Friday, August 16, 2019

BitePatch Multicolour

Bitten Hornet what to do at home. Bitten hornet - what to do? We eliminate pain and swelling - folk remedies

BitePatch Multicolour

Wasp bite is very dangerous for humans, this insect poisoning is characterized by a very high amount of toxin, which causes the most adverse reactions. Most dangerous, although there are many bites in one place, even a single bite can cause a strong allergic reaction. In some cases, it is impossible to cope with the consequences of poison ingress, so it is advisable to consult a doctor.
The main symptoms of a bite

Insect bites, especially those such as wasps and wasps, are not dangerous to everyone, but this is an exception. If the wasp has been bitten even once, the following symptoms occur as soon as possible:

headache, severe dizziness;
body temperature increases, the skin in the bite appears too hot;
sweating appears.

In more severe cases, the following symptoms occur:

severe, throbbing pain in the affected area;
the affected area turns red, edema appears;
nausea, withdrawal and other signs of poisoning;
the extremities become cold, the neck, ears and lips become bluish;
increases heartbeat and palpitations;
Only a few minutes after bite, a person may be pale, but this is usually only seen in older people, young children and in the presence of weak immunity;
Allergy patients also have the property of staining the skin, accompanied by cracks and peeling all over the body.

If you immediately feel sharp pain when you bite a person, the lesion may be red. This is because the poison composition contains histamine and acetylcholine, which makes it feel similar to tissue damage with a hot nail or drill. With redness, severe edema may occur with burning, unbearable itching.

Even if there are no obvious symptoms, first aid measures should be taken to reduce the likelihood of complications such as urticaria, cardiovascular disorders or angioedema.

First aid

First aid for a wasp bite involves the action before going to the doctor. It should also be kept in mind that the venom of the insect is very potent, can damage even mosquito nets, and may suffer severe burns and eye damage in addition to bites.

In case of contact with the bite of skin, mucous membranes, eyes or wasp venom, the following precautions should be taken immediately:

Avoid repeated bites, for example, close the window, enter a room, or leave the area with insects.
Relieves swelling and pains with cold compresses.
If you have been bitten in the mouth or head, the victim must be transported to the nearest medical facility as soon as possible, as these lesions cause laryngeal edema, receptor blockage, and difficulty breathing.
We must try to remove at least some of the poison from the wound; for this, blood is sucked and spit out of the lesion immediately after bite.
The affected region is then treated with citric or 9% acetic acid, which is necessary to neutralize toxins.
At home you can also use a piece of apple, banana leaf (rinse before use) or normal garlic;
Hydrogen peroxide or alcohol is used to disinfect the bite area. .

Before the arrival of the doctor and removal of the swelling in the affected area, the ice compress must be kept in the form of ice cubes wrapped in a towel. This slows the spread of toxins through the blood and reduces pain. At the bottom of the compression, you can put normal sugar that partially removes the poison (such a device will not work for more than 10 minutes, after which the sugar will not work). For allergy sufferers can take any commonly used antihistamine, for example, Suprastin or diphenhydramine. If possible, these should be injections that move as quickly as possible. Such measures will help to alleviate the situation and minimize adverse effects on the body.

In a medical facility, droppers are usually administered immediately by adding purified saline solutions by removing toxins from the body. The affected skin areas are treated with disinfecting compounds, and antihistamine preparations are also added to prevent allergic reactions.
When do I need a doctor?

It is dangerous to bite any wasps, which can cause serious edema and complex allergic reactions, even with a single accident. If such simple symptoms appear to be itching, redness, small edema that does not spread any more, you can deal with the effects of the lesion. In addition to these first aid measures, you can also lubricate the bite area with special ointments from flying insects; this reduces pain and helps you recover faster. If the body temperature rises to 38 degrees, it is possible to take antipyretics with a sedative, analgesic effect. It is recommended to drink more fluids to accelerate the elimination of toxins. However, such measures do not always help, in many cases urgent medical attention is needed. These alarming symptoms are:

have a strong fever, febrile condition, and does not help lowering the accepted fever;
pulse is accelerated, signs of shortness of breath are seen;
headache and fainting accompanied by severe nausea;
swelling is wide, increases in size, captures surrounding tissue;
a few days after the bite, and the general condition began to deteriorate (usually four days, but experts do not recommend withdrawal and immediate medical attention).

Hospitalization is not always necessary, usually the treatment location in the clinic is treated instead of the dropper, antihistamines will be given in addition to the dropper and some laboratory tests will be performed. Depending on the general clinical picture, anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticosteroid drugs, anti-allergic drugs including Prednisolone, Loratadine, Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone and others will be given. All of these will alleviate the situation and provide an opportunity to prevent the development of complications.


It is possible to avoid wasps bites, remembering that these insects prefer to live in green spaces, including parks and gardens. Old wooden houses and trees have nests, a characteristic "paper" appearance and a grayish tint. Even if they appear to be abandoned, they cannot be disturbed. It is recommended to use the site in special ways. You cannot use dichlorvos and similar drugs because they only provoke hornets to attack. You should also remember that it does not affect popular mosquitoes and ticks against insects. It is recommended that you contact the companies that destroy the nests of such insects immediately.

The bite on the finger is the most common insect, because the insects hide in the foliage and in the flowers, they may not just be visible. Therefore, some preventive measures should be observed to help avoid bites:

when visiting the beehive, you should use protective equipment, it is better not to make sudden movements that may cause insects to attack in such places;
In gardens and parks, the number of horns can be quite important, but insects do not like dark places, dense shrubs and tree thickets - in the open, there is more chance to take a bite;
it is not recommended to kill insects during rest, as swarms are spread from crushed objects;
wasps are not recommended to use pungent-smelling cosmetics, do not bite on the leg during walking in nature, need to use indoor shoes;
When you see a large herd, you should choose another place to walk.

It is recommended that you regularly clean the area from insects and nests in summer houses to help prevent accidents from wasps bites. You should also remember that the wasp bites many times that it is smooth to bite unlike bees.

What should I not do when a wasp bites?

When bites such as wasps and wasps bite, it is very important that the first aid is performed properly. Often, complications develop because people don't care about such simple rules.

the victim should not drink alcohol, because alcohol causes rapid spread of toxins and increased edema;
you cannot take an instrument such as diprazine, because it can cause serious deterioration of the immune response and general condition;
Lack of first aid often causes serious complications, including the development of angioedema, because even the weakest symptoms can not be excluded.

Hornets bites are very dangerous, you cannot ignore a single random bite as the injected poison causes toxins to enter the body. The lesion is always accompanied by severe pain and redness, side symptoms include swelling, high fever, fainting and other poisoning symptoms. In most cases, it is necessary to contact the nearest medical facility as soon as possible; Here, complexity measures will be taken to remove poisons from the body and antihistamine treatment will be applied.

A wasp bite does not cause much of an important body prone to an allergic reaction. The attack of such an insect is almost no different from that of other members of the wasp family. Wasp bite, unlike the bee, may not be single. At the same time, this representative of poplar does not leave the representative sting person inside.

The danger caused by a wasp bite depends on the species of the insect. They can be very harmless and very dangerous. The bite is not particularly painful, and although the insect has impressive dimensions and can reach a length of 3 cm, it is no different from the normal bee.

In summer you can face the problem. These insects can live in any tree species and build their nests on the roof of the houses. Wasp venom is particularly dangerous for young children whose body is not yet strong and sensitive. If this still persists, you should seek immediate medical attention without waiting for the hazardous consequences of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
What to do with wasps bite

Many people are interested in what to do with wasp bites to avoid dangerous complications. As a rule, immediately after the event, acute symptoms develop in the form of edema, redness and general illness. In this case, a person may experience dizziness, nausea and vomiting, as well as drowsiness of the limbs.

A wasp sting is never left after insect bite, but some parts may be present. Therefore, they must be removed. A wasp sting, which can release its particles when bitten, is removed with tweezers. In no case can not squeeze the parts. This can cause more swelling and more pain.

What to do if the wasp was bitten? Immediately after extracting the remains of Stinger:

Wash the bite area thoroughly with warm water using household soap or tar soap.
To treat the wound with the help of vodka or alcohol. The use of a wadded disc is recommended. This procedure is a mandatory disinfection measure.
Attach an ice cube to the affected area. If you don't have it, don't worry. You can use any product from the freezer after wrapping a thin towel.
Take any antihistamine (Suprastin, Cetrin or Zodak). This should be done immediately after bite and before bedtime.

If the child is attacked by a wasp, the bite can give more acute symptoms than an adult. Therefore, you should purchase any antihistamine medication immediately in 2 dosage forms, depending on the age of the child in the pharmacy. Tablets for oral administration need to be taken within a few days, but the cream acts directly on the bite. A stubborn child may feel a fever, so in addition to everything, you should replenish with medications to lower the temperature and relieve headaches.

Wasp venom affects every organism in a different way. A person who has been bitten can feel quite well and become strong enough that the symptoms can be fatal. It is rarely seen with a severe allergic reaction.

Results and complications

Most people want to know what happens if a wasp bites. Results may vary. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Just because the hornet does not bite, these insects rarely attack the first. However, such a representative of wasps still suffer, in no case can not panic. In this case, histamine release will increase.

The main complications and consequences of a wasp bite:

There was a slag abscess in the sting.
Anaphylactic shock manifested by a strong allergic reaction with loss of consciousness.
Stop respiratory activity with significant laryngeal edema.
The occurrence of seizures, usually accompanied by fever.
Quincke swelling.
Heart rhythm disorder.
Sharp reduction in arterial pressure.
Loss of consciousness
Severe headache and chills.

The results after a wasp bite during normal functioning of the immune system are practically absent. If you take all necessary precautions, the swelling will decrease within a few days. Of course, they all depend on the localization zone. Swelling on the face lasts the longest.
Additional effects and first aid for a bite

To avoid a slag abscess, you should treat the wound carefully and inspect it with a magnifying glass for the insertion parts. No grain. It is not necessary to treat the wound with alcohol, you can use normal chlorhexidine or potassium permanganate.

You can't hit the wounded. You can do a light compression. To do this, moisten the gauze with cold water and bite it.

If a person feels an increase in symptoms after an event, he or she becomes ill and suffocates or if he / she finds that his / her eyes start to darken, you should call an ambulance immediately.

If a wasp has bitten, what to do in the event of an anaphylactic reaction is interesting for many people who react very seriously to contact with insects. You must do any antihistamine injection before the ambulance arrives. In this case, the person should be placed in a horizontal position so that the legs are slightly above the body surface. This will feed the heart with blood. For the poison to enter the blood more slowly, the bite must be replaced with something cold or a tourniquet.

It's good if the window is open. It is necessary to undo the extra buttons that restrict breathing. Main assistance should be provided by a qualified specialist.

The most dangerous complication of this structure may be the death of the victim. This is a very rare result. A special danger during pregnancy does not bring wasps bite. Contrary to popular belief, the poison will not have a negative effect on the fetus.

The Hornets build unique homes from the paper of their "productions"; However, they deserve an unpleasant reputation for their destructive actions: damage to the crop, destruction of bees. However, the greatest harm to a person is severely tolerated and sometimes fatal bites.
Why is the Hornet bite so painful?

There are two types of “weapons Bir in which a hymenoptera beetle attacks and destroys the enemy and also produces food. On the one hand, this is a pain. The poison that she accepts when she enters the body causes painful sensations. The degree of pain is directly related to the amount of toxic substance injected into the body: it is almost twice as high as a bee starts stinging. On the other hand, they are powerful jaws that break the wasps food. One suffers from the defeat of the poison. Also, unlike the bee, the “big wasp abilir can use his“ weapon ”many times.

The properties of nettle complement the composition of the poison. Herein, histamine, phospholipase A2, proteases, catecholamines, toxic polypeptides, and the like. The severity of the wasp lesion not only causes pain in the wound, but also causes inflammation in the body.
Hornet bite: symptoms and effects

Among the poison symptoms of defeat can be called both local and general. Local symptoms include:

sharp, increasing pain;
redness of the skin;
change in the epidermis: redness and swelling;
extensive inflammation of the skin;
swollen lymph nodes when biting the face;
the appearance of a dense white papule at the point where the sting penetrates the skin.

Common signs:

frequent heartbeat;
pressure reduction;
headaches likely to dizziness;
excessive sweating;
discoloration of lips, ears (become bluish);
possible high blood sugar levels;
poisoning, etc

Usually, the local swelling range becomes continuous swelling. Anaphylactic shock and angioedema - a feature of severe lesions. A specific reaction of the body to a wasp bite is the development of allergic symptoms in which a person undergoes desensitizing treatment, including immunization as a preventive measure.

Warning! In children up to the age of 15, the introduction of poison by wasps causes increased poisoning. All operations are much faster. Do not wait until the symptoms disappear and seek medical attention immediately.

The results after a wasp bite remain basically. Symptoms disappear over time. It depends on the body's resistance to toxins and the rate of excretion. The most serious damage to health is the destruction of red blood cells. In case of bite and heavy tissue necrosis, suppuration may still occur.
Wasp bite dead to people?

Redness, itching and ulcers are the most common bite symptoms.

A wasp bite is no more dangerous than a bee or wasp. But again, it all depends on the diversity of insects. Asian wasps are considered more dangerous than ordinary ones. Basically, symptoms go away over time. However, there are exceptions that can be fatal in the following risk categories:

allergies sensitive to chemical components of the poison;
children, especially infants;
multiple bites in the event of an insect attack (with the number of poison given to the body, bites from 500 horns cause death);
A fatal bite occurs when a pain enters a blood vessel in the head or other large organ where the poison reaches the brain quickly.

Wasp sting: what to do?

First aid for the occurrence of at least one of the symptoms is as follows.

First, the affected skin is carefully examined. Rarely, however, wasps leaves a pain in the body. This occurs when an insect is slapped during contact with the body. The needle is carefully removed with disinfected tweezers or a needle.
The wound itself is treated with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide, a weak solution of potassium permanganate. If you do not have these tools, you can only rinse them with cold clean water.
In order to slow the spread of toxins in the body, ice, a cold compress, a plastic bottle with water, frozen meat in a bag, a cold water bottle are applied to the puncture site.
A saturated saline solution, a crushed aspirin tablet, is applied to the bite zone to alleviate itching. For the same purpose, fresh cucumbers, parsley juice or dandelions, cabbage leaves or banana leaves are used.
"Suprastin", "Dimedrol", "Pipolfen" or another antihistamine was administered.
Extensive drinking is provided.
To alleviate swelling and edema, the skin is lubricated with hydrocortisone ointment or cream containing lidocaine.

Warning! The defeat of the oral mucous membrane requires immediate calls to the throat, bul Ambulance ”and in-hospital treatment; this is reduced to enter the body by the drip of a solution that contributes to the rapid removal of poisons. Timely help or low-quality treatment after a wasp bite can lead to catastrophic consequences.

How to treat surrounded by Hymenoptera?

When coming to a data, situations entering a forest put people before the invasion of this region by wasps or wasps after the absence of long winters. In mid-April, the woman begins to shape her nest by showing her living space in this region. If time is missed, if the hornets are placed on the site seriously and permanently, you must choose the correct behavioral tactics on how to avoid a hornet bite.

Meeting in the courtyard, hanging from the branches or nesting under the roof, in no way untouched even when approaching it, without mentioning mixing with a stick. Crazy insects run to the criminal immediately.
It is necessary to behave calmly in order not to cause attacks of sharp movements of the "big wasp".
It's not worth killing a bug in a body. First, you can take some of the poison. Secondly, in case of wasp danger, the released enzyme serves as an alarm signal for relatives in a hurry to help immediately.
Comfortable, bright tones and body protection clothing are on a journey out of town to wear closed shoes. Leave the smell with a pungent odor.
However, if it is decided to get rid of hornets and nest in the field in the first place, it should be done in overalls covering the body. Particular attention should be paid to the protection of the head, face, especially eyes. There was a bitter poison that passed through a mosquito net, where the eye penetrated the mucous membranes and caused retinal burns.
After picking an apple or a pear from a branch, the fruits should be carefully examined before washing and biting. Usually hidden in the mature pulp isps.

The wispy behavior of these highly organized insects will give their results. Some people live together with hornets for years peacefully. In contrast, striped "hard workers" protect their plants from garden pests, catch them and feed larvae. If such boredom persists, such as a wasp bite, you should be prepared to neutralize unpleasant consequences.

Hornet bite is one of the most dangerous bites of other flying insects in our country. The attacks of a bitter insect are not insured against them, especially in nature, in rural areas, and in the city during all the hot seasons. Like wasps, wasps can make several bites in a row, since they do not lose their stings after an attack. In the case of a wasp bite, sensations are similar to a wasp attack: sharp, sharp pain, and in some cases poor health. And it is important to know what to do after such an event.

severe itching around the bite
Severe weakness, sensation of nausea, nausea
sweating increased
tachycardia (heart palpitations)
sudden and severe headache
drowning sensation, shortness of breath
fiery effects - fever, chills
paleness and even cyanosis of the skin on the face, neck, ear
participant symptoms of this phenomenon and possible dramatic change in blood pressure
seizures (relatively rare)

It is important to remember that the smaller the body weight, the more dangerous it is for poison to enter the body for health. Therefore, if a small child is bitten, attention should be paid to the situation and efforts should be made to help as soon as possible. In addition, the child himself cannot monitor his condition. The danger also increases when there are several insects bitten. One of the biggest risks of a wasp bite is anaphylactic shock, which can result in a life-threatening condition before full medical care if an allergic reaction of the body can develop so quickly.
First aid for a wasp bite

No matter how easy or difficult a person is to bite, it depends on how quickly and competently the help is provided. The first aid for a wasp bite is to wash and cool the bite as quickly as possible, thereby minimizing pain, itching, swelling and other consequences. Sometimes it makes suggestions to absorb the poison, but if you decide to do so, everything should be done quickly and accurately without pinching and rubbing the affected area. In any case, the victim must be seated and only then should he continue to provide assistance.

Unlike bees, hornets like hornets have the ability to sting after the attack, but sometimes remain on the skin of a person who has been bitten completely or partially. And such sediment can cause suppuration. Therefore, you can check the wound and if a wasp sting continues, the main thing is to try to remove it without further damage to the affected area and then, if possible, disinfect the bite area with alcohol or alcohol-containing drugs, disinfect with a weak potassium permanganate solution or just soap wash gently.

These are general recommendations that are appropriate in any case and for any person. So, what to do when the wasp bites someone prone to allergic reactions? In this case, the victim of the bite should be as soon as possible to be able to take any medicine for allergies. Generally, one-time intake of an antihistamine drug, such as suprastin, is sufficient to prevent dangerous deterioration and to wait safely for qualified medical attention.

What to do if there is a deterioration in health after a wasp bite? For example, weakness, nausea, palpitations, significant swelling of the face and throat, respiratory problems. In this case, after doing everything that can alleviate the painful situation, seek medical attention as soon as possible.
Medical assistance

When applying for medical care, you should report as soon as possible when a wasp bite occurs and what precautions are taken before going to a health facility. It is also important to know whether the doctor has already taken any antihistamines and what other insects have bitten (insects, etc.), as well as how prone they are to allergic reactions to drugs, because drugs will certainly require medication. Therefore, special treatment tactics should be chosen for people with hypersensitivity.

Based on this information and the victim's condition, the doctor first decides what to do and then what kind of treatment is needed. As a primary precaution, the first measures are to remove the anaphylactic shock situation, which opposes the most serious symptoms of poisoning, and to eliminate the most dangerous symptoms. The treatment is then designed to normalize the general condition of the body, which can last from a few days to several weeks and should occur under the regular supervision of a physician.
How to treat a bite at home

Fortunately, medical care is not always necessary for a wasp bite, so in most cases you only need to know what to do if the wasp bites at home.

Cool the affected area with ice, frozen contents of the refrigerator, pre-wrapped in a clean cloth, only cold water
if necessary, remove the stuck insert
Ointment Fenistil, Prednisolone, Lorinden, etc. lubricate local antihistamines such as

Alternatively, you can offer folk remedies as follows:

dandelion juice
vinegar solution
diluted soda sip, hammered aspirin tablets
mashed or finely chopped parsley leaves, banana
fresh cucumber, raw potato, lemon, apple slice or oat soup

Rest and heavy drinking (non-alcoholic) is recommended for a faster recovery in welfare.
Help with allergies

However, all of the above recommendations are quite effective only in the absence of allergy symptoms - acute headache, sweating, and so on. If such symptoms occur, you should take an antihistamine (if you have a medication prescribed by the doctor) and consult a doctor. You will need to call an ambulance that tells you not only the symptoms but also the cause of deterioration in health, with difficulty breathing and rapid swelling of the face or neck, shortness of breath, weakness, tachycardia.

What are the consequences of a wasp bite?

What happens when a wasp bites depends on many factors, from the age and health of the person to the number of insects bitten or consumed by alcohol. In the meantime, the prohibition of alcohol is valid until the effects of the bite disappear completely. The fact is that alcohol intake increases cellular permeability, more potent spread of insect venom in soft tissues, sharply increased edema and more serious complications.

The main danger caused by a wasp bite is a possible allergy to bite, more precisely, a toxin injected by a bitter insect. By itself, the amount of toxic substance entering the human body during an individual's attack cannot cause serious poisoning. However, in the presence of an allergic reaction, a bite can pose a serious threat to health and even life. Therefore, people with increased susceptibility to insect bites are recommended to carry a syringe tube with an appropriate drug (Prednisolone, adrenaline) to stop the most dangerous effects of wasp bite.

Hornets are a genus of the largest representatives of social wasps. The length of the largest horns can reach 55 mm. The world fauna contains 23 insect species, predominantly scattered in Southeast Asian countries. The most famous ordinary wasp in our region. He lives in the European region of Russia, the territory of Ukraine, Europe and Northeast Asia. The body length of the uterus reaches 38 mm and weight - 200 mg.

Like other members of the family, wasps form large nests with up to 10 cells. The nests are brown in color, as the horns derive the building material from rotten logs and birch branches. Hornets prefer to settle in forests and curtains when choosing well-lit dry edges. However, as a result of human activity, the forest area decreases and the horns gradually change their habits. Increasingly, their nests can be found not only in the hollows of trees, in nests, but also in human buildings, in wooden buildings, in the attic. In tropical forests, hornets hang their nests on tree branches. The length of the slots can reach 1 meter.

Bees are nectar collectors and wasps are insect predators. Bee stings are an ideal tool for use against vertebrates while their bitterness is sharpened by insect hunting. Therefore, when the bee is bitten and dies, it is painful, and the entire contents of the poisonous balloon are wounded. Hornets use it to destroy their prey, which strongly resists their prey. They can't waste a lot when dealing with poison, because they often need it during hunting.
Protection from bites of horns

Hornets are quite peaceful insects, contrary to popular belief. They don't attack a person for no reason, and in most cases they prefer to avoid conflict. However, remember that next to the nest there are always 2-3 wasps protector. In case of danger, it gives a special warning to other members of the family. The stimulated wasps immediately flock together to attack the enemy. The bigger the family, the more aggressive it is.

It is easy to avoid wasps bites.

First, be as careful as you can when you travel to the jungle and other foreign places.

Second, do not disturb the wasp nest, do not shake, because the answer will follow immediately.

Third, if you find a wasp nest, try to leave this place as soon as possible. Hornets chase enemies at shorter distances than bees.

Fourth, don't block the wasp flight path.

Fifth, do not make sudden movements, do not swing your arms, try to remove the wasp.

Sixth, never kill the wasp in the nest, because the danger signals it generates can cause an aggressive state of the whole family.

Before you bite a seventh, for example, a ripe pear or apple, be careful in the orchards, making sure that the wasp does not get into the meats. This hymenoptera likes to revive its immature fruits, gnaw holes in them and slowly dive into the flesh.

Eighth, keep in mind that, due to their chemical properties, various materials that freely come into contact with pheromones can attack horns. This dressing can be skin, some food flavors, for example, banana and apple containing C5 alcohols and C10 esters.
What are the consequences of a wasp bite?

Horned horse, wasp is painful because 0.5 to 2 mg of poison is injected each time. However, the venom of ordinary wasps and many other species is less toxic than the venom of bees. In Shmidt's pain, according to a specific pain scale, the pain caused by wasp sting is moderately strong and approximately equal to the pain caused by the sting of a honey bee. The street itself does not remain on the victim's body, but the wasp can pin several times in a row. The toxicity of Asian species also varies with greater toxicity, which has larger dimensions.

The effects of a wasp bite depend on the number and location of the bites, the individual reaction of the victim.

When local reactions are observed:

sharp burning pain
pale papule,
redness belt,

The most severe swelling consists of a bite on the face. Such cases are accompanied by inflammatory enlargement of the lymph nodes.

If a bite can develop a general reaction, the symptoms are:

increased body temperature
shortness of breath
heart palpitations
nausea, vomiting,
difficulty breathing.

The venom of the horns has an effect on the central nervous system, which is first stimulated and subsequently inhibited.

The most dangerous complication of a wasp bite is hemolysis or in other words the destruction of red blood cells.

In the absence of timely medical care, in some cases allergic reactions can be fatal. The danger to human life is also a one-time painful situation with many people.
What to do with wasp bite

In no case should the bitter wasp kill. As mentioned earlier, a dead or injured insect emits a pheromone anxiety that forces other members of the family to attack.

Do not rub or scratch the bitten area because it is filled with the spread of poison in the adjacent tissue and the infection entering the wound.

It is also impossible to cool the affected area from soil, clay, natural and artificial reservoirs with water, as this increases the risk of infection with tetanus.

When a wasp bite is forbidden to take sleeping pills, they contribute to increasing the effects of the poison.
What to do with a wasp bite

Locally, ie, non-allergic reaction, as a rule, does not require special medical treatment. But it is still possible and even necessary to minimize the manifestations at home, especially if the bite falls on a sensitive area of ​​the body. In this case, you can:

1. Wipe the wound with a cloth moistened with hydrogen peroxide, a solution of potassium permanganate, a solution of ammonia in water at a ratio of 1: 5, or wash with plain clean water.

2. Apply a bag of ice or cold water filled heating pad to the edema area to slow the intake of poison.

3. To alleviate painful sensations and relieve itching, apply powder aspirin into a bite, make a lotion from a salt solution or add herbal ingredients:

dandelion juice, onion
cut cucumbers, onions,
banana leaves, rhubarb,
leaves and chopped parsley root.

4. Give the victim plenty of drink.

5. Calm down.

6. If you put it in your mouth or throat, you should seek medical attention immediately, which may cause breathing problems.

A mild allergic reaction can be tried at home. However, nausea, vomiting, tired breathing, choking sensation, rapid heartbeat, etc. If seen, you should call the ambulance as soon as possible.

If Hymenoptera's bite has already given you an allergic reaction, the doctor may prescribe you a special autoinjector with adrenaline. Adrenaline stimulates the heart and provides vasoconstriction and airway enlargement. The automatic injector allows you to enter the muscle at home.

An allergic reaction to the bites of Hymenoptera insects, including horns, takes twice as long as the poisoning of snake venom.
In Japan, more than 70 deaths have been recorded from wasps and wasps bites each year.
At times in the Bible, hornets were used as biological weapons. From the mushrooms, clay pitchers with enemy horns were launched. An angry swarm of horns flew from a broken jug and stung everything possible. Enemy fighters had to escape.

BitePatch Multicolour