Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda, 55 oz (Pack of 2)

Refrigerator cleaning tips

Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda, 55 oz (Pack of 2)

It is possible to clean our refrigerators which we use constantly in our daily life and get dirty very quickly, paying attention to some tricks.

The hygienic of the refrigerators, which is one of the fixtures of our kitchens, is a very important issue for our health. It is not only about the presence of bad odors or stains on the shelves, but even the very clean fridges, which appear to be soiled over a period of one month, need to be periodically cleaned for food durability and health.


Although there is no direct contact with the power supply, the refrigerator must be unplugged or the power switch turned off for safety reasons. All removable materials of the refrigerator; shelves, boxes and other parts must be emptied.

The removed refrigerator should be washed with warm water and liquid detergent using a sponge or soft cloth to prevent scratches and left to dry. If the refrigerator shelves or other materials are glass and ceramic, they should be allowed to come to room temperature for a while before washing with warm water to prevent cracking or breakage.

When cleaning the refrigerator, especially when cleaning the interior, heavy chemical cleaners must be avoided. Instead of heavy chemicals, 2 tablespoons baking soda and half a bucket of hot water or 1 part apple cider vinegar 3 parts of hot water (1 to 3 ratio) to be prepared with one of the mixtures to choose a much more healthy results.

The inside and the lid of the refrigerator should be wiped from top to bottom with a soft cloth dipped in the prepared mixture. Care should be taken against any abrasion and collapse that may occur in the refrigerator during cleaning.

The inside and the lid of the refrigerator should be thoroughly dried with a clean cloth. If there is a need for cleaning, the same procedure should be repeated for the freezer.
Materials to be placed in the refrigerator must be completely dry. If it is wet, dry the material with a soft, dry cloth and place it in the refrigerator.

The refrigerator lid should be wiped with warm, clear water. If more hygienic cleaning is required, a small amount of vinegar can be used in half a glass of water.

The outer surface should be cleaned with warm, clear water and a mild dishwashing detergent if necessary and thoroughly dried. If the refrigerator door is to be shiny, vinegar or glass cleaners can be used to shine.


Food to be placed in the refrigerator should be covered with stretch foil, and a refrigerator bag should be used for fruits and vegetables. In particular, food items such as eggs must be stored in the box as they can produce bacteria easily. Jars and similar things to be placed in the refrigerator should be wiped dry with warm water and stored in the refrigerator in this way.


1. Using dishwashing gloves when washing and installing refrigerator shelves will be a safer measure in case the shelves break away from the hand.

2. A squeezing white toothpaste can be used for stubborn stains inside the refrigerator. Another solution to soften stubborn stains is to soak the warm water mixture with baking soda into the cloth and leave it on the stain for a few minutes.

3. Separate cloths should be used for wiping, washing and drying the inside and outside of the refrigerator in refrigerator parts to ensure true hygiene.

4. Cleaning after refrigerator; a teaspoon of tea tree oil, mixed with a glass of water is removed by mixing and cleaning of the remaining mold has a preventive feature.

5. After cleaning, putting baking soda in a container behind the refrigerator is effective in removing bad odors. Again, putting freshly ground coffee in a bowl and storing it in the refrigerator has the same effect.

Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda, 55 oz (Pack of 2)