Saturday, June 22, 2019

Clorox Toilet Wand Disposable Toilet Cleaning Rainforest Rush Refill, 30 Count Total

Clorox Toilet Wand Disposable Toilet Cleaning Rainforest Rush Refill, 30 Count Total

Clorox Toilet Wand Disposable Toilet Cleaning Rainforest Rush Refill, 30 Count Total

How to clean the toilet from the stone with their own hands

How to clean the toilet from the stone
Good, conscientious plumber owners always shine with cleanliness. However, sometimes, after prolonged use and rare prophylactic cleaning, lime deposits and urinary stones begin to form under the rim and on the walls of the toilet bowl. This problem is not the most pleasant, but solvable. Consider how to deal with pollution and what to do if you are "inherited" from the old homeowners got a toilet with a stone.

Looking for the cause of

To skillfully solve a problem, it is worth getting acquainted with its root causes. What is lime scale? These are deposits of minerals contained in the water that you use to flush the toilet. These minerals are present in both river and well water. Thus, the more often the flushing of the water occurs, the more the existing problem becomes worse.
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You can not only remove the old bloom with your own hands, but also prevent its occurrence. In particularly neglected cases, plaque can cause clogging of the hole (or holes), from which water is supplied to clean the inner cavity of the toilet bowl. How to get rid of the fungus in the bathroom, you can read in our article.
The urinary stone is a phenomenon testifying to the laziness of the owners, who forget to flush the water in the toilet after the need has been met. Drops of urine dry on the walls and lead to the appearance of very ugly stains, and subsequently - the appearance of urinary stones. It is possible to clean them, but it is much better to prevent them from doing sanitary cleaning and sanitary ware cleaning in a timely manner.
On the rough surface of plumbing plaque is formed much faster. Therefore, sometimes it makes sense to buy a new porcelain plumbing.
How to clean the toilet from the stone by folk methods
If your toilet is so “overgrown” that the brush does not save, and you and your guests simply unpleasant to use the toilet because of disgust, you should arm yourself with the knowledge accumulated by many previous generations. How to remove plaque in the toilet at home?
Folk methods can be applied in private homes with a local sewer system (septic tank) and plastic pipes.
Attention! As part of the safety precautions, it is necessary to protect the respiratory organs and the skin of the hands from the ingress of cleaning substances and their vapors. Use rubber gloves and a respirator. Keep your eyes free from accidental splashes.

Table vinegar, applied to the contaminated place, after a short period of time is able to dissolve (soften) lime and urinary stone. Before use, you should pump the hearth out of the toilet bowl and wipe the inner surface of the bowl with a dry cloth, then moisten the napkin with vinegar and apply it to the dirt. After 2-6 hours, the plaque can be cleaned with a scraper (not metal). Repeat if necessary.
To enhance the effect of vinegar can be heated to 50 degrees, mixed with baking soda (per 200 g of vinegar 1 tablespoon of soda) or iodine solution (1 to 1 ratio).
Oxalic technical acid, which outwardly is a tiny crystalline with no color, is a strong enough substance that can cope with urinary stone. The product is poured under the rim of the toilet bowl in a dry form or after dilution with water / alcohol.
Citric acid is an affordable and cost-effective anti-raid agent. A few bags of food grade citric acid will dissolve the bloom and stone on the surface of the toilet bowl in about one night. The more serious the problem, the more acid will be needed for cleaning.

Attention! According to the statement of the majority of the owners, who fought with lime deposits in the toilet, it is citric acid for 1-3 applications that allows you to completely solve the problem and return the state of the plumber to a new one.
Baking soda, plentifully poured on the place of formation of plaque, will also help to eliminate it. It is better to hold the event at night to ensure long-term exposure of the soda to the plumbing surface. In the morning, the toilet will need to be cleaned with a brush and, if the raid does not disappear, repeat again.
Soda for the effectiveness of the procedure can be added to any cleaning agent.

Sparkling water containing large amounts of citric acid (Sprite, Cola) is capable of dissolving plaque. It will take 2-3 liter bottles of carbonated drink, which need to be poured into the toilet at night (you can attach a rag soaked in soda to the inner surface).

Strong chemistry in the fight against mineral deposits
Attention! Before using this or that product, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the factory instructions for use, where the amount of the drug for one-time use and the time of action are stated. It is necessary to protect the organs of vision, respiration and skin of hands from accidental ingress of acids and alkalis. Most of the tools are unsuitable for cleaning toilet bowls in homes with plastic piping and local treatment plants (septic tanks).
Liquid acids and alkalis
Orthophosphoric acid (solution of 5-7%). This acid can be used to clean not only the toilet from the stone, but also the internal parts of the flushing cistern from the corrosion that has appeared. For use, you should pour about 100 g of the acid solution into the tank and toilet, after 10-15 minutes, rinse with water and clean the surfaces with a brush (brush). The acid is not expensive, the enamel, rubber and plastic are not affected. To use, having secured hands rubber gloves.

33% hydrochloric acid solution is a very powerful tool for cleaning the toilet bowl, but requires extreme caution when using (keep hands and do not inhale vapors). It is enough to wipe the walls and pour about one glass of acid into the toilet to quickly get rid of contamination. Action time - 15 minutes. After drawing it is necessary to close the lid of the toilet bowl. Not suitable for use in toilet bowls connected to plastic pipes.

Liquid battery electrolyte. Usually it is used by car owners, but such a super powerful mixture of sulfuric acid with distilled water can save your toilet even from a strong lime scale. Method of application and safety are similar to hydrochloric acid. Not suitable for frequent use.

Chlorine. On the basis of chlorine, many cleaning products are produced, including the domestic “Whiteness” and the imported “Domestos”. However, chlorine-containing drugs are extremely detrimental to health, therefore, despite the effectiveness, their use is not recommended. How to use: apply to the surface, after 30-60 minutes (how) to clean the toilet with a brush and wash everything with water. Some "experts" poured "Whiteness" in the toilet bowl.
It is also effective, but rather dangerous (including for the health of the female reproductive system).

Popular cleaning products. In the shops you can find a lot of liquid (creams, gels, solutions) products created specifically to combat the old lime deposits and urinary stone. Such preparations are applied for 30-60 minutes under the rim of the toilet bowl, after which the surface is cleaned with a brush. If necessary, the procedure is repeated several times. Products of popular brands: Cillit and “Toilet duckling” (preparations based on hydrochloric acid).

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Abrasive powders
All commercially available abrasive cleaners help to solve the problem of cleaning the toilet well. However, tiny granules often leave micro scratches on the surface of a sanitary ware, as a result of which a limescale reappears after a short period of time.
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If there is no alternative to using abrasives, then they are used as follows: water is pumped out of the toilet bowl, after which a layer of powder is poured. Then you can leave the product to the impact or immediately start cleaning with a brush / brush / hard washcloth. It is necessary to rub until the plaque completely disappears. The procedure is rather unpleasant and tedious.
Tank pills

Tablets for the tank are not only a means to remove plaque, but also perfect for the prevention of urinary stone. In addition, means for the tank have a pleasant aroma, disinfect and disinfect the plumbing surface, prolong its service life. It is enough to purchase the packaging of the product you like and put 1 pill inside the cistern. As soon as the tablet begins to dissolve, the water will turn to some shade. The disappearance of the coloring pigment in the water will indicate the need to add a new tablet to the tank.

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In addition to preventive cleaning and emergency methods of dealing with stone in the toilet, it is recommended to adjust the water supply in the tank. After all, an excess of water for flushing is not only financially disadvantageous, but also one of the primary causes of the appearance of lime deposits. The easiest way to reduce the volume of the tank is to place 1-2 plastic bottles of water in it. This will reduce consumption by 2-3 liters with each use. And in the case of the acquisition of new plumbing, select the tank with a double button and the mode of economical use of water.
