Friday, August 16, 2019

Benadryl Itch Relief Spray Extra Strength 2 oz (Pack of 3)

First aid for insect and animal bites. First aid for bites of rabies, poisonous snakes and insects

Benadryl Itch Relief Spray Extra Strength 2 oz (Pack of 3)


We live in big cities and strive for nature, less inclined to think of the fact that it can give us unpleasant surprises. At the same time, a modern person living in the urban world forgets about the aggressive wildlife that he can sometimes go on vacation even in his own home as he goes to nature on weekends.

In the meantime, more than 10 million people in the world are attacked by poisonous animals each year and more than 50,000 victims die. Millions of such cases are caused by the bites of poisonous snakes, 30–40,000 deadly.

On the territory of Russia, a relatively small number of animals live, potentially dangerous to humans. Among them, 14 species of poisonous snakes ("blind" cobra, snakes from the viper family: Central Asia and the Caucasian gyurza, viper and sandy ef, Pallas moth), insect class bees, horns, bumble bees, wasps beetles, spiders: karakurt, scorpion and tarantula, amphibians - gray, green and reed frogs, various salamanders, red-bellied toads and common garlic.

1. Toxic insects and animals

1.1 General characteristics and toxicity of animals and insects

Poisonous animals contain substances that are toxic to humans and other species in the body continuously or periodically. Even small doses of poison entering another animal's body cause painful disorders and sometimes death. In total, there are about 5,000 species of toxic animals: protozoa - about 20, intestinal cavity - about 100, worms - about 70, arthropods - about 4 thousand, mollusks - about 90, echinoderm - about 25, fish - about 500, amphibians - about 40 , reptiles - about 100, mammal - 1 species. In the USSR - about 1,500 species. Among the poisonous animals, snakes, scorpions, spiders, warrior insects and others are the most studied; at least amphibians, fish, molluscs and intestinal cavities. Poisonous animals are representatives of various systematic groups, from protozoa to vertebrates. The degree of toxicity of representatives of the same species may vary depending on the season, diet and other factors. Females are more toxic. The males of some poisonous animal species are generally not toxic.

1.2 Mechanism of toxic action

Toxins of poisonous animals (zootoxins) belong to different classes of chemical compounds. The complexity of zootoxins causes various toxic effects as a result of exposure to various body systems.

Thus, the protein component of animal poisons causes primary damage to the central and peripheral nervous system, disruption of rhythm, and conduction of the heart; Anaphylactic reactions are also possible because many proteins are potent antigens.

Some zootoxins contain glycosides that act on autonomic nerve endings and cause simultaneous damage to the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems. The individual responses of the victims to the same zootoxin are different. Zootoxins are particularly difficult to poison in children. In addition, people who have been previously sensitized with zootoxins are highly likely to develop anaphylactic shock.

Some poisonous animals have special glands that produce poison, while others contain toxic substances in various tissues of the body. Some animals have a wound device (armed poisonous animals) that encourages poison to enter the body of an enemy or victim.

In the simplest (eg, infusoria), these are trichostats, in the intestinal cavity (hydra, anemones, jellyfish) - in the inserting cells, in the "caterpillar" caterpillars - in the body, in the body, in the body, in the body, in the body, in the body, in the body, in the body, in the body glands attached to thorns (eg scorpion) and gill covers (sea dragons). In many animals (centipedes, spiders, some dipterans, bedbugs and also snakes), poisonous glands are attached to the mouthpieces and injected by biting or puncturing the toxic victim's body.

In toxic animals, such as amphibians (salamanders, regenerators, frogs and others), which have poisonous glands but do not have a special apparatus for injecting poison into the victim's body, the glands are found in different parts of the skin; When the animal is irritated, the poison is released on the skin surface and acts on the mucous membranes of the predator.

2. Insect bites

Insect bites can be divided into two large groups: hymenoptera bites (mosquitoes, bees, wasps, donkeys, gadphits, etc.) and arachnids (tarantulas, scorpions, mites). The human body responds to insect bites with three kinds of reactions.

Local reaction - redness, swelling, pain, itching or severe burning in the bite area, a local increase in the lymph nodes. General toxic reaction usually occurs with multiple bites - tremor, fever, nausea and vomiting, headache, pain in the joints. Allergic reactions can also occur in single bites in individuals susceptible to such reactions.

Allergic reactions occur as urticaria, angioedema or even anaphylactic shock.

2.1 Hymenoptera Bites

Mosquitoes, mids, gadgets do not have poisonous glands, and when bitten, they inject a special substance that prevents blood from clotting. Reaction to bites, as a rule, only local. A person can transmit more than one bite (up to 100 or more) of these insects without disturbing the overall situation.

Try using the following remedies to reduce local symptoms. When you alternately dip your finger in water and dry soda, rub this finger over the bite points; can be transmitted with a strong soda solution. Soda is believed to reduce swelling and itching. Menovazine has a good analgesic and antipruritic effect, but cannot be used by Novocain-sensitive people. Reduce inflammation and itching ortofenovaya and butadionovaya ointment. Someone helps good balm "stars". After the bites there is a special cream "OFF". They can be stained with bright green to prevent infection of the bite areas. Folk remedies are recommended to use grated young potatoes, crushed onions or garlic, parsley leaf juice oats. Removing insects can be special means: creams and lotions applied to the skin and clothing ("Moskitol", "OFF", "Taiga", etc.), repellent aerosols, cigarette spirals, etc. All these products are toxic and are not recommended for use by children and pregnant women under 3 years.

Bees, wasps (they bite only once in their lifetime, then die), wasps and donkeys (they can suffer several times) poison us with bites. The local response to the bites of these insects is, as a rule, very apparent. It is characterized by the development of significant edema that can be dangerous, even if it is a local reaction, found on the face, especially the lips or inside the mouth.

Allergic reactions to the bites of these insects are quite common. Urticaria is a rash accompanied by severe itching, accompanied by blisters on the background of the skin's redness. It can be found in any skin area. Quincke edema ("giant urticaria") is a rapidly growing, otgorny swelling of the skin or mucous membranes. It can occur not only directly at the bite site, but also anywhere else. His favorite localization is the mucosa of the face, oral cavity, soft palate, limbs and genitalia.

Allergic edema of the larynx is particularly dangerous. A rare but very dangerous reaction is anaphylactic shock. Within a few minutes, the victim suffers from shortness of breath, severe tremor, fear of death, rapid heartbeat, blood pressure drops rapidly and coma. Locally this - blister, rapidly increasing edema, bleeding.

2.2 Assistance to victims

Carefully inspect the bite area. The left connector must be removed. At the same time try not to squeeze it, so that the remnants of poison do not fall into the wound. Apply cold to the bite area. You can use hydrocortisone or prednisone ointment to reduce swelling and local inflammation. People who are prone to allergic reactions, it is better to give an antihistamine immediately. This should be done in case of a “dangerous” localization of the bite (face and especially the oral cavity).

In cases of mild allergic reactions, taking an antihistamine inside is also sufficient. Claritin is given 1 tablet (10 mg) or 2 teaspoons. For children and adults over 30 kg, 0.5 tablets (5 mg) or 1 teaspoon of syrup. Syrup for children older than 2 years up to 30 kg, 0.5 teaspoons. Syrup to children up to 2 years. The drug is taken once a day. Tavegil is prescribed to adults and children from 1 to 12 years and children from 1 to 12 years (1 mg) for children from 12 to 12 years - for children from 3 to 12 years - from 0.5 to tablets twice a day .

In severe allergic reactions (widespread urticaria, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, angioedema that breaks the general condition rapidly spread), antihistamines should be given intramuscularly.

Tavegil (2 ml / 2 mg ampoule) for children is administered by dividing into two injections at a dose of 0.025 mg / kg per day to adults - 2 ml (2 mg) twice daily.

Suprastin (1 ml / 20 mg ampoules) for children under one year 5 mg (0.25 ml), 2-6 years, 10-20 mg (0.5 ml) for children with 10 mg (0.5 ml) 5 mg (Administered at a dose of 0.25 ml) - children aged 7-14 years, 20 mg (1 ml) - adolescents and adults. The frequency of administration is 3-4 times a day, but the daily dose should not exceed 2 mg / kg.

In case of allergic edema of the larynx with respiratory failure, prednisone is slowly administered intravenously (within 2-3 minutes) and, if not possible, administered intramuscularly at a dose of 2 mg / kg (a single dose of the same dose may be repeated within 24 hours).

In anaphylactic shock, the victim should be placed on his back with the raised toe, if no vomiting or consciousness, the person is laid on his or her side. It is necessary to ensure the openness of the respiratory system and to try to warm the victim. A tourniquet above the insect bite and cold air is applied to the bite area.

Get medical attention immediately. The first medical aid is intended to replace the direct bite of a 0.1% epinephrine solution at a dose of 0.25-0.5 ml (for children, at a dose of 0.01 ml / kg) and into the free zone of the tourniquet, to a dose of suprastin on the tourniquet. is the application of gold. 2 mg / kg.

In the absence of effect, adrenaline is slowly administered intravenously (2-3 minutes) as a 0.01% solution (1 ml of 0.1% adrenaline is diluted in 10 ml of saline) at a dose of 0.1 ml / kg.

At the same time prednisone 3-4 mg / kg intravenously injected slowly. For respiratory disorders, a 2.4% solution of aminophylline (5-7 mg / kg in 20 ml saline) is injected intravenously. Transport is only possible when the victim's blood pressure exceeds 70 mm Hg.

2.3 Spider bites

spider bite poisonous encephalitis

Spider bites are much rarer, but are accompanied by a more pronounced local and general response.

Tarantula bites (a poisonous spider from the Ukrainian steppes adjacent to the Black Sea to the borders of Mongolia in the desert regions common in Central Asia) rarely cause serious poisoning.

Local changes in the form of pain, hyperemia, edema and bleeding are often effective. Possible general reaction in the form of drowsiness, apathy. Help: bite in place, antihistamines cold. Hospitalization is often not necessary.

Scorpion bite is much more dangerous. At the site of bite, unbearable pain, swelling and tissue tension occur. Victim develops fever, pain in the whole body, sweating, lacrimation. There are severe pains in the abdomen and after concussions. It is characterized by respiratory failure. The first aid is to ensure the immobility of the limb and the placement of a tourniquet on the bite. The victim should be given plenty of drinks, anesthesia should be given. Emergency hospitalization is required.

Karakurt bite (red spotted black spider on the abdomen), the most poisonous of the spiders found in the Lower Volga region, the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia, the Crimea, south of Moldova, on the territory of the former USSR are common. The local reaction to this, as a rule, is no.

It is characterized by a pronounced general reaction that occurs after 20-40 minutes of bite, resulting in muscle pain, weakness, fever, salivation, impaired swallowing of nausea and vomiting.

Karakurt poison collapses at high temperatures, so you can reduce the intensity of the effect if you burn the bite immediately with a burning match. The victim has to rest and make sure he drinks plenty. Anesthesia and emergency hospitalization are required for specific serum delivery.

Tick ​​bites cause local inflammation and itching. The ticks are removed with tweezers or a thread ring that is as tight as possible to the skin in the insect's hose. At the same time, try not to pull it directly towards you, but gently rock it sideways. If you try to pull the tick by hand, there is a greater chance of tearing the head.

If you drop the tick vegetable oil and wait a few minutes, the procedure is easier. Apply the wound with iodine or bright green after removing the beetle. The danger of tick bites is that they are carriers of tick-borne encephalitis and borreliosis.

These infections are registered in Siberia, the Far East, the Urals, Belarus and the central regions of our country. The diseases are characterized by strict seasonality related to the activity of insects occurring in the spring-summer period in the focal points of Central Europe and the East and in the summer-autumn period in the Baltic region, Belarus and Ukraine.

Tick-borne encephalitis may be infected by tick bites or infected animal milk (especially goats, less cows) in endemic areas.

The first symptoms of the disease may appear 4-45 days after infection. Its onset is usually acute, high-fever, slag-giving and an increasing headache. In the future, the disease is difficult with various degrees of damage to the nervous system.

Borreliosis is only infected by tick bites. The disease begins with acute, fever and headache. A characteristic symptom is the red dot, a blurry erythema that disappears within a few days and starting from the center and therefore the spots take the form of rings.

Nervous system, heart, joints play a role in pathological processes. Both diseases require compulsory hospitalization. Patients are not contagious and are not dangerous to others.

To prevent these infections, try to avoid possible tick bites (endemic areas of the forest where you are in closed clothing), do not drink boiled milk.

For the immediate prevention of tick-borne encephalitis, in the epidemic-hazardous areas for all persons bitten by ticks, specific anti-ken-immunoglobulin must be injected intramuscularly: for children under 12 years - 1 ml, 12-16 years - 2 ml, 16 years small - 3 ml.

Immunoglobulin administration is most effective on the first day after the bite, so you should seek medical attention immediately. If possible, a remote tick should be sent to the virology laboratory to determine its infection.

As a prophylactic agent, it is also recommended to take jodantipyrin 3 times a day, 3 tablets 3 times a day, 2 tablets 3 times a day for the next 2 days and 1 tablet 3 times a day for the next 5 days. Vaccines against tick-borne encephalitis are given to adults and children older than 4 years of age when traveling to endemic areas.

Vaccination is not performed against borrelyosis.

3. Snake bites

Snake bites can be poisonous and non-poisonous. Most snakes found in Russia are not poisonous. The most common of venomous snakes (based on the article of E. Bespalova in the journal "Health of the Vologda Region" in July 2002):

Viper joint - 50-60 cm in length, gray (with red, red and black colors) with dark zigzag pattern on its back. Lives in forests and marshes. The bite is very painful but not fatal.

Caucasian viper - 40-50 cm in length, orange-yellow or zigzag dark back, bright red in color. There are black (or black head) snakes. Distributed throughout the Caucasus. Bite is life-threatening.

Gyurza is a large gray or dirty gray serpent with diagonal dark brown stripes on its back. Distributed in the southern regions of the country. As a coward, the first person does not attack, but his bite is fatal.

The Central Asian cobra is 110-140 cm long, in size, color from light yellow to black. It is distributed in Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, China and India. Very toxic, bite deadly.

Eastern mink - 50-60cm in length, brown or brown-gray color body with oval spots on the body side. Distributed on the shores of North Amur, India, China. Good swim, bite painful and poisonous.

Efa sandy - 50-60 cm in length, has a color from grayish sand to dark brown. It is a light pattern in the form of a bird silhouette flying over his head. It is distributed in Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan. The bite is fatal.

Due to the nature of the effect on the human body, all snake venoms are divided into three groups:

1) neurotoxic poisons (these are cobra poisons, tropical sea snakes) that violate the neuromuscular passage;

2) hemovasotoxic poisons that damage small vessels and increase their permeability, violate blood clotting and destroy red blood cells (this is the way bison, efy, shchitomordnik and viper poisons are affected);

3) Poisons including poisoning of groups 1 and 2 (rattlesnake poisons, Australian asps).

When a poisonous snake is bitten by the first group, the person feels pain and lethargy in the bite zone. After a few minutes, the coordination of movements, speech and swallowing is disrupted. Rising flask paralysis develops, gradually spread from extremities to trunk muscles and respiratory muscles. If the venom enters directly into a blood vessel, complete paralysis occurs within 10-20 minutes. Victim's dying of respiratory failure.

When the snake is bitten by the second group, local changes become predominant initially: edema, bleeding and tissue necrosis in the bite area rapidly increase, accompanied by unbearable pain to pain shock. After 1-3 hours, increased bleeding in the bite, nose, gastrointestinal and other hemorrhages, bleeding develops in the internal organs. The cause of death may be circulatory failure or acute renal failure.

3.1 Victim Assistance

Immediately after a person's bite, you need to lie down and give him complete peace of mind, because the more he moves, the faster the poison spreads to the body. Try not to panic - with the help of most poisonous snake bites deaths are very rare. In the first minutes after bite, if the skin is twisted, some of the snake venom may be squeezed from the wound, leaving a drop of liquid removed immediately.

You're gonna have to remove the poison from the cancer for the next 15-20 minutes. The hemostatic bundle should not be applied, as impaired blood circulation will increase the disintegration of tissues in the bite area, and these degradation products will poison the bitten body. The snake venom spreads into the lymphatic channels, so it makes sense to put a tight bandage over the bite point: any tissue strip is tightly attached, but two fingers can be placed between the tissue and the skin.

Such a bandage does not prevent blood flow, but slows the spread of poison. As swelling increases, the bandage should be loosened so that it does not enter the tissue. Bandage is applied when the poison is absorbed. This can be done by the victim himself or by the person who helped him / her.

The procedure of sucking poison is indeed a danger to the helper if the mouth has mucosal damage, but the dose of poisoning thus obtained is less than that which is disproportionately taken by the person who has been bitten by a snake, so the risk is confirmed.

Try to spit as often as possible. A person who provides help in this way carries the risk of being affected by all blood-borne diseases. If any reason stops you, use your improvisation method, not your own mouth. Any analogue of a medical jar is best suited: a glass stack, a glass, and so on.

First place a burning wick into it and then place it on the skin so that the bite mark appears in the middle of the box. Blood from the wound will be sucked into the jar. Worst of all, you can absorb the poison with a syringe. The wound should not be cauterized, scraped and filled with iodine, apply grass.

Alcohol should not be given to the victim because alcohol poisoning increases the effect of the poison and weakens the effect of serum antimeasure. Novocain blockade is only performed if you are able to do so and know that you cannot take any serum (Novocain also reduces the effect of serum).

After you have absorbed the venom, apply antiseptic to the wound and apply a clean bandage. To reduce poisoning, the poison should be diluted as much as possible. Therefore, be sure to provide the victim with plenty of warm drink (tea, coffee). Inside it is given 2 tablets (10 mg) prednisone, antihistamine. In severe cases, these drugs are administered intramuscularly (the dosage is the same as insect bites; see above).

Transport is carried out in the prone position, the limb on which the snake is bitten must be fixed. The sooner you deliver the victim to your honey. The institution will have a better effect on the serum it will introduce. Anti-serum serums are monovalent (from the bites of a snake species): avtigyurza, anti-ef, etc. and very valuable (usually used in cases where the appearance of the serpent is unknown). If you go to honey. It is impossible to establish and if you have serum, you need to inject subcutaneously between the shoulder blades, be sure to follow the following diagram: first 0.1 ml, after 10-15 minutes - 0.25 ml and after 10-15 minutes - inject the remaining dose. Such a gradual introduction is necessary because in case of hypersensitivity, the reaction to serum may be more dangerous than bite itself. The serum dose is usually 500-1500 AE (1-3 ampoules).

4. Animal bites

Dog bites are more common. Summits in summer. As you know, most of these cases occur when the dog is mocked or disturbed during sleep or food. Statistically, it revealed that boys bite dogs as twice as girls. Such bites are most common in children, hands, head and neck.

A cat bite usually causes a stab wound deeper than a dog bite. Therefore, due to the complexity of wound disinfection, the risk of bacterial infection is higher.

The bites of exotic domestic animals such as rats, mice or gerbils can cause infection with some diseases where rabies are very rare, but the risk remains very high if there is no vaccine certificate against this incurable disease. For example, the bites of some domestic animals, such as iguanas, are only dangerous for infection and do not present any other hazard.

Farming. Horses, cows and sheep have powerful jaws. His bites are behind shattered wounds. Among the possible consequences, it is worth mentioning: infection, infection with tetanus or rabies.

Rabies is a disease caused by a virus that affects the nervous system (brain and spinal cord) in any mammal species, including humans. Rabies-infected animals can spread the disease through saliva or medulla.

Signs of rabies in animals include: excessive saliva, aggression, paralysis or insensitive attitude of a wild animal towards humans. In domestic animals, there are, among others, behavioral changes (eg, shyness in generally friendly animals).

After the first signs of rabies infection, the disease progresses rapidly. In this case, the treatment is useless. However, if post-exposure prophylactic vaccines (PEP) have been administered before symptoms appear, it is often possible to get rid of the virus. In delayed treatment, rabies almost always causes death.

4.1 Victim Assistance

Help for animal bites is the same as for any wound: stop bleeding, treat the wound with antiseptic, apply dressing. If necessary, anesthetize. Remember that an animal's bite can cause rabies that is always fatal. To prevent this disease, it is necessary to contact a medical institution for specific prophylaxis, regardless of the victim's well-being.

And one more important thing to keep in mind: if a victim is bitten by foxes, wolves, bats or dogs, a very aggressive cat is also likely to be harmed by rabies.

Therefore, if you bite any animal, you should go to the doctor and tell him about it, after that you should be vaccinated.


Based on the above, it should be concluded that insects that surround us can be more dangerous than we think. They can do more damage than we thought. The following rules must be followed to avoid insect bites:

* In the hot season, it is recommended to use bite-protective spray and cream;

* During your stay in nature, you should wear more closed clothes and shoes, also remember to wear a hood;

* when walking on the grass, you should be more careful not to accidentally step into the nest of bugs;

* In the hot season, do not use lotions and perfumes;

* Save your home from the web.

The best treatment for animal bites is to prevent. To prevent this:

** do not come close to where poisonous animals can be stored;

* nearby potential snake shelters - tingling thickets, piles of wood and piles of stones - using a rod if necessary;

* Be in nature or camp, be sure to rock the tent, sleeping bags and mornings, clothes and shoes before wearing.

* You should consult a doctor after bitten by animals

Benadryl Itch Relief Spray Extra Strength 2 oz (Pack of 3)