Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Gaia Herbs Gaia Kids Black Elderberry Syrup, 3 Ounce - Delicious Daily Immune Support with Antioxidants, Organic Sambucus Elderberry

How does the flu pass? What Good Income? Foods, Herbal Teas and Soup Recipe

Gaia Herbs Gaia Kids Black Elderberry Syrup, 3 Ounce - Delicious Daily Immune Support with Antioxidants, Organic Sambucus Elderberry

Influenza is a disorder that manifests itself from past to present with high fever, muscle and joint pain, tremors and weakness.

As an upper or lower respiratory tract infection, it affects many people, especially those with weak immune systems.

The flu is mostly seen in spring and summer; it is often mistaken for the common cold, but the symptoms are more severe when it comes to the flu.

Influenza, which is more common in the elderly, children, heart and lung patients, is mostly caused by influenza A and B viruses.

Since it is a highly contagious disease, it can easily be transmitted by sneezing and coughing.

Flu in this article I want to briefly inform you about the flu causes? How is it treated? I will try to answer your questions.
What is Flu?

This viral infection can have fatal consequences for people with weak immune systems.
How is the flu

Usually within a week, the disease lasts longer than a week, the immune system collapses further, resulting in the death of the person.

Therefore, especially children and the elderly, people with a chronic illness need to get a flu vaccine regularly.
Flu Symptoms

38 Fever exceeding 0 C, muscle and joint pain, headache and so on. discomfort with symptoms; sometimes it can cause more serious complications such as difficulty breathing.

The symptoms may vary from person to person depending on the severity of the disease and the general health of the patient.

The most common influenza symptoms are as follows:

High fever
Painful and dry cough
Nausea and vomiting
Difficulty breathing
Runny nose
Throat ache


We recommend that you see a doctor as soon as you experience serious complications such as persistent fever, persistent respiratory tract obstruction, persistent cough, swallowing pain, vomiting, difficulty breathing.
Difference Between Flu and Common Cold:

Fever, muscle, joint pain, cough, fatigue are more mild and rare, but the pain, cough and fatigue continue in people infected with the flu for at least 3-4 days.

The common cold affects only the upper airways, influenza influences the upper airways, as well as the bronchi and lungs.

Therefore, the symptoms and complications are more severe and tiring than the common cold.
Flu Treatment:

In the treatment phase of the disease, doctors usually aim to reduce the symptoms that cause the disease. In other words, there is no method that cures the disease directly and cures it in a short time.

These medications should be used until the symptoms completely disappear.

For the treatment of influenza, drugs with more anti-viral effects are prescribed. However, the use of these medications on the prescription of the doctor and as prescribed by the doctor is very important for the health of the patient.

The use of antibiotics in the treatment of the disease, if it caused another disease is in question.

In addition to regular flu medication, patients need to rest at home, rest at bed, consume plenty of water and fluids, and avoid alcohol and cigarettes.

At the same time, patients consuming herbal teas, eating plenty of vegetables and fruits also help them to survive the disease more easily.
Prevention of influenza

Although there is no definitive method to treat the flu, those who want to be protected from this condition should definitely get the flu vaccine.

Especially for patients with diabetes, asthma, cardiovascular disease, chronic lung disease, elderly people over 65 years and children at risk, doctors recommend flu vaccines to these people.

However, it is important that health personnel, pregnant women, HIV-infected patients and frequent travelers be vaccinated in close contact with those at risk.

Vaccinations are given free of charge to people with chronic diseases and elderly people in our country.

The vaccination period, which started in September, continues for a year. The most common epidemic of influenza is usually seen in January.

The vaccine protects people against H3N2, H1N2 and B virus. 2 weeks after vaccination, the vaccine begins to show its effects, preventing the person from being infected with these 3 types of viruses.

Since the effect of the vaccine lasts for a year, the person should be vaccinated again after one year.
How does the flu pass?

In order to shorten the recovery time of the condition, we strongly recommend that you listen to the following suggestions.

Use flu medications without disruption

If you experience fever, nasal congestion, sneezing and coughing, do not attempt to use antibiotics or medication on your own. Instead, see a doctor immediately and take the medications prescribed by your doctor without interrupting.

Get plenty of rest

In this process, until you completely recover from your disease, you should stay away from the wear and tear of your body and rest for at least 3-4 days.

You should avoid going to school or work with your patient. This way you can prevent others from passing on your disease.

Sleep for at least 8 hours

To shorten your recovery, you should have a comfortable and adequate sleep at night. You should never forget that quality and comfortable sleep strengthens our immunity, helps us feel more vigorous and energetic, and renews our body cells.

Eat regular and balanced

In order to strengthen your immunity during your illness and to fight your illness more easily, you should eat a balanced and balanced diet, even if you feel anorexious.

Especially in order to protect your body against viruses and bacteria, you should consume plenty of vitamin C-containing foods.

Lots of citrus fruits, dark green leafy vegetables to consume, you can guarantee increased body resistance.

Consume plenty of water and fluids

Since your body loses water during illness, you should drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

Fluids such as chicken soup, flu, and soup types should be included in your meals.

Linden, rosehip, jasmine, chamomile, blackberry tea, such as consuming tea, you can relieve flu symptoms.
What is Good for Flu?

By destroying viruses, you can fight this disease by consuming medicinal nutrients and foods that purify our body from germs and bacteria!

Here are the foods and foods that are good for the flu:

Boiled fish
Boiled Chicken
Chicken soup
Vegetable soup
Fresh fruit juices

Flu Soup Recipe:

You can consume this delicious recipe that is so curative, both to improve your disease and to protect you from your disease.


½ pieces of chopped cabbage
1 chopped onion
5 cloves of pounded garlic in mortar
3 chopped celery
3 pieces of sliced ​​carrot
6 tablespoons grated fresh ginger tea
1 piece of lemon juice

Preparation of:

Boil the vegetables in a saucepan for 30 minutes.
Then add the ginger and garlic to the saucepan and boil the ingredients for another 5 minutes.
Remove the pan from the fire and put it through the blender.
Finally add freshly squeezed lemon juice to your soup.

Influence Herbal Teas

Especially in winter months by consuming the following herbal teas, colds, colds, influenza, such as influenza, you can protect from respiratory infections.

Ginger tea
rosehip tea
Chamomile tea
Lemon tea
Turmeric tea
Mint tea
Elderberry tea

However, if you regularly use prescription or over-the-counter medications; if you have a chronic condition, you should consult your doctor before consuming herbal teas. Otherwise, you may be exposed to some side effects due to the interaction of tea with medicines.

Regardless of the above tea should not consume more than 2-3 glasses a day.

I wish you to stay healthy…

Gaia Herbs Gaia Kids Black Elderberry Syrup, 3 Ounce - Delicious Daily Immune Support with Antioxidants, Organic Sambucus Elderberry