Friday, August 16, 2019

Mite-B-Gone 10% Sulfur Cream Relief from Mites, Insect Bites, Acne, Fungus

Natural, Preventive and Therapeutic in Fly and Insect Bites

Mite-B-Gone 10% Sulfur Cream Relief from Mites, Insect Bites, Acne, Fungus

Summer season fly, insect period. It's normal to meet them everywhere. We can take preventive measures not to bite us, or we can apply natural treatment methods if they bite us. Please avoid spraying because it can harm not only flies and insects, but also all living things and humans in nature.

Especially in the summer, it is like a nightmare for many of us. Especially if we have a body that reacts against flies and insect stings.

Şaduman Karaca wrote for the 12th issue of the Wheat Ecological Living Guide.

When and where a fly or a bee will bite us is unclear. The bitten or stung area may hurt for a short time and may itch for a long time. Some people give us serious distress, even inflammation for weeks does not know to pass. Ointments containing cortisone can of course be applied immediately, but is this really necessary? In fact, it is rarely necessary to resort to this route, instead we can do first aid ourselves in case of insect-fly stings with the help of ancient information in our homes. However, in the case of scorpions, snakes, and stings, the following precautions are absolutely insufficient, please contact a full-fledged health institution.

The female flies bite us during incubation. At the point they are injected, they inject a liquid that prevents the blood from clotting so that the blood flow continues at the inserted point. But this numbing process has another benefit to the fly; we cannot perceive the bite, which in the meantime saves time to absorb the necessary blood. If we find out, we stick a spanking fly on it, and the fly dies, or it's faster than us, and it flies away. In both cases, what remains is a swelling and redness of the bitten area. This swelling, redness and itching behind it, the tissue injected by the fly in the fluid tissue hormone histamine is our body's response. Some people react to this hormone mildly, while others may not be affected at all. Scratching this area makes the situation worse, because there are nerves in the same place and they become irritated in case of scratching. In the meantime, if the itch catches the infected area, inflammatory processes may also occur.

In this article you will find some of the methods used both in Anatolia and around the world, but first of all, I suggest that you pay attention to these three points. Every person reacts very differently in insect-fly stings, so go to the nearest medical center immediately, especially in case of excessive swelling, inability to breathe, blood pressure and heart-related symptoms.

Put ice immediately into the stings in the mouth, throat and lip areas and make sure the ice. It can also be dangerous, as soon as you go to the nearest health center.

In young children, insect stings can lead to blood poisoning. If the insect insertion area is swollen after itching, please take the child to a hospital immediately.

What we can do in Insect Stings

1. Immediately place ice on the insect insertion area or apply cold compresses or keep the insertion area in running cold water.

2. If the bee or wasps stings, carefully remove the bee's needle.

3. Squeeze the water of the cabbage leaf, pour this water in plenty of plaster. This prevents the dispersion of the poison, especially in the stings of bees and wasps.

4. If the insect sting is extremely itchy, you can do the following: Dried onion juice or onion is cut transversely and pressed directly onto the dotted point. Add salt to the vinegar and compress the area with a cotton swab. Freshly squeezed lemon juice is also good for pain. Crush the yeast and fresh basil leaves dissolved in water and press on.

5. Apply a drop of superheated wax to prevent inflammation in the inserted area.

6. Put a teaspoon of clay soil into a bowl and mix with water to bring it to a mash consistency, and mix three drops of etheric mint oil and plaster the area.

7. Finely chop the fresh parsley, put in a clean cotton cloth and wrap the inserted area.

8. Please do not scratch the itchy area, instead moisten it repeatedly with your own saliva.

9. The bee sting place is wetted. The ideal is that the person stung with his own saliva. Pour powdered sugar on it, take sugar poison.

10. In the event of an insect sting in nature, chew a edged grass (scarce) leaf and put it on the stung place when it becomes mush. Itching and inflammation are prevented. Two types of narrow or broad-leaved weed can be used.

11. If insect bites soak your spit with saliva and pour salt on it, you will prevent the formation of a wound.

12. A dressing prepared from cold stored curd cheese prevents swelling and itching after insect introduction.

13. Redness after insect sting is good for vinegar compresses and grated raw potato wraps.

14. If you crush the leaves of lemon balm in the insect area, it gives both refreshment and possible inflammation.

Preventive Measures from Insect Stings

If you prefer white, green or cream colored clothes in summer, insects leave you alone. Slim, but it is useful to wear clothes that cover the arms and legs. If you apply cloves or lavender oil to your face, hands and arms, you will prevent flies and insects from approaching you. Mix 5 drops of essential clove or lavender oil in 500 ml of high quality olive oil and feed this oil to your open areas as you massage. The smell of alcohol also does not like flies and insects, you can rub it on the body. Crush the leaves of the hyacinths first in the palm of your hand, rub your arms and legs with these leaves. The smell of the hyacinth does not like most flies.

Mite-B-Gone 10% Sulfur Cream Relief from Mites, Insect Bites, Acne, Fungus