Saturday, June 1, 2019

Cascade Complete Dishwasher Detergent, Fresh Scent, 43 Count

Cascade Complete Dishwasher Detergent, Fresh Scent, 43 Count
Cascade Complete Dishwasher Detergent, Fresh Scent, 43 Count

How many years can store detergents - before they become dangerous

Some cleaning products and detergents are stored on the shelf for years. Meanwhile, they have their own expiration date, after the expiration of which, at best, they become ineffective.

Many housewives are confident that the means for cleaning and cleaning surfaces can be used after their storage period has passed. This is not entirely true. Firstly, most of the substances that make up detergents lose their properties over time. And secondly, after contact with air, the composition can be oxidized, stratified and modified. The use of such products may be hazardous to health.

We talk about the recommended shelf life of cleaning products that housewives are widely used in everyday life:

Washing powder
It starts to deteriorate six months after opening the package. In closed form can be stored for about 9−12 months.

Washing Capsules
Although most manufacturers claim that capsules with detergent do not have a shelf life, they should be stored for no longer than 15 months - and always in a dry and closed container that guarantees the safety of the polyvinyl shell.

Fabric softener
It begins to deteriorate and delaminate after about 6−12 months. In closed form, it retains its properties for 2–3 years. Manufacturers advise shaking the conditioner bottle before use and removing any lumps.

Crystal (washing) soda
It has no shelf life when stored in a dry container.

Napkins with impregnation
Can be used without restrictions, but after opening the box they quickly lose their flavor. If you use infrequent wipes infrequently, store them in a tightly closed bag.

Valid for 12 months from the date of production. Six months after opening the package, the decay process begins - the bleach becomes less effective, but its toxicity does not increase.

If the shelf life of the product has already passed, it can be used, but to achieve a result, more bleach may be required.

Powder Oxygen Bleach
The tool can be used until the powder is damp. He has no expiration date.

Borax (sodium tetraborate)
Manufacturers recommend storing the powder in a dry place. Shelf life is absent.

Castile soap (based on olive oil)
The recommended shelf life of the product is 3 years.

Baking soda
Do not store baking soda for more than 6−12 months from the date of opening of the package.

Does not spoil, does not stratify. According to experts at the Vinegar Institute, "the shelf life of vinegar is almost unlimited."

Hydrogen peroxide (3%)
The period of maximum performance of the tool is about 30−45 days. Can be stored in a dark, cool place for up to six months. After opening the bottle, hydrogen peroxide quickly loses its properties (although the effervescent effect still persists), so it is not recommended to buy large-volume packages. In closed form, you can store up to three years.

Furniture Polish
Shelf life is about two years.

Salt for the dishwasher
The recommended shelf life is about 12-18 months. After a year of use, the tool becomes less effective.

Dishwasher Cleaner
It is stored from 6 to 12 months, but after six months it begins to lose its effectiveness.

The solution is recommended to be stored no longer than two years from the date of opening the package. After this period, Lysol can be used, but its effectiveness will not be the same.

Disinfecting Wipes
If the impregnation contains antibiotics, wipes can be used only for a year. Other types of impregnation remain effective for two years.

The shelf life of the product is about two years.

Polish for metal surfaces
Depending on the brand, such products can be stored for up to three years. If you notice the appearance of foreign liquid or lumps in the polish, this means that the tool can no longer be used.
