Friday, August 16, 2019

Naturals Insect Mosquito Bite Relief Soothing Balm,Relieve Itching,Diminish Inflammation,Antianaphylaxis,Refreshing,Total 4.23oz(4 pots)

What to do with a horsebite bite, symptoms and treatment. What to do with mosquito bites, gadflies and gadflies Gadfly bites to avoid itching

Naturals Insect Mosquito Bite Relief Soothing Balm,Relieve Itching,Diminish Inflammation,Antianaphylaxis,Refreshing,Total 4.23oz(4 pots)

Insect bites are rarely unnoticed because they all cause discomfort and pain. Gadfly bite will be particularly irritating as it is often accompanied by an active allergic reaction.
How to recognize a gadfly bite?

Gadfly called a very painful genus of flies. Often, these insects can occur near water bodies or in the forest. Because their bites can cause serious allergies, it is the easiest to prevent pest attacks, anti-mosquito-containing creams containing chamomile are used for this, scare such plants safely from dangerous flies.

Symptoms of a gadfly bite include:

rapid redness of the damaged area of ​​the skin;
severe itching and burning in the area of ​​redness;
swelling of an important skin area around the wound;
A few days after bite the wound may become inflamed.

The possible consequences of a bite can only be prevented by timely treatment and protection against insects, paying special attention to the safety of babies, as the bites of a grim are more painful on children's sensitive skin.

Gadfly Bite Treatment

Modern ointments and creams have been used for the treatment of insect bites, which quickly reduce inflammation and eliminate unpleasant sensations. First aid can be provided with a first aid kit at home - first decontaminate the bite with hydrogen peroxide, then burn with green paint or fucrosin.

But what to do if the gadget bit you during a long outdoor recreation and cannot go to the pharmacy in the near future? In this case, popular recipes will come to the rescue:

banana leaves will help relieve pain and alleviate inflammation, because these fresh leaves of the plant should be washed and crushed to an emotional state. The resulting mass is applied to the damaged area and covered with a clean bandage. Compression should be changed every 3-4 hours;
dandelion juice removes bubbles and heals burns. Rub the bite with a flower stalk divided into two to reduce pain and rapid healing (white juice is obtained therefrom);
onion juice Disinfects damaged areas and relieves skin irritation after a hard bite. A piece of onion should be grated or finely chopped and attached to the wound.

If the gadget bites the child, along with healing preparations, it is necessary to give the baby anesthesia as the bright pain on the sensitive skin will last for at least an hour. In addition, insect bites often cause an increase in temperature in children, so taking “Panadol” or “Nurofen acak would be most welcome.

How to prevent gadget attacks

Protecting yourself from the appearance of harmful insects is much easier than treating multiple bites and injuries. Taking into account the basic precautions will protect you from unpleasant contact with harmful insects:

combating household appliances should consist of placing mosquito nets on windows and doors. As repellent, you can use dry grass collections (wormwood or tansy), the oil solutions used in aroma lamps have a similar effect;
if we go to nature, it is better to wear closed clothing, and also to avoid insects from sprays and creams, such tools scare not only gadgets but also ticks and mosquitoes. Separate conversation deserves the color design of the dresses - it attracts bright colors, but in pastel natural tones, they rarely pay attention;
If you are lighting a fire in nature, try to light a bunch of daisies in the fire after cooking, the smell that does not cause hostility to humans, but guarantees the safety of the tools.

If the measures still do not help prevent insect attacks, start treating bites as soon as possible because the delay can have negative consequences for your health.

By resting in the forest or reservoir, blood-sucking insects often do not spoil. A common boredom, a bite of gadfly - a small gray fly. The insect causes obvious pain and discomfort as it releases a toxic substance in the saliva and enters the bloodstream through the wound.
Gadfly Bite Symptoms

It is not impossible to damage the skin because there is a sharp sharp pain immediately after the bite. Other signs:

rapid redness of the epidermis around the wound;
burning and itching;
swelling of the skin;
Supplement (after 2-3 days).

If you have a bite of a gadfly, the clinical symptoms are wider. Histamines present in the gadfly saliva cause an immune response. Mucous membrane swelling, lacrimation, bleeding at the wound site and an increase in body temperature may occur. Also, some people have severe nausea and vomiting with a mixture of bile, dehydration and other intoxication symptoms.
What is a dangerous gadfly bite?

The most dangerous species - abdominal and gastric insect species.

In addition, the described fly species is a carrier of dangerous diseases:

Of trypanosomiasis;

What to do while biting the gadget?

Immediately after skin damage, wash and disinfect immediately with water, preferably soap. It is preferable to use iodine, hydrogen peroxide or bright green, but if it is not in their hands, it makes any solution with alcohol content, even vodka. At the same time it is necessary to avoid scratching the wound and additional mechanical damage.

In the absence of a first-aid kit, you can use it to wash natural remedies - onions, bananas, dandelion juice and herbs - at the point where the stalk is cut. The listed products disinfect the damaged tissue well, create a bactericidal and soothing effect, reduce irritation.
How is a gadfly bite treated?

With significant symptoms of allergic reactions, additional therapeutic measures are needed. Treatment of a gadfly bite involves the use of both local and oral antihistaminic drugs. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are recommended for pain relief, for example:

I Ibupro;

As an antipyretic, it is desirable to use drugs such as Aspirin, Paracetamol.

Suppuration at the bite site, the formation of subcutaneous boils requires the use of antibiotics. Doctors recommend that they attend a short course of no more than 5 days, after which it is mandatory to restore intestinal microflora and the functioning of the liver.

Be blind - these are large flies with a hose with four piercing hairs and insects that look like large iridescent bright eyes of different colors. Females of most gadfish species feed on the blood of mammals, birds and humans, while males contain nectar and flowering plant extracts. Horsefies live in forests, steppes, deserts, closer to the reservoir shores where larvae develop.

The danger of being bitten by a blind man increases during the day, in hot sunny times and also before the rain in the area. These insects draw more attention to dark surfaces and wet objects (for example, if a person sweats too much or has just taken a bath). Therefore, for the purpose of prophylaxis in nature, it is recommended to use light-colored indoor clothing, dry skin and repellents.
What threatens the gadget?

The horse fly's needle is very painful; causes prolonged bleeding, redness, swelling and prolonged healing wounds; When the skin is pierced, it releases saliva containing toxins and anticoagulants. In addition, these insects are carriers of dangerous diseases such as:

trypanosomiasis and so on.

People who are prone to allergic reactions may develop very severe bloating as a result of a hard bite. Therefore, the affected limb can swell completely, the face and neck bite the thin skin while the swelling is very noticeable. In rare cases, a severe allergic reaction of the emergency type is possible -. Given the severity of the results, you should prepare and know in advance how to treat and eliminate swelling after a sting.
First aid and treatment for swelling from a gadfly bite

Much depends on the accuracy of the first aid for the bite of this bloodsucking insect, so it is important to start behaving as the first symptoms of a lesion - redness, pain and itching. After bite requires horse fly:

Clean the bite with plenty of normal and preferably soapy water.
Treat the wound with any antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, iodine, bright green, etc.).
Push the bite down to prevent the spread of insect saliva on the skin layers.
Apply ice or any cold objects to the affected area.
Take an antihistamine (Loratadine, Eden, Suprastin or others).

In order to remove the swelling ice (cold object), wait for at least half an hour. In this area, if you do not have a first aid kit or ice, you can use folk remedies to treat the bite area, ie:

fruit juice and banana leaf;
fruit juice and mint leaves;
onion juice;
lemon juice;
dandelion juice and stalk;
salt solution lotion (one teaspoon of salt for a glass of water);
vodka with lotion, brandy.

In the future, the following groups of drugs can be used to treat severe swelling of a gadfly bite:

local and system facilities;
local and systemic glucocorticoid drugs;
Dimexide (with local edema and bite infiltration).

With proper treatment, the swelling of a dwarf bite passes after 1-2 days.
When do you need an ambulance?

If the leg, neck, head and swelling continue to grow from the stings of a horse fly bite, doctors will need help. alarm Take action after the bites of these insects, which are the reason for calling the ambulance team.

The most active vehicles can be found in the warm season, near water bodies or in the forest. Only females bite like mosquitoes or black flies, dazed bites cannot be ignored, because these insects can be carriers of dangerous infections. There is also a risk of allergic reactions after a bite, so you should consult a doctor to get qualified help.
Danger to human life and health

Gnawing bites are very painful, so it is recommended not to have close contact with these insects. In addition to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms on the skin, a dwarf sting can cause infection with the following infectious diseases:

Of trypanosomiasis;

The treatment of the above diseases is very difficult, so beware of various blood-sucking insects before resting in nature. It is also recommended that, if possible, the insect be delivered to the laboratory to analyze and exclude the presence of infectious agents. It is important to remember that you can catch a dangerous disease from the bite of a horse fly and therefore you should consult a doctor on time. In some cases, after bitten by an insect, a strong allergic reaction may occur (up to Quincke's edema), so you should call an ambulance at the first sign of allergy or go to a doctor immediately.
Main clinical symptoms

It takes a characteristic appearance on the skin bitten by horse curl.

Swelling of the bite is accompanied by severe pain, itching and burning sensations.

The skin turns a bright red color and blood can flow from the wound for a long time due to the presence of toxins and anticoagulants in the insect's saliva. In case of late treatment for medical care or failure to comply with hygiene care for a wound, a secondary infection may occur. The tumor may increase in size and inflammation with a deterioration in the general well-being of the patient.
How to get first aid

It is necessary, above all, to reduce pain after being bitten by a horse fly, to quickly and effectively neutralize the negative effects on the human body. This can be achieved by adding ice or a cold compress to the payment, under the influence of cold, the vessels narrow and this reduces the severity of the pain. It is also important to prevent the toxins from spreading into the bloodstream, which must be pressed into the bite area with a hard object. One of the complications of horse fly bite can be an infection of the wound, so the edema should be thoroughly washed under running water using ordinary soap.

After washing use antiseptic - iodine, alcohol, chlorhexidine or others for a better effect.

If you don't have pharmacy antiseptics, products that are usually trying to rest in nature can come to your rescue. You can use a bandage containing baking soda, a large spoon of soda is dissolved in water (pre-boiling water). The bandage is applied to the wound and left to dry completely.

You can also prepare salt solution to compress it, this tool allows you to quickly and effectively relieve swelling and reduce pain.

How can I resolve my edema quickly and effectively?

For edema after a stupid bite, it is better to use special pharmacy tools. There are many different ointments and gels for the treatment of insect bites, their active ingredients eliminate swelling, local inflammation, and relieve itching and burning. When traveling to nature, it is desirable to have a similar vehicle in a personal first aid kit, but it is also effective after a period of bite and edema.

You can also use ointments containing hormonal components (prednisone ointment, hydrocortisone and others) to eliminate edema.

It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, for the best effect can be used in the form of hormonal ointments lotions.

Generally, a strong allergic reaction develops from a gadfly bite or horse fly. The edema may be very wide due to allergies, and the treatment of allergic edema edema has a wide variety of features. If allergic reactions are suspected, antihistamines should be taken. These include loratadine, tavegil, suprastin and others.

Many drugs are available in tablets and injectable forms. With a rapidly spreading edema, it is better to prefer an injectable drug release form. You can swallow enterosorbents and drink plenty of clean carbonate-free water to quickly cleanse the body of toxins and eliminate edema.

There are also traditional medicine tools to treat horse bites and reduce swelling. Widely applied in:

banana leaf juice;
juice from dandelion stalks;
aloe juice;

The abovementioned plants need to be applied instead of edema to reduce and relieve itching and burning. In advanced cases, if the wound is infected, edema can then spread to nearby tissues with the formation of suppuration. This complication is caused by various pathogenic microorganisms that penetrate the wound due to the absence of asepsin and antiseptics.

Treatment of such a condition may require the assistance of a surgeon and surgery. You can deal with swelling at home after being bitten by a horse fly, but it is better to consult a doctor with a sharp deterioration in health or the appearance of other symptoms.

Each of us was bitten by an insect at least once in a lifetime. Some bites pass quickly and do not cause discomfort. Unlike others, severe itching, burning, swelling of the skin is seen. Before you can deal with unpleasant symptoms, you need to find out which insect bites.

The manifestation of unpleasant symptoms depends on the body's immune response to the stimulus. Some people cause bumps and itching when they are bitten by an insect in the skin. Others may experience an allergic reaction, fever and a strong burning sensation.
Swelling or swelling from insect bites

Sometimes a clumping occurs at or around the bite. It shows that the human body cannot quickly remove harmful substances entering the bloodstream. This happens with reduced immunity. Swelling may occur due to mosquito bites, some fly species, horns and other blood-sucking insects.
Bitten or bitten insect bitten: what to do

Bites of leaking and bitten insects can be life-threatening. The affected place is swollen and slightly itchy. No redness and other symptoms. Also the person feels pain during the bite. Bitter insects include:


If the bitten person has other symptoms and the swelling does not diminish, medical attention is required.
Symptoms of poisonous insect bites

Toxic substances in human blood often secrete wasps, bees and horns. Components entering the body cause toxic reactions. First, a person affects the nerve tissue and then the blood itself.

It's hard not to notice their bites. Symptoms showing the defeat of the body with toxic substances:

Sharp burning pain at the moment of bite.
Edema develops rapidly in large areas of the epidermis.
A bright red inflammation occurs around the affected area.
A bitten person has a worse health condition. There is weakness and dizziness.
A limb with a bite is numb.
Blood pressure decreases.

If you find the above symptoms in yourself or in another person, you must first help him and then send him to the hospital. Timely removal of toxic substances from the body prevents the development of complications.
How to behave at the pre-hospital stage? First aid

The biggest mistake people make when they are bitten by poisonous insects is panic. Therefore, if you encounter a similar problem, you must calm down. Calm down and trust will help you with proper first aid.

To help a bitten person, you must do the following:

Place on a flat surface.
If insects (hornet, wasp, wasp, bee) cause damage to the skin by inserting it, remove the needle from the epidermis. It is recommended to use tweezers for these purposes. You must then suck the poison out of the wound (toxic substances do not harm the oral cavity).
The bite is necessary to put a compress with ice instead. Hold for 10 minutes.
Not everyone knows how to clean the bites of poisonous insects. For these purposes, it is desirable to use alcohol, antiseptic, hydrogen peroxide or "Menovazine".
With the help of a bandage or other cloth, the skin located above the bitten area is attached. Tight tight bonding is not required.
If you are not feeling well, the person should follow the bed rest and get plenty of hot drinks.

The above methods allow you to maximize the spread of toxic substances in the body.

It is recommended that you call an ambulance before performing pre-hospital procedures. This will help the victim receive qualified assistance faster.
How to relieve itching from insect bites

To do this, you must follow certain actions. These include:

Antiseptic treatment of the affected area. For these purposes, you can use iodine, alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. Regular washing with water will not be enough.
Use of hygienic trays. You should also wash the bite thoroughly with soap and water.
To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, apply a compress or lotion based on diluted alcohol.
Squeeze insect bites with the use of hormonal ointments.
The person is given antihistamines for more serious damage.

You should not expect immediate effect from these funds. After regular use of drugs it is possible to get rid of disturbing symptoms in only 2-3 days.
Folk remedies

How to relieve itching with the help of folk remedies? If there is a slight rash and itching, add a piece of ice wrapped in gauze to the epidermis. You can repeat this procedure every 2-3 hours.

With moderate damage, it is desirable to use drugs for itching prepared at home.

Recipe 1 . Aloe vera based compress. The plant is finely ground (almost liquid). In the resulting mass, moisten a small piece of gauze and then apply to bite. This treatment is used twice a day. Compression will help relieve the itchy sensations and soothe the skin.

Recipe 2 . The baking soda is diluted with water to obtain a pasty mixture. Mark here with remedy. Overhead gauze or stick adhesive can be applied. After the paste has dried, it is necessary to wash it and then lubricate the skin with a chamomile-based moisturizer. Treatment is carried out depending on the strength of the itch (2-4 times a day).

Recipe 3 . You can relieve the itching after a bite of lemon. Lubricate the affected epidermis with lemon juice (3 times a day). This natural medicine helps prevent the spread of harmful microorganisms.

Recipe 4 . Few know how to get rid of spoon bites. You can quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms with herbal lotions. An equal amount of hyperium, mint and oak bark is poured with a glass of cold water and set on fire. Prepare a decoction for 30 minutes, then cool. To avoid itching in the resulting solution, moisten a cotton swab and apply it to the affected area. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

Recipe 5 . A vinegar-based lotion. Dilute with 1/1 water to prepare the solution. A cotton pad or a small piece of gauze is then moistened in diluted vinegar and applied to the bitten area. After 20-30 minutes, the lotion is removed from the skin and washed with water. Therapy should be done twice a day.
Itching gels and insect bites

Doctors recommend the use of antihistaminic ointments to relieve itching after bites. Children should use drops as they do not cause drowsiness. Saying "Zyrtec" and "Fenistil" does not have a negative impact on the body of children.

Fighting itching in just 1-2 days, reduces bloating and redness.

After insect bites, these drugs help:

Levomekol. Used for wound disinfection, antimicrobial and antiviral treatment. It is used as an anti-inflammatory agent when the insect bites.

The Advanta. Excellent antiallergic ointment helps to localize inflammation and reduce swelling. However, the drug has negative - hormonal effects, so it is not recommended to treat large areas with gel.

Hydrocortisone ointment. The vehicle has a hormonal effect. Ointment inhibits the production of histamine in the body, which reduces the spread of the allergic reaction. Used to prevent the formation of anaphylactic shock when bitten by a poisonous insect.

Akriderm. Ointment is used to apply to places of bedbugs and mosquito bites. Acriderm reduces itching and relieves rashes.

mosquitall gel cream and Gardex gel. They have a delicate effect, so there are release tools for children. Quickly relieve itching and also help prevent insect attacks.

The Menovaz. The drug has an analgesic effect since the main active ingredient in the composition is menthol. Menovazinoma can handle bites bites beetles, bedbugs. This tool will reduce pain, itching and provide a local feeling of coolness.

Adults may use antihistamines with the following names: Tavegil, Claritin or Suprastin.

They are available in various forms: pills, injections, syrup. Drugs help with allergic reactions caused by insect bites. It has side effects: it can cause a decrease in performance, weakness and drowsiness, not recommended for children and pregnant women.
Allergic reaction to insect bites

The occurrence of allergies is directly related to the human immune system. All people react differently to stimuli. Adverse environmental conditions, unhealthy eating and bad habits increase the risk of developing allergies to insect bites.

It usually occurs after the epidermis damage caused by wasps, wasps or bees. And repeated bites can be fatal. Allergies are also observed in some people after exposure to mosquitoes, but are less life-threatening.
Symptoms of local and systemic allergies

It is very difficult to distinguish an allergic reaction independently from other diseases, so you should consult a doctor for diagnosis.

The main symptom of local and systemic allergies is skin rash. Not only near the bitten area, but also in more remote areas of the skin. It usually has a small, reddish tint of redness. The less common symptom is not swelling. It covers large areas of the body. Anaphylactic shock may also develop in one person. Most dangerous and requires immediate medical attention.
Treatment of local and systemic allergies: how to appoint a bite

Antihistamines are commonly used to combat the symptoms of allergic reactions. They can be taken both in tablet form and externally (balsams, lotions, gels, etc.).

Oral medications are used for local symptoms of allergies caused by multiple bites. In this case, doctors prescribe antimicrobial, antihistamine drugs to patients. These include "Hydrocortisone", "D-panthenol" and "Bepantene".

Helps quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms (relieves swelling and itching) and prevents the spread of rashes. The fastest itching insect bite ointment Fenistil. Apply to the affected area up to four times a day. Side effects are very rare.

You can also use folk remedies as an additional treatment. The most effective treatment for itching after bite is baking soda or vinegar. One teaspoon of the product is diluted in 100 ml of water. Then soak the bandage in the resulting solution. The affected areas should be pressurized for 15 minutes.

In anaphylactic shock with loss of consciousness, the patient is given resuscitation therapy. Artificial respiration and cardiac massage is done. The person should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible. There will be adrenaline, glucocorticoids and antihistamines.

You should not use traditional treatment as a separate medicine. It is also desirable to give up bad habits and eat properly during therapy. This will accelerate the healing process.

Naturals Insect Mosquito Bite Relief Soothing Balm,Relieve Itching,Diminish Inflammation,Antianaphylaxis,Refreshing,Total 4.23oz(4 pots)