Friday, August 16, 2019

Chigg-Away The Soldier's Choice Relieves Itching and Repels Chiggers, 4 fl oz (Pack of 2)

Bug bite

Chigg-Away The Soldier's Choice Relieves Itching and Repels Chiggers, 4 fl oz (Pack of 2)

Insect stings, which often cause minor skin irritations, can sometimes cause serious health problems depending on the species of the insect. Because there are many species of insects, each insect sting gives different symptoms and results. In the community, there are many complaints about insects such as mosquitoes, bedbugs, bee stings, ticks, ants. Scorpion sting between insects can have more serious consequences.

Insects often put themselves in defense. However, there are also insect species that sting only for nutritional purposes. Symptoms of insect bites differ according to insect species. However, in the first stage, symptoms such as pain, itching, pain, redness and swelling may occur. If we evaluate this according to insect species, we can see different symptoms.

The first stage of bedbug bite may not be painful. Itching and swelling may occur after some time. Horse fly sting is painful. There may be symptoms such as swelling and collecting water in the area. Tick ​​bites may not show symptoms at the beginning. Redness, bruising, bloating and itching can then occur. In case of tick bites with Borrelia infection, you should visit a hospital. Excessive itching occurs on the skin in the mite bite.

Wasp sting is quite painful. Immediate redness and swelling of the skin occurs. Spider bites show signs of painful swelling and redness. When the mosquito bites, only one spot remains. Light blistering, swelling and effective itching occur. In case of ant stings, pus swelling occurs on the skin. In the following days small lumps occur in the region. Scorpion sting causes pain, burning, redness, swelling and drowsiness in the skin.

As soon as you notice the bite in case of insect stings, you should first consider where you are. You can guess which insect stung you. In the wooded area there can often be insect bites such as ants, mosquitoes, ticks. If you notice the bite after contact with an animal, you may have been exposed to flea bites. Knowing which insect stings you are exposed to is important for you to get the right treatment. You have the chance to determine the type of insect by looking at the signs and symptoms of the insect bite.

You do not need to see a doctor in case of insect stings. However, nausea and vomiting, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, dizziness, rapid and irregular heartbeats, anxiety, difficulty in swallowing certain symptoms such as the doctor should be seen. Such symptoms are effective in a short time after insect bites and may increase in severity. Therefore, you should not waste time, if necessary, seek help from someone else to see a doctor.

For insect sting treatment, the insect bite should be washed with soapy water first to prevent infection. You should not scratch or bite the bitten area. Creams sold for insect bites can be applied to the skin. You should ensure that the blood flow in the area is reduced by keeping the insect's bite as high as possible. If swelling occurs in the area, ice compresses can be performed.

If symptoms do not resolve after the first intervention after insect bites, a doctor should be urgently consulted. If you know which insect stings, you should tell the doctor your name or describe the insect. This is a factor that facilitates which treatment to be administered. Sometimes insect bites are not risky. However, insect bites that may cause other diseases should be considered. For example, mosquitoes may have risky insect stings, such as encephalitis, ticks causing Lyme disease. Insect stings can cause serious health problems, such as respiratory problems, especially in people with allergies.

You can have insect repellent products in your house against insect bites. To avoid insect stings in the open air, it is useful to wear clothes that do not leave your body exposed. If you prefer vivid colors in clothes, you can attract more insects to yourself. So you can wear clothes in neutral colors. You can also use sprays produced to keep insects away from you.

About Insect Stings
In summer and spring, when the holiday period comes, insect stings start to increase. Insect bites can have unpleasant, sometimes life-threatening consequences. The most common insect stings in the community are honey bee, hornet and wasp sting, scorpion, tick, mosquito, flea, bedbug. Regional, systemic and toxic reactions may develop after insect bites. Rarely, serious consequences such as anaphylaxis may occur 1-2 weeks after insect stings. Symptoms after insect sting may vary from insect to insect, from person to person. In addition, insect sting may be present in the individual or in groups.

Babies often do not react to insect stings. Delayed hypersensitivity reactions are usually seen in young children, whereas older children may have a rapid hypersensitivity reaction. The expected reaction is swelling, pain and discoloration in the area. Insect bites may show signs of redness, swelling, itching, urticaria, vomiting, diarrhea, colic-like abdominal pain, difficulty breathing, chest tightness, wheezing, tongue swelling. Symptoms are indicative of severe allergic reactions and anaphylaxis. These act in a few minutes after the insect bites. Decrease in blood pressure, decreased pulse, cardiac arrest, blurred symptoms are among life-threatening symptoms. If anaphylaxis develops in insect bites, the person should be treated urgently.

Different types of treatment for each insect sting, interventions may be required. However, the general rule for all insect stings is to connect the insect bite with a tourniquet close to the heart, dissolve 2-3 minutes at 10-minute intervals to ensure that the bite remains inactive. It is not very safe to suck the insect sting and try to remove the poison. In this way, the poison in the mouth, esophagus, stomach, such as wounds in areas such as blood circulation can be easily mixed.

People who encounter insect stings should wash the area with soapy water and apply to a health institution by taking only aspirin as a painkiller. If there are contractions in the body due to insect sting, patients will need to be given immediate anti-serum.

To avoid insect stings, do not walk outdoors with bare feet and open shoes. Multi-colored clothes, arms, legs, exposed clothes should not be worn when going to a playground, picnic area. If there are insects such as bees in the vicinity, panic should not be created to prevent insects from attacking. Especially if the bees are attacked, they will try to sting them. Sweet foods with open mouth should not be eaten again. The trash must be sealed. Foods that are eaten outside should not be left open, they should be packed well. In addition, fragrant perfumes should not be used outdoors, especially when traveling to places such as picnics. At home, the windows in the car should be kept closed. These precautions will help protect against insect stings.

What is Insect Sting?
There are many insect species on earth. Unfortunately, in some cases, insect bites are a problem that people are exposed to in places. Insect sting occurs when insects bite people for self-protection or bite people for feeding. The bite of each insect species can have different effects on the individual. However, common symptoms such as itching, blushing, burning, and pain occur where the insect bites.

Some insects may have toxic effects or insect bites may cause more severe effects due to the allergic nature of the person. If this is not the case, the symptoms will disappear after a few hours after the insect bite. However, if there is a life-threatening situation, a health institution should be visited. Especially if it is known which insect sting, it is better to know whether to treat. For example, if the person is allergic to bee stings, it should be treated.

Allergic reactions can occur in two different ways as a result of insect bites. They are broadly classified as local reactions and systemic reactions. Extensive local reactions are initially manifested by mild effects. Approximately 12-24 hours in size 20 cm and larger or leg, arm covering redness, edema, burning symptoms may occur. These effects begin to diminish within 5-10 days. Allergic reactions are common especially in bee growers.

In the case of systemic severe allergic reactions, ie anaphylaxis, many organs in the body are adversely affected. Skin urticaria, redness, itching occurs. Edema, difficulty in breathing, abdominal cramping, headache, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting may occur in the tongue, face and throat.

Anaphylaxis caused by insect bites affects adults more than children. In particular, anaphylaxis caused by bee sting may develop as a result of the simultaneous sting of large amounts of bees. Symptoms that start within a few hours may persist for days. Life-threatening reactions such as renal failure, intravascular coagulation and hemolysis may occur in patients.

In addition, due to bee stings, rare reactions such as serum disease and myocarditis may occur in the future. Reactions in patients with previous insect stings may give an idea of ​​the severity of reactions in subsequent insect stings. Reactions due to insect sting may be reduced with subsequent insect stings over time, but will certainly not disappear.

Mosquito Stings
Mosquito bites are a type of painful insect bites that cause single marks on the skin. Although it does not cause a serious health problem, itchy lesion in the skin is a delighting factor. Due to itching the bite grows gradually. In some cases, the wound may occur in the area. Lotions and creams sold in pharmacies can be used against mosquito bites.

According to a study, mosquitoes insert people with more Rh (+) blood types than they like antigens in these people. Mosquitoes sting the most in the B Rh (+) blood group and at least in the O Rh (+) blood group. About three minutes after the mosquito bite, itching begins. Itching loses its effect within an hour. However, itching may last for days. Itching symptom is more allergic. Itching has criteria ranging from person to person, gender, age, number of bites, characteristics of the bitten mosquito, bite interval, and how long the mosquito holds the needle at the place it bites.

Bee sting
Bee stings are more common in summer. Honey bees, wild bees, wasps stings are very common. The stings of large bees are more dangerous than small honey bees. Bee stings can cause allergic effects in some people. Bee allergy symptoms after bee sting play an important role in early diagnosis. Itching, swelling and redness can normally develop after bee stings. It'il take a day for them to disappear. Rash and redness can sometimes persist for 2-7 days. However, if the symptoms of bee allergy develop, urticaria, angioedema, anaphylaxis may occur. These reactions may be life-threatening. These symptoms can occur immediately after bee stings or within a few hours. Hoarseness, edema in the throat, shock, shortness of breath, circulatory disturbances may be seen. Death due to bee allergy is most common in men over 50 years of age.

History of the patient, skin and laboratory blood tests should be performed in the diagnosis of bee allergy. The patient should be questioned in detail and the characteristics and time, course, and complaints of previous bee stings should be determined. After bee allergy, factors such as fear, panic, excessive exercise and hotness may cause an allergic reaction. Skin tests with bee venom and evaluation with the history of the disease help the diagnosis. In the treatment of bee allergy caused by bee stings, the needle must be removed without squeezing the poison sac. This is recommended in a health institution. Bee testing and treatment in the hospital should be performed by a specialist.

To avoid bee stings, gloves, socks, shoes should be worn outdoors. Bee hives should not be circulated around. The future of bees on open foods and sugary foods should be considered. Therefore, these should be avoided. Especially those with bee allergy should not wear bright colored clothes that will attract bees and should not use perfume. They should carry an epinephrine syringe and needles should be injected in dangerous situations.

Board Dry
Bedbugs are among parasitic insects that feed on human blood. Bedbite bite causes irritation and severe pain in the skin. Bedbug, which does not cause serious life-threatening insect stings, has effects that reduce the quality of life. These insects, which usually approach people while they sleep, cause pain and itching on the skin after a few hours. Bedbugs that bite the exposed parts of the skin bite most of the arms and legs, hands, shoulders and face skin. Initially, small red spots are formed where they bite. Then redness spreads to the skin.

The most obvious symptom of a bedbug bite is itching, followed by a burning sensation. Fluffy redness of the skin, blisters of the water, blood can rarely be seen severe reaction. The frequency of severe reactions is higher in immunocompromised and allergic individuals. Symptoms such as fever, difficulty breathing, dizziness, nausea, skin rash, stress, fatigue, insomnia indicate severe reactions.

Persons who are adversely affected by the immune system bite bite should always visit a doctor. Allergic bite bite should be treated. If the bite remains on the skin, some treatment methods at home may be beneficial. Rinse the skin with aloe vera and wash the skin with soap and hot water. In addition, rubbing the area with lemon juice and putting grated garlic wrap will alleviate the effect of the bite.

Tick ​​Bites
Tick ​​bites can cause the Crimea Congo hemorrhagic fever. This disorder is a microbial disease that is usually transmitted to humans from animals. Most often propagated by ticks. The ticks that suck the blood of the sheep animals transmit the viruses they receive to humans and cattle. The virus, which causes an ineffective infection in animals, causes a serious disease called Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever, which manifests itself in bleeding that can cause death in humans.

This disease is more common in animals closer to, living in rural areas, in picnic areas, in hunters, in places that are more likely to encounter ticks. In addition, butchers, hunters, farmers, veterinarians, lab technicians, nurses, such as health workers are also likely to be seen in occupations. Animal meat carrying the virus and the lady preparing food is at risk.

Persons infected with the Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever disease due to tick bites should be followed for 14 days. Symptoms of the disease can occur within 1-3 days of incubation period. Patients may experience symptoms such as muscle pain, fever, headache, loss of appetite, vomiting, and stomach pain. Then there are signs of bleeding disorder such as redness of the face and eyes, spot bleeding in the chest, subcutaneous bleeding, bleeding in the feces and urine, and bleeding in the nose. These patients should immediately see a doctor.

In advanced stages, renal and liver failure, central nervous system disorders and intravascular coagulation disorders may be seen. Drugs are used in the treatment of the disease. The aim of the treatment is to maintain the balance of the body and to support the patient. Coagulation factor and fresh blood is given to patients with coagulation disorder, fluid and electrolyte balance is provided, support for patients who can not be fed, fever reduction treatments are applied. Patients should be supervised for up to four weeks when controlled. It is very important that people who are exposed to tick bites go to a hospital that will apply treatment without losing time.

How is the first intervention in case of insect sting?
In the case of insect stings, firstly, effects such as pain, heat increase, swelling, redness occur in the bitten area. These are normal reactions. Most of the time they lose their effect within a few hours. However, there is always a risk of developing an allergic reaction later. Redness is more common, especially if the person exposed to insect stings has an allergic nature. It may also occur in other reactions. Symptoms such as dizziness, difficulty swallowing, irregular heart rhythm, nausea and vomiting, fever and diarrhea may occur in people with asthma, allergic structure or prone to urticaria.

The first intervention in case of insect sting is washing the area with soapy water. The area should be washed with soapy water and an antiseptic solution should be applied. Thus, the development of a possible infection can be prevented. However, the region should not scratch during washing. In the case of bee stings, the needle will also need to be removed. In this case, it is important not to irritate the skin. If there is swelling, ice should be applied to the area. If insect sting occurs on arms and hands, the area should be kept above the heart level. This can prevent swelling.

In case of tick bites, you should not do the first intervention yourself. This parasite can be oval or flat, brown in color. Tick, often seen in pastures, in wetlands, in places where animals are present, can infect humans with viruses. Swelling, redness and itching occur after biting. Especially after tick bites, if there are symptoms such as severe pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever, a doctor should be consulted without intervening.

In case of insect stings, cologne is not recommended as it may cause irritation in the area. In addition, insect sting poisoning after the yogurt, buttermilk consumption is not effective. The first intervention should always be to ensure that the area is not infected. If you have topical steroids and antihistaminic creams, you can apply them to the area where the insect bites.

Causes of Insect Bites
The causes of insect bites are mostly due to insects' desire to protect themselves. Some insect species can also bite and bite people for feeding. They may want to protect themselves by using their most effective weapon when they disturb the insects and feel threatened when you enter their habitat. For this reason, people should be prepared against insect stings and take necessary precautions.

Home Hazards
The dangers that may occur at home in terms of insect bites can be eliminated or reduced by some precautions. Preventing the house against insects, measures such as keeping the windows in which insects can enter or installing mosquito nets will be very useful. In this way, you can be protected from insects such as mosquitoes and bees. In addition, insects such as bedbugs are insects that can be effectively protected by spraying.

External Hazards
Outside hazards for insect bites are greater. Especially when the weather gets hot, the insects also come out into the open air. Persons wandering in areas with insects may be exposed to insect stings. Therefore, people should not wear brightly colored, vivid patterned clothes that can attract insects outside. In addition, it is recommended to cover the exposed parts of their bodies such as arms and legs to protect them from insects. In addition, insects should be wandered carefully in grassy areas, insects should not be disturbed.

Symptoms of Insect Stings
Symptoms of insect sting may vary depending on the type of insects and the person's response to it. Symptoms can be life-threatening if poisonous insects sting. However, if insects such as mosquitoes sting, redness, burning, itching may occur in the area where the bite is present.

Nausea, Vomiting And Diarrhea
Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea may be among the symptoms of insect bites. You may be exposed to them according to the species of the insect. You may also have these symptoms if you are allergic. If these occur, you should go to a hospital without delay.

Fast And Irregular Heartbeat
The most risky symptoms of insect bites are fast and irregular heartbeats. These may pose a vital risk. It can cause the person to panic. Anaphylaxis may also be signs of shock. It can also lead to breathing problems.

Dizziness And Swallowing Difficulty
Dizziness and difficulty swallowing may develop after the stings of some insects. This problem may occur due to the toxic effect of the insects and the allergic reaction of the person. The person exposed to insect bites should be urgently treated.

Anxiety is a problem that people experience because they think that something worse may happen because of panic. Anxiety symptoms can also be seen in people after insect stings. In this case, it is beneficial to get medical help.

Diagnosis And Diagnostic Methods Of Insect Bites
The methods of diagnosis and diagnosis of insect bites are used according to the type of insect and the reaction of the person. Insect sting, which often does not require treatment, can sometimes cause serious symptoms. The assessment made according to the species of the insect provides the appropriate treatment. Especially bee allergy sufferers, bee stings, tick bites exposed to the need for treatment urgently need help from an expert.

Physical Examination
After insect stings, people should be questioned by listening to their history during physical examination. If the insect sting can be determined, treatment can be more easily determined. During the examination, the symptoms that occur in the bite of the insect are evaluated. The severity of these symptoms, how they affect the person's quality of life, whether a serious condition can be determined during the examination.

Patients who have undergone physical examination after insect bites can be examined with blood and urine tests if necessary. In this way, the presence of an infection affecting the person after the insect bite can be detected.

Insect Sting Risk Factors
Insect bites are more common in some environments, in some seasons or places. Factors such as the habitats of insects, occupations that are closer to insects are seen among insect sting risk factors.

Rural Living
Rural inhabitants are more risky in terms of insect bites. Outdoors, meadows, pastures, animals are more likely to coincide with the insects because they move around where they are. For this reason, people living in rural areas must take precautions against insect bites and stings.

Job groups
Some occupational groups are considered risky against insect stings. Those who have to be together with animals such as veterinarians, butchers, health workers, hunters carry a risk of insect bites.

Complications of Insect Stings
Complications of insect bites can have fatal consequences in some cases. This may vary depending on the species of the insect and the person's response to insect stings. Insect bites can cause different and more severe symptoms in people with allergic nature.

Insect Allergy Reactions
Insect allergy reactions cause some symptoms not only in the area that the insect stings, but throughout the body. In particular, such reactions to bee stings may develop. This allergic reaction, called anaphylaxis, is usually caused by honey bee and wasp sting. People of all ages can show insect allergy reactions. After the honey bee stings, the needle remains in the body and therefore the bee dies. The more aggressive wasps can sting with the smallest propulsion. Because they didn't leave the needle in when they stuck it, they could sting it several times. More allergic reactions may occur due to wasp stings.

Some insect stings can cause death. In the event of anaphylactic shock, such as difficulty in breathing, acceleration of heart rate, decreased pulse, death may occur if the patient is not treated. In addition, poisonous insect stings carry a risk of death.

How to Prevent Insect Stings?
Insect bites often occur when we cannot prevent or pay attention. Preventing insect stings can sometimes be very important. This is very sensitive for allergic patients. Therefore, we will need to take some precautions in the presence of insects. Because it is better to prevent insect stings by taking precautions instead of treating insect stings.

Use of Protective Lotion and Cream
The use of protective lotion and cream may be more effective for insects such as mosquitoes. In order to prevent insect bites, especially when you go outdoors, you can apply these products to exposed areas of your body such as arms, legs and face. You can get protective products from insects that do not harm human health from pharmacies. These products prevent the insects from approaching you and stinging you.

Allergy Tests
Allergy testing is particularly helpful in identifying people with allergies to bee stings. In these skin tests, allergic effects are measured by using bee venom. If the person is found to be allergic, it can take precautions against insects more easily.

Things to pay attention
Be careful against insect stings, especially in summer will be very useful. Insect stings increase with the onset of heat. So you should protect yourself when you go outdoors, on a picnic, on holiday. You should take precautions by covering the exposed areas on your body, not wearing colorful clothes in places where insects may occur, and applying protective creams on your skin. You can take precautions against insect bites by closing the claws in the houses and putting a mosquito nets for protection.

Frequently asked Questions
You can find more information about insect bites in our article. Get information about the symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment of insect bites. In this section, you can find answers to your questions about insect bites.

Does insect bites lead to serious ailments?
Insect bites can have different effects for everyone. Even the stings of the same insect can cause different reactions in everyone. Depending on the species of the insect, serious health problems and sometimes risk of death may occur. In addition, infectious diseases can be transmitted to humans due to insect bites. Severe diseases such as oriental boils and malaria can occur from mosquito bites, and Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever from tick bites.

How is insect sting treated?
Insect bites often do not require treatment. Treatment is usually based on the type of insect and the reaction of the person. For this reason, it is important which insect stings the person. The use of antiseptic solution and soaking the area against insect bites that do not cause reaction in the person can be applied for preventive purposes. If there is no reaction in bee stings, analgesics can also be used for cold compressing the area and reducing pain and swelling.

If reaction occurs in a large area, it can be prevented by spreading with cold compresses. Topical steroids and antihistamines can be used to reduce itching and pain. Oral corticosteroids may be used in the treatment of large reactions in the shadow of the head and neck. An immediate treatment is required for systemic reactions. The first drug to be used in treatment is adrenaline. The treatment can be repeated every 5-15 minutes depending on the response of the person exposed to insect stings. Resistance to adrenaline treatment may be seen especially in people taking blood pressure medication.

In patients who develop anaphylaxis as a result of insect sting, the problem may last for a long time or may recur at certain times. Therefore, patients should be kept under surveillance for at least one day after the symptoms of anaphylaxis have improved. Patients with systemic reactions due to insect stings should also be evaluated by allergy and immunology specialists.

What are the consequences of insect bites in asthma patients?
Insect bites can cause serious reactions in asthmatic patients. It may trigger asthma attacks and cause difficulty breathing. It may show signs of anaphylactic shock such as watery eyes, itching, redness of the skin in large areas, fever, loss of consciousness, acceleration of heartbeat.

What are the emergency methods in case of insect stings?
In case of insect sting, the area where insect bites should be washed immediately with soapy water. This will prevent the development of any infection. Ice compresses can be applied to the area to prevent local swelling. It is also recommended to wipe the area with antiseptic solution. Analgesic creams may be used if pain occurs in the area.

Drugs and creams that can be applied in case of insect stings
Drugs and creams that can be applied in case of insect sting may be a group of drugs that will reduce itching and inflammation. Topical steroids, antihistaminic drugs that can be applied locally can be used. Oral corticosteroids recommended by the doctor may also be used. In addition to creams that reduce itching in mild symptoms, there is no need to use more drugs. The area should be cleaned to protect it from infection. Symptoms disappear within a few hours.

What to do in case of a tick bite?
In case of tick bite, no intervention should be made. Those who are exposed to tick bite must apply to a health institution. The tick must be removed by a doctor and the necessary treatment is applied.

How to prevent mosquito bites?
Some preventive measures may be taken to prevent mosquito bites. When you are at home, it will be very effective not to leave the doors and windows open and to put mosquito nets on the claws. Mosquito nets are also useful in areas with heavy mosquitoes. In order to prevent mosquito bites out, it is recommended to cover the exposed areas with clothes and apply protective lotions and creams to these areas.

How many days does the insect bite pass?
Insect bites can have different effects on everyone. Normally, when it does not cause a reaction, the effects of the insect bite begin to pass within a few days. Exact bite changes according to the reaction of the person's skin. It can be said that insect bites will heal in 7-10 days.

Does an insect bite make a mark?
Insect bite can normally heal without a trace. However, scratching the itchy insect bite and irritating the skin can cause the insect bite to leave a scar as it heals. Stains in the region, the formation of lesions such as the skin may be caused by irritation. In addition, insect bites after the application of irritating products such as cologne may also be effective in leaving traces.

Does insect bite pose a danger to pregnant women?
Pregnant women must protect themselves from insect bites. Insect bites can have dangerous consequences in pregnant women, depending on the species of the bitten insect. Exposure to insect bites can cause more severe reactions in this process where the hormonal balance changes. In addition, if the pregnant woman has an allergic nature, serious problems may be experienced in terms of mother and baby.

Chigg-Away The Soldier's Choice Relieves Itching and Repels Chiggers, 4 fl oz (Pack of 2)