Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Nature's Way Sambucus Elderberry Syrup for Kids, Herbal Supplements, Gluten Free, Vegetarian, 8 oz

Flu or Cold Treatment

Nature's Way Sambucus Elderberry Syrup for Kids, Herbal Supplements, Gluten Free, Vegetarian, 8 oz

There is a common word used in the Natural Medicine schools that I read in Germany: için If you go to the doctor you will be cured in one week, if you don't go to the doctor you will be cured in 7 days için. The person suffering from the flu is tired and must rest in one way or another - if at all possible - to recover.

Like many diseases, influenza and the common cold come at a time when our immune system is weak. In this case, the problem is not the virus or bacteria. On the contrary, we prepare ourselves the inviting conditions. When they meet us, they find the opportunity to hold on. As a natural medicine specialist, I do not recommend the classic flu vaccine. On the contrary, it is necessary to detox and prepare the immune system, especially for the transition of the seasons, that is, we argue that all these conditions can be prevented.

Unfortunately, our immune system may not always be strong.

When the flu, when we have a cold?

Symptoms such as fever, headache, sore throat and muscle pains, malaise, tremors are indications of influenza and influenza infections (colds in the common language). A detailed laboratory test can tell if a disease is influenza or cold. In both cases, the symptoms are almost the same, but in the case of influenza, the symptoms are sharper and the fever is faster. The patient feels bad from one to the other and the fever may take several days. In addition, headache and muscle pains are characteristic of influenza. Cough is more pronounced in a patient suffering from influenza. Briefly, a person suffering from influenza experiences sharper symptoms.

In modern medical books, the cause of the flu is explained by the Influenza virus, while the cause of the cold is said to be several different viruses, eg. Rhinovirus, Adenovirus, Coronavirus etc.

What kind of treatment is needed for which symptoms?

Natural Medicine offers a very individual and highly detailed application. We can also see this in a flu infection. Natural treatment methods are very positive if applied correctly .

In case of slight malaise (with no centom yet):

- Sweating cures, Turkish bath, sauna, cold-hot showers

- Hot elderberry syrup, other red juices

- Fresh fruit juices with vitamin C

- Tea: elderberry blossom, linden blossom, ginger (caution; those who suffer from severe kidney disease should not use ginger)

- Massage with essential oils

- Reflexology

- Rest

- Forced walks in the fresh air and stress-free

- Etc.

Ignition :

Fever is not a disease but an indicator of the healing process. This process is a wonderful activity of our metabolism and a meaningful reaction in the period when our body tries to solve a negativity. If there are significant problems (heart palpitations, shortness of breath, loss of clarity of consciousness, etc.) due to high fever during this period, then it is useful to resort to ways to reduce fever. However, each person's resistance to ignition varies, even children are much more sensitive. For such cases (especially heart patients) should immediately call a specialist.

For people who do not have problems under normal conditions, fever should be started at 39-40 ° C.

Measures to facilitate the fever reduction process:

The most important precaution during this period is to consume plenty of fluids (non-carbonated water and teas / elderberry flower, linden flower).

General rule in case of fever; the patient should not be covered!

Vinegar compresses:

Application: Hand towels or other cotton cloth is immersed in vinegar water and squeezed.
These glands are wrapped over the patient's ankles and wrapped in a dry towel, the patient is laid on the bed and covered. In order to prevent the bed from getting wet, a thick towel may be spread on the compress side of the bed. The compress should remain in this way until it warms up and this process should be repeated 3-4 times.

Refreshing baths: (This method is not recommended for people with heart disease and chronic illness)

Application: The bath tub is filled to a degree less than the height of the patient's fever. The patient enters the bath, and after about 3 minutes of immersion, cold water is added to the bath until the temperature of the bath reaches 35 ° C. In this water, the patient stays again for about 3 minutes, then cold water is added again until the water temperature falls to 30 ° C, and in this water the patient is dried for about 1 minute and then laid on the bed. The patient is covered and left to rest.

Throat ache:

- Mouthwash: Sage, chamomile or a few times a day with warm light saline is repeated.

- Sugar-free sage lozenge or sugar is absorbed.

- Drink sage at least 3-4 times a day.

- If there is hoarseness, a piece of spinning root is held in the mouth and added to tea.

- Activating the lymph nodes: Massage them by clicking on the rib cage with their fingertips on the thymus gland.

- Throat compresses made with potatoes.

Application of potato throat compress:

Cook 5-6 medium potato peels without peeling. Crush the potatoes in the middle of a cotton cloth without peeling, wrap this mash lightly over the cloth and wrap it in your throat. Wrap a second cloth over this wrap and also wrap a wrap over it to keep the compress warm for a long time. You can get the compress when the content starts to cool down and you can repeat it as desired.


During coughing periods, a large amount of water / liquid is required, since the sputum can only be dissolved by the liquid and carried out by coughing.

Like symptoms of fever and flu, cough is a defensive reaction to the body's causative agents. Therefore, cough blocking methods should not be used in this case.

Thyme is the most impressive plant especially in cold sputum cough. Thyme tea can be mixed with some herbs (eucalyptus, lavender, anise, galangal, fennel and mint) to get a better result.

In the case of aggressive-chronic cough, you can prepare a tea mixture from the following herbs for treatment, and drink at least three times a day until the cough completely ceases.

- Mallow blossom

- Cough grass

- Edible weed

- Hibiscus

- Horsetail

You will also benefit from the following procedures in cases of chronic cough:

- Hot bath (you can drip 4 drops of thyme oil into the bath water)

- Compresses: on potato compresses and rib cage

- Inhalation

Inhalation administration:

Put a liter of boiling water into an insoluble container and drop a few drops of eucalyptus or thyme oil into the water. Cover a large towel over your head and try to breathe vapor through your nose.

It is also known that honey onion juice is used as a traditional method against coughing. Application: Chop a large bulb onion and a tablespoon of honey in a closed container is kept overnight, this liquid is drunk on an empty stomach in the morning.

Nature's Way Sambucus Elderberry Syrup for Kids, Herbal Supplements, Gluten Free, Vegetarian, 8 oz