Friday, August 16, 2019

SALLYEANDER No Bite Me Cream Jar, 2 oz (pack of 2)

Memo got bitten. What to do if you find ticks ticks

SALLYEANDER No Bite Me Cream Jar, 2 oz (pack of 2)

The little cunning creatures living in the tall grass cause great trouble because they can stick - it's all about the tick. It is also called itchy or flat surfaces.

It is important to follow a few steps:

Treat the wound.
Take the tick for analysis.
Wait for the exam results and take further action based on them.

A person can sterilize the bite area or ask someone to do so. Iodine or hydrogen peroxide is very suitable.

If the tick is removed and infected with encephalitis virus or borreliosis, you should listen carefully to your body in the future. When infected, the infection is definitely felt. In humans, this will manifest in certain symptoms.
inflammation of the brain

The first signs may appear two weeks after the bite. This:

sleeping disorders
drowsiness in the legs
Temperature up to + 40 ° C

What to do in this case? To come to a specialist hospital where the necessary medications for complex treatment will be given. Also, there may be an improvement at home.
Lyme disease

It can occur in half to two weeks. It will appear:

stiffness of the neck muscles.

Where the bite occurs, the ring-shaped redness is noticeable.

Unfortunately, cats and dogs are also not immune to bites. The first step, of course, is to remove the tick.

The clinic may not appear for a long time. The most common disease is pyroplasmosis. Pets will refuse to eat, experience thirst. Shortness of breath, fever, stomach may experience discomfort. Urine gets dark. The dog is feverish, falls asleep, loses weight, weakness of the limbs and inflammation of the joints manifests - it is important not to miss bartonellosis. Lyme informs you about yourself with fever, swollen lymph glands, general weakness and anorexia if the tick was contagious.

A dangerous insect is important not only to detect and eliminate it over time, but also to keep an eye on the symptoms of terrible diseases that can trigger complications or lead to death.

The tick's head is covered with a black shiny shell and the body is round-shaped brown.
What to do if you are bitten by a tick

After all, if you tore the body off the tick head, don't panic, you can remove it with the help of an ordinary needle, just like when a splinter hits your finger.

Tick ​​borreliosis or Lyme disease;
Tick-borne encephalitis;
Tick-borne typhus;
Hemorrhagic fever;

How do you protect yourself from ticks?

These drugs are sold in many large supermarkets and specialized stores.

Popular tick repellent :

Closed! Extreme;
Defi Taiga;
Raftamide maximum;
Medilis from mosquitoes.

For children :


Popular drugs with acaricidal effect :

Reftamide taiga;
Gardex-anti mite;
Storm-anti mites;

Popular tools of this group :

Moskitol Spray;

People who spend a long time in the habitats of ticks, either by profession or for other reasons, are vaccinated against common diseases. These include foresters, surveyors, geologists and others. Vaccination can be done even for children over one year, but many vaccines are designed for older ages.
Tick-borne diseases

Ticks can be the cause of various diseases that transfer infected blood from one animal to another, some diseases can be transmitted to humans, so consider the most common diseases when ticks are caused.
Tick ​​borreliosis or Lyme disease

Tick-borne infectious disease may become chronic, recurrences are common. Lyme disease affects the nervous system, heart and musculoskeletal system.

The causative agents of the disease are spirochetes of the genus Borrelia. The disease occurs all over the world, except in very cold areas where ticks do not live.

When a tick bites the victim, it injects saliva into the skin where the infection enters the victim's body, then multiplies for several days and begins to infect the internal organs (joints, heart, nervous system, and others). The infection can last for many years in the human body and cause recurrent chronic diseases. The incubation period of the virus lasts up to one month, during which time the symptoms may not be observed.

Symptoms of the disease, bite, redness, redness and diameter of the skin with tick increases, then cyanosis appears in the middle and the edge of the mouth becomes clear. After 2-3 weeks, the stain disappears even without treatment and 1.5 months after the disease, signs of damage to the nervous system, heart and joints appear.

Treatment is carried out in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor, for the treatment of various immune system stimulating and anti-infective drugs are used.
Tick-borne encephalitis

The cause of this disease is usually ticks living in the forests and steppes of Ixodes. Tick-borne encephalitis can also be transmitted from goat and cow's milk.

2-3 weeks after infection, the virus infects gray matter in the brain, neurons in the spinal cord. Sick contractions, decreased skin sensitivity, paralysis of individual muscles can be seen. When the virus enters the brain, the following symptoms occur: headache, vomiting, loss of consciousness. If the disease persists, abnormalities occur in the cardiovascular system.

In the early stages of the disease, immunoglobulin containing cells destroying the infection is used and in the later stages anti-infective drugs are used.
Tick-borne typhus

Infectious disease caused by tick bites refers to relatively mild diseases that affect the lymph nodes and cause skin rash. The first symptoms of the disease may occur only 3 to 7 days after the bite.

Symptoms of the disease include fever 39 and more, headache and muscle pains, skin rashes, small papules, swollen lymph nodes, sleep disorders and other symptoms that damage the nervous system.

Antibiotic tetracycline group used for the treatment of the disease.

First, the bugs should be removed. Just say it is not easy, because in a bite process, a saliva fluid is released from a tick, some of which acts as a binder and serves as an adhesive, so the insect nose adheres firmly to the wound surface. What to do? If the tick has not advanced in depth, you can move it to the left and right for 1-2 minutes, then it should come out smoothly. It is not recommended to force or pull the tick with tweezers: you can remove the tick in this way, but the head will remain thicker than the skin, which then causes an inflammatory process. For the side surfaces of the abdomen, simply pull the insects with your fingers by pulling them as close as possible to your head and slightly upwards.

You can use a regular thread to safely draw a tick: tighten the ring around the head the closer it is to the skin. Then pull - slowly, slowly. To speed up the process, 2-3 drops of sunflower oil, alcohol or strong saline are recommended for some to drip into the tick.

In most cases, this technique allows you to remove the tick smoothly. However, if you are in a hurry and the head remains on the skin, do not try to open the wound. Generally, the skin itself pushes the foreign body towards the surface for 1-2 days. However, to avoid inflammation, it is necessary to lubricate the procus area 2-3 times a day with alcohol, bright green or other disinfectant.
What to do after a child's tick bite

With the beginning of hot days, we want nature, fresh air to be away from the noise of the city. And of course we take the children with us - they also need to rest actively. However, we may be in danger at the same time as we enter nature - ticks become active in forests and plantings at that time.

However, let's go back to the question: what to do if a tick bites the child?

First, don't panic. You must bring yourself together and try to remove the beetle from the thickness of the skin. If you do not commit to do it yourself, you can contact the nearest emergency room or sanitary epidemiological station - they will do it quickly and competently. If you do the removal yourself, do it gently, remove the insect by slowly loosening it so that it does not tear its head.

It is imperative to treat the wound with alcohol, iodine or bright green after the procedure.

When a child starts to bite, the neutralization process does not end. Even if you remove the insects safely, you should immediately take the baby to the clinic or hospital. It is recommended that the removed tick be placed in the closing jar and given to the laboratory for 2 days to examine the possibility of infection. After the analysis, depending on the results, the doctor will tell you what to do next. As a rule, the injured child is closely monitored for 3 weeks, paying attention to the symptoms that occur.

If infection is observed in the tick examination, the child should perform a blood test. Blood should be donated 10 days after bite for the presence of borreliosis and tick-borne encephalitis using PCR. After 2 weeks, tests for the presence of antibodies against encephalitis virus and 30 days after bite - for the presence of antibodies against the borrelia.

Anaferon may be given to the injured child in the form of an emergency preventive measure, but this appointment should only be made by a doctor.
What should I do after a tick bite?

First, the best remedy for a tick bite is prevention. Wear the right clothes, use appropriate insect repellents, and periodically examine yourself and your child for the presence of ticks.
One way to prevent tick-borne diseases is vaccination, which involves administering several portions of the vaccine at regular intervals. The vaccine should be administered at least six weeks before the “dangerous” season begins.
Keep in mind that the most popular site of tick penetration is the initial hairs, sub-landscape areas, spine, groin area, navel area, legs and arms.
When a tick bites to accelerate its removal, you can drop a few drops of vegetable oil or a pungent substance (ammonia, ethyl alcohol, acetone, kerosene, etc.) onto the insect.
The reliably placed mites should be removed slowly by swinging to the right and left without sudden movements.
Once the insect has been removed, the wound should be treated.
If the tick has not been completely removed, you can consult a doctor for medical attention.
It is recommended that the removed tick be examined in the laboratory of the epidemiological station for contamination.
It is imperative to monitor the general condition of the victim - to monitor body temperature for 3 weeks. If symptoms such as fever, pain in the head or muscles, nausea or appearance of a wound (redness, pain, swelling) have worsened, you should immediately consult an infectious disease specialist. As for the child, it is recommended that you show the specialist in each case.

What can't be done after a tick bite?

You can't leave insects in the wound (they say they get drunk - they fall off by themselves). A tick can be found on the skin for about 10 days. During this time, the infection can not only enter the body, but also spreads and develops fully.
You can't sharply try to catch an insect, you're going to force it to pull, because in such a situation you run the risk of tearing off your body, and a head with a hose remains in the skin layers. Ticks should be easily removed from the wound or rotated.
You cannot tick, puncture, boil with matches or cigarettes - thus increasing the risk of infection even if the skin is not damaged. Yes, and it will be many times more difficult to remove a crushed insect.
It is impossible to treat the wound after removing the tick - use all available disinfectants - iodine, alcohol, vodka, alcohol solutions, bright green, etc.
After the tick bite, fever, pain in the head, muscular weakness, redness of the skin, vomiting, and so on. You can't ignore the symptoms. Be sure and consult a doctor immediately!

If you have been bitten by a tick and have not previously been vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis, immediate protective measures can be taken with the help of immunoglobulin - a medical expert will inject the prepared antibodies obtained from human blood serum. Such antibodies may suppress the development of tick-borne encephalitis in the body. Immunoglobulin is administered for the first 96 hours after the insect bite time. An important point: The number comes from the biting time, not when the tick is detected. Immunoglobulin vaccination can be performed in childhood.

If the tick is infected and the victim has suspicious symptoms, he is urgently sent to hospital. The hospital will be given the hardest bed rest and a sufficiently long treatment period in the infectious disease ward.

Fortunately, not all ticks are infected. The danger is precisely encephalitis tick and apparently no different from the normal representative. Therefore, you should treat any bite with caution as it can have extremely negative effects.

What to do after a tick bite? Of course, it is better to contact a medical institution immediately for assistance. However, this ideal option does not always work, because where the ticks live, the doctor is often far away. Therefore, the recommendations that we have listed can help organize the first aid for the victim and may also direct them to further action.
Hot water with their hands in a private house
Known legends about ticks

Every year, humans and animals bring ticks from forests or parks, but they do not fully understand how they are about wool, clothing or skin. People have known many legends about this insect for a long time, and many are still perceived as reality:

Birds, wild and domestic animals, humans and reptiles can be the target of ticks. The only food for them is blood. They spend most of their lives looking for a landlord. Waiting can last up to two years, during which time bloodsuckers remain without food.

The members of this beetle don't eat all the time. When they suck blood, they fall, enter a new phase of their life cycle, and start looking for landlords again. With this feature of tick is associated with the peaks of its activities, falling in the spring and late summer.
Ticks don't know how to jump and especially fly.

They just crawl and move slowly. The habitats are high dried grass and low shrubs in deciduous forests and open areas. Insects can enter the house on the body of the animals or with a bouquet of wild flowers.

Mites that recognize odor, breath, vibration or body temperature (stimulus) attack. The insects stick to the future host donor and crawl to look for a place to bite. This can take about 10 minutes to several hours.

After selecting a skin area suitable for sucking, a tick makes an incision and pushes it into the tube to suck blood. For one person, the bite is painless, because the secreted insect saliva contains anesthetic and anti-inflammatory agents. During this process there are subtypes of mites, which emit an adhesive which helps them to be firmly fixed. If a tick is not detected over time, it will remain in the body until it is full (2 to 14 days), then it will fall.
What threat does ticks

The tick-borne infections last for 1-2 weeks. It is asymptomatic, so it is almost impossible to determine the authenticity of the infection at this stage. After 8-10 days, the symptoms begin to appear and in the same period viruses and bacteria are detected in the blood.

The first symptoms of encephalitis are very similar to influenza or colds:

Increased body temperature up to 39 ºС lasts up to four days;
Muscle pain;
General weakness and weakness.


When symptoms of encephalitis infection occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. Timely prescribed treatment will help prevent complications: damage to the nervous system and swelling of the brain. After recovery, the person creates a strong immunity to this disease for life.

Symptoms of borreliosis - allergic reaction, rash, circular flushing of different color intensity. At an early stage, it can be easily treated. According to statistics, the percentage of paralysis and death among people from tick-borne infections is very low.
How to remove ticks

If you find a stuck insect, you should remove it without panic. It is recommended that you do this as quickly as possible, because if you block the skin for the first 24 hours, the risk of infection with viruses is significantly reduced.

To remove the tick completely, it must be as close as possible to the head under the skin. In no case, the abdomen cannot pull, because it will be impossible to pull the head out. In this case, the risk of infection of the wound will increase significantly.

It must be removed properly and do not bend or pull at an angle. This may cause the head to detach and spread infections. If part of the tick's body is removed and it is not possible to remove it with tweezers, the wound is treated with alcohol, iodine or any other disinfectant. In particular, it is dangerous to scratch the wound to remove a foreign object, as it may release substances.
Can't fill with oil when removing tick

Like gasoline or nail polish. From such manipulations, the insect will die, but before that it will secrete saliva in a panic and can, however, return the intestinal contents to the wound. It's more dangerous than leaving the tick alone until it disappears!

Clogging, scraping and crushing the tick with your fingers can make the situation worse, and that is not the right thing to do.

When it comes to the color of clothes, these spider-like insects, like others, do not distinguish colors at all, so they don't care what you wear, but the warmth of your skin can play the role of bait. Therefore, unlike the myth, black clothing heats up more than the sun and overheates the body, so it pulls the tick.
What to do after removing

A live tick needs to be burned or flushed toilets after being filled with alcohol or boiling water. Unable to throw, he will continue to look for a host.

For your own comfort, a live tick can be taken to the laboratory for infection testing. This should be done within two days. During this period, store in a jar containing a damp cloth or paper (you can do this in the refrigerator).

The presence of encephalitis in the blood can be detected only ten days after being bitten by an infected tick. Analysis of antibodies to encephalitis is performed borreliosis after 14 days - after 30 days. All this time, you need to carefully monitor your health, skin condition and body temperature.
The only protection method is vaccination!

All scientists and doctors believe that the only method of protection against encephalitis is appropriate vaccination. Medications for bites do not provide a guarantee, but merely reduce their likelihood and naturally do not provide protection against the virus.
Preventive protection against tick bites

By observing simple preventive measures, it is quite possible to protect yourself and your loved ones from being bitten by tick in nature.

Choose the right clothes. It must be made of thick, smooth fabric and fully covered the body (jackets and long-sleeved shirts, trousers, caps). The sleeves must be elastic and trousers should be stuck in socks or boots. Folds in dress style are not desired.
Applying aerosols, ointments and creams from ticks, such as Reftamid Maximum, Picnic Extreme, Biban or Off Extreme. These funds are sold in all pharmacies, shops and markets. Apply them to both the clothes and the body. This should be done outdoors and updated every two or three hours.
After resting every one or two hours, carefully examine yourself and your children for the presence of ticks. They are not absorbed immediately, so there is a chance to detect them before they stick. The most attractive for tick bites are the groin area of ​​the head, neck, armpits, elbows and popliteal cavities.


Knowing the habitats of ticks, knowing the nature of their behavior and following simple safety rules can minimize the possibility of bites by insects in nature. If the tick is still jammed in the skin, do not panic and remove the tick from the body appropriately using the recommendations in our article.

Summer will come very soon - rest, walks and picnics. However, it is clear that by the nature of holidaymakers the danger lies in danger - ticks. Not only can they ruin the rest, they are also infected with infections, including viral encephalitis. NTV says, if you've been bitten by a tick, you have to do it.

What is dangerous tick?

A tick is the most dangerous because it can cause dangerous infections. The most common of these are encephalitis and borrelyosis. The infection is transmitted during a bite through the saliva injected into the human body.

In nature, there are clean mites that do not tolerate any infection. However, without the involvement of experts and laboratories, it is impossible to determine which one has bitten you.
What to do if you have been bitten by a tick?

Ticks should be removed from the skin surface as soon as possible. This is best done in the emergency room and the tick is immediately sent to a private laboratory to find out if it is a carrier of dangerous diseases. However, if you cannot go to a health facility quickly, you will have to remove the tick yourself.

Tick ​​does not bite at the same time: on the skin can be from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. During this time, it can be detected and carefully removed without crushing with your fingers. If you have been bitten by a tick, it cannot be removed in any case, it just bends slightly.
What can be removed from the tick?

You can remove ticks in various ways. For example:

- Using special tweezers. It looks like a two-pronged fork: you need to attach the tick between the two teeth and then carefully remove it. When such a device is used, the tick body is not damaged, which means that the risk of infection is reduced due to infection. You can also use ordinary tweezers or surgical clamp.

- fingers. This method is considered less secure, but if there is no specific method, you can quickly remove the tick by hand;

- yarn. Choose a strong thread that will not break during the tick pull.

How to remove ticks?

1. Hold the tick with fingers wrapped in tweezers or clean gauze as close to the mouth as possible (ie bite). Keeping the bite absolutely perpendicular to the surface, rotate the tick body around its axis and remove it from the skin.

If you remove it with a thread, tie the knot near the tick hose and gently shake and pull it up.

2. The bite should be sterilized. For this will make 5% iodine, alcohol (at least 70% solution), green dye, hydrogen peroxide solution.

3. After removing the mites, wash your hands with soap and water.

4. If the black dot of any size remains under the skin after removal, it means that the tick's head or hose has been removed during the removal. The bite area should be treated with 5% iodine again. Tick ​​remnants should be taken out on their own.

If this does not happen, you should treat the affected area with alcohol. Then ignite the needle on the fire, also wipe with alcohol and carefully remove the remnants of the tick as the splinter is removed.

Be careful - no tick particles should remain under the skin.

5. After biting you should consult a doctor. According to statistics, 1 out of 10 ticks is contagious and is in no way different from infected and uninfected appearance. The doctor will check if you have successfully removed the tick and apply for a blood test 10 days after the bite. It will indicate the presence or absence of tick-borne encephalitis and borreliosis in the blood.

It is important to remember!

When removing a tick, under no circumstances can you use oil - it not only prevents it from being removed, but also prevents breathing holes, and ticks remain on the skin.

What to do after extraction?

If the tick is dead, then it is necessary to burn or pour boiling water. If it is alive, it can be delivered to a private laboratory where it will be examined in the presence of tick-borne encephalitis.
How do you protect yourself from tick bites?

In order not to jeopardize your health, try protecting the whole body while you continue to nature. Please note proper shoes and headgear. In addition, vigilance will keep you from being bitten by the tick - examine yourself and your loved ones every hour, beware of open areas of the body, hair, elbows and knees.

Remember, outdoor recreation is not always endangered. Follow our simple recommendations, care for your health and the health of your loved ones.

SALLYEANDER No Bite Me Cream Jar, 2 oz (pack of 2)