Wednesday, June 12, 2019

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CaterEco Square Palm Leaf Plates Set (Pack of 25) | Salad Plates | Ecofriendly Disposable Dinnerware | Heavy Duty Biodegradable Party Utensils for Wedding, Camping & More

CaterEco Square Palm Leaf  Plates Set (Pack of 25) | Salad Plates | Ecofriendly Disposable Dinnerware | Heavy Duty Biodegradable Party Utensils for Wedding, Camping & More

Paper Cup Making Machine

Production of paper cups: equipment, manufacturing technology
Paper Cup Machine

One of the most promising areas of business is the production of paper cups, the organization of which does not require too large investments at the start. Consider the nuances of this case, what you need to start it, and how much income you can extract.

Premises and staff
The first step is to rent a room to install equipment and store products.

Two zones will be required: the first is for manufacturing products, the second is for its storage.

In the first room install the machine, molding machine and other necessary equipment.

The total area of ​​the workshop should be at least 50 sq.m.

The exact size depends on the parameters of the equipment - it is from this factor that you need to proceed when renting.

The room should be electricity (380 volts), sewage, hot and cold water supply (for the comfort of employees).

With regard to the necessary working staff: the minimum number of people in the state - three employees: the driver, two employees per line.

The qualification of workers in this case is not important - the manufacture of cups is fully automated and requires only the control and timely submission of materials.

Equipment for the production of paper cups
item of expenditure in the organization of production of paper cups - the purchase of equipment. The first thing to buy is a molding machine. They differ from each other by welding the vertical seam of the glass.

Cheap models make a seam by electric heating, are distinguished by simplicity of design and relatively low cost.

Since we are considering a small business, then we’ll stop at them.

With the help of such equipment they produce cups for coffee and other hot drinks, they are suitable for carbonated drinks and ice cream.

The molding machine consumes about 5-7 kW, while producing an average of 40 cups per minute.

The minimum equipment for the production line should also include:

press for the manufacture of blanks;
machine for the manufacture of covers;
a special printer for laminated paper (you can use it to put a logo or an inscription on a disposable glass).
Good equipment is produced by the Japanese company HORAUF (quite expensive), the JBZ series is popular. Since we are considering a small business, it makes sense to buy used equipment. The price for it is 1.5-2 times cheaper than the new one.

Raw materials for the production of paper cups
For the production of materials required: cardboard sheet, density from 120 to 80 g / sq. M., Or thick paper with lamination. The best paper and cardboard are made by Finnish companies, but cheaper to purchase in Russia.

Regarding the consumption of materials: for the production of 100 thousand products will need about 1 ton of raw materials.

Paper Cup Production Technology
The production process is quite simple and is carried out in several stages.

First, a drawing or writing is applied to a sheet of paper or cardboard using a printer.

After that, using special forms, the machine wraps the sheets in the desired shape and glues them.

After removing the product from the form, a previously prepared round base is inserted. Thus, there are no difficulties in the production of glasses - the process is carried out very quickly.

Product sales
There should be no problems with sales of cups for hot and cold drinks: high demand for them is due to a large number of take-away coffee, catering establishments, cafes. They are the main consumers of products.

Since the production volumes of glasses are large enough, for full sales it is better to conclude an agreement with several buyers. You can give an ad on the Internet or call the appropriate companies directly by sending your price.

Costs and income
To begin with, we will calculate how many units can be produced per month with the uninterrupted operation of the line 5 days a week (eight-hour working day).

As noted above, 40 cups are produced per minute, therefore, 19,200 units per day, 384,000 units per month. One unit of production costs about $ 0.05.

Total monthly income: about $ 19,200.

Initial investments: second-hand production line - $ 9 thousand, redecoration of the premises, business registration - $ 3000.

Monthly expenses include: rental costs ($ 1,000), staff salaries (3 * 300 = $ 900), raw materials (almost 4 tons) - $ 450 * 4 = $ 1,800. The result: $ 3,700. Net monthly profit will be around: $ 19,200-$ 3700 = $ 15,500.

Production of paper cups is a very profitable business, an important advantage of which is the absence of high competition. With proper organization of the process of production and sales of products you can get a good and stable income.

Business plan for the production of disposable paper cups
Materials on the topic:
Production of plastic disposable tableware as a business

Business Relevance
The demand for disposable paper cups increases annually, because such dishes are very convenient, environmentally friendly and easy to dispose of.

Now the competition in this industry is small, most of the products are supplied to Russia by foreign companies, so domestic entrepreneurs have every chance to find their niche in the market and create a successful business with high profitability.

The advantages of paper dishes
Compared with plastic products, paper products have many advantages:

Preservation of aroma and taste of products.
Impossibility of reuse.
Low thermal conductivity. From paper cups, you can safely drink without fear of burning your hands. Such dishes are often issued to take away, customers can take cups for coffee with them, and not worry that the drink will cool down soon.
Practical dishes are used not only for the sale of beverages and products, but are often used as an advertising medium, thanks to which you can effectively promote various brands, products or services.

For the production of products, entrepreneurs use special laminated paper, the density of which ranges from 120 to 280 g / m2. Dishes with unilateral lamination are well suited for hot drinks, and for cold drinks - with bilateral.

The most popular products are 200 and 150 ml, they are intended for coffee or tea. For lemonade, kvass and other soft drinks, 300 ml cups are used. For the sale of popcorn used large containers (700, 1000 ml).

As a rule, the production of disposable paper cups is carried out on imported equipment. American vehicles provide high speed product release.

European technology has a higher cost, it is characterized by reliability, durability and involves the full automation of all processes.

Chinese equipment has an optimal price-quality ratio; it is a convenient solution for those who want to save money.

Stages of building a business
In order to successfully implement the project, it is necessary to competently draw up a business plan. It includes the following items:

registration of a company, selection of a form for paying taxes and obtaining permits;
the purchase of raw materials, consumables and equipment;
rental of a workshop with an area of ​​150 m2 and in which areas for equipment installation and storage of finished products must be provided;
advertising and marketing of goods.
Production technology
The technology of making paper dishes is very simple, it consists of several stages:

on the laminated paper the drawing is printed;
the sheet is wrapped around the blank, welded around the edges, and then a bottom is inserted into it;
the finished product is packaged.
Financial calculations
Before you start a business, you should take care of buying quality equipment for the production of paper cups.

Its price ranges from 1,000,000 rubles.

The cost of production includes the cost of raw materials, rental of premises, utilities, taxes and salaries to staff.

If the equipment will produce about 35 products per minute, 16,800 cups can be produced per day, provided that the line is continuously operating for 8 hours.

Read also Equipment for the manufacture of plastic products
The cost of manufacturing a single paper product is about 2.30 rubles.

If you sell products at a price of 3 rubles per piece, the monthly net profit will be from 353,000 rubles.


starting capital: from 1,000,000 rubles;
monthly profit: from 300 0000 rubles;
project payback period: from 3 months.
Required documents
To open an enterprise, you need permits from various government agencies:

fire inspection;
sanitary epidemiological station;
local administration.
Equipment for the production of paper utensils includes:

ultrasonic or thermal machine;
device for cutting, with which the workpiece is made;
printing equipment.
Automatic line WL-H12:

The staff is recommended to include about 10 wage workers who will control the production process.

Installations designed for the production of paper utensils are completely safe and fully automated, so their operation does not require high qualifications and any special professional skills.

Advertising and marketing of goods
The level of profitability of a business depends to a large extent on how well-organized the sales of products are.

In order to successfully implement paper cups, it is recommended to establish cooperation with vending firms; coffee shops; Cafe; fast food outlets and various catering establishments.

In addition, you can enter into contracts with wholesale companies and regularly supply them large amounts of goods.

You can attract potential buyers by advertising products in social networks and in various forums.

A convenient solution is to create a website on the Internet where photos of products with descriptions and prices will be published.

Here you can also post information about various discounts and promotions held by the organization in order to increase sales of goods.

To increase business profitability, customers can provide additional services, for example, produce custom-made cups with a company logo or products that carry advertising signs.

Possible risks
The main disadvantage of this business is the need to purchase equipment from foreign manufacturers and independently set up the production line.

In addition, you will have to deal with many different issues with the health authorities, which impose rather strict requirements on enterprises engaged in the production of food tableware.

Commercial offers
If you are a manufacturer or supplier of equipment, an expert or provide a franchise in this field, then write to us through the Contacts page.
Below we will post information about your offer and your contacts.
