Friday, August 16, 2019

Tender After Bite The Itch Eraser 0.5 fl Oz. (Pack of 6)

The tumor doesn't pass through the insect bite. Insect bite, swelling and redness: treatment

Tender After Bite The Itch Eraser 0.5 fl Oz. (Pack of 6)

The reaction to an insect bite is caused by poisoning (in the case of bee stings, wasps) or allergy to saliva (in the case of mosquito bites, mosquitoes, midge). One of the most common symptoms of this reaction is swelling, itching and redness in the bite area. However, there is a more pronounced response when the edema and redness are markedly apparent and persist for 10 days or longer. In rare cases, anaphylactic shock or acute urticaria may develop. In any of these cases, the reaction to the insect bite should be treated, otherwise the next bite can cause a serious complication.
How does local response to insects bite?

Limited local answer. This is the appearance of bite redness and swelling of soft tissues up to 5 cm. The symptoms are accompanied by pain and itching. If an infection occurs during a bite, an infection occurs. The bite area becomes tender, the patient's body temperature increases, weakness is seen, sometimes nausea and dizziness is seen.
Severe local reaction manifests itself as redness of the skin for 5 cm and swelling of soft tissues. Tumor and redness may increase within two days after bite and may then continue for up to 10 days. This reaction is accompanied by a general weakness of the patient, decreased appetite and sometimes nausea.

In what circumstances should you immediately consult a doctor after an insect bite?

There are situations in which the normal reaction to bite can turn into an allergic reaction to the body and cause anaphylactic shock (life-threatening!). Dangerous symptoms:

Redness and strong distribution of swelling beyond the bite zone.
The appearance of the blisters in the body, which are joined together with large blisters, spreads to the body and accompanies severe itching.
Dizziness, confusion or speech disorder, loss of consciousness.
It's hard to breathe or breathe, as if something is squeezing or tangling in your chest.
Nasal mucosa swelling, pharynx, tongue.
Increase in body temperature to 38 degrees and above. Or low numbers of body temperature (up to 37.5 degrees), but longevity increase.

What to do if swelling and redness are seen in the insect bite area?

In the spring and summer, the life of insects is activated. In most cases, they're not bad with a person. However, it is necessary to distinguish between completely harmless individuals and those that may harm human health. Today, science is aware of the existence of more than 5 million insect species. Insects and lepidoptera, including insects and butterflies, as well as hymenoptera - ants, wasps, mosquitoes and bees are considered the most common in the world. Hymenoptera are the most commonly responsible insects of tumors, redness and bloating in the human body.
Are insect stings dangerous?

Many believe that the only thing that can be remembered by an insect bite is a tumor. However, the truth speaks of something completely different: the death rate of Hymenoptera bites is three times the death rate of poisonous snake bites. The reason for these indicators is that 80% of the world's population is allergic to proteins entering the human body with saliva or hymenoptera.

What else could be dangerous insect bites? First, they are carriers of various microorganisms that can cause serious illness in a bitten person, such as typhus, West Nile fever and leishmaniasis, sleep disease and dysentery, Lyme disease, and encephalitis. This is not a complete list of diseases that can be transmitted by blood-sucking insects, including fleas, lice, mosquitoes and mosquitoes.
Symptoms of complications

The natural reaction of the human body to an insect bite is swelling and redness of the skin. About 80% of people who have been bitten experience itching, burning and even pain at the point of poison or saliva leaking into the body. In 45% of cases, allergy to insect symptoms may develop, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

redness and itching away from the bite area of ​​the skin;
rash in the body, urticaria;
difficulty breathing;
swelling of soft tissues in the nose, throat and mouth;
loss of consciousness;
febrile conditions;
increase in body fever to subfebrile indicators;
pain or pressure in the chest.

The occurrence of any of the above symptoms should be a signal for immediate contact with emergency medical care, as an symptomatic manifestation of an allergic reaction in an individual may cause an anaphylactic shock.

In addition, a normal tumor that appears after an insect bite can cause purulent inflammation of the subcutaneous adipose tissue to prevent that it is sufficient to treat the wound with a disinfectant.
How is insect sting treated?

At home, there are very effective ways and means to remove the tumor from an insect bite quickly and effectively. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface of the skin around the wound with normal soap and warm water. This will remove residues in the body or in the crust particles of the insect itself, as well as the residues of injected saliva or poison. Remember: Never comb your bites, even if itching is unbearable!

Treatment with insect bites is to eliminate painful symptoms: itching, burning and swelling. You can do this by using external medications, oral medications and conventional methods. Consider each technique in more detail.
External treatments for insect bites

With a slight swelling and weak redness, it is sufficient to add a piece of ice to the bite, and in other cases, it is necessary to use ointment, cream or gel after insect bites. Before choosing a particular dosage form, you need to understand how they differ. The composition of almost all antihistaminic or anti-inflammatory ointments used to eliminate symptoms after an insect bite contains the same active ingredients. The only difference is how quickly the agent is absorbed into the skin. The ointment is absorbed most slowly, the cream is slightly faster, and the gels are absorbed within minutes.

With moderate hyperemia and edema, severe itching given without a doctor's prescription, antihistamines should be used. With their help, you can quickly get rid of these symptoms. Antihistamine ointment from insect bites should be applied directly to the wound. This is slightly different with ointments and gels for itching that contain menthol. They should only be applied to the skin around the wound. Such medicines do not cure insect bites, swell and itch, and have only a disturbing effect.

The following external drugs are considered the most popular:

gel "Fenistil";
psilo Balsam Gel;
cream or ointment "Bepanten";
cream or ointment "Afloderm";
lotion "Calamine";
cream "Elidel".

Insect Bites Treatment with Pills

Gels and ointments may not always be effective enough. If there are multiple insect bites in the body, external treatment can be supported by taking oral medications including steroid preparations Dimedrol, Benadril and others. In addition, antimicrobial tablets should be used for the inflammation of bite spots. Acute reactions indicate the use of injections of the drug "Epinephrine".

Traditional methods of insect bite treatment

Allergy to insect bites can be eliminated by folk remedies, in addition to the use of pharmaceutical preparations. Bananas, elderly, dandelions, veronica officinalis and others, are considered the most famous and effective plants to ease swelling, itching and inflammation. In addition, in the last two decades, food products such as soda and acetic acid have been used frequently to eliminate the symptoms of hymenoptera allergies.

The use of folk remedies should be used with caution, as they already have allergens that may worsen the condition of the affected skin. To protect the victim from complications and to help insect bites by conventional methods, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the recipes and rules of use for the preparation of healing compositions.
We treat garlic

Garlic is one of the most appropriate remedies for redness and bloating, which is the skin's damage caused by tiny jaws or stings of nature's winged inhabitants. The first thing an insect bite stands out is a tumor (photo above). You can get rid of it by brewing garlic water. To do this, it is necessary to grind in a fine grinder or skip a pair of garlic heads through a press and pour the resulting mass into a glass of boiling chilled water. The infusion was moistened with a sterile bandage or rag and applied to the bite site. This tool will be useful in the treatment of bites of blood-sucking insects: mosquitoes, gadflies and black flies.

In addition to infusion, a tooth is wrapped in garlic and you can use it by placing it on a bandage on your skin. This drug is more effective for the bites of bitter insects - wasps and bees. When the filling appears in the wound, you can mix some garlic honey in equal proportions. As garlic juice can cause severe burns, it should be noted that this method requires careful use of people with sensitive skin.
Cabbage as a remedy for insect bites

The most effective way to reduce the tumor from insect bites in humans is to consider cabbage leaves. Apply them as follows: remove a thin portion of the sheet and immerse in hot water for a few seconds to soften slightly. After that, apply to the skin area exposed to insects, cover the top with a film and secure with a cloth. This jam will allow a strong tumor and pain relief from the bite of bitter insects only overnight.

Supreme with insect bites cabbage ointment has a good effect. Preparation requires quarter head of cabbage (fresh), a bunch of parsley and about 50 g of pork fat. In case of cabbage, mashed potatoes, chopped parsley should be crushed and squeeze the juice. Mix the ingredients with oil, mix well. Keep this appliance better in the refrigerator. The ointment is applied to an insect bite twice a day, the tumor falls within about a day and the itching or pain goes even faster.
Soda and Vinegar

Bites of annoying bloodsucking insects due to severe itching can be treated with baking soda pulp. To prepare a remedy, it is necessary to dilute the soda with a small amount of water so as to obtain a sufficiently thick mass from which a cake can be formed. Immediately impose the putty directly on the insect bite of an insect, fix it with a bandage and medical plaster. In addition, washing with water and soda (1 teaspoon per cup) is useful. This method is more suitable for cases with large bites and there is no possibility of applying a soda paste on a large surface of the skin.

3% vinegar is used as an external medicinal product, better than apple cider vinegar. A moistened bandage or a clean cloth is applied to the redness and swelling caused by the bite of bloodsucking insects for 20-30 minutes. During use of this appliance, it is necessary to ensure that the vinegar does not enter the hair as it may cause burns. The use of undiluted vinegar or extract is also unacceptable.
Spicy Herbs

If an insect bite is seen in the body, the tumor can be removed with the help of medicinal herbs that any hostess can find. Most often, basil and mint are used for these purposes. Basil decoction (2 tablespoons dry herb boiled in 0.5 liters of water for 5 minutes, cool), usually drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day with severe itching threatening strong hair. Mint is used both in fresh form and by applying fruit juice to the ground ground and in the form of poultry: attach a large tuft of fresh grass firmly to the gauze and immerse it in boiling water for 5 minutes, then gently remove and cool. Apply the gauze bag with bite mint should be at least 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes. It can be used to rub the skin to reduce fusion, itching and swelling of the plant.

Soaps and other hygiene products

Often, medicines such as household dark soap and toothpaste are used as a curative remedy to prevent itching, redness and swelling. To reduce the tumor, it is sufficient to wet the affected skin areas twice a day, and with strong itching, folk healers recommend applying a small amount of mint toothpaste to the bites.

As a result, I would like to remind doctors that insect bites (pain, itching, swelling, or suppuration), which cause serious discomfort, should be shown to doctors because these symptoms may indicate allergies or wound infections.

Many people suffer from swelling in response to insect bites. Proper treatment of this allergic symptom allows you to relieve tumor and discomfort. This is especially necessary for children because they ignore the recommendations for: Do not comb and may cause an infection in the wound.

See how ant bites look on the skin
Insect bite allergy - swelling and swelling of the face

A strong manifestation of the reaction to insect attack is characteristic of a large part of the population. This is due to hypersensitivity to the substances contained in the pest enzymes. Specifically, in the face and eyelid area, there is a tumor in which a person has the most sensitive and sensitive tissues (especially children). More often, this problem arises in a child, which leads parents to argue about what to do and how to remove them.
Tumor and swelling in insect bites than treated?

Saliva, poison and other secretions are allergens that cause redness, severe itching, swelling and other discomfort if they get under the skin of the person.

Allergy can occur when a midge stings bee, wasp, mosquito, fleas and other pests.

To quickly and efficiently treat pay with insect bites, you must understand why the bitten area swells and how you can apply.

An allergic symptom is caused by the following composition of saliva and poison:

Apamine - a substance that stimulates the nervous system;
Meditin is a poison that causes inflammation and metabolic disorders in tissues;
Histamine is a substance that dilates blood vessels and causes inflammation;
Hyaluronidase - a means of accelerating the spread of poison.

First aid is to remove the needle. This should be done carefully, processed with a solution of hydrogen peroxide or alcohol, tweezers. Now wipe the antiseptic, reddened skin. Then you can apply ointment for swelling and swelling. Tablets are taken only in the event of a pre-formed allergic reaction of the body. For example, many people know that they do not tolerate bee venom, so tablets or injections are always with them throughout their active life.

Swelling bites small pests such as fleas or mosquitoes without bites. In such cases, treatment is carried out with anti-allergic drugs. It is also recommended to cool the tumor with ice or a cold object. After applying special pills swelling will disappear in the near future.
How to remove swelling when insect bites - remedies for edema

Treatment after insect attacks applies to children and adults. Special preparations are used to relieve swelling and discomfort. They are divided into several groups depending on the composition:

When a bite is treated with such drugs:

Antihistamines - Suprastine, Diazoline, Diprazine, Diphenhydramine, Terfenadine, Azelastine and others;
Glucocorticoids - Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone, Betamethasone;
Mast cell stabilizers: Ketotifen, Nedocromil, Intal;
Symptomatic drugs: Phenoterol, Adrenaline, Salbutamol.

Ointment for edema with insect bites

Eye ointment and other local remedies can be used to quickly relieve symptoms of insect bites allergy in adults and children. Allergic reactions will be easier immediately, redness and pain will pass. Often, treatment with hydrocortisone ointment is recommended because it can remove the tumor and does not harm the eye even if the child is provided with assistance. Another proven remedy is an antiseptic ointment: Oflocain, Tetracycline ointment.

Glucocorticoid drug types will also help remove the tumor, including hyoxysone ointment and prednisone.
How is edema treated in children after insect bites?

Midges and other pests can attack the child. The baby's sensitive skin reacts more vividly to poisons, so large edema usually occurs more than adults with insect bites. To remove the tumor, itching and other irritating sensations, it is recommended to apply the same ointment and tablets in dosage only for children. According to the instructions, the norm for adults is less than twice.

Traditional medicine recipes for children are used. For example, decoction of aloe juice and chamomile (moistening a cotton pad inside should be applied and payment) allows you to relieve swelling and itching. Yes, the effect cannot be achieved as quickly as in ointments, but you can be sure that the baby will not have an allergic reaction to the drug.

In any case, if symptoms only worsen during the day, you should contact a specialist with a problem and not treat yourself.

Summer is not just vacation, swimming, relaxation, fresh fruit and a long daylight. It is also the time for active annoying insects. A small bee, midge or mosquito bite can cause great disaster. Small skin lesions not only itch and hurt, but also swell hard. We need to figure out why and how to deal with it.

Midge, a small insect with two wings. However, despite its size, it is more dangerous than a mosquito. Initially, the location of the midge bite has a small area, but after time passes it starts to ache, swell and swell. Therefore, while resting in the arms of nature, you need to take care of your health - put a protective cream or spray on your skin, wear long-sleeved clothing and pants legs and antihistamines.

A midge sting is also dangerous, because pathogenic microbes penetrate human blood. The fact is that an insect with a jaw bites through a small hole in the person's skin. A mosquito pierces the skin with a hose because its bite is not so traumatic. Contact between the midge and a person may cause a serious allergic reaction. The bite of the eye is a particular discomfort, especially in the case of a child who does not understand how the wound can end.

In addition to itching and pain at the bite site, a person may have the following symptoms:

body rash;
swelling of the eyes;
increased blood pressure;
increase in body temperature.

A person who is bitten by an insect is immediately assisted. When taken during the measures taken to relieve the swelling and relieve itching.
First aid

Ignoring a midge bite or another insect bite can cause more serious problems than itching and swelling. Perfect soda helps remove swelling, so it should not only be at home, but also on a camping trip. Half a glass of water requires one teaspoon of soda powder. The resulting solution deletes the affected area or compresses it. Soda can be replaced with vinegar.

To relieve discomfort and swelling, toothpaste helps you make mint. It cools the insect bite and reduces the sensitivity of the affected skin. In the summer, you should have itching problem after contact with insects, which effectively solves the problem of swelling and itching.

After a bite, if the midges or bees see signs of allergy, an antihistamine should be taken (L-tset, Fenistil. Suprastin, Citrine). The location of the lesion can also be lubricated with anti-allergic ointment.

In no case can you scratch the itchy skin, because pathogenic microorganisms that can cause the skin to swell and become inflamed can pass through the wound. If a person is provided with quality care, but after the bite has started to increase the temperature and blisters appear, you should immediately consult a doctor and take the recommended treatment. This is especially true for a small child.
Midge bite in the eye

If an insect bite strikes the eye, the problem is solved as soon as possible. If the midge strikes the visual organ, the person experiences tearing, redness and swelling of the mucous membranes of the eye. Often there is pain in the chest and difficulty breathing because the poison entering the body through the mucous membranes of the eye spreads rapidly through the blood.

Treatment is done at home. The victim must ensure that he or she drinks plenty of fluids - the liquid cleans the body of poison that enters the blood after the insect bite. Eyelids are transmitted by an antiseptic cream, but also ensure that the product does not contact the mucous membranes. After that, take antiallergic medication.

Alleviating the itching in the eye will help compress a piece of fresh potato. Helps relieve the discomfort of mint or parsley.

If an insect has been hurt and bitten, it should not be ignored in this area, because the poison rapidly enters the blood vessels in this area and causes illness.

Help child

If an infant suffers from contact with insects, an antihistamine medication should be given immediately. A young child reacts more to the discomfort due to his age and begins to scratch the bite area immediately. Timely organized treatment calms itching and soothes pain.

Fresh lemon juice or vinegar diluted with water is applied to the affected area. It helps to remove swelling of banana or parsley juice. The child needs treatment if his condition deteriorates. This is especially true for a bite in the eye.

You should take some precautions to prevent a child from being bitten by an insect bite. In May and June, the troubles are particularly active, so by this time you need to buy a child protective spray gel. Used car before walking on the street. If you do not want to buy a tool against insects, you can note a simple recipe for preparation at home:

Add a packet of vanilla to a glass of water.
Mix well and pour the solution into the sprayer.
Meaning to treat the child's skin a few minutes before going to the street.

In the video, an expert explains how to help an insect bite.

Insects are the most diverse and numerous living categories of our planet. In addition, it is certainly the most durable, productive and most adaptable part of the animal world. However, a simple man on the street cares little about evolutionary processes and the survival of insects. The common man is worried about how to avoid meeting the ruthless micro-world representatives who are constantly on their way to survival. In fact, contact with insects takes place in one of two unpleasant scenarios - either irritating us and making it difficult to live in peace, or even worse - biting mercilessly and sometimes very painfully.
Why are you biting us?

If he doesn't live on earth in a completely sterile room, he can't find a person who hasn't experienced insect bites. We bite a wide variety of creatures, bite a lot, and have different consequences. The response from the bite depends on two key factors: the bitten organism, as well as the individual characteristics of the bitten organism.

If one person can arbitrarily withstand many cruel mosquito bites, another may be sufficient to make a fatal outcome a single bite. The greatest danger to humans is not the penetration of the skin and the pain that accompanies it, but the substances they inject when they bite insects. And the most disturbing result here is an allergy to sudden swelling and insect bites. Representatives of the insect world are premature aggressive and fragile.

They attack a person for two reasons:

for your own saturation.

Which insects are dangerous?

Residents of the middle latitudes should, first of all, pay attention to hymenoptera - wasps, bees, wasps, wasps and red ants. All of the above creatures simply dig into human skin for self-defense. They're not interested in food, and it hurts because they bit it mercilessly and for sure. The poison they inject contains, in addition to the active proteins, any constituents that are well suited for the role of strong allergens.

When such substances enter the body, the latter reacts with redness, pain, swelling and swelling. Living in a world full of insects, you must prepare for inevitable meetings in advance to avoid problems, unpleasant, blood leakage and a break with other lovers.

In particular, you should know how to remove swelling from insect bites to minimize pain and prevent complications.

In addition to pain, swelling and allergies, insect bites threaten infection.
Particularly dangerous:

malaria mosquitoes (malaria);
lice (typhoid, rickettsiosis);
mosquitoes (leishmaniasis);
african mosquitoes (West Nile encephalitis);
tsetse flies (sleep disease);
simple flies (typhoid, dysentery)
flea (bubonic plague);
mosquitoes (dengue fever, yellow fever);
ticks (Lyme disease);
Black widows and brown recluse spiders can cause death.

What symptoms accompany insect bites?

Usually, any insect bite does not result - the symptoms are almost the same, only the degree of severity varies. Most bites disturb a person with the following irritating manifestations:

swelling, swelling;
itching, irritation.

Keep in mind - scan the bitten area, no matter how much you want to dig, otherwise you can carry the infection. The most dangerous reaction to insect bites is allergies. In addition to local manifestations, the body has a general response - rash all over the body, respiratory failure, loss of consciousness. In the most severe cases, death can occur half an hour after the bite. There are mild allergic reactions and acute. A moderate reaction does not require urgent and special events, it is expressed by the following symptoms: pain, rash, itching, swelling, slight swelling, increase in body temperature in the biting zone.

However, acute reactions are much more dangerous and require immediate medical care with the following symptoms:

heart palpitations;
shortness of breath;
body rash;
sharp drop in blood pressure.

In general, an acute allergic reaction to insect bites is not a common phenomenon but, unfortunately, is life-threatening. Ten minutes are enough for the bitten to develop anaphylactic shock, followed by loss of consciousness and then death.
What to do when a wasp, bee or wasp bites?

The bites of these aggressive ones are very painful and are accompanied by severe swelling and swelling. The severity of the condition is determined by the number of bites and individual intolerance to the components of the injected poison. How and how can you remove the swelling from the insect bite that suddenly bites you? If you have been bitten by a sting bug, immediately take the pain and try to squeeze the liquid slowly from the bite.

If the bitten person does not have acute allergies to insect bites, take an antihistamine (one tablet) and add a lotion dipped in salmon (to dilute to 1: 5) or chilled with ethyl alcohol (dilute to 1: 3). It is also recommended that they take a horizontal position after drinking warm tea and lie down for a while. To prevent complications, an antihistamine should be drunk for a few more days - until swelling and swelling disappear completely.

A lot of doctors are advised to take vodka (25 g and adults only!). If you have acute pain, you can take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example ibuprofen.

It is important to know that individual intolerance can manifest over time, and therefore you should monitor your condition carefully - you may then experience nausea, fever, redness, respiratory problems and pressure changes.

Traditional medicine for the bite of sore insects recommends the following methods:

the chewed banana leaf sticks to the bitten ground;
tie a dandelion leaf (previously crushed) instead of bite;
attach and secure the parsley leaf;
veronica lotion;
fusion of parsley roots - taken orally;
Brew series beverage;
Add the juice of mint leaves and others.

But remember - go to the hospital immediately with multiple bites!
Blood Sucking Bites

In addition to the threat of infection, mosquito bites bring unpleasant sensations in the form of prolonged itching. As a result, especially bites on the face may appear distracting edema. However, despite the measures, have you ever been a victim of mosquitoes - instead of swelling the insect-bloodsucker bite?

There are many effective ways to correct the unpleasant effects of bites, namely:

coping with a solution of soda to the itchy ground;
lubricate the bite with boric alcohol, tincture of calendula, or tomato juice only;
Apply cold lotions;
take an antihistamine (if you have much bite);
treating the bite zone with Phenystyle or Fucorcinum, which completely eliminates itching from mosquito bites.

Do not forget! An antihistamine should be present in your travel first aid kit, especially if you are going to a country house or nature.

Traditional medicine recommends dealing with mosquito bites:

lubricate the bite with sour cream (kefir);
attach a leaf plane or bird cherry tree leaf;
Use the bitten places for the treatment of balsam "stars".

What to do if you are bitten by a spider?

Some spiders' bites are fatal and if you suspect misfortune, it is better to seek immediate help. This is especially true for children. After all, if the spider is poisonous, it may require an immediate antidote introduction.

In the absence of an ambulance, the following precautions should be taken:

wash the bite with soap and water;
immobilizing the affected limb by covering the tire;
If a limb is bitten, a tourniquet may be applied (strictly following all the rules to apply to a tourniquet);
add a cold lotion to the bitten place;
drink plenty of toxins;
Take aspirin or paracetamol.

Tick ​​bitten - what to do?

There is an opinion that you should discard something scented of absorbed mite, such as vegetable oil or cologne. However, this is an incorrect action. Once in an unpleasant situation, a tick intensely injects poison into the body, begins to defend itself.

Therefore, after finding the bloodsucker, proceed as follows:

armed with tweezers, carefully remove the hooks, trying not to attract an insect;
examine the wound for the presence of a tick tube and treat it with alcohol;
drinking an antihistamine;
It is recommended to visit the clinic.

How can I prevent bites?

Of course, no one provides insurance against all bites, but by following a series of simple but effective rules, one can greatly minimize the risk of confusion.

Therefore, it is recommended to bite insects and avoid annoying bites:

approach to beehives;
Going to nature does not use flower-scented perfumes;
do not wear bright clothes that can attract bees;
do not make sudden movements when approaching insects;
Be careful in nature - see where you live and regularly check for ticks;
mosquito nets and ultrasonic traps - use, emergence, repellents and essential oils and in homes.

Tender After Bite The Itch Eraser 0.5 fl Oz. (Pack of 6)