Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Disposable Plates - 80-Count Paper Plates, 40th Birthday Party Supplies for Appetizer, Lunch, Dinner, and Dessert, 9 x 9 Inches

Disposable Plates - 80-Count Paper Plates, 40th Birthday Party Supplies for Appetizer, Lunch, Dinner, and Dessert, 9 x 9 Inches

Disposable Plates - 80-Count Paper Plates, 40th Birthday Party Supplies for Appetizer, Lunch, Dinner, and Dessert, 9 x 9 Inches

Disposable tableware

Various disposable tableware confidently entered into our lives. The demand for these products is growing steadily and this is due to its practicality. And, despite the fact that the dishes are disposable, manufacturers pay much attention to the aesthetic aspect of the dishes. Basically, the formation of demand for disposable tableware contributes to the development of corporate culture in various organizations, holding joint picnics and holidays, where disposable dishes due to their convenience is a necessary element of the event.

Currently there are about 100 manufacturers of disposable tableware on the market. Although the story of its appearance, begins about a hundred years ago. The first patent was issued for paper cups in 1910. And already mass production appeared in the late 50s in the USA. Along with glasses, they began to produce other items of dishes, such as knives, forks, spoons, plates, etc. Later, the production abruptly switched to polymer products, although in our time also paper dishes are in great demand because of their environmental friendliness. But in the Soviet Union due to the lack of fast foods, production was established only from the mid-90s. Well, to date, manufacturers can provide a huge range of dishes from glasses to glasses and champagne glasses, sometimes in appearance not inferior to glass reusable originals.

Disposable dishes can be divided into two large groups: paper and plastic dishes.

Paper dishes.

Firstly, the main thing is the raw material from which the paperware is made. This is a special paper laminated with foil or foil, with a density from 120 grams to 280 grams per square meter. Cookware is made on special machines. For example, the technology for making paper cups is quite simple. A sheet of paper is needed, which is cut off according to the shape of the glass and glued with special glue, after which the bottom of the glass is inserted into it, all edges are wrapped and welded. In the manufacture of paper plates or trays, a special molding press is used.

Due to the properties of paper, dishes are very aesthetic and hygienic. Since paper dishes can not be reused. That is why environmentalists have appreciated this material, because this material of natural origin does not pollute the world when recycled. For example, according to law enforcement agencies when organizing mass events, a paper cup is a salvation from broken glass. Glasses can be used for both cold and hot drinks, as well as instant food. Paper plates and glasses are hygiene and convenience.

The advantages of paper dishes are obvious to plastic:

-Wallware is suitable for hot and cold products, it does not change its properties on temperature, while some plastic products may release harmful substances when heated.

- dishes have the lowest thermal conductivity, so it is so convenient to drink hot drinks without burning your hands.

- possesses such quality as environmental friendliness, at utilization it is quickly destroyed under the influence of moisture or burning.

- it is hygienic, because it can not be washed and reused.

- it is universal, widely used at various events such as presentations, field trips, as well as in cafes or fast food restaurants.

- drawing a full-color image is possible, it can be a drawing, text or logo, but of course the images are more often of advertising nature, to promote the services or products of the company.

It is also necessary to emphasize another important advantage is the use of a plastic cover (such as in McDonalds) for paper cups. You can not be afraid that the cup will tip over and the contents will pour out, since such covers tightly fit the cup and have a convenient opening for drinking, which, when tilted, can pour out not a significant amount of liquid. Thus, the consumer has the choice to drink your favorite drink anywhere, for example in a car on the street or in the office.

Of course, laminated cardboard dishes cost a little more than plastic. But its great advantage still remains in the application of various paints. Paper cups and plates decorated for example with characters from your favorite cartoons will appeal to any child, and stylish design, for example, for picnics will be suitable for any parties.

Plastic dishes.

The production technology of plastic tableware today is simple and profitable. Raw materials for the manufacture of such dishes are supplied in the form of granules, they enter the extruder (a special machine for processing polymers) where they melt and form into sheets. After these sheets in a molding machine are made cups, plates, forks, spoons, and so on.

The main advantages of plastic packaging is the ease and low cost of products. Plastic utensils are stronger than paper utensils. But its strength depends on the material from which plastic utensils are made. It is made from either polystyrene or polypropylene.

Polystyrene products are usually white, fragile and create a characteristic crunch when compressed. The use of dishes is possible only up to 70 ° C, that is, for cold soft drinks or other products. Such a package is marked with PS letters or a triangle in the form of arrows, in the middle of which is the number 6.

The ware from polypropylene is made on the basis of special plastic weight. These dishes are stronger than polystyrene dishes. It is more elastic and resistant to high and low temperatures. The use of such dishes is possible for both cold and hot food, can withstand temperatures up to 110 ° C. Its marking is indicated by the letters PP, and is depicted as a triangle of arrows, in the middle is the number 5.

The arrow-shaped triangle means that the dishes are made from recycled materials. That is, the manufacture, use and disposal. So that plastic dishes do not harm, it should be used strictly for its intended purpose, in a word it is necessary to look at the marking, but if there is no marking, it can be distinguished by touch, for example, when pressed, polystyrene crunches and breaks, and polypropylene is more flexible, so it rubs.

Also not unimportant sign when choosing dishes is marking a glass with a fork. If such a sign is on the dishes, it means that such dishes are allowed to be used with direct contact with food. But, and if such a sign is crossed out, it is forbidden to use such dishes for food.

The biggest demand among organizations involved in fast food is plastic dishes of white color, as well as other various colors, for example, coffee cups are made of chocolate shades. Such dishes look good when serving the table, as you can pick up disposable forks, spoons and knives, various tablecloths and napkins to the colored plates and glasses. Also, we can buy sets of dishes already collected in style and color. Originally look the same glasses for water, wine or champagne at various buffets or picnics. They are also transparent and may have different colors and at first glance nothing more than glass.

Disposable dishes stably in demand in inexpensive summer cafes and fast food restaurants. Indispensable containers with lids for salads and sandwiches, kraft bags for hamburgers, french fries boxes, plastic and paper pizza boxes, disposable paper or plastic cups, as well as coffee or tea mixers, especially very convenient lunch boxes for meals takeaway. But in more expensive restaurants one cannot do without plastic accessories. For example, wooden or plastic skewers are suitable for bonding cold vegetable or meat snacks, barbecue, kebabs. Also with the help of sticks for canapés you can decorate sandwiches, as well as fruits and snacks, such as cheese, with the help of various paper and plastic accessories - stars, bright flags, umbrellas, etc.

And what is the secret of fame disposable tableware? And the answer is very simple, firstly it is convenient to use, it doesn’t beat, it doesn’t take up much space, you don’t need to wash it, after using it you can just throw it in the trash can, replacing it with another dish. Therefore, in everyday life, many housewives choose disposable dishes, since, for example, going to nature or to the country, you do not need to carry with you mountains of heavy and fragile dishes, you can just grab a packaged disposable set of dishes with everything you need (plates, glasses, spoons, forks, napkins and even tablecloths).
