Friday, August 16, 2019

After Bite Itch Eraser (Pen) 14 ml ( Pack of 2)

Which Insect Stings, What Treatment?

After Bite Itch Eraser (Pen) 14 ml ( Pack of 2)

We have shared with you the first interventions we need to do when our favorite ones or when it comes to our own. Let us examine the importance of first aid in case of bee, mosquito, tick, snake, mouse, flea, scorpion, spider or insect bite and sting.

BEE STOCKS: Do not panic after bee sting and squeeze the bee with your hand! If you squeeze the bee venom pouch, it will cause more bee venom to be shipped to the sting area. The effective treatment method is ammonia. Putting ice on it or washing with cold water, Yogurt is one of the effective methods, One clove is one of the natural treatment methods that will work in garlic, Garlic and crush our region thoroughly. Check whether the bee's sting is still on your skin, and make sure there are no small blackheads in the area where the bee bites. Generally, honey bees' needles remain on the skins of the victims, and within 2-3 minutes they completely drain the poison into the skin, removing the needle quickly from the skin may slightly reduce the severity of bee stings.

MOSQUITOUS STUFF: Mosquitoes inject a drug into our skin so we don't feel pain. This injected substance makes allergies to our skin over time and the natural result of allergy is itching. The amount of blood absorbed by the mosquito also increases or decreases the severity of itching. If the fly has sucked a lot of blood from your body and separated by itself, itching is less. If you hit and kill the creature with your hand, itching is severe. The reason for this is that the fly sucks back its saliva. So if you kill the fly, it will not absorb the saliva that it left alive and the itching will become worse. The best natural method of passing mosquito bites is salt. After the itching of the bitten area vigorously, if you drip some water and add salt on it and wait until it dries, you will see the bite itching immediately. This is because salt absorbs the itchy chemicals in your skin. What makes this possible is the difference in density of salt.

MOUSE BIT: Rabies, typhoid, typhus, plague diseases such as active role in the spread of these rodents often bite the arms and legs. Wash the area where the mouse has bitten with plenty of water, put a clean dressing on it and wrap it.

Tick ​​bites: After going out in rural areas, the body should be strictly checked to ensure that there is no tick, the whole life of parasites as a blood-sucking living ticks are usually small sizes of people unnoticed and stick to people, Tick bite should go to a health care institution immediately specialist should be removed by. If you want to kill and remove the tick by methods such as smoking or gas pouring, you can cause the tick to vomit into your skin. If so, it will cause you to become infected. The tick removed in the health institution is examined under the microscope and it is understood whether there is any part left at the place of removal. After the tick is removed, the person is kept under observation to see if there is any sign of disease.

Snake Splash: First of all, after snake bite, time is a very important criterion, the intervention should be done as soon as possible. The bitten area should be kept below the level of the heart. Trying to keep this area as still as possible in order to slow the circulation is the first rule that allows the patient to save time until he is brought to the health institution. Sucking off the bite will also help to remove some of the poison, but trying it out by people who don't know exactly how to do it will endanger the lives of those trying to help.

Fleas bite : If you have been exposed to a flea bite and you have not done anything, these bites will eventually become worse, because itching will result in irritation of the skin. One of the basic measures that can be taken to reduce the effects of flea bites is that the area where flea bites are not scratched. Doing so will become very difficult after a while, if you scratch the fleas areas, there may be bacterial infection entering the bloodstream through wounds and scratches. To prevent excessive itching in the area of ​​flea bites, if you place cold water or ice in that area, you can relieve the symptoms to some extent. You can also avoid swelling and irritation. One of the most effective remedies for the treatment of flea bites at home will be calamine lotion. It has a soothing, calming and relieving itchiness against flea bites. Therefore, it helps to eliminate the symptoms directly.

SCORPION SUCTION: The top and bottom of the inserted place by applying a tourniquet to prevent the spread of poison into the blood and lymph, cold water or ice is applied to the wounded area. Locally permanganate or ammonia is applied. Place the ice bag wrapped in towel over the inserted place. In case of contact with eyes, plenty of water or milk, etc. should be washed with a liquid such as. Inserted knife etc. splitting, cutting, sucking, applying various ointments should not be used. Cardiac and respiratory functions should be monitored. Patients with systemic symptoms, especially children and the elderly, should be kept under observation for 24-48 hours.

SPIDER BIT: The area where the spider bite should be washed first with hot water and soap. This will help prevent secondary infections. An antiseptic ointment should also be applied after washing the area to prevent infectious diseases. Helps reduce swelling caused by cold compress spider bites. Compress the affected area with ice cubes wrapped in towel or a clean towel dipped in cold water. In addition, grated potatoes can be applied to the area after being kept in the refrigerator a little. It will calm the skin while reducing pain.

INSECT BITES: Among the most preferred natural treatment methods against insect bites is adding salt to the vinegar and applying it to the place where the insect stings.

In case of poisoning due to an insect or insect bite, we need support for the management of these cases. Therefore, the National Poison Information Center (UZEM) has been established to serve us in this sense. Nowadays authorized to "National" one center uzem No. 114 on Turkey's call center provides medical support by phone from all over the 7/24 response. As Anka Pest Control, we undertake your problems and responsibilities in the fight against walking, flying pests and rodents in your home, workplace, all living and usage areas.

After Bite Itch Eraser (Pen) 14 ml ( Pack of 2)