Friday, August 16, 2019

Benadryl Extra Strength Itch Relief Stick, 6 Count

Double bite on the body. How dangerous is the bedbug bite? Dog Is Insect Bite

Benadryl Extra Strength Itch Relief Stick, 6 Count

Bedbug bite can be nightmare all year round. In this article, you will learn how to distinguish bedbug bites from mosquito bites and fleas and why a person does not feel anything at the time of bite.

Let's answer the popular question: doğru Is it true that even two people sleeping in the same bed may have completely different reactions to these bites? Be warned - armed! Lets start!
The most important facts about bedbug bites
Does the insect bite itch?

During the bite - no. You don't feel a thing. You don't feel pain during a bite, because insects inject a temporary analgesic to help you feel pain under your skin.
How long do insects bite?

3 to 10 minutes - only one full feed continues. It all starts with the appearance of medium or large spots (swollen or flat) anywhere on the human body (face, neck, arms and hands are among the most common). In addition, itching and redness occur with the appearance of spots.

From the outside, the bites of insects on the skin are similar to mosquitoes, but have more painful and sharp edges.

If an adult has been bitten by an insect, there will be a round red swelling on the body with a pronounced button in the middle.

Before going to bed, put a few drops on the body of essential oil lavender, chamomile, lemon balm or hypericum. You can add two or three drops to the cream.

It should be noted that experts distinguish several dozen species of bed beetles. However, individuals of each species bite humans almost equally. All bedbug bites in the human body look the same and the differences between them can only be seen with a microscope.

Children are a special risk group. In apartments or private homes where domestic insects live, young children are the first to attack. This is due to the fact that babies have a more delicate and thin skin with very close blood vessels. At the same time, body odor in children is not as pronounced as in adults. Does not disturb the smell of blood attracting insects.
From the outside, the bite of bedbugs in children looks similar to the bites of adults. However, if this is not a problem for men and the insect's bug has become almost unnoticeable by morning, the situation is different for children. The skin of children is very sensitive and the bite of a domestic insect will leave a scar for a long time. Moreover, the redness near the bite will be bright red and large. And if you think it's the place where the insects bite, itch, then little children will definitely aggravate the situation. Therefore, adults, at first suspicion, should use a special ointment for bedbugs or other medicines.

Symptoms and differences of bedbug bite

In most cases, bedbugs attack at night. And only in the morning, a person notices inflamed areas of the body.

If you have placed insects, bed bites, symptoms and other features should be carefully examined. To do this, we highlight key key points that allow the individual to determine that the trace is a result of a bedbug bite:

severe itching and burning;
prominent tubercle;
tubercle around the red areola;
the number of bites between three and five in one area;
bites are in a straight line;

Find similar properties in bites, examine the bed. Blood droplets or black spots may remain on the laundry.

Bed bugs that drink enough blood can easily be crushed by hand while sleeping. The ruins can be seen in bed.

From the bites of fleas or mosquitoes, bedbug bites differ in diversity. And they are more red and very painful. Unlike ticks, bedbugs leave soft and small holes. At the same time, the insect during the bite almost dips into the skin with its head. They are different from allergies. An experienced dermatologist with a naked eye will notice that he will make a small hole from the bite on a red button.
Which places are more like insect bites?

Back and Shoulders
limbs and arms,
on neck and nape.

Adequate scars are rarely seen on the face or abdomen of a person.

There were insects found in my apartment after the first bites. Before going to bed, I lit a lavender-scented lamp, put a few drops of oil in the night light, and put lavender branches under the bed. The insects stopped biting.
How are errors bitten?

At a time the insect can make five or seven bites and only then is enough.

Please note, however, that 2-3 bites per night makes only one insect! How many people live in your bed?

According to scientists, a bed can live several thousand bedbugs. But that's not the limit: when 150 thousand bugs are found in a single room, most of them have a real situation when they live in bed! Therefore, if at least one-tenth of these thousands of armies are hungry - in the morning your body may be covered with red itchy bites.
Bedbugs are not afraid of light and bite even during the day.

Despite the fact that insects are fed only at night (usually between 3 and 8 hours), this may be the case in exceptional cases. This happens if the insects are very hungry (so you know what “very demek means: insects can live for up to a year without food!). What is the force majeure against the insect? The lack of peaceful trembling in people at this nearby night. At risk: laundries, public transport, airports, offices and other non-residential buildings.

The following follows this fact: If they want to take some of the blood, they are not afraid of bright daylight or even artificial light. And they will!
Bedbugs bite all year round

Unlike other bite insects with a certain peak of activity, the insects live in your warm bed during the winter and summer unless you get rid of them.
Does the dog bite?

Yeah, bite. Sometimes the dogs that suffer most from bedbug bites fall on them, and while staying at home, insects can eat their blood for a long time before they pass on to you. Why is this happening? It's simple: Dogs, like cats, sleep most of the day - up to 18 hours! This allows insects to drink with blood at night, or even at least during the day.
Does the bedbug bite the clothes?

not excluded. Insects penetrate the skin and suck blood with the help of a hose, but are not adapted to puncture the tissue, plastic or paper. If you sleep in your pajamas, you can play on your hands, but long bed bugs do not run quickly and still go to open areas of the body.

How dangerous is the bedbug bite?

This is the question that worries the most about the people that bedbugs bite. According to entomologists, bedbugs can contain up to 27 viruses of various diseases, but have been shown to be unable to tolerate diseases through a bite.

This isn't real, he's happy. Unlike the nervous system's reactions to bites.

Scientists confirm that sleep disorders, including insomnia, stress and irritability, may occur in the background of frequent bites. Bedbug bites are believed to cause continuous crying in newborns. Also in severe cases, infants may develop significant blood loss, anemia, and any person with special skin sensitivity may experience allergic reaction .

Warning! Nesmith stumbles that insects are night beetles, fearing less light than starving. Even if they cut strong spotlights into the room, they will come.
How long do the bites last?

Bedbugs should take fresh portions of blood every 3-4 days, but if they have managed to reproduce actively, the bites will not have time to heal because more new ones will be added. Since bites may not be felt immediately, you cannot determine exactly on which day you were bitten. As noted by experts, symptoms may take 3-4 days to develop, and in some cases up to 14 days.

Redness, itching, swelling of the skin usually lasts several days. In more severe cases, for example, when a person is bitten by hundreds of bedbugs, it takes longer - up to 3 weeks. If the bites do not go away, you will notice an increased deterioration in health, consult a doctor immediately - there may be an allergy that needs to be treated under the supervision of a specialist.

The most dangerous is the saliva of young individuals. The ingested allergen spreads rapidly throughout the body. An allergic reaction may be local and general, worsening the condition of the entire organism.

It differs from other reactions in the following manifestations that are allergic to bedbugs:

In case of allergy, the bite spot diameter exceeds 1 centimeter.
There's a rash.
The bite marks are kept for more than a week.
There is a strong itch.

In addition to visual symptoms, other symptoms indicate the occurrence of allergies:

Nasal congestion or runny nose.
Dizziness, severe headache.
Hard breathing.

In rare cases, anaphylactic shock or angioedema may occur.
How are bedbug bites treated?

As a rule, bedbug bites disappear after a few days. It is especially easy to tolerate men. As for children, in this case, you need to take certain actions. For example, you can use a special ointment for bedbug bites.
Folk or home remedies for bite

If you do not know how to treat bedbug bites, pay attention to the traditional medicine. There are several ways to deal with bites at home and mitigate the consequences:

If you rinse the bite with cold water, redness and itching are less severe.
Bath, which includes the addition of decoction of hypericum, calendula and chamomile, will help relieve the inflammation process.
Use alcohol to disinfect the affected skin.
You can lubricate the bite with aloe juice or add ice chunks.
Economical or tar soap, as well as good when biting soda.

Do not forget! Unpleasant smell to get used to bedbugs. The use of aromatic oils prevents bites.
Drugs or medicines for the treatment of bites

If you do not want to use folk recipes, you can buy medicine for bedbugs in the pharmacy:

"Stars" - the most affordable and harmless tool. If the bite is transmitted by a bite several times a day, inflammation and itching will disappear within a few days.
Bepanten gel is suitable for people of all ages. The drug relieves itching, swelling and inflammation.
Psilo balm acts as a Bepantine gel.

Treatment of a strong allergic reaction

Of particular interest is the question of how bedbugs bites are transmitted when a strong allergic reaction occurs. If you are allergic to bedbug bites, treatment should be given by your doctor. The expert will write antihistamines. It can be a cream, ointment or pill. Most prescription drugs are hormonal drugs. Therefore, it is important to accurately determine the dosage and course of treatment. In this case, self-treatment is unacceptable.
The effects of bites on the body as a whole

It is impossible to predict the results. Each organism, like the reaction to bite, is individual. It is important to note that bedbug children do the same harm to adults. If insects in the body have left bites, they must be disinfected. Otherwise, the wound may be layered infection, causing a strong deterioration of the overall condition.

After the insects in the human body stop bites, itching and burning are seen, irritability, insomnia and even depression occur. Itching should be removed immediately and start to destroy the insects.
Bedbug bites in children

Danger to children

Another danger - the desire to comb the bite of children. As a result, a wound occurs on the baby's body in which other infectious diseases can be stratified.

After the bite of the Homebug, the child has a rash with too much itching. You can see a small tubercle in the middle of the red dot. The number of bites ranges from three to five parts. They are arranged in a straight line. The children ache, stretch and bite constantly.
How do we protect against a bedbug bite?

There are many legends on the Internet about how drugs help protect against lobster bites. Here are the two most common legends:

Spray repellent will protect you from bites.

Not true Repellents can help with mosquito bites, ticks, and some other insects, but insects wanted to spit on what you sprayed.
Insecticidal "insect bombs" can destroy insects and thus prevent their bites.

Not true: they unfortunately don't work either, because the smoke from the pesticide cannot get into the places where the insects are buried. What's more: when you feel such a chemical attack, the insects will hide even in the depths of their crevices - and it will be harder to get rid of them!

To protect yourself from bites, you must use only products that have been tested and approved by scientists, and remember: you need to get rid of not only adults, but also larvae and even eggs from potential adult disintegrants.

But everything is not so simple: it is not possible to destroy insects in any way. Along with thorough cleaning, other methods need to be applied in a complex manner, for example as an electronic insect repellent.

Here are 3 main steps:

Use bedbugs detectors - to detect the presence of bedbugs in the house and even track them.

“Put yat your bed in a special bed to improve the old bed or to protect your new product from the bed bug nosepiece.
Buy effective bed bug spray to treat infected areas at home.

Remember: 150 thousand insects can live in your bed! So don't postpone now and start the war!

Information about how an insect bite looks in a human body. What can cause an insect bite? How to Treat Photo Bites.
Once you have noticed a characteristic redness on your body, a redness in the form of a passage, it's time to examine your apartment for insects. There is a huge amount in the world, but their bites are the same and small differences will only be noticed under the microscope.
They: bedbug bites?

At first glance, bedbug bites can be mistaken for mosquitoes, but to be more careful, the features of the insect in the human body are very easy to distinguish: there is a more pronounced swelling in the center of a round red bulge.

Another distinguishing feature: insects do not drill like mosquitoes once, but several times in a row about 3 centimeters from each other. Basically the insects bite in a straight line and can have about five bites. Given that insects are insects living in colonies, bites in the morning can be counted as five hundred pieces in the human body.

During the penetration of the hose into the skin, a person may not experience disturbing sensations, because before the blood is sucked, the insect bites the saliva into the numb wound. This substance acts for about fifteen minutes: during this time, the insect has enough time to hide and hide in its shelter.
Who bites the bugs most often?

Insects are believed to feed on the blood of a particular group, but in fact it is thought to be much more important for insects to have the thickness of the skin that needs to enter the tubing. Since integration in women and children is much more gentle than men, they often fall victim to bloodsuckers.

However, because the insects are driven by odor, it is not only the covers that attract attention to the fair-skinned inhabitants of the house: the smell of blood attracts them, which is more pronounced than thin skin.
What does insect bite look like in a child?

Bites in the child's body are more pronounced than in an adult's body. Red spots cover a wider area and have a more intense color. Obviously, bites in infants are much faster than adults.

Women's skin is also very sensitive to bites, and it appears that insect attacks are almost as alive as children. However, men sometimes experience temporary discomfort, but external symptoms may not appear.

Not only the bug's bug but also the saliva it secretes can damage: the body can react to an invasion such as a more severe rash and itching and nettle rash.
Symptoms of Insect Bite

In order to treat bites correctly, it is necessary not only to know how insect bites look in the human body, but also to know the symptoms, because not all tools will be effective in this case.

One of the main symptoms of an insect bite is the stiffness and swelling of the affected area. Such a swelling for a long time will disrupt the aesthetic appearance of the human body, even the face. The bites are arranged in whole clusters and, depending on the characteristics of a person's tenderness, may cause a prolonged, unbearable discomfort in the form of pain, itching. In some people, these symptoms do not appear, only limited to neutral red strikes.

If you decide during the examination that this is an allergic rash, not a bite, you should use a magnifying glass to get the result. Can he clearly see a small spot in the center of the tubercle? The answer is not certain - the beetle's bug, and the point is where the hose enters.
Bedbug bites results

Since their bites and discomfort are not so terrible, it is necessary to combat bed bugs immediately after they have grasped or immediately after the emergence of bites in the human body:

If you allow the affected part of the body to be scratched, then an infection can penetrate the wound, resulting in an increase in temperature and deterioration of well-being in general.
The second concern is allergic reactions that may occur in an insect bite: eg redness, itching.
Bites can also cause sleep disorders. An unbearable itch makes it impossible to relax, so that a person's sleep is of poor quality and short-lived.

A person tends to relive and shake himself thousands of times for fear of catching terrible diseases such as HIV or hepatitis through an insect bite. But here, even if a sick person is fed with blood, the virus entering the insect's body cannot survive, so you should not be afraid.
How is the affected area treated?

Now, if a human body appears to be an insect bite, you can start treatment independently. Quick help helps avoid discomfort and eliminates signs as soon as possible. I mean ...

The first thing to do is to rinse with soapy water. It is desirable that the soap be economical, in the case of bite combing it perfectly disinfects the site and wound.
Parsley juice, potatoes and soda solution cleans the itch very well, so you can use them to avoid annoying itching.
Take antihistamines to avoid swelling and allergic reactions: Even regular diazoline relieves symptoms.
Infusion of propolis alcohol alleviates inflammation and disinfects.
If the bite-affected surface is large enough and the manifestation of the allergic reaction is recognized, it would be beneficial to treat Menovazin: the drug is quite inexpensive, but effective.
Everyone knows the ointments that should be in every first aid kit - the lifeguard will be a real helper in a difficult time: it will ease the situation and prevent allergies.

You can use liquid ammonia carefully and carefully: quickly relieve itching and irritation.

Bed bugs - very disturbing neighbors, primarily damaging human health, as well as furniture, mattresses and linens.

Fortunately, statistics show a recent decline in numbers: bed bugs are retreating. However, this problem is still present today and causes many headaches. But knowing how to fight it, you can get rid of these pests once and for all.
What do bed bugs look like?

The color of a hungry bed bug varies from yellow to dark brown. The blood-saturated insect approaches a red or black shadow and at the same time rolls the body and becomes almost immobile.

Bedbug eggs, similar to rice grains, only much smaller in size - about 1 mm. Bedbugs have a special smell that is released during crushing due to the glaze found in their glands. Unlike cockroaches, insects are not equipped with wings and antennas and have a more rounded shape.
Are bed bugs dangerous?

The answer is yes.

Bedbugs, such as a source of disease, can cause serious harm to human health:

Hepatitis B.
Yellow fever

In addition, it can be inhaled with human air in a room where bedbugs live, infected with harmful fumes. In addition, the danger by itself hides pustules that occur when crawling in the bite area of ​​the insect.
Symptoms of bedbugs in bed

The saliva of bed bugs contains a natural anesthetic because the person is not pierced and does not feel itching during the movement of this substance. In some people, the skin is less sensitive and may not realize the presence of insects over a long period of time because swelling and redness become barely noticeable from the morning. Others, by contrast, show severe skin reaction and itching.
How do I distinguish insect bites from other insect bites?
Symptoms of Insect Bite

Symptoms of the insect manifest differently. It depends on skin sensitivity, allergy tendencies and other factors. The main common symptom is a sign that can be seen from the outside rather than any physical perception of a person.

The bedbug's bite stays intense for a long time, whereas mosquito bites are late. Itching, pain and burning in the bite area are completely individual cases that may occur completely or never appear.

How are bites treated?

The treatment of bites does not require a special procedure and aims to relieve the discomfort of the skin. Usually, in such cases, a sufficient quantity of vehicles in each first aid kit is sufficient.

You should consult your doctor only if a pronounced allergic reaction occurs for a bite - severe redness and spots, itching, fever, edema and so on.
How to handle a bite?

Treatments for insect bites:

The first thing you need to wash the bitten place with warm water and soap or soda solution.
Perfect for relieving itching due to potato juice or bite ice. You can add a piece of cool potato to the surface.
If itching is severe, you can use ointments such as Afloderm or Asterisk. Using any ointment, you should read the instructions.
The bite site should be sterilized. A good option would be propolis tincture. You can also use any alcohol-based tincture or pharmaceutical alcohol.

How to get rid of bedbugs at home?
Folk remedies

The first thing to say is that the fight against bedbugs of folk remedies will only be effective at first, when the problem does not reach even higher rates. If there are too many bedbugs at home, you need to apply more radical methods: chemical exposure or challenge to special services.

Thus, the main folk methods of getting rid of insects:


These substances are either in diluted or pure form . The process should be repeated daily to completely eliminate the pests.

Another effective way to get rid of bedbugs is heat treatment. In addition, both extremely low and extremely high temperatures are destructive to these pests.

Heat treatment rules:


Chemicals are the leaders in a fast and effective fight against various insects, including bedbugs. However, these substances are often very toxic and require compliance with a range of measures.

You must work in gloves and mask without fail. Many people neglect this rule, but to no avail: ingestion of toxins in the respiratory tract or skin can cause serious allergies, suffocation, poisoning and other unpleasant consequences.

Clothing should close the body tightly. As few skin areas as possible should remain open. The same applies to the head of the person performing the procedure. The use of a foulard or other headgear is recommended.

The best chemicals in the fight against bedbugs have proven themselves the following chemicals:

The Neopor.

After the procedure, you should wash your hands thoroughly and go to fresh air. Clothes should be washed.

Thus, even though insects are apparently harmless, at first glance, the insects may experience great difficulties for the inhabitants of the house they settled. If you comply with sanitary standards and comply with bed hygiene, the risk of bed bugs is almost zero.

Benadryl Extra Strength Itch Relief Stick, 6 Count