Wednesday, August 21, 2019

365 Everyday Value, Baking Soda, 16 oz

Household Cleaning Methods

365 Everyday Value, Baking Soda, 16 oz

Kitchen and House Cleaning is not so much fun. But; it must be done, with simple methods, we can finally capture a pleasing, clean and good-looking environment.

When we take care of our homes we all know the obvious things; If the garbage is full, we take it out immediately, if milk is spilled we will delete it. But for many of us, in some areas of the home, we lack a sense of what to do and how to do it. In fact, neglect of these areas can lead to serious health problems and cost us dearly. We have put all the questions in this paper and you can be sure that you make your house well-maintained, if followed.

Cleaning and Maintenance Time for Important Parts of Our Home

Kitchen Cabinets (Exterior) [Weekly] Wipe with degreaser cleaning product. Especially close to the cooking zone.

Cabinets collect dirt. Germs and splashed oils during cooking.
Trash Cans [Weekly] Ice cubes pour frozen lemon juice or frozen vinegar and wait for a while.

Plastic containers are enormous germ nests.
Toilets [Weekly] Use a little bleach and a toilet brush to clean the inside. Use an antibacterial disinfectant on the exterior and floor.

Obviously, the toilets harbor a lot of bacteria.
Bathtub [Weekly] Pay particular attention to enamel surfaces that may be damaged by some cleaning products.

Bathtubs easily collect bacteria, contaminated with hard water and human oils and lose color.
Curtains [Every Two Weeks] The dust of the curtains is lightly drawn with the electric broom brush attachment. Machine wash or steam may be applied depending on the curtain material and cleaning instructions. If it is washed, it will be replaced by dryness.

Curtains collect odor and dirt. Dust off with a vacuum cleaner.
Furniture [Every two weeks] Remove dust with a fine tip. Remove the covers of the pillows. Sweep under the furniture.

Dust increases rapidly on furniture, important for families with allergies and / or pets.
Light Buttons and Door Stoppers [Every Two Weeks ] Wipe with the Home Cleaning cloth.

Dirty from daily use.
Pet Beds [Every 2 Weeks ] First wash with electric drive, then washable parts separately from clothing.

The bed collects hair, dandruff and dirt.
Bath Mat [Every 2 Weeks ] Wash with hot water in the washing machine.

Easily develops mildew. Especially when the floor is damp. It also holds dirt and germs.
Vacuum Cleaner [Monthly] Replace the bags, clean the filters and wash the boxes.

Regular cleaning increases the efficiency of your broom.
Bedspreads and Pillow Cases [Monthly] Most machine washable, but check their labels.

House cleaning, useful for allergy sufferers, protects against dust mites living on pillows, duvets and mattresses.
Water Softener Filter [Monthly] Check the salt level and fill if necessary.

If you prevent the salt from being filled. The softener does not work and you will see hard water stains.
Dishwasher [Monthly] Remove, soak and clean the filter. At the same time, scrub vigorously with vinegar, then let the machine stand overnight before rubbing with baking powder before restarting.

Dirt, food and oil all accumulate in the dishwasher over time. This causes odors and prevents effective cleaning of dishes.
Child's Play [Monthly] Some plush toys can be washed in the washing machine. On the delicate show.

Toys collect germs quickly and are handled primarily by children with vulnerable immune systems.
Shower Walls [Monthly] Wash the shower walls with warm water and an anti-mildew, antibacterial spray.

It provides protection against discoloration, hard water marks and mold.
Washer-dryer Outside [Every two months] Carefully wipe the area. Clean the back and bottom of the machines, especially near power outlets and the power cord.

Dust and dirt accumulate quickly behind and under the machines, increasing the likelihood of electrical fire.
Inside Trash Can [Every 2 Months] Rinse outdoors or in the bathroom with a hose of warm water and soap.

Garbage cans form bacteria from old food rashes.
Grill [Every 2 Months] Use a grill brush to rub off the residue, then heat with fire and wipe again.

Rashes accumulate on the grill each time, adversely affecting the taste. Proper cleaning is also important for the grill life.
Ceiling Fan [Once every two months] Spray with vinegar into a large plastic container. Then rinse each fan blade in the container to remove dust. Wipe off with a cloth to remove any remaining dust.

Dust and dirt remain on the blades. The fan can spread it around the room. This exacerbates respiratory or allergy problems.
Hood [Seasonal] Remove the filter from the hood and rub it with hot, soapy water from the scrub in the sink. Rinse thoroughly. Do not use the dishwasher.

The filter collects oil and particles while the air circulates during cooking.
Stove Chimney [Seasonal] Use a chimney opener kit to remove soot inside the ventilation chimney. Chimney holes are the number one cause of house fires.
Outside Dustbin [Seasonal] Rinse with soapy water and apply strong water pressure.

A lot of insignificant substances accumulate in garbage bins and thus attract pests and pests.
Refrigerator [Seasonal] Soak drawers and shelves in warm water with dishwashing liquid. For hard stains, clean the inside of the refrigerator with a sponge using oven soda. Do not use disinfectants.

It reduces the chance of food poisoning and accumulates germs and bacteria.
Ground Damage from Flower Pots [Seasonal] Always place a base under the flower pot to avoid changing colors on the floor and to retain water.

Water can damage the floor, and if it does not get into the sun, the flowerpot can create contrast spots from moisture in the seat.
Oven [Seasonal] Run the self-cleaning cycle or apply baking soda and vinegar paste. Wash the oven shelves with soapy water if necessary.

Neglected food spills can cause smoke during cooking.
Pillows and Quilts [Twice a Year] Check the maintenance instructions. It can be washed in most washing machines, manually or in a dry cleaner.

This is especially important for people with allergies.
Bearing Rotation [Twice a Year] Changes by end-to-end rotation (vertical) and side-by-side rotation (horizontal).

It protects the bed from sagging or chronic wear that sleeps in the same position.
Chandeliers [Twice a Year] Turn off the power before disassembling. Carefully clean with a damp cloth or soap and water.

Dust, dirt and sometimes insects can darken the bulbs by 25 percent.
Refrigerator Coils [Twice a Year] Unplug the refrigerator, locate the condenser coils, remove the protective grille, clean the grille and gently wipe the coils and fan.

Cleaning significantly increases the efficiency of the cooling system, saves energy and prevents fraying of the refrigerator.
Back of the Fridge and Six [Twice a Year] With a vacuum cleaner, wipe the wall behind the refrigerator, the back and sides of the refrigerator, and the bottom floor.

Protects against dust squeezing onto coils and dust under the refrigerator can mix with moisture and cause problems on the floor.
Rain Gutters [Twice a Year] Carefully remove leaves from gutters - leaves, dirt, etc.

Clogged gutters prevent water from being effectively channeled, and accumulated water can escape.
Shower Head [Twice a Year] Remove the shower head and soak in vinegar.

Accumulation at the beginning of the shower causes poor water pressure.
Furniture and Carpets (Sunlight exposure) [Yearly] Rotate and rearrange furniture. Also, when possible, close the shutters during the day.

If your furniture has lightened with the sun, you can sync it on the other side.
Carpet Cleaning [Yearly] Rent or buy a carpet washer first, then vacuum, and follow the instructions carefully.

Carpets keep dust and dirt. Therefore, deep cleaning is sometimes important. Washing carpets is more important in families with allergies and / or pets.
Air Conditioning Maintenance [Yearly] Clean the prefilter and surrounding area.

Heating reduces the bill when cooling.
Chimney Cleaning [Yearly] Have someone who understands work.

Chimneys prevent fires in the house and the circulation of smoke if not properly maintained.
Water Heater Wash [Yearly] Turn off the machine and the cold water supply, turn on the hot water tap. Use a hose or bucket to drain the water. Repeat until water comes out without residue.
Window Glasses [ Annually ] Wipe both sides with a lint-free cloth or use a hose and brush if dirt occurs.

Improves air flow on the screen by minimizing respiratory problems caused by dust accumulation. It also looks cleaner and clearer.
Washing Machine [Yearly] Operate the machine with hot water and bleach. Clean the detergent compartments by hand.

The inside of the washing machine may be stained or worn.

365 Everyday Value, Baking Soda, 16 oz