Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Big Party Pack Vanilla Cr?me Paper Plates | 9 | Pack of 50 | Party Supply

Big Party Pack Vanilla Cr?me Paper Plates | 9 | Pack of 50 | Party Supply

Big Party Pack Vanilla Cr?me Paper Plates | 9 | Pack of 50 | Party Supply

The advantages of paper cups and plates over plastic

Safety - unlike plastic vacuum - and thermoformed, dishes from special wood-free cardboard do not melt, do not oxidize and do not emit harmful substances when in contact with hot products.

Consumer hygiene - plastic cups and plates are made of polystyrene that is dangerous to human health; The material for cardboard dishes does not contain chlorine, heavy metals and toxic impurities, which is confirmed by a test report and a hygienic conclusion.

Environmentally friendly - cardboard cups and plates, like any other packaging made of paper and cardboard, are simply recycled and quickly decompose in their natural environment. Dishes made of polystyrene or propylene, once in the soil, lie there for hundreds of years, and when burned in large quantities, they release carcinogenic substances into the atmosphere. Therefore, plastic disposable tableware is declared “outlawed” in various countries with completely different levels of the economy and mentality of the population: in the United States and China, in Canada and India, in Germany and Korea.

Excellent value for money - if you apply a multicolor polygraphy on an ordinary plastic plate, its cost will be equal to the cost of a cardboard one, despite the fact that the plastic plate is made of cheap but harmful polystyrene, and the cardboard one is made of high-quality natural material.

Cardboard ware is not only convenient packaging with bright printing, but also concern for the ecology of the planet. It is especially important that cardboard ware is safe for your health, as the material from which it is made does not emit harmful substances when in contact with hot, carbonated and alcoholic products and drinks.

Our company is engaged in the production of disposable plates and glasses in the range of high-quality brands of cardboard, suitable for use in catering.

The presence of imported equipment, modern technologies and highly qualified specialists allows to produce various types of products, satisfying the needs of the most demanding consumers.

All products are made from a special combination of materials from leading European manufacturers. It is structurally composed of layers of pure cellulose chlorine-free cardboard. Therefore, our products are completely safe for the health of both adults and children, and by their properties, they are moisture and greaseproof for the cold and hot drinks and food they contain.

Waste from manufacturing is used in the form of secondary raw materials - waste paper in the production of cardboard.

Raw materials, finished products and waste materials are toxic safe. From the process equipment there are no harmful emissions into the atmosphere. Industrial effluents are absent.

The disposable cardboard tableware offered by us is made from food cardboard and has its superiority among those produced from other types of raw materials, namely: the products are non-toxic, more heat-resistant, does not have harmful components in the composition of the cardboard, are easily recycled, recycled, self-decomposing under the action of precipitation and cannot be reused.

Harmful emissions and contact with harmful substances during the production of dishes are absent.

During storage and use of dishes no harmful substances are released. The material from which the dishes are made does not form harmful compounds.

The recommended scope of this disposable tableware is from catering facilities, coffee shops, cafeterias to use in rail and air transport, as well as hospitals, schools, etc., which in turn is an important factor for the anti-epidemiological education of the population.

This type of cookware is not replaceable for fast-efficient heating of food in the microwave oven of fast-food items, is available on weekends and gradually gains its place in the arrangement of parties.

As a matter of fact, not a single picnic, a single presentation, a press conference or an office buffet can be done without buying disposable tableware for a holiday. Of course, priority attention is rightly paid to kebabs, friendly company and clean air, but not in each case it is possible to settle in a country house surrounded by glass tableware.

If you intend to have fun by the river or in the woods, disposable festive tableware, in contrast to the glass dining room utensils, has a great advantage. To transport out of town, for example, lightweight and compact disposable tableware made of unbreakable material purchased for a holiday is much easier. Yes, and dispose of it, at the end of the event, will not be difficult. At the moment there are no problems with the variety of plastic dishes for single use. But it would not hurt to clarify that paper utensils are also a good option when serving in the field. And do not suspect a plate of paper in a tendency to raskisaniyu. Spectacular outwardly paper disposable utensils, whose surface is covered with a protective film, soaking does not threaten.

In addition to other arguments, European supporters of the use of tableware made of paper and cardboard actively confirm the leadership of such dishes on the basis of environmental cleanliness.

In a cheerful holiday tableware should be fun. This is especially true of the birth of a child. On this occasion, it is not a sin to take care not only of the entertainment program, the sweet menu, but also the target design of the table. Get the colorful dishes for a wonderful holiday, with funny designs. The table will be decorated, and children will noticeably liven up. And it is also important that with the use of disposable paper tableware for the holiday itself, the issue of subsequent cleaning is solved.

Seemingly relatively recently, it seemed that they were interested in the production of disposable tableware in the post-Soviet space - until 1998, inclusively, this market was based on deliveries from abroad. Now the country has established mass production of this category of goods. It can be found on a paper basis: more precisely, the technology of making paper dishes involves a special laminated cardboard, which, after additional processing (laminate coating), does not let moisture in at all and can serve as if not forks with spoons, but plates and glasses for sure.

The greatest likelihood of using such dishes is the provision of dining facilities for holidaymakers on country trips (barbecues, barbecues), summer cafes, open areas of catering, fast food chains (snack bars, fast foods). It is on them that the industry is oriented: disposable dishes are easy to use and transport, as it weighs little and does not require additional care. It is worth noting that it can actually be used no more than once, because with repeated applications it loses its protective properties and can release substances harmful to the body. And save on health is not worth it. However, the production, where they produce dishes for one-time use, must take into account all the sanitary and hygienic parameters with which it must comply.

Types of disposable tableware are numerous and are divided into categories, based on a variety of characteristics: by type of material, place of use, purpose, etc.

At the place of use disposable tableware is for picnics, parties, fast food, catering, summer cafes, children's parties, receptions, country trips and the like. Such a distinction has its own reasons, which are connected, first of all, with the solemnity or routine of the moment. For example, dishes for fast foods has a number of differences that are not inherent in other similar devices.

By purpose, all disposable tableware is divided into containers for beverages (cups and glasses of different sizes), snacks, main dishes (plates, boxes) and cutlery (forks, spoons, knives, chopsticks). In this case, the color, the shape of the dish, and only its volume are not taken into account.

There are dishes for disposable and its color. The classic white shade is acceptable for using dishes in cafes and bars, on summer open areas, since it is not inferior to traditional white earthenware and clay appliances, while remaining a practical and unbreakable material. Children's dishes are much brighter - a variety of colors, which is most pleasant for a children's holiday. If desired, it can be completed in color, based, for example, from the tone of napkins. It looks very elegant and attractive. Beautiful and in the design of the logo.

The production of disposable paper tableware has recently increased significantly due to the excellent qualities of this material, which are not inherent in other products of the same commercial series. It is about environmental friendliness, hygienic and sanitary safety. Since all disposable serving items, including paper utensils, are not designed for washing, such material has a right to exist, insofar as we are talking only about its single use.

What is included in the concept of paper ware single use? The assortment range, of course, is slightly smaller than that of plastic products - mostly glasses and plates. Disposable paper dishes can be supplemented with boxes, pallets, substrates for food wrapped in cling film. An example would be lunch boxes, convenience foods, vegetables, fruits, berries, and chopped nuts, which are conveniently placed on such dishes until consumed - both in placer and by the piece.

Where are most happy about such dishes? Naturally, where there is a need for fast and inexpensive serving: it is a rest by the fire, country trips, cooking kebabs, barbecue, summer cafes, catering chains, fast food outlets, fast foods, long-distance transport (air and railway). transportation). At the same time, not only paper cups are popular - dishes of various caliber are suitable for this purpose. Increasingly, disposable paper-based dishes are used in the food industry as durable and impermeable packaging for dairy and fermented milk products (draft milk, kefir, ryazhenka, curds in bulk), portioned bottling of juices and nectars (150 g and more). But what about ice cream without disposable cups? They are still relevant! Not yet invented the most simple and high-quality packaging for confectionery.

What are the indisputable advantages of this kind of dishes? Of course, first of all, because it does not require care and washing. No less significant and ease of transportation due to low weight, space in operation, hygiene, indestructibility, simple disposal. This is the best solution for vending machines and services for children's parties, because it is distinguished, above all, environmental safety.
