Friday, August 16, 2019

Benadryl Itch Relief Stick, Extra Strength, 2 pk

What to do if the child is suddenly bitten by a wasp?

Benadryl Itch Relief Stick, Extra Strength, 2 pk

What if a baby was bitten by a wasp? First of all, don't panic with the baby (like young mothers) and stay calm. In overwhelming, the biggest troubles will be the wasp child quite pronounced swelling and severe pain.

However, these symptoms are sometimes sufficient for a child on holiday or in the country to indulge in both a child and adults. In addition, the Internet, where young parents will turn first and foremost, is also full of various “horrific” “life” stories that will not enhance the peace of mind. Of course, the described severe consequences of wasp bites sometimes occur, but rarely, there is no point in accepting them as a mandatory result.

Adults know that if a bumblebee child is bitten, a severe pain will occur, but will disappear almost completely in about a day.

Next, we will look at what parents should do first of all, so that the baby's bites of a baby go as quickly and painlessly as possible. We also draw attention to what to do in rare cases where the child's life depends directly on the parents' correct movements.

But everything is in order ...

In a note

The wasp is different. Ordinary paper, the most common, bitter, quite painful, but they make no comparison with the long, very thin, brown or black path wasps - they are generally regarded as the owner of one of the most bitter lice in the insect world. After this wasps attack, even an adult can be a painful shock and there is nothing to say about the child. However, fortunately, road wasps are much rarer than paper wasps and bite only in exceptional cases.

To be fair, it should be noted that some of the "fear" of bite wasps still has a real basis. However, in the overwhelming majority of cases, all this does not occur in children: various complex allergies, systemic reactions of the body and poisoning are more characteristic of adults.

This is because it is rooted in immunology: With each new bite, the sensitivity to allergens that produce wasp venom increases . In this respect, the child's body is a “blank paper olmayan that does not yet have enough time to accumulate the“ experience gerekli necessary for the development of a severe allergic reaction.

As a rule, hypersensitivity to any substance occurs in an organism that has previously been encountered with this allergen. Simply put, every subsequent street, some people (and their minorities) react more and sharper.

Since the body can produce protective antibodies and can quickly neutralize poison that has entered the bloodstream, an average adult healthy person has no such response, and the baby's immune system is not familiar with it.

Therefore, if a child has been bitten by a wasp, the consequences of this are in most cases entirely caused by toxic toxins and no allergic reactions have developed. Pain and inflammation, of course, - but without symptoms of allergies (eg urticaria and fever).

Only occasionally, in exceptional cases, a child can initiate a systemic reaction to wasp stings. This is a topic for a separate discussion (we will consider this a bit lower) because such situations are already much more dangerous and require the use of potent medicines and sometimes even hospitalization.

First actions after bite

That is, if a child has already been stung by a wasp, you should first try to remove or neutralize at least some of the poison that has fallen under the skin.
For this you need:

Suck poison from the wound - if you start to do it immediately after the bite, you can significantly reduce the degree of edema;
In the spinach zone (alternatively a piece of apple or onion) - add a swab soaked in table vinegar or lemon juice (alternatively an apple or onion piece) - wasp venom has an alkaline environment, so it is partially neutralized by acid;
After 2-3 minutes, apply cold compresses to the bite area.

It is important to understand that completely preventing the appearance of pain and swelling will not work, because you still have to deal with a very strong poison. Therefore, after a wasp has bitten a child, all actions should aim to reduce the amount of poison in the tissue - first, and secondly, so that unpleasant painful sensations can go away as soon as possible.

In addition to first aid measures, you should also know what to do with a wasp sting:

There is no point in the search for stings in the wound: unlike bees, wasps never leave the victim's body after the bite; Yaban arıları, arılardan farklı olarak yaralarını acı içinde bırakmazlar.
you cannot panic and make a fuss: it will make the child even more worried, it is better to just suffer the baby and try to explain that everything will go away soon;
Squeezing the poison is strictly forbidden: it will not come out, but it will be necessary to spread more rapidly in the tissues due to increased blood flow during pressure; Ama bir böcek ısırığı yaradan zehiri sıkıştırmaya çalıştıktan sonra yapılmamalıdır, çünkü bu sadece dokulara yayılmasını hızlandıracaktır.
In the absence of obvious symptoms, it is impossible to clean the bite area with any allergy medicine in your first aid kit: the side effects of a child from “adult” ointments may be even worse than the effects of the bite itself.

Often times the wasp child bites with your finger or hand, and this is, fortunately, the “easiest” option. Worse, when an insect is attacked, for example, the face, especially the baby's neck or throat.

In any case - no matter what kind of wasp your child has in your child - you need to know which methods can help reduce pain, swelling and itching.

Methods for relieving pain, itching and swelling

There are many good and proven drugs to combat the characteristic effects of wasp stings.All can be divided into three main groups:

Special (and age-appropriate) medications after insect bites. For example, children's wax Gardex Family and Gardex Baby, spray balm Mosquitall, wax Insectline and Picnic Family. For the most part, these drugs only reduce itching. Pain can be treated with drugs such as Fenistil, Soventol and Menovazin, but its use in children can only be firmly understood by the doctor. Böcek ısırıklarından sonra piknik ailesi Balsam
Soap solution and ammonia (standard "Zelenka" and iodine can only be used in the last place). Etkilenen bölgeyi tedavi ederken bir sabun çözeltisi de kullanılabilir.
Folk remedies: chopped parsley root, dandelion juice or garlic. Isırıkların doğa üzerindeki etkilerini azaltmak için karahindiba suyunu kullanabilirsiniz.

In any case, it is important to observe swelling from a wasp sting, in any case, even in cases where the drugs become dull or relieve pain. The truth is that the edema is due to the destruction of the cells of the tissues affected by the poison, so it is where the bitten bumblebees become inflamed until the body cleanses everything.

Wasp bites on the face, throat or ear area are very dangerous: the poison can cause edema to be threatened by breathing difficulties.

Even if the bumblebee is bitten by the ear in the lobe of the child, adults should carefully monitor the baby's condition and take it to the doctor if there is any suspicion.

Finally, when a wasp bite occurs in the throat area of ​​a child, developing edema will cause serious respiratory problems. Taking into account a significant percentage of deaths as a result of insect bites, the child's condition therefore requires special observation and reaction rate in case of deterioration.


Vard We were there last summer. I don't even know what to recommend. Lesha was three years old, wasp on her neck, but only in the back. He didn't show us right away, but he hung out with him for a long time. He's a Spartan. They noticed their neck disappeared somewhere. But there was normally nothing to breathe, as well as a strong edema. After a few days, it's over, we didn't spread anything. "

Rent, Stanitsa Severskaya

Wasp bites in infants

Of course, any parent is very concerned about their child, especially if the baby is only a few months old. However, babies do not have any special wasp bites.

If the baby is bitten by a wasp, an adult must take the measures described above to neutralize at least a portion of an adult and reduce swelling and severe pain.

More experienced parents are currently advised to cool her bathe in water, for example, to distract the child from which she will end up focus on bite pain. However, special products for babies - for example, Gardex Baby designed for children from one year, but in the absence of an allergic reaction, which can be used for babies of 6 months or lifeguard cream is permissible for children of all ages.

In addition to these medicines, folk remedies such as garlic, soda and parsley root can be used successfully in a young child.

It should be noted that the pain of babies in wasps bite usually goes faster than in older children, but if it "bumps", it is maintained for a longer period.


Bir Our one-year-old was bitten by a wasp. Well, don't cry, it's been an hour, he probably couldn't calm her down. And then just drop it. The wasp bit him from the ear, we were afraid that it did not spread to his face, but there was not even a big lump there. He couldn't sleep this way, he woke up. Smeared with the Savior, granny rubbed sour cream. I don't remember exactly how much this swelling holds, but the bite stopped hurting the next day. "

Elena, Krasnoyarsk

Country first aid kit: what you need to have to help your child at all times

When planning a trip to nature for a baby or just outside the city, you need to prepare a first aid kit that should include a small toolkit that will help the child in time for a wasp or other insect sting.

Açık havadaki rekreasyonun eşekarısı ile buluşmadan yapacağından asla emin olamazsınız.

You can focus roughly on the following drugs:

The Savior is a universal first aid tool (including wasps bites);
gel fenistyl;
sensitive baby spray or balsam type Gardex;
Suprastin - for each case of "fire" (you must always take the instructions to calculate your child's dose correctly).

After your baby has been bitten by a wasp and gives her first aid, the child must be monitored - even if the danger is over.

If the bite of a wasp falls into an eye or mouth, if the child starts to increase body temperature, a rash has occurred on the bite area or other parts of the body, headache or nausea, the baby should be taken to the hospital immediately.

Before that, it is recommended to call an ambulance and ask for advice, explaining the situation. Perhaps, on the way to the hospital - on the advice of the doctor - the child should be given Suprastin for a drink, but in this case independent treatment is unacceptable.

Be careful on holiday, take care of yourself and your child, and if the problem still persists, treat yourself well and keep yourself comfortable.

Benadryl Itch Relief Stick, Extra Strength, 2 pk