Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Havasu Nutrition Elderberry Gummies for Kids 50mg - Immune System Support - Premium Natural Ingredients - NO Gelatin, NO Fructose Corn Syrup, Gluten Free - Natural Ingredients - 60 Gummys

The first solution to colds, fever and flu in your home and hands

Havasu Nutrition Elderberry Gummies for Kids 50mg - Immune System Support - Premium Natural Ingredients - NO Gelatin, NO Fructose Corn Syrup, Gluten Free - Natural Ingredients - 60 Gummys

When the weather cools and the disturbances in natural balance are added, viruses and bacteria benefit from the space in our immune system. Colds, flu and the slightest hyperthermia (increase in body temperature) before the primary health service (family medicine) in emergency, public hospitals, and even university hospitals, we find the queues. In this way, we see how far we are from the health system, which we think will cure us.

First of all, to avoid getting sick, we should not miss the hot soup and winter teas from our homes during the winter months. While consuming soups to be healed, we should not get cold and poison ourselves with ready-made soups.

In the cold winter months, the best counterpart to protection from influenza and diseases is citrus fruits. You can consume these foods, the gift of nature and a huge vitamin C, and make yourself strong. In addition, pickles, kefir , boza and a homemade warm glass of wine by consuming the probiotics in the content you create your body defenders yourself.
Flu protection and immune system strengthening recipes
1) The astragalus used in Chinese medicine is used to strengthen the immune system. You can use this plant at the end of autumn and at the beginning of winter for 15 days.

Add 1 teaspoon dry mug to 250 ml water and boil for 15 minutes in a closed glass or ceramic teapot. 2 glasses a day to boil in this way after waiting to warm up and consume.

Note : It should not be used in people who have had transplantation, high blood pressure patients and recent hair transplantation, pregnant and suspected pregnancy.
2) Winter protector ginger celery soup

• 2 Celery
• 1 potato
• 1 carrot
• 1 Onion
• 2 soup K. Olive oil
• 1 tea K. Turmeric
• Ginger
• Water
• Salt
• Thyme

Let's chop the carrots, celery and potatoes. After chopping the onion, let's fry in olive oil. Add hot water and add the vegetables. After grating a little ginger, let the vegetables boil. Then we chop it with a chopper. Let's mash it.

Turmeric, water, salt and oregano after adding and mixing can adjust the consistency of water if necessary. Before serving, we can offer healing with chopped celery leaves.
3) During winter months, you should spare plenty of space for garlic and onion in your meals and life.
Things to do during flu and cold

The first thing you need to do during colds and flu is to drink plenty of water and relax. One of my lecturers told me that after talking about viruses and the effects of drugs against viruses, the flu would be cured for 7 days and without medicine for 1 week. Later, when I observed this in myself and my patients, I saw with my own eyes that it was true.

• Elderberry is one of the natural remedies traditionally used to treat influenza in Europe. Elderberry ingredients fight the virus that causes the flu and improve recovery time faster. During the treatment 3 times a day 1 tablespoon elderberry syrup can be given.

• Another method to accelerate the treatment of colds is the treatment with zinc lozenges. It prevents the viruses that settle in the zinc throat to survive more in our bodies. Lozenges of 15 to 25 mg per day for one week may be used at intervals of 4 hours.
It is possible to open the nasal congestion with essential oils

Steam bath with eucalyptus and tea tree oils Tea tree has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. The eucalyptus allows the mucus causing the obstruction to dry out and be easily discharged.

2 liters of boiling water
2 drops of tea tree (tea tree) extract
2 drops of eucalyptus essential oil

Boiling water, heat-resistant, if possible pour oil into a glass container. Create a steam tent by tilting it into the cup and covering a towel or sheet over your head. Inhalate the vapor for ten minutes (inhale) and do not allow hot steam to damage your skin.
To relieve sore throat

Mild mouthwashing with warm salty water, which is mildly compressive and antiseptic, will cure tonsillitis that will relieve sore throat and remove bad breath.
1. Gargle with Sage

If the throat and pharynx are mild, this symptom indicates the onset of an infection in that area. If it is a period when you sleep less and work hard or you are depressed, there is definitely a weakness in your immune system. In such cases, inflammation of the throat area or tonsils is a matter of time. As a preventive and alleviating measure for sore throat, I recommend to apply mouthwash with sage.

We crumble the sage leaves, collected in the shade at the right time and crunchy, before brewing tea. We put a tablespoon of these leaves in a large cup (250 cc), pour boiling water (about 80 degrees) after boiling over the leaves and wait for 10 minutes with the mouth closed and then strain. You're gargling with this hot tea. If you are not pregnant or lactating, if you do not receive a heavy drug treatment, you can slowly drink the rest of the era by waiting a little bit in your mouth.

You can make this application three times a day, provided you prepare fresh each time, you will see the effect. Sage should be freshly brewed, it is both oxidized (darkening) if left and the bitter substances in it show their effects more.
2. Gargle with oregano tincture

If your throat is inflamed and you feel irritation of the throat mucosa, you can use Thyme tincture instead of Sage. You can drip 15 drops of thyme tincture into a glass of water at room temperature and gargle with this water at regular intervals (one to two hours or more often). (If you do not reach the oregano tincture, you can make the oregano tea as the sage recipe above, but it is also useful to use this tea by brewing it fresh.) If we remember that influenza infection is a viral infection, this practice acts as an anti-influenza task.

Note : These 2 recipes are based on accurate scientific phytotherapeutic information taken from Natural Medicine Specialist Şaduman KARACANIN recipes.

3. 20 grams of dry ginger in 1 liter of water boiled for 20 minutes after being taken from the stove, rose marshmallow is put into, after 20 minutes brewed with rose hatmine brewed until the baby's food is crushed into a cloth and spread to the throat after waiting for 3-4 hours pain and inflammation in the area are taken.
Antipyretic applications

One of the most effective methods of lowering fever is to load fluid and reduce body temperature and to regain a heat loss during the discharge of this fluid. But sometimes this is not enough. When the temperature rises above 37.5 degrees, it is useful to have a shower with warm water without intermittent intervals. I would like to underline the warm water because many people do this with cold water, which can cause hypothermia and circulatory problems.
Antipyretic Tea Recipe

2 teaspoons chopped fresh ginger
1 teaspoon dry mint
1 teaspoon dry elderberry
250 ml of boiling water

Ginger peppermint and elderberry blossom circulate sweat and urine by accelerating circulation. It ensures a safe fall in natural ways.

Note : The use of people with varicose veins and cardiovascular problems in kidney patients can cause serious problems.

Another method to be applied to the person whose fever is rising is to cover the clothes and cover a pique or sheet and wait for the fever to fall.

Note : When fever exceeds 39.0 degrees in adults and 38.0 degrees in chronic patients, a health institution should be consulted.
Cough treatment

• You can drink thyme syrup to reduce cold and flu cough.
250 ml of boiling water
3 teaspoons of oregano
100 ml molasses

Throw the thyme into boiling water, brew with the mouth closed for 20 minutes, then add the molasses and mix. The syrup obtained in the morning and evening in adults 1 tablespoon in the form of children can consume 1 teaspoon.
Herbal Cough Syrup

1 tablespoon of anise
1 tablespoon licorice root
1 tablespoon of dried oregano
100 ml molasses

Anise, licorice, dried oregano in 3 glasses of water for 15 minutes to boil in a closed boil and wait for 20 minutes to cool down, and then add the molasses to add the syrup can prepare your own cough syrup. The syrup obtained in the morning and evening in adults 1 tablespoon in the form of children can consume 1 teaspoon.

Note : Recipes for chronic patients and pregnant women should only be used under the supervision of a specialist and with a prescription.

Havasu Nutrition Elderberry Gummies for Kids 50mg - Immune System Support - Premium Natural Ingredients - NO Gelatin, NO Fructose Corn Syrup, Gluten Free - Natural Ingredients - 60 Gummys