Friday, August 16, 2019

Anthisan Bite & Sting Cream 20G

How to remove a tumor from a child's bite. Bite under the eye: what to do, how to remove the swelling

Anthisan Bite & Sting Cream 20G

In the summer, when people often try to enter nature, a country house, a river, a forest, insects attack themselves, trying to disrupt their rest. One of the most vulnerable places is the legs, because the legs and ankles are often free of clothing; these are the things that attract the middle, mosquitoes, ticks, wasps, bees, bedbugs, fire ants, gaffes.

Insects feed on blood by injecting saliva into the wound, then the person begins to feel the first symptoms:
Inflammation develops in the bite area of ​​the skin, resulting in redness and swelling.
The reaction to an insect bite may be different. Allergy bites are particularly poorly tolerated. What to do if a leg swollen after an insect bite?

Insect bites - how to remove swelling?
The most annoying are horse beetles - large flies with sharp "stilettos" in their hoses. After the bite of this insect, it is recommended to wash the affected area with water, soap and water to treat the affected site with hydrogen peroxide or bright green iodine. Try not to draw. If you have a banana or dandelion flower at hand, you can add them to the inflamed place, ordinary onions help perfectly. Itching, swelling did not disappear, and even worse - fever, nausea, vomiting - there was an urgent need to consult a doctor.
Unlike males, mosquito females feed on human blood and warm-blooded animals. Often, when a mosquito or gadget bites, people feel itching, redness and a slight swelling. To alleviate these symptoms, you can use the following folk remedies:
wash skin with soap;
Make a lotion with soda: for this you need to mix half a teaspoon of water with a teaspoon of soda, attach to the affected area, hold for a while;
make a lotion from table vinegar;
best juice relieve banana, dandelion itching;
sour cream or kefir will also reduce itching;
Relaxes skin, essential oils: lavender, coconut, tea tree;
toothpaste can inhibit the appearance of edema;
basil and aloe: for this you need to crush the leaves and put the bite;
tea bags;

Very sensitive to mosquitoes, bites children's skin. You can use special mosquito bracelets for them. Hypoallergenic, non-toxic. For fumigators, it is better to use special child plates - turn them on for two hours before children enter the building. Cream, milk can protect babies from bites. If the child is still bitten by an insect, it is recommended to apply this site with an ointment with antihistaminic properties.
Very unpleasant insects - midges: small, unnoticeable, enter into eyes, ears, nose, mouth, under clothes. Hydrangeas feed on human blood and warm-blooded animals. Collective fly. The bite of this insect is not felt strongly, but after that a painful swelling is seen. Therefore, if the leg midge bite is swollen, you should first remove this swelling:
perform a cold compression;
wipe the affected area with alcohol;
If you are allergic, drink an antihistamine;
chop the cabbage leaf and stick it to the wound;
banana juice relieves itching;
crush mint leaves - will help remove swelling in the affected area;
lubricate the throat point with tea tree oil;
oats of onions or garlic will help relieve itching and swelling while biting the stomach.

The edema in the leg may last for about three days, as the blood circulation in which the vessels may be affected is disturbed by moderate bites.
A small midge bite can be very swollen, painful and sometimes difficult to walk or step on a person's leg. In addition, the most common allergic reaction is midge saliva. If you have bubbles, fever, nausea, see a doctor immediately.
In general, when walking barefoot or in open shoes, we don't realize how we stepped on a wasp or accidentally pressed it down - the bite bites of this beetle are very painful. In addition, the poisons contain toxins and histamine, which can cause the development of allergies. It is very dangerous to sting a wasp in a person's leg, because wasp venom destroys the walls of blood vessels, which can cause bleeding. Wasp sting can cause drop in blood pressure, rapid breathing and increased blood sugar levels. Mostly, if a wasp stings, it has pain, itching and redness. In the event of an allergic reaction, more dangerous symptoms develop:
rash all over the body;
nausea, fever;
anaphylactic shock.
Especially dangerous is the bites of wasps and wasps.

To help the victim, you can:
suck poison from the wound: can not press because it spreads more;
Apply cold;
make a slurry of raw potatoes and add to the bite;
soda compression;
pickled cucumbers;
ground aloe;
bind to bite can be tomato, garlic, onion, apple, lemon pieces;
lubricate the damaged place with diluted vinegar, orange juice, apple.

In the event of a severe allergic reaction, the victim should be referred to a doctor.
Summer is wonderful, flowering time, a swimming season on the river and only outdoor recreation. Is there a better way to get together with family and friends by the fire by the river? Unfortunately, such a change of condition is often overshadowed by such biplane insects, which often dilute the best impressions of outdoor recreation with bites. In this article, we will focus on prevention and treatment, as well as the fight against middle-aged bites. First, let's see what kind of insect?
In zoology, midges, flies, mosquitoes, midges, gadphites belong to the same class. Hydrangeas differ only in size and poison in their saliva. As a rule, these insects are found near water bodies, in places with high humidity and where the sun's rays do not fall. They are often directed by odor, ie, driven by pungent odors: the smell of sweat, perfume, etc. They rest in the dark, but the light still attracts them and you can get a bite at night. It often carries flocks and attacks. Because of its small size, the midges are almost invisible on the body, easily penetrating under the clothes and bites.

What is dangerous bite midges

In general, the bites of these insects are far from being such, although they seem seemingly harmless. In addition, scientists are still discussing the transfer of various infectious diseases of such insects, but their ideas still agree. People react differently to midge bites, some of which are mild and sometimes come to medical care. It also shows an allergic reaction in the form of redness, redness, edema, and in severe cases abscess occurs.

In medicine, the effects of midge bite are called simulidotoxicosis, which in general we call allergic reactions. Moderately aging bites accompany severe irritation of the skin, ie itching, swelling and inflammation. This is due to the ingestion of various enzymes and hemolytic poison in the saliva of the stomach; These substances divide blood into simple components and contribute to better absorption of nutrients through the medium.

The most common complaint of a bite victim is itching, because skin irritation can cause inflammation, and sometimes even inflamed inflammation, even in the vicinity of the bite. Sometimes runny nose and fever are seen. Swollen lymph nodes and areas, accompanied by pain. Rarely, however, registered cases with the occurrence of tachycardia.
In the summer, the number of visits to a dermatologist with these symptoms increases every year, especially when the affected areas are bitten with inflammation and swelling of the affected areas. Let's look at an example of a bite on the leg or arm.

What to do if the leg or hand swells from a midge bite
Many believe that midges bites are dangerous only when they bite into the eye area, but this is not so. Even in human limbs, the symptoms and consequences of bites are different. Because our hands are always open, they are the most accessible prey for inconspicuous insects. Even if we remove the pruritus, the possibility of infection in the wounds is very high. Therefore, be very careful while on holiday, apply bites immediately antiseptic preparations.
For example, with bites on the lower extremities, especially in the foot or ankle region, the edema lasts much longer and sometimes the edema lasts for a week or two. This disrupts blood flow and causes discomfort, a constant pulse feeling in the bite area, resulting in vascular diseases and a drop in blood pressure. However, unfortunately, we do not pay much attention to this issue.

we believe that there is nothing serious in such bites, but as they say, “pre-stimulated”.
First of all, the bite should be treated with alcohol solution or hydrogen peroxide, disinfecting the wound, relieving itching and relieving inflammation.

To reduce inflammation and swelling, you can use cold water or ice by applying a soft tissue to the affected area.
It is necessary to avoid scratching the bite area, otherwise there is a possibility of infection within the wound which will increase the healing time and treatment in general may be delayed.
If you have an allergic reaction (redness or redness in other skin areas that occur), you should take antiallergic medicines or in the absence of 100 grams of alcoholic beverages.

You can use various healing ointments. The compositions contain anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory agents.

What to do when midge bites the eye area
Sometimes it happens when you walk in the park or by the river, and suddenly you notice that a midge stands out. I think very few people didn't feel it. Eyes start to itch crazy, tears flow, blinking hurts. If the average doesn't have time to bite, it appears with a tear, and if bitten, then everything
it depends on the individual's sensitivity and immunity, because organisms are different for everyone and the reaction is different, respectively. The mite bite in the eye is far from harmless because it can easily be mistaken with an ant at first, but after a while the pain does not diminish, but it causes more discomfort, the eyelids begin to swell, itching occurs, the cornea of ​​the eye becomes red and the veins become red.

In this case, first aid will help to provide such funds:
As in the first case, you can use cold, but gently binds to the affected area from a soft tissue.
Tooth paste. Yeah! It is a toothpaste because it contains menthol and disinfectant components. Pasta, in turn, cools well and helps remove edema, accelerates healing.
For example, you can use a variety of compresses on a soda basis: 1 teaspoon to 1 cup of water. Do not use more than 3-4 times a day.
If necessary, take medications and antiallergic drugs, then contact a specialist. After all, you shouldn't joke with your opinion, so it's better to ask a specialist for help and make mistakes.

Home remedies bite folk remedies
Today, great progress has been made in the field of pharmacy, but despite this, people are still using time-tested folk remedies in treatment. Especially in the treatment of midge bites. After all, people sometimes believe that such insect bites are not always worthy of expert attention, and sometimes we are often visited by laziness to see a doctor.

Sometimes these bugs surprise us, and we don't need to go to the doctor or the doctor.
opportunities, so we resort to increasingly popular methods. In fact, thanks to such folk remedies, we were given the opportunity to save both time and money.

Here are the most popular and proven ways to treat bites:

What to do after a midge bite
In general, the main thing for any damage to human skin or any other disease is not to overdo it with treatment, otherwise you may get a negative result instead of expected. So, after a bite, let's find out what to do and what to use.

Allergic reaction in children
Very often, children are bitten by nature and other insects, not only in nature, but also when walking or sleeping at home; this causes allergic reactions such as itching, swelling, hematoma and, in rare cases, suffocation. A child bitten by insects cannot sleep, because itching disrupts sleep, the child begins to cry.
Many parents, who do not understand the cause of the child's anxiety, calm down or give painkillers. Before feeding your child with medications, you should find the causes of poor sleep and baby anxiety. To do this, carefully examine the baby's skin and make sure that there are no redness, swelling and redness. These are the first signs of midge or other insect bites.

To avoid insect bites in children, you should remember basic protection methods.
To protect the baby from hydrangeas, the use of mosquito nets on the windows and wheelchairs is necessary for the purchase of special children's aerosols with open parts of the body where the market is saturated for all ages.
If you can't go to a pharmacy or a store, always have a bag of vanillin that will change your medicine for stomachs when mixed with baby cream, without allergic reactions in a child, without allergic reactions in children, to prevent the middle age and mosquitoes from tolerating the smell of vanilla. He'il scare them and won't let your baby.
You can also take clove oil and place it in an ordinary incandescent lamp or pour it into an aroma lamp. The smell of clove oil and eucalyptus oil, these little "terrorists" also can not stand. All these tools are very effective and totally safe for children.

How do we protect against black flies?
If you still decide to relax in nature or don't want to wait for summer with eerie little bloodsucking thoughts, try to protect yourself and your loved ones from middle-age bites and their consequences. A thoughtful walk in time will protect you and your children. If possible, cover the body with a light garment, increasing the likelihood of attacking dark clothing.

Use repellents suitable for yourself and your loved ones in open areas of the body. Keep in mind that folk remedies reduce swelling, itching, burning, but do not eliminate pathogens that need to be treated with antiseptic agents. The faster antiallergic measures are taken, the less the results of midges bites.
And finally, once again we remember that the bites of midges are not fatal, but they not only cause discomfort during rest, but also many unpleasant procedures for their treatment and prevention. Hopefully, this information will help you find the answers to your questions.
The bloodsucking mosquito secretes saliva with special enzymes during a bite before drinking a drop of blood from a human. These substances do not allow blood to clot in the first minutes, have a short analgesic effect and, most importantly, in those susceptible to this, allergic reactions can trigger the cascade.
If a child or an adult has edema within the first few minutes after a mosquito bite, this indicates a normal reaction. But if the tumor grows, itches badly and does not disappear, then this is an indication of allergy to a mosquito bite along with local symptoms.
Mosquito bites are more disturbing if swollen by a child. In this case, panic is not always worth it. Severe swelling, swelling and intense itching are believed to occur in almost all children under 5 years of age. This is due to thin and sensitive skin and accelerated metabolism.

Usually, a child's tumor lasts throughout the day and disappears almost completely the next day. Often, if the bite falls near the eye and the eyelid, a large swelling and swelling will reach. However, after a bite on the skin, some children may appear on skin changes and the general symptoms of the allergic reaction may occur:
The spread of the edema is more than 10-15 cm.
Increased bite, increased hyperemia of the bite.
Local and total body temperature.
Shivering, severe weakness.
Shortness of breath.

When correcting these signs in a child, parents should be aware that this is a serious allergy to a mosquito bite. With such symptoms, external therapy should be combined with drug use for oral administration. If your child has shortness of breath, heart palpitations, severe drowsiness and drowsiness after swelling on the face of a mosquito bite, you should seek immediate help. Fortunately, such a response to mosquitoes is extremely rare, but it can be a wasp after being bitten by a bee.
You can deal with the local swelling after mosquito bites on your own using traditional methods, pharmaceutical preparations. When choosing a way to eliminate the effects of mosquitoes on your child's skin, be sure to consider the age and response to various medications.

Things to do after mosquito bites
In most cases, a possible tumor can be prevented by reaction to mosquito bites by appropriate manipulations. If you don't want a mosquito bite to swell for you or your child, just after your skin gets injured by insects, a few things need to be done:
Wash the bite with cold water and, if possible, apply ice in gauze for 15-20 minutes with soap. These activities remove dirt from the skin and prevent the development of an inflammatory response.
After the ice is compacted, the wound site is treated in a variety of ways, based on aseptic solutions, plant waters and folk recipes.
The procedure should be performed several times a day, especially if the bite on the skin becomes very swollen, itchy and does not pass during the first hours.
It should be explained to the child that the wound cannot be screened because this will lead to infection and long treatment. With multiple bites, you can take a hot shower or bath several times a day.

Suprastin - one of the popular antihistaminic drugs
When developing against the background of a bite, it is necessary to approach the treatment somewhat differently, not only locally but also the general reaction of the body in the form of allergies. The use of external agents is also necessary, but in addition, treatment should also be performed with antihistamines. Oral allergy medication not only relieves skin swelling, but also normalizes overall well-being and prevents intolerance of the reaction at a more severe stage. Drugs such as Suprastin, Tavegil, Diazolin, Claritin, Zyrtec can be given to a child from antihistamines, drops Fenistil is suitable for children under one year. Be sure to follow the dosage of the medication, which usually gives you a few days, but if you see that the swelling doesn't go away after a day or two, you should also see your child at the pediatrician. If an allergic reaction to a mosquito bite occurs with the increase of severe symptoms, the drugs are injected by a medical specialist.
The means used to lubricate mosquito bites to prevent edema can be divided into two groups, pharmaceutical preparations and popular recipes. Usually when you notice a bite in your child's body, you do not have a special medicine in your hand, so treatment is started with improvised methods. The following methods can be used to prevent the development of a pronounced reaction on the skin:
Soda solution. Lubricate the increased swelling with normal soda spoon and this solution to reconstitute with half a glass of water. Soda oatmeal can be made, applied to the bitten area until completely dry.
Alcohol, cologne, alcohol wipes - another way to prevent the development of itching and swelling.
With swelling of the eye, it is good to use the juice of the eyelid, banana, dandelion or cabbage leaves. The leaves of these plants need to be washed, kneaded well and attached to the desired location.
Soothing onions have a soothing effect. If the mosquito bite is inflated, you should hold the lobe for a few minutes. You just need to make sure this place isn't scanned.
Swelling and severe itching of a plant such as Celandine, squeezing fruit juice from the stems, and the wound needs to be processed. Celandine's water also has disinfecting properties, meaning it prevents infection.

Pharmaceutical preparations must have anti-inflammatory, antihistaminic and sedative components. From allergies to skin Fenistil gel helps well, can be used by adults and children. It has no toxic effect on body remedies based on herbal ingredients - Cream Nezulin, Psilo Balsam. Can be used to relieve swelling in children using cyclodem. Hormonal ointment is used for edema when conventional methods do not help and do not use for a long time.
A child should be referred to a doctor with severe allergic reactions repeated to mosquito bites. A possible cause of allergies may be not only susceptibility, but also other disorders in the body. These include helminthic invasions that inhibit the dysfunction of the immune system. If you eliminate these pathologies by taking special medications, allergic reactions will make you less uncomfortable.
A child suffering from mosquito bites should be more protected from the effects of these insects. Special child repellents, folk remedies for mosquitoes, protective clothing will help. You must use a fumigator inside.

When bitten by some insects, not only pain, itching or swelling, but also a danger to health and even human life. In addition, some insects are carriers of bite-induced infections. Therefore, preventive measures and timely treatment will help to avoid serious health problems. To date, producers around the world have been producing large amounts of resources to combat these pests, but unfortunately they do not help to protect themselves completely from bites.
Swelling after an insect bite is the body's reaction to toxins under the skin. When a person is prone to allergic reactions, a bite can trigger the development of angioedema.
The most common symptoms of insect bites are: rapid and inconclusive swelling, itching and redness of the skin. However, in individuals with individual intolerance, toxins can cause an allergic reaction and cause serious harm to health. Therefore, you should consult a specialist immediately if the following symptoms occur:
rash all over the body;
temperature rise;
dizziness and nausea;
shortness of breath;
wide edema at the bite site;
loss of consciousness;
swelling of the mucous membranes;
Pain and weight in the chest area.

Remember, late access to a doctor may cause anaphylactic shock and death!

Which insects to pay attention to?
The first wasps, bees, bees fear. When attacking, they inject under skin venom, which can destroy the cell walls of tissues. In addition, the toxin causes severe inflammation and redness of the skin, up to large tumors.
Mosquitoes, fleas and insects leave a saliva under the skin that contains enzymes that prevent blood from clotting. The result is a slight swelling of the skin and itching. In addition, these insects may be carriers of various diseases.
Ants. When attacking, they also leave poison under their skin, bites causing pain and severe itching. This can cause the human body to appear when scanning the surface of the skin through microtrauma infection.

Insects can be carriers of various pathogens:
mosquitoes are absolute leaders among carriers of infections such as encephalitis, malaria, dengue fever, leishmaniasis;
ticks are capable of passing Lyme disease and encephalitis;
flies cause diseases such as dysentery and cholera, as well as various intestinal infections;
lice can be carriers of microorganisms - rickettsiae, causing diseases such as typhus and recurrent fever;
It can cause flea bites, bubonic plague, salmonella and typhoid infection.

First of all, to remove a small swelling from a bite, you need to take any antihistamine. Then sterilize the wound and if it is very itchy, apply any of the special gels or apply a piece of ice. When attacking bees, the remaining pain before disinfection must be removed from the wound.
The bites of different insects are individual, so the treatment may also be different. The following are ways to alleviate itching, redness and swelling of the skin depending on the type of bite.
Mota. Use dandelion leaves to quickly get rid of swelling on the skin. They were torn or finely cut to do this. The resulting mallet was then spread over a bandage and attached to the wound. You should change the bandage every two hours.
Mosquitoes and gadflies. It removes the swelling after the bite of banana species insects. It needs to be slightly wrinkled to give juice, stick to the wound and stick with adhesive tape. In addition, banana has disinfectant properties.
Hornets, bees and wasps. The first step is to insert it into the left side of the wound. Then sterilize the bite and apply ice. Drink antihistamine and anesthetic if necessary. If you do not have a serious allergic reaction, you can apply a slurry salt and water or dandelion juice to remove the puffiness.

Treatment of edema after insect bite can be done using conventional methods:
Apple cider vinegar To reduce redness and itching, you must dilute the vinegar with water in a ratio of 1: 2, wet a cotton swab and attach it to the wound.
Apply soda solution for the same purpose. Melt a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water, mix and rub the bite areas.
Another effective tool is cabbage and calf. Leaf must be separated from the head of cabbage, all thickening should be cut and put in boiling water for 30 seconds. Then take it, bow it with honey and tie it to the inflamed place. Compression should be left until morning. This treatment helps remove swelling and redness after midge bite.
Aloe juice If the affected area is contaminated with the juice of this plant, an allergic reaction will pass within 15-20 minutes after an insect bite.
When it is unbearable itching helps basil decoction. Take two tablespoons of basil in 0.5 liters of water and boil for five minutes. Then you should cool the water and take half a glass three times a day.

Remember, any home treatment can be done only if you do not have severe allergic reactions to the bite. And also, in the absence of individual intolerance to the components in the above recipes.

Preventive measures
To minimize the risk of bites by various insects, it is worth following a few tips:
Clove oil mixed with cologne in a ratio of 1:10 is used to repel mosquitoes and black flies. Anise oil, garlic and lavender have the same properties.
For the same purpose, you can use different repellents that are on sale too much.
Do not make sudden movements with your hands when meeting insects.
A thorough examination of the body and clothing after a walk will help over time to identify the presence of bites or ticks.
If you are allergic, you should take antihistamines.
It is better to minimize the use of toilet water and give up bright clothes. Both attract insects, especially bees and bees.
Take a walk in nature, relax in the country and even walk through the park can be disrupted by the appearance of seemingly innocent, but actually very dangerous creatures: midges, mosquitoes, wasps, bees. The slightest contact with them can cause slight swelling and in some cases even swelling. Moreover, this is how almost everyone reacts to poison in their body. Therefore, every person should know what danger is present and how to treat insect bites.
Of all the many insects on our planet, they are not all harmless. Many are in great danger, even if humans do not produce poison like bees and wasps:
Insect bite, swelling and redness
Redness, itching, slight swelling - these are signs of damage to your skin by one of the smallest representatives of the fauna. Even a substance falling into your bloodstream from a normal mosquito can cause any part of the hand, face or body that comes into contact with stings.
Bump on the forehead from an ordinary mosquito bite
When it comes to contact with the Hornets and other predators of this family, it leads to an inflammatory process, and certainly leads to every human being.

The bite of a bee or wasp in the eyelid sometimes causes half the face to swell and close the eye
The reason for such a violent response is the immune system's response to the effects of toxins in your blood. As a result, you swell after an insect bite. If this is unimportant, then you can't worry. After a few days, it goes by itself.

Hornet bite: Blood runs to the damaged area, an increase in intracellular fluid volume occurs.
If it is quite something else, when the leg is inflated, you will feel pain when walking and the swelling does not decrease and spreads more. Such a reaction is excessive and can lead to the development of allergies. Therefore, if you have a badly swollen leg after an insect bite, such a manifestation should be handled without delay. And one of the ways - the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. We will discuss more about how to choose them.

To help relieve swelling
The inflammation that occurs after the poison enters the skin is removed with the help of special ointments or gels. Most popular:
It is produced in the form of drops for oral administration and is gel. This drug has an anti-allergic effect, relieves swelling and itching. It is recommended for use as an allergic reaction and in many other cases and can be used in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

This is a topical ointment. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves bloating of the legs, arms or other parts of the body after the bite is inflated. This drug easily penetrates deeply into tissues, causing stimulation of regeneration processes.

Available in two substances: cream or ointment. It is designed to suppress allergic reactions, reduce swelling, reduce itching.

A gel designed for the treatment of allergic skin diseases caused by pain damage.

Treatment with folk remedies
Relieve itching, relief of swelling cannot be used only for pharmacological agents. There are many folk remedies used if the effects of contact with the poison start to occur: the wound becomes inflamed, redness occurs.
What is recommended if insect bites cause swelling and redness? If the leg or hand is swollen, you can add aloe leaves, oatmeal with parsley leaves, or apply banana juice and daffodil tincture to inflamed areas.
However, you should not rely on the greater effectiveness of such funds. With a small swelling, in principle, treatment is not necessary. However, folk remedies do not help here if you start a violent reaction with poison.
Step-by-step instructions on how to treat a bite
In this case, the procedure depends on the time elapsed since the insect bites you. If symptoms begin to emerge, then applying a cold compress will significantly slow down further development. What's more, it is one of the first tools used at home and helps relieve the severity of a pre-formed eyelid tumor if bitten in the eye. Such compression is sufficient to avoid blindness from swelling for several days.

If the tumor has just begun to appear, applying a cold compress is sufficient.
If this place hurts and did not work to stop the development of an allergic reaction with colds, you should consult the next stage of treatment - drug use. You can slow down the process by staining the swollen area with Soventol and preventing its progression.
The further development of inflammation should be a sign that it will not work on its own. After an insect bite, it is urgent to consult a doctor when the leg is swollen and none of the means used cause a decrease in the patient's condition swelling and relief. Otherwise, the results can be quite terrible, even anaphylactic shock.
Useful video: Insect bites, to treat the effects

What if the bug bit a kid?
The answer depends on what kind of agent you are. For example, an ordinary mosquito or midge remains only behind a small red dot. Therefore, conta mination with water by the addition of vinegar can alleviate itching and will pass after a short time.
Meeting a more dangerous representative such as wasp or wasp is more dangerous for the baby. First, it's pretty painful. Second, it is necessary to remove the sting to prevent the development of the inflammatory process. And there is often a very severe reaction in children that requires antihistamines to be taken.

With a slight swelling, you should add a piece of ice to bite and in other cases use ointments, creams or gels.

Anthisan Bite & Sting Cream 20G