Friday, August 16, 2019

After Bite Itch Eraser (Pen) 14 ml

Ointment with an insect bite: drug list, instructions for use, reviews

After Bite Itch Eraser (Pen) 14 ml

The first spring days not only give joy. The heat and the sun also create a need for protection against greedy attacking bloody insects, leaving an uncomfortable feeling. In addition to the bites of flying insects, those coming out of houses (insects, fleas) are often a danger to humans and cause the body to react negatively. Anti-inflammatory antihistamine ointment will help here. It is best when bitten by insects.
Insect bite

A bite is a violation of the integrity of the skin arising from the jawbone or a bee sting of an insect pest. Every person has their own reaction to insect bites. Some can easily tolerate and make no effort to heal the wound. In others, redness or edema occurs instead of a bite. This place can be stung, hurt, and itchy. In addition, insects can carry an infection that can trigger the onset of various diseases.

Helps cleanse the ointment with an insect biteuncomfort. Heals the wound faster. Accelerates cell renewal processes. Relieves itching, inflammation, swelling, redness. Disinfects. Prevents allergic reactions.

Ointments vary according to the rate of absorption. For example, antihistamine is absorbed more slowly than others, but this is less effective.

Ointment is applied only after a preliminary preparation.Wound treatment with disinfectants. If a bee has been bitten, you must remove the sting before using the medicine. Take it with tweezers. Wasps and hornets do not leave stings. Then the poison must be absorbed orally. In the affected area for colds and then only bite is treated with ointment.
Symptomatic bite

an insect bite with ointment

Reacting to an insect bite on its own can be unexpected and serious. Often there is a biting spot swelling, pain, itching and burning sensation. There's pain in the chest. Another bit of a bug. In some people, it causes shortness of breath, shortness of breath, drowsiness, headache and dizziness. In a few cases, patients suffered from abundant rash in the dermis.

If insect bites cause serious discomfort, you should not use folk remedies. They should prefer drugs containing high-acting substances, antibiotics or hormones. Only such funds can provide the necessary assistance and relieve the discomfort as soon as possible.
The most effective bite ointment

levomekol instruction

To get rid of the discomfort caused by an insect bite, use many ointments. The following remedies are considered the most effective:

"Fenistil". The gel is suitable for adults and children. It has antihistamine effect. Eliminates itching and inflammation.
"Nezul's". The cream has a natural composition. Can be used by children. It was equipped with a bactericidal effect. Relieves itching. It contains substances that spray insects.
"Bepant that." It is used to protect against mosquitoes and to treat bites. It is characterized by its anti-inflammatory and healing properties.
"The Advanta". The drug contains a hormone, so it acts quickly and effectively.
"Menovaz's". It has cooling and anti-inflammatory properties. Contains menthol. It's an anesthetic.
"Recovery". Irritation balls. Heals many diseases of the dermis. He should be in every house.
"Akriderm". Contains a hormone. Quickly reduces itching, burning and swelling. Used to bite mosquitoes, fleas and bedbugs.
"Levomikol". There's an antibiotic. His wounds heal quickly. It removes inflammation and accelerates cell renewal processes. It has antimicrobial properties.
"Hydrocortisone". It's a glucocorticosteroid. Relieves swelling, itching and burning. Alleviates allergy symptoms.

There are many more drugs used for insect bites. They are chosen based on personal preferences and doctor recommendations. Hormonal agents are last used when conventional means fail.
Insect bites "Fenistil"

insect bite reaction

The drug is available in the form of a gel. It has antihistamine effect. Itching, irritates skin and relieves other allergic reactions. It has anesthetic properties. The effect after the application can be seen after 1-4 hours.

The drug is used for mild burns and skin itching, as well as for any insect bites. Recommended for urticaria, dermatitis, eczema.

Gel is applied to the damage site from two to four times a day. In the event of a severe form of allergic reaction, it is recommended to combine the gel with the "Phenistyle" drop. The drug can be used by children for over a year. The cost is about 300 rubles.

Comments on the drug are different. Some people note that the device quickly eliminates itching and irritation. Easy to apply and quick absorption. Eliminates all negative symptoms of an insect bite for 2-3 days.

Negative reviews indicate the high cost of the drug. Ointment is ineffective and say that midges and wasps bites do not help. You can find ointment better and cheaper.
"Levomekol" against bite

itch insect bite

Ointment recommended "Levomekol" instruction, use topically. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Accelerates tissue regeneration. It is effective against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. Its composition contains two active substances - chloramphenicol and methyluracil.

Instructions "Levomekol" is recommended to wear a gauze and thus applied to the wound. It is possible to apply the substance in the problem area with a thick layer (insect bite).

The price of ointment varies from 150 rubles. The reviews of this tool are only positive. Humans not only remove insect bites that heal in 2-3 days, but also wounds, abrasions, burns. They say this ointment is universal and should be in the first aid kit.
The drug "Hydrocortisone"

How to treat scratches from insect bites

Drug-expressing glucocorticosteroids. It has antihistamine, antiinflammatory and antiem edema. It is indicated for psoriasis, dermatitis, itching, seborrhea and eczema. Warty is recommended for lichen, neurodermatitis and eyelid pathology. Hydrocortisone ointment helps after insect bites. Reviews, in the latter case, eliminates itching, redness, which corrects swelling well.

The ointment contains a hormone related to the first categories, weak, so it can be applied even to children, but for a short time. People show that ointment with bee stings is ineffective. In general, patients satisfy this drug and generally use it for insect bites. It is recommended for ointment bites and famous doctor Komarovsky. It costs about 30-50 rubles.
Advantan ointment: instructions for use

The comments indicate that the bite ointment moves quickly. Almost relieves itching, irritation and inflammation. Relieves swelling.

The ointment contains the active substance -methylprednisolone aceponate. Hormone. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect. It is indicated for eczema and dermatitis of various origins.

Apply a thin layer layer over the damage. Approved for use in children from 4 months onwards. Do not use the medication continuously for more than two weeks as it contains a hormone. Ointment is well tolerated by patients and rarely causes side effects.

Advantan ointment costs from 400 to 500 rubles for 15 g, the drug is from 50 rubles to 1200 rubles.
"The Menovaz"

hydrocortisone ointment after insect bite

Another effective remedy for insect bites Menovazin. This tool is an alcohol solution. It contains three active ingredients - it:


"Menovazin" starts in contact with the skin, gives a feeling of cool, cool. It has analgesic properties and relieves itching. Recommended for neuralgia, arthralgia and muscle pain. Used for dermatosis, skin itching.

The drug is applied to the skin 2-3 times a day. Do not use the drug for more than 1 month.

Reviews on the drug are excellent. People say the vehicle helps relieve insect bites in two days. Quickly relieves itching and relieves pain. It is noted that the solution is more effective than expensive analogs. The cost of the drug does not reach 30 rubles.
Bites "Nezulin"

If a child's insect bite is swollen and red, then Nezulin will help. The drug contains only natural ingredients:

herbal extracts: celandine, banana, chamomile and licorice;
essential oils of basil, mint and lavender;
Contains D-panthenol.

The drug is anti-inflammatory vareylem. Relieves allergy symptoms, cools down. Soothes & softens skin Stimulates cell renewal, restores. It is designed to relieve negative symptoms that occur after insect bites.

Cream rubbed on skin. Apply up to four times a day. There should be about 100 rubles ointment.

The comments of this tool are very different. Most patients note that an insect bite ointment has a natural composition, which is safe and effective. Good help. Quickly absorbed. Available for children. Another part of the population suggests that the ointment is weak and does not help with bites, has a small tube and is not used economically.
Ointment "Savior"

itching from insect bites

Another effective remedy for bitesInsects rescuing ointment. The drug contains essential oils, vitamins, sea buckthorn oil, beeswax, naphthalene. Used externally for various diseases of the skin. Effectively treats diaper rashes, deep wounds, heals cracks and burns. It gives good results in the treatment of dermatitis and dermatosis. Helps in combating acne. Relieves itching from insect bites and inflammations.

Balm "Savior" imposes on the wounded area and is covered with a bandage. As soon as the ointment is absorbed for the first time, you must apply it again. The effect comes after a few hours.

I have a balm around 100-150 rubles. Ointment only positive reviews. These people believe that this vehicle should be in every home. The drug treats deep sores, cuts and bruises. Effective with insect bites. People say there were no marks on the second day of use. With this tool you do not have to think about how to scan for insect bites. There is also a special cream "Savior" for children.
Hormonal drug "Akriderm"

Acriderm ointment also gives good results when insect bites. It's a hormonal agent. The active ingredient is betamethasone dipropionate. The drug has the effect of anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, anti-allergic and anti-edema.

Ointment is used to treat various forms.dermatite, lichen planus, pruritus, psoriasis, lupus erythematosus and insect bites. A small amount of product is applied to the affected area and applied to the skin twice a day. The cost of the drug - within 100 rubles.

Ointment Reviews says that effectively and quickly heals wounds from insect bites. Swelling, redness for 2-3 days. Itching goes almost instantly. Due to the hormone content, the ointment can not be used for a long time.
"Eplan" with insect bites

"Eplan", which gained popularity when treating bite cream. The drug has an antiseptic effect. Wound healing is characterized by bactericidal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Refreshes skin

Ointment is designed to treat ulcers on the skin.It is effective in burns, pyoderma, eczema, ulcers and psoriasis. Furunculosis gives good results with insect bites and skin itching. The drug is applied to the problem area several times a day with a thin layer. There should be ointment in 200 rubles.

The comments about this tool are just fine. People are satisfied with the result of the ointment. Wounds, bruises, cuts indicate that it helps. Most use it to treat acne. The bite of the drug and any insect has a good effect. Swelling and redness go away in one day, no bite marks on the second day. There's also Eplan as a solution. Evaluations according to assessments are less effective.
Means for protection against insect bites

In order not to suffer from insect bites, you must protect yourself in time. There are many different tools for this:

sprays and sprays;
ointments and creams;
bracelets at hand;
candles and spirals.

Insect repellent leads to the popularity of the Company Gardex, have remedies for both children and adults. A wide range of similar products are Mosquitall, Raid, Chicco, OFF and Picnic.

Some people are warned against bites, use folk remedies. Apply vanilla, clove, citrus. Effective repellents are essential oils such as citronella, mint, lavender, eucalyptus, geranium and others.

The measures taken will help prevent insect bites and their consequences on time. Get rid of the need for their treatment.

After Bite Itch Eraser (Pen) 14 ml