Friday, August 16, 2019

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Someone bit a swollen face. How do I know which insect has been bitten? Treatment with folk remedies

Boericke and Tafel Ssssting Stop Topical Gel, 2.75 Ounce

The camp is often overshadowed by the presence of unwanted "guests". Mosquitoes and midges attack people and children, leaving irritating itch bites. What to do if an insect lice and how it removes swelling.
What are dangerous mosquito bites and their middle?

The midge bites even stronger than the mosquito. It appears that a harmless, almost imperceptible insect will have to be bitten and its consequences eliminated within a few days.

After an insect bite (mosquito or midge), there is a barely noticeable red scar that can grow and itch.

Insect bite discomfort:

pressure increase;
allergic reaction (itching, rash, choking).

If, after a mosquito bite, you can get rid of itching and swelling relatively quickly, the harmless caller at first glance can bring more trouble to the person, because the insect does not pierce the skin when bitten, but it bites leaving the poison. It causes swelling, severe redness and itching. The wounds heal very slowly.
How to remove bite swelling

Never ignore insect bites, you need to help you get rid of swelling and discomfort faster. If there is edema, then it should not be left unattended because edema can cause vascular deterioration.

How to get rid of edema:

with the help of soda compress. To prepare the solution, you must take a glass of water and dilute the salt salt in half a teaspoon of water;
Use of menthol supplement: cream, gel and even menthol toothpaste. This material cools the bite well, relieves pain and reduces swelling;
apply cold compresses. Ideally, apply ice, but the ice may not be useful under field conditions, so you should put something cold in the bite area and leave it for 2 hours. This is the only way to get rid of edema and relieve inflammation.

What to do immediately after insect bite to prevent swelling

You felt that you were bitten by a mosquito or the body felt reddened by a midge bite (this insect bites the wound painlessly, because it injects aesthetic poison into the wound). A painful bite appears after a few hours when it starts to irritate toxic soft tissues.

What to do:

To avoid an allergic reaction, the bite should be treated with any substance that has been added to the alcohol. Alcohol can be iodine, bright green, tincture of daffodils and even regular vodka (except if the insect has been bitten directly into the eyes and mucous membranes).
After treatment, a cold compress should be placed in the bite area. If it is ice then you should wrap it in a towel.
Try to relieve swelling and itching with normal vinegar (9% strength) or soda solution (dissolving one teaspoon of powder in a glass of water).
If the floor is too red and swollen, you should take antiallergic medications. This can be "Suprastin", treat the bite with a special gel (eg "Fenistil") that reduces itching and reduces swelling.
If sufficient time passes, the above-described measures have been taken, but the swelling does not pass, you should seek medical advice for qualified assistance.

How to remove swelling from an insect bite. Folk methods

All methods are good, there are several effective ways to avoid edema in folk medicine.

You must use:

banana. Knead the fresh leaf thoroughly in their hands, so that the juice will come forward and the bananas will bind to the bite area;
paste a leaf of fresh mint or dandelion leaf;
make onion oatmeal or cut into 2 pieces and rub the bite zone with the released fruit juice;
Make this instrument: Take a spoon vegetable oil, add lemon essential oil, exactly 5-7 drops, wipe the swelling with this oil.

The main symptoms occur in the following factors:

redness appearance;
itching for a short time;
in some cases, a small particle of dried blood.

Insect allergy (see photo below), including a reaction to bedbite bites, is a response of the body and immunity to the emergence of foreign biological bodies.

Bedbug bites allergy

Because a person is weakened from a polluted environment and maintains a sedentary lifestyle, a more severe reaction to the insect saliva of allergens penetrating the skin may occur.

Not only can the bites of bedbugs in a child or an adult cause a reaction, it is also an elegant cover released by insects during the active melting period and is also a waste of vital activities.

VIDEO: And so insects and larvae bite a man

Why does a painful reaction manifest itself?

Before breaking the bites of bedbugs, it is helpful to understand the reasons for their emergence. When the blood-sucking insect begins to puncture the skin, the substance is injected at the same time. Natural liquid has the following properties:

numb a small area;
prevents blood clotting;
Allergic properties are high.

This causes the body to react in various ways. In the photo are presented various signs of bedbugs, lice and flea bites.

In the event of collision with foreign substances, an intense struggle begins in the body. There is an active histamine release - a natural substance that triggers the immune process. The chain stimulates the formation of therapeutic / inflammatory processes by activating leukocytes. At the same time, the vessels dilate and increase their permeability. This contributes to the rapid access of immune cells to complete destruction of foreign bodies or substances.

In children and adults, biting such bedbugs forces the entire body to suffer. The exit of mucous membranes and bronchial contraction through the nose removes harmful substances from the body due to sneezing and coughing. However, in this case negative factors may be suffocation due to contraction of the bronchi, and excessive dilation of the blood vessels contributes to a decrease in blood pressure. In this context, antiallergic drugs are called antihistamines which reduce the production of this substance.

VIDEO: How to detect bed bugs in the apartment

Treatment of lesions

Instead of biting bedbugs in humans, we will understand. For this purpose, both pre-purchased drugs and simple products made from components used in almost any home would be suitable. Home treatment for bedbugs bites is carried out according to the following procedure:

the site of inflammation is washed with warm water to which we add a weak solution or some soda;
Since the insect bite appears to be noticeable, after discovery we add an ice cube to a slice of fresh potato or parsley juice;
if bedbug bites the itch too much, you don't know what to get, then we use a Vietnamese asterisk or Afloderm ointment not only to reduce itching but also to prevent infection;
high quality household medicine propolis alcohol tincture;
As in the photo of bedbug bites, if a person is too much or has an allergic reaction, the affected areas should be treated with Menovazin.

In parallel, take diphenhydramine or diazoline to avoid allergies. Both pharmacological drugs belong to the antihistamine group. However, you cannot take them yourself, but you must first consult a doctor.

The first-aid kit at home should include preparations not only for bedbugs, but for the bites of other insects such as mosquitoes or wasps. In any case, the following options will come to the rescue:

the cleaning stick soaked in liquid ammonia not only relieves itching, but also processes the wound so as to provide disinfection;
ointment "Savior" and "Fenistil gel" minimizes the occurrence of allergic reactions and helps alleviate the condition of the victim.

Phenystyle relieves itching and stops the local allergic reaction of the body.

To avoid becoming unpredictable on the road, one of the preparations in the bag must be present. However, in a more serious situation, it is necessary to seek help from professional experts to avoid aggravating the difficult situation.
Child's reaction

Generally, parents are interested in how to strangle bedbug bites in a child. This is because a mature adult body has a stronger immune system. In children, the reaction to allergies can manifest itself in various ways.

Bites on a child's body

A child's body can react more strongly to bedbug bites.

In adults, sometimes even a large number of bites are less noticeable. The child almost always has itching and swelling. The baby's skin has a smaller thickness and blood circulation is much more intense, which forces the insects to use children more actively for their own purposes.

Cold compresses applied to the blisters help children. You can also use Psilo Balm. Antihistamines of the second generation (Tsetrin or Zyrtec) relieve itching and swelling. For infants up to 3 years of age the dose of the drug should be clearly indicated. Treatments in the form of syrup or drops are available.

Don't let children crawl the bite.

Allowing the child to scan for wounds causes a secondary infection.

A banana leaf or lotion clean from the train is allowed in the area. In addition, insects are afraid of wormwood and geranium aromas. The best solution would be to leave the place with blood-sucking insects as soon as possible or to disinfect the room as soon as possible.

VIDEO: Allergy to insect stings, what to do?

Priority measures to provide medical care to bites are the same regardless of which insect class representative causes discomfort and pain.

Step 1. It is necessary to provide peace to the bitten man and restrict his movements. One should try to cheer up and calm down. To do this, keep the victim in a relaxed position, preferably in a reclined position.

The Savior should not be overcrowded, but the first step is to explain that any physical activity of the victim will contribute to faster absorption of poison in the blood and make it worse.

Intense movements with the injured hand or foot are a natural reaction of the body, but physical effort activates blood circulation and increases lymph flow. This causes the rapid spread of toxins in the bloodstream filled with the increased symptoms of allergic reactions.

Step 2. What to do next? Remove affected area from clothing and examine wound: determine if redness, swelling and redness occur, tissue swelling. If the attack has fallen into the arm area, remove the jewelry, remove the watch ring. After an insect bite, if the leg is swollen, shoes and socks should be removed from the victim.

Step 3. The following first aid measures for insect bites: Give the victim the highest possible amount of liquid. This can be de-carbonate, purified water, freshly brewed tea, dietary juice, dried fruit bundle or decoction, rose hip extract. Abundant fluid intake contributes to a faster removal of insects from neurotoxic substances when the body bites.

When insect venom is ingested, the consumption of intoxicating beverages is a major mistake, leading to an increase in the rate of development of allergic reactions and making it difficult to eliminate toxins.

Step 4. What to do after insect bite? The puncture site should be treated with any bacterium.

A bitter Hymenoptera that bites it - if it is a bee, it is necessary to remove the remains of an alien element from the wound.

Step 5. If the injury has not been perceived with certainty and it is impossible to identify the perpetrator of the origin, the patient's overall condition should be assessed and local reactions should be considered.

Eliminate swelling can improvise:

apply an icy cold compress to the damaged area;
gently press and squeeze the tissue surrounding the puncture site;
wipe the area with gauze moistened with daffodil or awning of boric acid solution;
Apply a compress of diluted baking gas.

It is possible to eliminate edema by pharmaceutical means including antihistamines, decongestants, antimicrobial, antipruritic and anti-inflammatory components. Cremgenum has a rapid effect on insect bites.

If a small edema develops at the puncture site, the skin becomes reddish, if the person has a slight burning and itching sensation, the problem provocative in of the problem can be assumed to be a relatively harmless error: a fly, mosquito, insect, midge, insect.

If there is severe pain, unbearable burning on the construction site after insect bite but does not change the skin color, it can show bees, hornets, wasps, hornets by representatives of the flying hymenoptera row. If there is redness after an insect bite, but no edema, the culprit is probably a tick.

Step 6. After treating the damaged area, a compression bandage is applied to the body area above the bite point; this should be relieved after the development of edema.

Step 7. If only local skin symptoms are noted: swelling, swelling, itching, skin redness, redness, the patient should be given tablet tablets of eg antihistamines, for example: tavegil or Suprastin at an appropriate age dosage.

Step 8. If deterioration of respiratory function is observed after an insect bite, edema develops in the eye or tongue area, providing immediate intensive medical care:

Step 9. What to do if a doubt arises: the injury was caused by poisonous insects: spiders, scorpions or ants? In this case, anaphylactic shock can develop rapidly. Immediate measures: apply for an indirect cardiac massage and artificial respiration. Immediately transport the victim to the nearest hospital.

The pain that occurs after a bite from a poisoned carrot or tarantula is very similar to the defeat of snakes in their manifestations. Saliva injected through the arachnid glands has a strong neurotoxic effect that affects the tissues of the nervous system and destroys red blood cells.

The clinical manifestations of poisonous insect disease include:

intense sharp pain of burning character in the puncture site;
visible perforation of the wound on the skin;
The lesion takes the form of a small tubercle with a whitish tinge;
bloody blisters or bright purple spots appear on the skin around the bite point;
one person complains of severe headache, dizziness;
body temperature may increase;
blood pressure indicators are reduced;
Victim throughout the entire area of ​​the affected limb, marks the resulting drowsiness.

Insect bites What to do after a bite?

Thank you
General information
Insects are called organisms living in the order of arthropods, and they live on almost all continents. Of all the creatures of our planet, insects are the most abundant.

No one has ever lived insect bite . The effects bite depends primarily on the species of insects and secondly depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. For some people, the bite of most ordinary mosquitoes can be fatal.

The reaction of the human body does not come from the fact that the skin is pierced, but from insects injected during biting. The target of bites can be both defense and food ( blood sucking ).
Which insects can be dangerous?
The main danger of inhabitants of the middle latitude is the bites of hymenoptera: bees, wasps, wasps, donkeys, red ants. These insects only crave for self-defense. During a pain or bite, the poison enters the human body, which is composed of active proteins and other components, usually strong allergens. The body reacts to the entry of these substances by redness, pain and swelling of the tissues. According to statistics, bees and wasps kill four times more people than snake bites. Different insects are eaten in different ways. Thus, wasps and bees are stung with pain, while the second, with stings, remains with the needle insertion apparatus. The ants bite their jaws and inject poison and bite as much as they want.

If a person feels discomfort with a biting bloodsucker ( mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, insects ). But some are also carriers of dangerous infections.

Malaria mosquitoes tolerate malaria,
African mosquitoes carry West Nile encephalitis,
Lice tolerate recurrent fever
Mosquitoes tolerate leishmaniasis,
Tsetse flies with sleep disturbance
Common flies can be typhoid, dysentery carriers,
Deer flies tolerate tularemia,
Fleas tolerate bubonic plague,
Lice tolerate rickettsiosis
Mosquitoes can carry viral diseases: yellow fever, dengue fever, horse encephalitis,
Ticks suffer from Lyme disease,
Spider bite ( especially Black Widow and Brown recluse ) can cause serious complications and even death.

Swelling, pain and other bite symptoms
Often, when an insect bite is observed, itching, pain, swelling and redness are seen in the bite area. If you try to draw the affected area, you can add an infection. But if the victim is allergic to insect bites, the poison can cause not only the local but also the general reaction of the body: rashes all over the body, deterioration in breathing, loss of consciousness. In severe cases, death occurs half an hour after the bite.
The bite of a wasp or a bee on the tongue may cause the swelling of the tongue and pharynx and subsequent suffocation.
The bite of several bees or horns causes kidney failure and paralysis.
The bites of the red ants cause too much trouble for the victim;
Bite allergy
An allergic reaction to insect bites can be mild and acute. In a slight allergic reaction, the following symptoms are observed or one of them:

easy swelling
increase in body temperature in the insertion zone.

Once you are allergic to an insect bite, the chance of re-occurrence is 60%. Many victims have a mild allergic reaction and do not require special precautions. The standard help described below is quite sufficient.

Symptoms of an acute allergic reaction:

swelling of the face
shortness of breath,
anxiety, tension,
acceleration of heartbeat,
rash is seen all over the body, itches and is very bright,
blood pressure is significantly reduced.

Severe reactions to insect bites are not very common. However, within ten minutes, the patient may develop anaphylactic shock, loss of consciousness and death. Therefore, such a victim needs immediate medical attention.

The first substance used in anaphylactic shock is adrenaline ( epinephrine ). Over time, the drug stops allergic symptoms. Sometimes oxygen masks, droppers and other more serious procedures are used. In order to fully balance the situation, the patient may remain in hospital for another day. People who have already experienced such a situation once, it is recommended to carry an epinephrine bulb continuously during the walks in the woods and trekking. But sometimes just one dose of this drug is not enough, so you should call the ambulance in any case.
Hornet bites, bumble bees and horns
If you often encounter bees and wasps in the middle lane, then in the south is added hornet - giant wasps. As mentioned earlier, bitter insects bite in self-defense. In this case, wasps and wasps can be suffered many times. The pain in bees and wasp bees is covered with notches in the body preventing it. In addition to the sting, the sting apparatus escapes from the body of the insect. The poison splattered for 3 to 5 minutes, so the pain should be removed from the wound immediately.

In the bite, the body turns red, swells, hurts and heats up. With individual sensitivity to bee venom, body temperature may rise, nausea, headache, coordination, drowsiness and fever. The same reaction occurs when a human is introduced by several insects at the same time.
In severe cases, even a bite is enough to break the heart rhythm, contractions occur, joints and back become painful and consciousness causes discomfort. Some people may have an asthma attack and even anaphylactic shock.

What to do after a bite?
If the bite is in your hand, immediately remove all rings and then immediately insert the insert and try to squeeze the fluid gently from the wound. To remove the poison bag carefully, it must be "stripped" with any solid object.

The poison will be injected faster, so there's no need to pull it. People who are not allergic to bees and wasps bites, just take the antihistamine pill, apply a cold lotion with ammonia ( dilute 1: 5 ) or three times with ethyl alcohol diluted with water.

It also does not hurt to drink warm tea and go to bed. In just the case, an antihistamine can be drunk for several days in a row until the swelling ceases. Some doctors recommend taking 25 grams of vodka. A tool for adults only! ). Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen will help for acute pain.

In some people, individual poison poisoning manifests itself after a while. Therefore, those who do not trust their body should be closely monitored for symptoms such as nausea, changes in blood pressure, an increase in body temperature, rashes elsewhere, and respiratory complications.

Traditional treatments for bees, wasps, wasps or wasps
1. Chew and stick a leaf of banana to the affected area.
2. Wash the bite with urine.
3. Insert the dandelion leaf into the bite area before being crushed.
4. Powerful infusion of Veronica officinalis plants and lotion with it.
5. Add parsley leaf to the affected area. This will eliminate pain and swelling. To make decoction from the roots of this plant is inside: two tablespoons half a liter of raw material boiling water. Pour a thermos for the night. For one third of a glass three times a day, 30 minutes before a meal. This drug eliminates the sensitivity of the body.
6. Three tablespoons of the series were brewed in a 500 ml boiling water thermos overnight. Drink in 100 ml three times a day for half an hour before meals. Make lotions with leaves of a train.
7. Squeeze the juice from the mint leaves, process the biting. Relieves pain, inflammation, relaxes.
8. Cut the raw onion and cut it to a bit. Leave it overnight. You can use the throat location with onion juice.

Multiple wasps or bee bites can be very dangerous. If you accidentally stumbled upon a hornet's nest in the forest, you should never repel insects and try to crush them. We need to get away from this place as soon as possible. When only one insect releases poison, others smell it and rushes to attack. Going to hospital with multiple bites is mandatory and urgent.
Mosquito bites
Mosquito bites don't just leave a painful itch. These insects can be really dangerous if they carry the factors that cause malaria.
According to an old legend, these little bloodsucking people were sent to people as punishments for bad female tongues.

More than 2,000 species of mosquitoes are known. And not all malaria carriers. The latter is slightly larger and has a much higher core than the head, whereas in normal species the head may be slightly higher or the body may be parallel to the surface. Although the number of anopheles mosquitoes in the central region has recently increased, in most cases we observe common species of these insects.

Blood is only absorbed by women and only when preparing to lay their eggs. For mosquitoes, blood proteins are required to lay as many eggs as possible. Therefore, a “hungry siv mosquito cannot lay more than 50 eggs, and one can reach up to 300 already.

A mosquito can find its prey a few miles away! Its insertion is like a syringe whose needle is still covered with a special protective cover. During placement on the body, the boot rises. As soon as the pain is injected into the body, a substance is injected into the person's tissues to prevent blood from clotting. This causes very anticoagulant itching and redness.

Even five hundred mosquito bites are not dangerous to an adult healthy person. However, for an allergic person, it may be enough to cause a serious allergic reaction and even death.

What to do after a bite?
1. Make a strong solution of baking soda and periodically hold itchy place.
2. Lubricate the bites with calendula alcohol tincture, boric alcohol, tomato juice.
3. Make a cold lotion.
4. For multiple bites, take an antihistamine.
5. An antihistamine should be kept in a first aid kit or shed, fenistil or fukortsin ( relieves itching and relieves nettle burns ).

Folk methods for mosquito bites
1. Sour cream or kefir.
2. Stick the cherry or banana leaf to the bite.
3. Lubricate the affected area with Asterisk balsam.
Spider bites
There are very poisonous spiders whose bite can lead to the death of the victim. When attacking such a spider, a person should be taken to the hospital immediately.

In fact, not every spider is really dangerous. Brown spiders are very dangerous hermites, blackworms and tarantulas. These insects are found in warm areas, do not like moisture. They usually live in firewood where people are rare, for example in the attic.

Tarantulas are quite large and prefer to settle in sandy steppe areas. The brown monk spider on the back has a special pattern like a violin. In Karakurt, the belly is decorated with a bright red pattern similar to the hourglass.

The tarantula bite is quite painful. In the area of ​​the injury, the skin becomes red, swollen and painful. The general situation of the victim is deteriorating, sluggish, tending to sleep. Most of the time, these signs are kept for several days.

Karakurt bite reminds me of a weak injection. The condition worsens in about an hour or two. The bite swells in place, the body starts to ache. Gradually, the pain spreads over the back, leg muscles, abdomen and upper back. I get dizzy, my whole body hurts. 2% of cases of Karakurt stings result in cardiac arrest and death.

The most brown recluse spider bite sacrifice gives a slight burning sensation. After 8 hours, however, the injured area turns red, headaches and swelling. After a while, the bubble disappears, but a relatively large ulcer remains, which is gradually larger. Body temperature rises, the patient's general well-being worsens, the body aches, the injured person is nervous. Deaths were recorded from the bites of these spiders. They are more dangerous for children.

What to do after a bite?
1. Wash the affected area thoroughly with soap and water.
2. Immobilize the affected limb. To do this, apply a rubber. As it moves, blood flows faster and the poison is more likely to disperse in the body.
3. When the spider bites its leg or arm, you can gently squeeze the legs just above the bite zone by placing some kind of "wire harness". However, it is not possible to compress the fabric too much. In addition, this bandage cannot be stored in the body for a long time ( more than an hour ).
4. Apply a cold lotion to the affected area.
5. Very internal to remove poison from kidneys.
6. Drink aspirin (for adults ) or paracetamol.

Make sure you go to the hospital if:

Victim child
After a bite, the general well-being of the victim is much worse.
There's a chance to be bitten by a wolf or a brown monk. In such cases, an antidote should be applied.

Insect bites (bedbugs)
There are over fifty thousand species of bedbugs on the planet. In temperate climates, there are about a thousand species. Bedbug eats an average once a week. But if you think the colonies are too big, the problem of bites of bedbugs arises. It's almost impossible to be in the same room with them.

Bedbugs prefer to suck the blood of children and women because they have thinner skin. If there is a choice, it will continue to feed a non-smoking family member's body.

Usually the insect of an insect is initially confused with a mosquito bite, or even an allergy. Bedbugs like to settle in hard-to-reach corners: gaps, under baseboards, furniture cracks, behind pictures and wallpaper. During the day you can only find them if you call them carefully.

The insect bite is definitely a bat, because it injects anesthesia into the wound. Sometimes an insect is pierced in various parts of the body, as it cannot immediately find a nearby vessel to get drunk with blood.
Bedbugs carry serious diseases such as tuberculosis, plague, anthrax and smallpox.

What to do
If bugs are found, there are only two options to get rid of them: temporarily move to another residence or seek pest control specialists. You can process the apartment yourself. However, you need protective clothing, breathing apparatus, gloves and spray equipment.

With a solution, you definitely need all the objects, walls and floors. I mean, all surfaces and cracks. About 100 ml of mortar per square meter of upholstered furniture and carpets, half as many floors, walls and non-residential furniture. If the chamber is processed in pieces, insidious insects only go to surfaces that have not yet been processed. Therefore, the procedure should be done almost anywhere. Be sure to use door pillars, ventilation ducts immediately.

After pest control, all windows should be opened and left for ventilation. During processing, you must remove pets, plants and, of course, people. After ventilation, wipe all areas you touch with a wet cloth.
Sometimes all insects do not die immediately, the drug acts after a week or even a month, all depends on which drug is selected.
Tick ​​bite
However, because they live more often in the forests, they also feel great in the meadows. You should choose light-colored clothing for hiking in nature - it's easier to find bugs on top During hiking, you should examine each other carefully once an hour. It is desirable to grasp the bottom of the trousers by a rubber band or cuff. You can fill them with boots.
Often, ticks follow their victims and sit on the blades of grass or branches. They can only crawl up and down. You can play about it by taking clothes for a walk. If a tick clocks an obstacle while wearing his clothes, he cannot overcome it.
As you walk home, you need to carefully consider not only your clothes, but also the flowers, branches or toys brought from the forest.

What if he gets stuck?
1. Do not drip into the tick with any oil and alcohol. In this case, the insect will try to protect itself by injecting more poison into the body.
2. Take an insect with tweezers ( fingers, as a last resort ) and remove it like gears. This method gives a hundred percent result. Just pull it, so there's no need to twist it.
3. Once the insect has been removed, whether the wound has been left in the tube - the wound should be carefully examined. Then process the drug with alcohol.
4. Give the victim an antihistamine.
5. If the area is unsuitable for encephalitis, it is desirable to consult the clinic immediately after a bite.
Bites in children
Children are a delicious object for the bites of bloodsucking insects because their skin is thin and the circulation is very active. A child can even bite a wasp or a bee while carelessly pressing on a barefoot bug or eating some sweet and juicy fruits - an insect can also feast.

Even an ordinary mosquito bite can cause a very large redness, and bloating may be greater than in adults. Usually after a few days, they slowly begin to fade and pass.
Otherwise, the response of the child's body to the bite of any insect is not very different from that of adults.

First aid for inserting insect bites is as follows:

add ice
Give him antihistamine inside,
lubricate the throat po int fenistil-gel or, in more serious cases, cream advantant . The first tool is based on plant components, the second contains hormones.

If the child has a few bites on the face in the hospital, you should definitely send it in the mouth though.
When a mosquito bite can also blister fenistilom . If the baby is trying to scratch the blister - it is necessary to ease the itching. After all, it is easy to bring the infection through a small comb.

Methods for alleviating itching after mosquito bites:

Dilute a slurry with water with water, blister,
Wipe with ammonia, dilute with water evenly,
Treat blister with mint toothpaste.

In nature, a child may be attacked by gadflies. The bite of this insect is very painful, however, the wound can then become inflamed or even inflamed, because the insect can lay its eggs under the skin. These insects are more active on a clear and sunny day.

If the child is bitten by a horse fly, the wound should be washed with soap and water as soon as possible. Help the same soda to relieve itching. After the lotions have been left for 15 minutes, they are replaced with new ones. Blind spots are completely safe in the shade and only attack sunny meadows near the water.
Bites during pregnancy
No one is protected from annoying mosquitoes or bad wasps bites. However, future mothers, unlike others, are prohibited from using repellents and most drugs.

In extreme cases, if the insect bites and the body's response is strong, you can take an antihistamine pill ( tavegila, suprastin, phenystyla ).

However, it is easier to avoid bites than to treat them later:

do not keep sweet fruits and desserts exposed,
do not drink from tin cans and bottles left unattended for a while on the table - a wasp lies in them!
Make sure to wipe your lips with a wet cloth after eating dessert and berries.
Avoid wearing multi-colored dresses in nature,
Do not walk barefoot through meadows and flower fields,
Do not use strong fragrant flower aromas in the summer.
use mosquito nets at home and in the country,
repellents handle clothes,
use ultrasonic traps for mosquitoes,
If you do not have allergies - consult essential oils.

Bite Treatment
Treatment should be chosen depending on the symptoms. It is therefore sufficient to apply cold compresses or pieces of ice with a slight swelling and pain. Some insects such as mosquitoes carry germs, so you can gently wash the affected area of ​​the body with warm water and soap. We should avoid drawing bubbles with all our strength, because this is the first way to get involved in wounds.

You can successfully apply antihistamines to relieve itching ( zyrtec, loratadine, suprastin, fencarol, tavegil ) sold over the counter in pharmacies.

If you have had severe reactions to insect bites before, you should use the contents of the anti-anaphylactic package. This package includes a syringe containing adrenaline, an antihistamine drug and a tourniquet for injection. These tools should be applied according to the doctor's instructions. In such cases also assigned diphenhydramine , as well as drugs from the group cortisone . They will learn how to use the anti-anaphylactic package in the hospital.

If the wound is infected, oral antibiotic forms are prescribed. And in the most severe cases, they resort to an oxygen mask, intravenous drug infusion. In such patients, you should constantly monitor the workings of the heart.

Antihistamines are prescribed for a period of three to five days. Duration of steroids ( cortisone ) prescribed by a doctor.
Traditional treatment methods
1. Apply Echinacea tincture instead of bite and for a few drops inside. According to doctors, Echinacea regulates the immune system and eliminates allergic symptoms.
2. Crush the activated carbon tablet and add water to make a slurry. Put the bite in place, so that it dries quickly, the film covers on top. Coal acts as an antidote to absorb toxic molecules from the wound.
3. Apply milk or milky ice lotion. Wait for 10 minutes.
Insect bite ointment
All ointments used to eliminate the effects of insect bites are divided into hormonal and non-hormonal.

Psilo balm - antiallergic agent. Eliminates itching, redness and swelling of the skin, relaxes, cools. It is indicated for use with insect bites, itchy eczema, chickenpox, allergies. Does not affect the general condition of the body. Treatment is carried out three to four times a day. Used with caution during pregnancy.

Vitaon - Balm based on herbal ingredients: peppermint oil, pine buds, wormwood, yarrow, rosehip, St. John's. Relieves pain and itching, eliminates inflammation, destroys germs, promotes rapid recovery. Used for lotions or treatments of affected areas. Treatments are performed twice a day, the lotion is placed for 48 hours.

Gold star - ointment based on vegetable components: mint, cloves, cinnamon, eucalyptus, camphor oil, menthol oil. It is effective both for repelling insects and treating bites. Itching, alleviates inflammation. Do not apply to eye area, damaged skin and mucous membranes. A small amount of ointment to rub against the lesion. May cause an intolerance reaction. In this case, you should wash the skin thoroughly with warm water and soap. Not used until the age of two.

Phenistyle gel - antihistamine drug for local treatments. It is recommended to relieve itching for insect bites. The effect of the drug is effective for 1 to 4 hours, a few minutes after administration. Bite areas are treated two to four times a day. If itching is very severe, it should be used with oral antihistamine. It is forbidden to use the victim up to 1 month of age. Use during pregnancy only after consulting a doctor and in small parts of the body.

sinaflana - corticosteroid for local treatments. Recommended for the treatment of insect bites, first-degree burns, sunburn, itching, eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis. Ointment is only used for the treatment of small areas of the body because it is short-term and causes many side effects. Treat the affected area one to three times a day.

Advantan - This is the latest generation glucocorticosteroid. Due to the particular form of the active ingredient, the drug has no general effect on the body even in long-term use. In the case of insect bites, it is recommended only for a very pronounced reaction. Usually the drug does not cause side effects. The procedure is not great, ointment is done once a day.
Poisonous insect bites
The most dangerous are the scorpions, karakurt, solpugi, scolopendra, tarantula stings.

Although the majority of poisonous insects are not more dangerous than bees, their response largely depends on the condition of the organism. According to statistics, mostly from the bites of scorpions, children die with weak protective forces of the body.

This is to prevent the bites of such dangerous insects in their habitats, the use of repellents, the careful examination of shoes and clothing before wearing them, and the prevention of all cracks in the house or tent.

If a poisoned insect is bitten, you should immediately give a special antidote serum ( specific for each insect species ), then support the heart and blood vessels with the help of drugs. If it is not possible to immediately deliver the victim to a medical facility, you must prepare a strong solution of potassium permanganate, moisten a cloth and apply a lotion over the wound. After that, give water a weak solution of potassium permanganate 100 ml to wrap, put in, drink water periodically with water.
Bite homeopathy
Of all the homeopathic remedies used to alleviate the effects of insect bites, Apis and Ledum are the most common. The first was made of Taurus dead bees and bee venom. Drugs can be taken orally and can treat wounds. For outdoor use, drops are applied to the bandage and a lotion is applied.

When Apis stings in preparation Apis effectively, if there is a strong swelling and redness in the tissue, the bite hurts, a swelling occurs.
Preparation Ledum It is also recommended in cases where the tissue is cold, pale and the pain is reduced during a cold compress after a bite.

To avoid a serious allergic reaction you can take the drug for 4 days at the beginning of the warm period of the year. Apis . For many allergies, this homeopathic remedy acts almost like a vaccination and overrides the body's response to insect bites.
When do you need a doctor?
If an insect bite does not only cause redness in the bite area, you should always consult your doctor, even if other common ailments do not cause too much trouble. As a result, when they reappear, they may become more intense and cause anaphylactic shock.

The most common reaction to bites is urticaria type rash. Body wraps do not have the same shape, are slightly elevated above the skin level, swollen and red, itchy. If no other symptoms are observed, the doctor will prescribe antihistamines.

If the germs have been brought to the biting zone (the tissue is hot, the overall condition worsens, a bright band appears on the skin) you should seek help from the doctor.
In any case, the victim needs attention from the others. Health monitoring is necessary and if general health deteriorates, consult a specialist.

If the victim is known to have serious reactions to insect bites, you should call an ambulance immediately, even if the victim's condition is normal.

In addition, if such signs appear, you should call an ambulance:

shortness of breath
low breath
feeling of heaviness or pain in the chest,
numbness or lack of coordination
not to swallow, not talk, squeeze the throat,
Symptoms of infection.

As a rule, it is sufficient to examine the victim only for diagnosis. It is also necessary to investigate the status of heart and respiratory studies.
1. Consider the daily activity of insects. Therefore, in temperate climates, mosquitoes are usually active at twilight time. Therefore, people who are allergic to bites should avoid walking at this time of day.
2. During a walk in nature, it is better to wear light clothes, but with long pants and sleeves. T-shirts and shirts should be inserted into the pants. Wearing a hat is recommended. That is, the open areas of the body should be as small as possible.
3. Do not neglect repellents. It can be applied not only to the body, but also to clothing ( there are special tools for this ). Products containing permethrin remove mosquitoes, ticks and other insects. Apply to the fabric and retain their effects even after several washes. Moreover, such treatment is practically harmless to humans. Another active ingredient used by many repellent manufacturers - DEET . It can be applied both on clothes and directly on the skin. There should be no more than 35% DETA in the preparation, because a larger amount does not affect efficacy, but adversely affects health.
4. Use the mosquito net. They are now manufactured not only for windows, but also for baby cots and wheelchairs.
5. Eucalyptus extract can be used instead of liquid for fumigator. Mosquitoes cannot withstand odor.
6. Mosquitoes a mile away raise blood cholesterol levels and prefer these people to others. Therefore - normalize cholesterol.
Repellents for children
When selecting a repellent, you must first read the text on the package. In children drugs should not be the substance as the active ingredient diethyl toluamide ( DEET ). This component is very toxic, so children under the age of six cannot even be applied to clothing.

Most preferred are bayrepel as well as IR 3535 . Very effective and completely harmless balm " Golden star ". You can treat your baby's clothes and skin with vanilla extract, cedar or clove oil, lemon grass or eucalyptus tincture.
You should not choose aerosols for children, but only creams, ointments or gels.
How to use repellents
When mosquito repellents are used to treat the body, it should be noted that poisons that are dangerous to mosquitoes are also dangerous to humans.

How to minimize damage from toxic components
1. If nature is planned to be no longer than one and a half hours, you should select drugs with a low concentration of active substance ( up to 10% ). However, ticks of such drugs do not fit - they fear only massacre concentrations above 20%.
2. Do not repel the water - the increased amount does not affect the effect.
3. It is better to put a thin medical glove on your hand to apply cream or gel to the body.
4. Do not apply aerosol to the face! And not just cream, ointment or gel.
5. Do not use aerosol in closed rooms.
6. Do not treat skin areas where clothing is concealed.
7. Some components of repellents may interfere with synthetic fiber fabrics. Therefore, it is preferable to wear something from natural fabrics.
8. Do not interfere with repellent areas with scratches, wounds, inflammation, lips and eyelids.
9. After the walk, you should take a shower and remove the remnants of the substance from the body.
10. If repellent clothing is processed, it should be replaced immediately as protection is not required.
11. The manufacturer usually makes recommendations about the variety of treatments - do not neglect these recommendations.
Insect repellent plants
1. marigold - the scents can not withstand flies and mosquitoes.
2. bergamot - Helps avoid bites, relieves inflammation with bites. Combined with lavender is very effective in this case.
3. verbena - Removes insects.
4. cloves - perfectly repels mosquitoes and flies.
5. geranium - removes geranium insects in both plant and oil form.
6. cedar - expels mosquitoes and mosquitoes.
7. Cypress - a powerful insecticide.
8. Lavender - effective against moths, mosquitoes, flies. Helps avoid bubbles when biting.
9. bay - will scare insects and help heal bubbles faster.
10. balm - removes insects noticeably and also relieves pain during stings.
11. Eucalyptus - perfectly removes insects.
You should consult a specialist before use.

Insects, the most diverse class of animals, are widely represented in nature. Accordingly, the nature of their lives and behavior.

With respect to human beings, there may be:

Defensive (manifested by wasps, bees, ants and other hymenopteras);
Aggressive (unfortunately characteristic for most insects).

The effects of Hymenoptera bites are much more serious than in many other cases, because they emit a strong protein venom, a strong allergen in defending themselves.

The reaction to bites and stings should be considered as the effect of these special substances on our body. Insects have a different structure of the bite / bite apparatus and lead to very different lifestyles, so the description of the reactions to bites is highly variable.
Symptoms caused by bites

The most common symptoms of any insect bite:

Redness of the skin in the affected area;
Tumor at the site of bite;
An irritating itch that accompanies other symptoms until they are almost gone;
Edema develops by stings from bees and other Hymenopteras.

Duration, external symptoms and pain due to bite are individual characteristics of the body's reactions to foreign substances. This is called local reaction.

Another thing - multiple bites that cause toxic reactions. It is characterized by an increase in symptoms and usually causes a significant deterioration of the general condition of the body.

A life-threatening condition, even death, is the result of severe poisoning or an allergic reaction to insects injected into the bloodstream.

Manifestation of allergic reaction

Most often, such a reaction to a bite occurs with the same symptoms as a local reaction, but to a greater extent. These effects last longer than normal, but do not pose a special threat to health.

Worst of all, if a person is intolerant of human bites it is extremely high. In such cases, the delay is really like death. Within half an hour the negative effects of bite develop rapidly and anaphylactic shock occurs. The following symptoms are characteristic of an acute allergic reaction:

There are problems with breathing;
Redness turns into a bright redness;
Edema is excessive;
The victim becomes an uncontrolled constant concern;
Dizziness and fainting are possible.

In such cases, immediate medical attention is required.

People who are often aware of their problems are able to cope with even relatively difficult situations, using doctors' advice and their own experience.
What are dangerous insect bites?

The aforementioned disorders, which are the body's response to a bite, occur as a result of a person's immune system struggling with anticoagulants and protein poisons entering the blood. Single bites and stings can rarely disable a person.

Consider what is most susceptible to exacerbation of symptoms in the human category:

Allergy patients. In some cases, it is sufficient for anaphylactic shock to occur only a few minutes after the bite. If a person is aware of his susceptibility to acute reactions to insect bites, he should always carry a medication prescribed by a doctor (usually epinephrine hydrochloride for subcutaneous injections and antihistamines).
Children. Since the developing organism is not strong enough for a full-fledged independent fight against the effects of insect bites, the response to these in children is more pronounced. In general, as in adults, character. Of course, drug use is unnecessary.
Pregnant. Having a child means constant protection of the expectant mother from stress. This means that there is a restriction on the use of the vast majority of medical drugs. This is a complication of situations with pregnant women suffering from insect bites.

General advice to help in the case of bites of children and pregnant women:

Wash the damaged area with soap and water to prevent infection;
Ice applied to the bite zone will help remove swelling and relieve itching;
If necessary, take antihistamine if the condition does not improve - consult a doctor.

Numerous bites, especially poisonous insects, can be life-threatening and even fatal.

Therefore, in such cases, you should seek medical attention immediately. Therapeutic procedures should be agreed with the doctor, it is recommended that only preventive measures be used and that you follow the rules of action (see below).
Indirect danger

In addition to direct damage, bites and stings of insects are fraught with transmission of the victim to pathogens.

An itchy blister in the bite area should in no case be scanned, because screening increases the chance of infection entering the wound.

It will help remove irritation:

Antipruritic agents (eg Fenistil or Moskitol-gel).
50% ammonia solution.
Narcissus or mint tincture
Poor soda solution.

First aid in conditions of inaccessibility of other means - their saliva.

It has antiseptic properties, so you should not underestimate it in the absence of other options.
Classification of insects according to damage type

The bites and stings of different insects are individual in nature due to their characteristics. It is only logical to think of each group that does its own damage.
Hymenoptera (wasps, bees, bumble bees, horns, ants)

The insects presented in this section are perhaps the greatest danger to latitudes (in terms of the consequences of bites).

Many hymenopterans do not bite victims, they are painful. And in different ways:

For a bee sting, a pain with the poisoning gland is common and leaves them at the site of the sting. Therefore, the poison is injected into the blood for at least a few minutes, so you should slowly remove the insertion immediately after the bite.
Wasps, bumblebees and wasps do not have such complex mechanisms and can suffer several times. Therefore, the best escape from the bites will be flight. Remember: the poison thrown by the wasp signals its relatives about the danger, so it is wise to leave the conflict zone.
The ants have jaws and make bites accordingly. However, the possible bite variety of formic poison makes these workers less safe.

Defending insects cause too much trouble to the object of bitter bites. The following treatment is recommended to eliminate negative effects:

Immediately get rid of bee stings, do not press with your fingers on the container with poison, try to hit;
Get rid of rings and bracelets if the bite is a limb to prevent complications associated with edema;
Wash the wound with running water with soap or disinfectant;
Use cooling and soothing lotions;
If there is a need - Take antiallergic agent;
Seek medical attention for multiple bites.

If the affected areas are the eye area, oral cavity and larynx, you should go to a doctor, if there is suspicion of aggravated allergic reaction.

The bites of mosquitoes in our natural conditions only cause serious harm to allergies and young children. Mostly, their unpleasant consequences are annoying itching at the affected site, which is easily eliminated by the methods described above.

Even more than one bite of this midge is not a serious danger to a person. However, it should not be forgotten that the relatives of the warm countries suffer from their own diseases. There mosquito bites can be fatal. Remember this when you go in these directions.

Their task is to bite a small piece of skin and then put eggs into the wound.

Such care for pups is the cause of painful bites and possible infection with various ailments.
Symptoms of bedbug bites:

Only bite rows detected in the morning (night beetles are capable of perforating their skin almost precisely);
Extremely severe swelling of the skin near the affected areas;
Persistent redness;
Severe itching.

Bedbugs attack open areas of the body. Diseases transmitted by bed bugs are not explained by science. Therefore, the damage caused by them irritates the skin and causes stress caused by the bites of skinny insects.

Fleas are seasonal insects, in which no one is insured in the apartment, especially if there are pets in the houses. There is a pet that makes the most fleas, it enters an apartment.

All adults in the population usually attack at once. Bites are defined as follows:

Zigzag wound shape;
Abundant bites are accompanied by rash and edema;
Very severe itching;
Sometimes the seals are dark red at the bite sites.

The main danger caused by fleas is the danger of infection. Therefore, the bites are washed thoroughly, a bath with a small amount of dissolved starch is used to prevent itching.

Infection with head lice or head lice also has very unpleasant consequences. There are three types of pediculosis:


Gray spots on the bite site;
Severe itching, which is a source of constant scratching of the affected areas;
The presence of nits in the affected area.

Therefore, when detecting any of these insects, pest control measures at home should be initiated. Wounds from bites are disinfected and protected against scratches.

Insects yerel intimidate yerel local health care ads every year. And I have to say, for good reason. They are carriers of many diseases in which encephalitis and Lyme disease are particularly dangerous.

After waiting for the right moment, the tick jumps over the victim and starts looking for a suitable place to suck. Tick ​​stuck, especially in the groin and axillary areas, are found above the head of the hairline.

Bites correspond to the following symptoms:

The moment bitten by painlessness itself is incomprehensible;
Dark seal;
Short tumor;

The main danger for humans is possible infection. When the tick is bitten, first the drip of the hose is firmly fixed, releasing a rapidly hardening saliva. In the future, the victim releases a liquid containing anticoagulants and solvent fabrics of the substances.

If present in the body of the tick, the virus enters the bloodstream immediately with the first saliva release, so that infection occurs immediately.

So far, there is no cure for tick-borne encephalitis, so vaccination is the best measure to prevent disease.

After finding a check mark on its own, it is advisable to go to a medical institution where it will be issued by a specialist. At the same time, the diagnosis of the insect will immediately provide data on the presence of viruses. If this is not possible, you can remove the tick from the surface of the skin and pull it with tweezers or a thread. Then go with the bugs for diagnosis.

It's impossible to cover mites with anything! Such attempts cause insect vomiting, which is full of additional bite problems.

Spiders and other arthropods

The bites of this group are defensive in nature.

On the territory of Russia, the following spiders pose a danger to humans:

The bite can be fatal, even for a healthy adult.
Brown hermit spider, located in the liquid bubble bite, leaving ulcers that do not heal for a long time. In rare cases, a meeting with him leads to death.
Tarantula. A weak-spirited spider with a bite can take a week.

Poisonous spiders, solpugs, scorpions and skolopendry are common only in the southern regions of the country. Poisoning symptoms are also similar in many ways to poisons. It is severe cases of nausea, headache and abdominal pain, cramps, pain at the site of redness, severe swelling and bite. Especially dangerous for children.

The exception is karakurt. The inconspicuous injection, expressed by a mild swelling and slight redness, leads to permanent and very painful muscle cramps. Symptoms may develop from a few minutes to 6 hours. It is characterized by perspiration and swelling, wilt and blurred consciousness, and becomes delirium.

When bitten by these creatures, it is urgent to take antidote serum (recommended at all times if you are in potentially dangerous places) and seek immediate help, because a possible allergic reaction to its poisons can sometimes be prolonged and very difficult.
Preventive measures

Preventing a bite is much easier than looking at the consequences.

Knowledge of preventive measures and actions required for bites will make life safer and safer.
Consultation with an expert:

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