Friday, August 16, 2019

Colgin Analgesic Chigarid Extrnl

The dog is bitten by mosquitoes and midges. Provide protection for dogs against black flies

Colgin Analgesic Chigarid Extrnl

The dog is a faithful friend and a trusted friend of people for centuries. They live their lives with people, they actually become family members, they get sick just like humans, and they need protection like mosquito bites and stomachs.

Antique protection against mosquitoes and midgese for dogs
What exactly does stomach dogs bite?

Hydrangeas are a family of dipterans attributed to the nose. There are about 1,800 species of black flies in the world. They bit the humans and animals bitterly, literally chewing the pieces of meat, and they also cause a strong allergic reaction and endure many diseases (mostly African and American species). Dogs bite stomachs that live in grass and near water.

Often, flat-haired or short-cut domestic animals are attacked by these insects. The bite, as a rule, falls on the unprotected thick hair areas of the animal's body - ears, muzzle, claws and abdomen. The animal tries to get rid of itching, bite into the bubbles and sometimes reduces the blood.

In addition, midge bites can trigger a disease in dogs such as simulidotoxicosis. Moderate and mosquitoes need to know their duration of activity: the first bite only during the day, the second - 24 hours.

Dog immunity cannot always cope with toxins entering insect saliva. That's why one's four-legged friends need the attention and care of a loving owner.
What to do if the dog was already bitten by a midge?

Insect bites are not always predictable or preventable. It is usually not seen until the insect has been bitten and you have to deal with a problem that has already occurred. There is a clearly defined set of actions when the dog is bitten by a midge:

Some of the most dangerous insects for dogs

How to protect a dog from ticks

There is also an acute allergic reaction that is important to know and detect as soon as symptoms appear:

Shortness of breath and shortness of breath;
Abundant saliva;
Over arousal;
Diarrhea or vomiting;
Loss of orientation in space;
Swelling of the tongue, larynx or respiratory tract.

If the dog has the symptoms described above, it should be taken to the veterinarian immediately because the reaction of such an organism is life-threatening.

A bitten dog may need the following remedies:

For the heart (eg cordiamine);
Antihistamines (tavegil, suprastin or diphenhydramine) in the form of tablets or injections;
Diuretics (lasix et al.);
Itching-relieving ointments (celestoderm, laurine or dermazine). For the eyes it is better to take tetracycline ointment.

Prevention of midge and mosquito bites

You must ensure that your pet is not bitten in order not to receive an immediate order to save your life. Modern insect repellent can help.

The pet market offers a wide range of repellents for dogs and other pets:

Vanillin can be used to repel (artificial) mosquitoes and stomachs, not only from animals, but also from humans. It should be pulverized and the animal should be sprinkled;
Clove oil is considered one of the most effective folk remedies to prevent mosquito bites and black flies. Can be purchased easily from any pharmacy. Previously, they used eau de cologne with clove scent for the same purpose. To protect the animal for a period of three to six hours, you must drop one drop on the dog's head and one drop on the croup;
"Smart spray" is positioned by the manufacturers as an effective means of protecting an animal from various insects, but there are a number of conditions in its application: it cannot be applied to the mucous membranes and irritated skin areas; Manufacturers warn that this drug may cause an allergic reaction in an animal;

Advantiks - fleas, ticks and mosquitoes fall. An insecticide is a lethal preparation combined in the form of a clear liquid with a slight, distinctive odor. Designed for both puppies and adult dogs. It is found in the form of pipettes in bubbles. Doses are calculated based on the weight of the dogs. I received a lot of positive feedback from dog breeders;
Vetekspert - fade to protect against ticks, fleas and stun insects. It is also used for the treatment and prevention of entomoses (caused by fleas), acarose (triggered by tick);
Sanoflay is a medicine designed to protect cattle, horses and dogs from flying insects, ticks and fleas. Dogs are applied to the skin (non-wool) in appropriate doses according to their weight: 10 kg - 1 ml, 10-20 kg - 2 ml, 20-30 - 3 ml, 30-40 40 ml and more than 40 kg - 5 ml funds. Do not apply on dirty, damp or damaged skin. Only insects that have been bitten on the side of dogs must be treated for the duration of the activity. Available in special boxes;

There are many drugs that are positioned as a means of protecting animals from insect bites, and they are becoming more and more every day. When going for a walk, you should remember the threat posed by midges bites.

The animal's response to such a painful and harmless bite is entirely individual. An allergic reaction to a bite can occur in different ways and can sometimes kill a dog. It is very important that your animal is really taken care of in order to notice threatening symptoms over time.

You can try to protect insects with repellents that are suitable for humans, but if the dog accidentally licks a spray or cream from the body, it can cause allergies or poisoning. If it is decided to use human means, then they must be applied where the animal cannot receive the tongue (the same applies to any insect droplet).

Bir A small animal is a mosquito and you can't get rid of it. ”

They need to know in person

Mosquitoes, midges, bite midges, elk flies, flies, gadfles

Diptera's insects are only places where females suck blood. Blood proteins they use to form eggs. All blood-sucking insect species are called the common word "midge". Most of the "nose" in the spring and the first half of summer. “Gnus sever likes wet places with tall grass. The maximum spear density will be in reservoirs and marshy meadows. Gadfites are the largest blood-sucking insects. Their bite is the most painful. Mosquitoes, midges, biting midges are most active in the morning and in the evening. Blinds and flies, by contrast, prefer a hot afternoon. Elk flies, a small volatile insect, has a large body, broad legs and two wings emerge in late August-September. The leggings are active in hot weather. The insect that falls on the body of the "victim" drops its wings before biting and scans for a long time. Without wings, deer fly can be mixed with tick. All blood-sucking insects are movement-oriented. So they are actively following a moving object.


Bees, wasps, wasps

Insects flying with poisonous pain. The bee is located behind the belly. Insects are bright colored, yellow or orange with black stripes. Sore insects are used in rare cases and only for protection. They don't attack themselves. These insects usually bite over-curious dogs that try to stick their noses into their nests or catch a striped hummer. The wasp has the most bitter bite and the strongest poison.


The most painful and sensible bite is the red forest ants. They are larger than their friends, actively moving and building large anthill. Paws and bites of ants in the muzzle areas take dogs trying to reveal an anthill.

First aid for insect bites

Shorter-haired (or short-haired) dogs, hairless breeds, puppies and white-haired animals suffer from insect bites in particular. Dwarf dogs are more susceptible to bites than large tribes because they are small. High likelihood of bite allergies predisposed to food allergies in dogs and cats.

When bitten, a blood-sucking insect gives saliva to the skin; this causes irritation, swelling of the surrounding tissues and itching. The degree of severe allergic reaction is anaphylactic shock and angioedema. These life-threatening conditions can develop in allergic animals with many bites. But sometimes when an insect bites the animal in its head, a single wasp bite is sufficient. The animal swells very quickly, within a few minutes, the muzzle, neck, paw region, breathing frequently, first deep, then shallow. The animal is worried, the dog is leaking and the cat is constantly meowing. In this case, emergency veterinary care is required. As a first aid to increase edema, it is necessary to inject suprastin (or tavegil) into a 0.5 ml dog in a range of 7 to 10 kg in a dog and in a 1.0-1.5 ml dog. and take the animal to the clinic. Suprastin slightly slows the development of an allergic reaction, but cannot stop it. In the future, diuretic drugs, drugs to maintain cardiac activity and corticosteroids are used. Dosage and frequency of administration is determined by the doctor!

For white dogs with delicate colors and puppies, the mass bite mid-flight is particularly dangerous. Causes too much bite simuliotoxicosis - a disease caused by the poisoning of insect toxins entering the dog when it bites. The dog becomes lethargic, indifferent to what is happening, vomiting occurs, loose stools. In severe cases, contractions and death may occur. The small wetstock only disturbs animals by bites. With these small flies moving in bulk, dogs start sneezing and coughing, because insects are stuffed into the nose, mouth and eyes.

Bees, hornets and horns often suffer in the nose area, lips and cheeks. The dog escapes from the pain, tries to rub his face on the grass and objects, rubbing his bite with a paw. The bite is swollen and painful to the touch. Small dogs may have vomiting and drowsiness. Sometimes the overall body temperature increases.


The animal tries to scratch and lick the itchy areas. This should not be allowed, because with constant licking and scratching, the bite areas become ulcers that do not heal. Place a protective collar around the neck of the animal or blanket.

Hair should be cut carefully near the bite areas. The bites themselves can be washed with a weak chamomile or oak bark boiling agent. Repeated gentle friction with a baking soda solution helps relieve itching and reduce tissue swelling. Itchy gel alleviates phenistilin. Applying something cold (like a bottle of water) will help reduce itching and swelling.

With a strong skin reaction to anxiety and bites, it will help suprastin 1/4 tablets 2 times a day for a dog weighing 10 kg (or cat) and 1 tabular 2 times a day for a dog weighing 15 kg. If the animal is lethargic and does not feed well, bleeding ulcers will be seen on the skin, be sure to show your pet to the vet.

Animal Repellents

Used to live in domestic sled and hunting dog breeds, found in many midge. Their bodies are more resistant to insect saliva toxins and have a dense lining that insects find it difficult to reach the skin. Dogs know that mosquitoes are less in a fire smoke or in a mansion shack. In addition, dogs are hidden from mosquitoes and buried in wet algae.

Pets have long lost these skills and are completely dependent on the person. Once in an already hostile environment - the forest, they become fast prey for blood-sucking insects and suffer great damage from it. And only one caregiver can help them. Animals have to be treated with repellents - substances that scare insects.

Many "human" repellents are very toxic to animals. It is particularly sensitive to similar cat chemistry. Even small amounts of these substances on the skin can cause serious poisoning. In most cases, it is not suitable for transporting animals. Fumigators should also be used with caution in the home where the cat lives. Inhalation may cause poisoning.

Prepare special aerosols for animals based on natural ingredients. For example, mosquito and black fly aerosol from Agrobioprom and Api-San Smart Spray contain essential oils of lavender, clove, citronella, geranium and fir. "Smart spray" includes amylosubtiline which neutralizes the odor of the animal. Suitable for cats. Mosquito may need to be used quite often to be in places. Because essential oils evaporate rapidly.

Many aerosol, collar and flea drop manufacturers promise protection against insects that suck and bite blood. Aerosols containing fipronil have proven themselves. These cats are the "Frontline" spray known to the Rolf Club.

An insecticide lethal and repellent from the synthetic pyrethroid group containing Sanofly cypluthrin (Api-San) provides protection not only from fleas and ticks, but also from mosquitoes and stomachs. With a small number of insects, flea collars can be effective. However, leashes for dogs that need to work in the forest (for example, hunting or searching) will be ineffective. When processing animals, it is necessary to examine the instructions well, to select the preparation precisely according to the type and weight of the animal, and to avoid contact with the mouth, nose and eyes during processing.

Dogs are curious creatures that smell everything they care about. Dogs often even deal with insects, discover them, smell them and of course get a quick response! Therefore, many insect bites fall on the nose of dogs.

It places parts of the body like eyes, ears and legs. When a dog walks on an anthill or is disturbed by a hornet's nest or beehive, the swarm of insects can attack the entire body. But even the bites of insects such as spiders can be very bad.

The bites of bees, wasps, wasps, spiders and ants can be a problem for curious dogs. The poison of these insects causes various problems, from mild irritation to severe anaphylactic shock. Observant animal owners can take immediate action to minimize reactions. However, remember that serious cases require immediate medical attention.
What to do if a dog has been bitten by an insect?

It is important to quickly determine whether the dog has been bitten or bitten. If the dog suddenly scratches his face, pinches his legs or swells any part of his body, we may think he's been bitten by an insect.
Identify the insect. Look around, maybe around many flying or crawling insects.
In the case of bee stings, look at the sting. Bees are the only insects that leave their pain in their prey. These left needles continue to emit poison, so their removal reduces the maximum amount of poison a dog can receive. With a simple credit card, you can remove a sting by passing it several times on your pet's fur. Do not use tweezers, because you can remove more poison. Fortunately, other flying insects (wasps and hornets) do not stop stinging at the bite site.
Quiet bite site. Make a thick baking soda and water dough and apply to bite.
Minimize swelling. Apply ice to the bite zone for 10 minutes to reduce swelling. In the case of excessive bites, a cold and damp towel is best.
Prevent allergic reaction. Give your dog a small amount of antihistamine (eg diphenhydramine) to minimize reaction and reduce itching. Ask your vet about the appropriate dosage for your pet.
Reduce invasion of the scan. If the dog continues to lick or scratch the bite, use a special cone collar. Continuous brushing delays healing and increases the risk of infection.
Maintain your dog's food and water intake. Give the dog fresh water. Dogs in their mouths often have difficulty eating dry food, so they can be softened with warm water.

When is an insect bite a serious danger?

Like some people, many dogs suffer from allergies (hypersensitivity) to insect bites. The level of reaction depends on the dog's immune system and insect species. An allergic reaction usually occurs 20 minutes after bite, but sometimes only occurs after a few hours, so careful observation of the dog is often critical.

Severe reactions (anaphylaxis) can be fatal, so the speed of your actions is again crucial.

Your dog will need emergency veterinary care at the first sign:

Severe swelling may make the head and neck difficult to breathe. Edema of these places can occur even if the bite is elsewhere.
Shortness of breath or shortness of breath. Some dogs may suffocate more than usual because the tumor is in the airway. Do not try to understand the cause, immediately show the dog to the vet.
Extreme sagging. If the edema is in the throat, then it can be difficult to swallow the dog's saliva and take it out.
Excessive arousal. Some dogs become restless due to severe itching and difficulty breathing. In addition, insect venom can affect nervous systems.
Vomiting or diarrhea. Even mild vomiting and soft stools may indicate serious problems.
Dizziness or disorientation. If your dog stumbles or exhibits unusual behavior, this may be a sign of an anaphylactic reaction.
Convulsions. Do not hesitate and consult a doctor.

Medication can save your dog's life, reduce allergic reactions and prevent shock. In addition to antihistamines, a veterinarian may give your dog corticosteroids or epinephrine. Blood and urine tests may be required, as well as hospitalization and attachment of the dog with a dropper. The length of hospital stay depends on your dog's response to treatment, but as a rule it lasts at least 1-2 days.
With the start of a warm time period (especially in summer and autumn), dog owners do not only have long walks in nature. Insects, especially active during these seasons, can cause enough distress for both pets and their owners.
Insects to watch out for

Dog bites different bites. The bites of each are dangerous.

Every dog ​​owner should know the most common insect species:

The greatest activity periods of insects

All insects are particularly active at different times of the day. In this way, you can easily meet the horse fly in warm sunny weather. Mosquitoes can suck blood at any time of the day. Bumblebees can attack wasps and bees starting in May and with the start of the summer. Hydrangeas are active throughout the day.

The presence of some insects also depends on the region. For example, gadflies live almost everywhere. Most of these are found in forest areas, near water bodies and in marshes. Ordinary mosquitoes almost everywhere. Black flies are mostly found in river valleys, near fast-flowing water, taiga etc.
Places prone to insects

The severity of the results depends on the location of the bite:

Skin. The easiest option. It usually ends with itching, redness or the appearance of a small tumor.
Mouth mucosa. Particularly dangerous are bites in the sublingual region.
Usually have bites and in the eyes of the pet. The eye may close rapidly or completely. The animal will feel burning, itching, the bite will be painful, the eye will turn red. In fact, you can hear the question of what to do if the bite bites the animal in the eye. Experts recommend the use of eye tetracycline ointment.

How and how do I handle a dog in ticks?
Algorithm of emergency action

Experienced breeders know what to do if the dog has been bitten by the midge.

After moderate bites are the most powerful cases of allergic reactions. The appearance of some symptoms should be particularly worrying. If the pet becomes difficult to breathe and shortness of breath is observed, immediate veterinary care should be provided; have plenty of saliva; the animal is extremely anxious; diarrhea or vomiting appeared; Disappearances as well as seizures in space.

A dog bitten by a midge may need medications from different groups:

Heart medications (eg, chordiamin).
Antihistamines which should be given in the form of intramuscular injections or tablets should be given - suprastin, tavegil, diphenhydramine.
Diuretic injections - lasix and others.
Ointment, soothing itching - from mid-lorinden when attacked by dermazine or celestoderm. For eyes, tetracycline ointment is used.

The dose of all drugs depends on the size of the pets.

Thus, even a small midge can endanger the lives of pets. Drug therapy helps to minimize allergic symptoms and shock in an animal. Sometimes it may be necessary to attach the dog to hospital and also to drip. Doctors can test for blood and urine. Treatment may take two days or more.
Preventive measures against nasal bites

It is recommended that you take some protective measures to protect your pets from insect bites.

For starters, you should buy a collar of insect repellent in a special store. In addition, there are special tools that cannot be counted, produced in various forms (sprays, gels, drops, etc.). Someone prefers not to use chemicals. In this case, you can wipe your pet's hair with vanilla, which was previously dissolved in water. Processing of sea buckthorn oil can also protect the pet from nasal attack. If the dog does not lick its fur, even human insect sprays can be used. Still insects do not attract fat, thick and astringent substances.

Colgin Analgesic Chigarid Extrnl