post needle is pulled. It is seen that the needle is opened and the drug is discharged. A single dose of adrenaline may be insufficient in treatment, so it is advisable to consult a medical center immediately after sting. In addition to adrenaline, antihistaminic medication should be recommended for the treatment of allergic symptoms.
Some preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of bee stings

Hats, gloves, socks, trousers and shoes should be worn when dealing with gardening.
Open-mouthed trash cans and exposed foods should be avoided at picnic places and these should be kept in healthy hygienic conditions.
A place to hide should be found as soon as possible when the slots are broken. Running zigzags can be useful.
In summer, market shopping should not be done and should not be wander in the garden.
Do not eat or eat fruit in open places, and do not drink fragrant fruit juice and soda.
No picnic,
Perfume, deodorant, cologne should not be applied, fragrant soap, shampoo should not be used.
Bright colored, floral dresses should not be worn.
Flowers should not be collected and flowers should not be installed.
When going on holiday, it should be investigated whether there are beehives around.
The wasp should not be killed in the vicinity of the hive, the scents released from this bee will attract other bees.
Do not walk barefoot, if possible, long-sleeved and long-sleeved clothes should be worn outside and brown clothes should be preferred. Bees don't like brown.
Being sweaty is attractive to all insects, care must be taken not to sweat in risky areas.
Wasp is aggressive, honey bee is calm; however, caution should be exercised in hot weather as both will be aggressive.

Care for vaccination!

Allergic reactions to bee stings can be prevented by vaccine therapy (venom immunotherapy). This treatment is 97% effective in preventing future allergic reactions. Increasing amounts of bee venom to which the patient is susceptible are given to the patient, thereby stimulating the immune system to become resistant to a possible allergic reaction in the future. In this way, people who previously lived under the fear of serious reactions may return to their normal lives. Many people are not allergic to bee stings. The difference between an allergic reaction and a normal or broad local reaction should be well known. Patients who identify such allergic reactions should be referred to the allergy specialist for skin tests and specific tests in the blood for diagnosis. In order for the vaccine to be safe and successful, decision-making, planning and maintenance of vaccine treatment must be carried out by an Allergy Disease Specialist trained in this subject. Thus, unnecessary worries and medical expenses can be avoided. Although bee allergy is a serious problem, the fear and risk of recurrence can often be minimized by vaccination. Since severe reactions of vital importance may be encountered, injections should be performed under the supervision of a physician in a health facility with an emergency unit and be supervised by waiting for half an hour at the place of application. Vaccination is not administered during exacerbations of allergic disease, severe fever, excessive fatigue and exhaustion. On the days of the vaccination, it may be dangerous for patients to take a hot bath or have excessive physical activity.

In case of increased complaints such as itching, swelling and pain in the insertion area, infection is considered and a doctor is consulted.
The person who is followed up with insect allergy and who uses the adrenaline autoinjector in the hands after insertion should apply to the hospital emergency department.
Itching and redness in the body after insect bites, shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing, dizziness and fainting suggest anaphylaxis. The emergency department of the hospital should be consulted immediately. (No special vehicle should be used on the way to the hospital. If there is no one to take you, you should call 911 for transport.

As a result, reactions after insect bites vary. Allergic reactions do not occur in most insect stings. Rarely, anaphylactic reactions can be serious and fatal. In case of allergy it is essential to avoid the cause and post-sting treatment. Adrenaline-containing automatic injectors are the most important treatment option for anaphylactic reactions. Vaccine treatment has high efficacy in preventing future reactions.

Equate Chigger Bite Relief Ointment, 1.75 fl oz, Compare to Chiggerex