Saturday, June 1, 2019

Cascade Platinum Plus Dishwasher Detergent Actionpacs, Lemon, 70 Count

Cascade Platinum Plus Dishwasher Detergent Actionpacs, Lemon, 70 Count
Cascade Platinum Plus Dishwasher Detergent Actionpacs, Lemon, 70 Count

How to choose a dishwasher detergent


Type of household chemicals
Top House Dishwasher Gel
Rating and reviews

It is easy to choose dishwashing detergent in the dishwasher, as there is a wide range of similar products on the market of household chemicals. But difficulties may arise, because it is necessary to select drugs based on their form of release (tablets, powders or gels), brand equipment, features of the device and the number of dirty dishes. For the desired result, the dishwasher detergent should be selected according to certain rules.

Dishwasher detergents
Type of household chemicals

Household chemicals determine the quality of washing, the end result and even the durability of the machine itself.

To please the result, and the device worked without failures, you need to be able to choose the right preparation for washing. First you need to figure out what tools for household dishwasher offers household chemicals:

combined detergents.

Additionally, you must use a rinse - a special liquid detergent that prevents the formation of soap stains on the dishes. The use of rinses is necessary if the selected cleaner does not cope with the task of rinsing the dishes, and after washing is finished there is little detergent or stains on the glass.

To save, you can use the combined substances, on the packaging of which there is an inscription 3 in 1. Such agents have an antibacterial effect, do the dishes well and soften the water, which positively affects the operation of the dishwasher.

Dishwashing detergent in the dishwasher is used with salt to soften the water. The most popular salt is Finish Calgonit.

Dishwasher detergents

Many housewives are interested in how to choose a pill for a car without harm to it. This form of substance is suitable for all dishwashers.

Special conditions for use are only for older models, which the drug in capsules may not recognize and do not use for its intended purpose. As a result, the dishes will remain greasy, and the product is no longer suitable for recycling.

Mono-component tableted detergent combines the salt necessary for water softening, rinse aid and other chemicals that are needed for automatic dishwashing.

The advantages of using capsules:

convenient form;
do not spill and crumble;
1 tablet already contains the required amount of detergent components, so no need to self-dose the tool;
initially contains salt and rinse;
quickly loaded into the dishwasher;
easy to store.

Dishwasher Tablets

Sometimes incomplete dissolution of the tablet is possible if the washing cycle is short.

Powder for dishwashers outwardly no different from the usual detergent. The main difference is in the composition.

Powder dishwashing detergent in the dishwasher contains the following substances:

surfactants directly responsible for washing;
auxiliary components (for example, oxygen bleach) that enhance the washing effect;
contain enzymes;
fragrances - are responsible for a pleasant smell;
sometimes sodium phosphate.

Washing powder does not soften water. Therefore, if the house has a hard water structure, then along with a powdered detergent, it is necessary to use a special conditioner, rinse aid and other preparations to care for dishes and a dishwasher.

Dishwasher Powder

The mechanism of action means almost no different from tablets. Pressurized water dissolves the powder, and the surfactants begin their work. The quality of washing sometimes depends on the amount of excipients that make up the powder: the more of these components, the better the final result. Accordingly, the price of such a powder will be higher than the one with no more than 1-2 auxiliary components.

Powdered substances are considered the most economical types of cleaners. On average, 1 wash cycle requires 30 g of powder.
Top House Dishwasher Gel

The gel is a liquid dishwasher that dissolves well in water, even during a short washing cycle. In addition to the cleaning components, the composition includes additional emollients, therefore the use of the gel-like component is safe for both dishes and the machine.

The most popular gel in the market of household chemicals is the brand Top House. Under this brand one can find not only gels, but also other washing preparations.

Top House Dishwasher Gel

Manufacturer - Germany. In developing the detergent, the manufacturer took into account all the recommendations of experts on dishwashers and in one tool combined all the components necessary for normal functioning.

The composition includes salt to soften the water used and prevent the formation of scale, rinses to protect the surface of dishes, in particular glasses and crystal.

Means has a pleasant blue shade with easily noticeable sea aroma. The gel fights surface contamination and kills germs well. The activity of component composition is equivalent both at high and low temperatures.

At the end of the cycle of washing stains or other traces does not remain on the dishes.

Top House brand gel is economical in terms of application. The capacity of 720 ml with daily one-time use lasts for 1 month, while Top House helps to reduce the amount of water used for washing and saves energy.

Top House Dishwasher Gel

Dishwashing detergent in the dishwasher must be properly selected. The main criterion when choosing a product is the brand of the dishwasher itself:

Dishwasher Bosch. When operating such a dishwasher, the use of all detergents intended for such machines is allowed. The use of household cleaning products intended for hand washing is strictly prohibited. When loading a product carefully you should read the instructions on the package. When using a combination cleaner, the program will independently distribute it for maximum results.
Dishwasher Beko. The operating conditions of the machine of this brand do not recommend the use of products containing chlorine and phosphates, this can lead to breakage. Loading of powder or other means should be carried out immediately before the start of the process. When performing short cleaning cycles, only powder or gel-like substances should be used. Do not use capsules.

Dishwasher Beko

Dishwashing brand Gorenje. It is allowed to use all products intended for automatic washing, but there are some features:

When using a gel-like substance, you need to load it a little less than the specified rate on the package. Dosing means is necessary, as for the mode of soft water, since the device itself already uses a special device to soften the rigidity.
It is not recommended to exceed the load rate, it can adversely affect the washing process and damage the surface of the friable dishes.
When choosing tablets you need to pay attention to their size. A large tablet may get stuck in the compartment and not dissolve, in which case it must first be crushed.
Do not use tablets for short-term washing.

Specific instructions for the use of certain means are available in the instruction manual and are the basis of the durability of the mechanism.

Dishwasher Gorenje
Rating and reviews

When studying the market of household chemicals and consumer desires, a list was compiled, which included the most popular tools for dishwashers; The rating of washing preparations will help to make a choice and will tell you which is better:

Somat soda effect. Suitable for any type of machine, great fights with fat.
Tape Dishwasher Powder Powder. It contains emollients. Excellent washes pans and pots.
Finish Powerball Super Charged All In 1 Max. With a minimal load of the dishwasher, the amount of detergent can be reduced, the effectiveness of the product will not decrease, and the savings will be substantial.
Finish Quantum. Combined tablets for dishwasher, effectively wash the fat. Contains enzymes and emollients.
Frau Schmidt pills. Dishwashing detergent in the dishwasher of the German manufacturer does not leave an odor after washing and harmlessly affects the mechanism of the machine.
Tablets Filtero. The composition contains a high percentage of salts, therefore, apply exclusively to hard water. Well protected from scale.
Clean & Fresh mini tabs. Tablets, the use of which does not require the additional use of emollient detergents. Removes even the most stubborn dirt.
Fairy Citron All In One. Effective combined substance. The price is much lower than the finish, and the result is no different.
Synergetic. Gel-like detergent that has proven to be effective in combating grease and other contamination of dishes. Spent sparingly, enough for a long time, safe for the environment.
Geschirr Reiniger Pulver. Dishwashing powder - reliable protection and good effect. Fast drying time.

Somat soda effect
Somat soda effect

In addition to the above, such tools are equally effective and quite popular:

Faberlic concentrated gel series House;
Aquarius All In 1 With 3d Effect;

Some of the products featured have the RB logo, indicating that its manufacturer Reckitt is a popular household detergent company.


Jittima, 33

I have long wanted a dishwasher, my husband realized the dream. I did not think that it would be so difficult to choose a detergent, so that the washing process would be effective and scale would not form. I tried many tools, but when I got Clean Fresh mini tabs in my hands, I stayed true to him forever. Perfectly cleans and carefully acts on the dishwasher mechanism. Another advantage is the multicomponent composition, which allows using only 1 substance.

Rungnapa, 40 years old,

Specialist in the field of household appliances - washing machines and dishwashers. There were many challenges and in most cases the situation was like a blueprint: the machine went dead, did not respond to programming, but no physical damage was caused.

When analyzing the mechanism, the problem is immediately evident: the resulting long-term scale simply brought the system down. I always pay attention to the fact that it is necessary to monitor the state of the device, so I recommend using combined detergents. Effective and gentle means - Fairy Citron All In One. At home, the wife uses this drug, and the dishwasher has been working without problems for 5 years already.
