Saturday, June 1, 2019

Finish Dual Action Dishwasher Cleaner: Fight Grease & Limescale, Fresh, 8.45oz

Finish Dual Action Dishwasher Cleaner: Fight Grease & Limescale, Fresh, 8.45oz
Finish Dual Action Dishwasher Cleaner: Fight Grease & Limescale, Fresh, 8.45oz

Modern combined dishwasher cleaners

Combined products for dishwashers that evolved from relatively simple 3-in-1 tablets (detergent, rinse aid, salt to reduce hardness) to multifunctional consumables, as well as modern models of dishwashers that can automatically recognize the use of combined tools are considered. and adapt the work program to them.


The park of household dishwashers in Russia is growing every year. Even the economic crisis could not change this trend: for example, according to the OJ (coolant project), in the first quarter of 2009 there was a decrease in sales in all categories of large household appliances, except for dishwashers, sales of which showed an increase compared to the first quarter 2008 [1]. Accordingly, consumption of consumables for these machines is also growing, a special place among which is occupied by the so-called combined means (CS) containing components of various functional purposes, for example, silver corrosion inhibitors, components for protecting glass, and also for cleaning the dishwasher itself.

The main share of the Russian CS market for dishwashers is occupied by the products of the German company Reckitt Benckiser, manufactured under the brands Calgonit, Finish, etc. The products of this type have undergone a complex evolutionary path from relatively simple “3 in 1” tablets to Max-in-1 products, All-in-1, etc. (common name X-in-1), representing a complex complex of chemicals (Fig. 1).

The washing components of the COP

For normal operation of the dishwasher consumables are needed in three categories: detergents, rinsing dishes and special salt [2, 3].

Detergent is used to remove residues of fat, starch, protein, tea, coffee and other contaminants from dishes. Each component of the detergent performs its function: for example, the alkaline components (carbonates and silicates) that are part of the standard Calgonit Power Powder detergent cause the swelling of dirt particles, while bleach and enzymes destroy them (Fig. 2).

2. Effect on pollution of various detergent components

crumbles traces of colored substances (for example, tea) on the dishes by their oxidation; the amylase enzyme breaks down starch molecules to form water-soluble glucose molecules; the enzyme protease cleaves protein molecules to form water-soluble amino acids. Enzymes operate on the principle of catalysts and most effectively operate at a temperature of about 50 ° C.

The main detergent components - surface-active substances (surfactants) and phosphates ensure the dispersion of dirt particles, i.e. their separation in the cleaning solution, while preventing them from re-settling on the surface of the dishes.

Rinsing components of the COP

Rinsing products are designed to add shine to the surface of dishes and facilitate the drying process. The nonionic surfactants in their composition reduce the surface tension of water, as a result of which water droplets spread in a thin layer over the surface of the dishes. This layer, firstly, evaporates faster, and secondly, is invisible on the dishes.

Non-ionic surfactants with low foaming (ethoxylated fatty alcohol, fatty alcohol-ethylene oxide / propylene oxide, block polymers ethylene oxide / propylene oxide) constitute 10 ... 20% of rinsing agent. Another 2.5% are hydro-rotropic substances (cumene sulfonate, toluene sulfonate), from 1 to 10% are acids (citric, phosphoric), less than 1% are dispersion stabilizers (isothiazolinones, sorbate) and about 80% are water.

Normal liquid rinse is poured into a special compartment of the dispenser, located on the inside of the door of the machine. At a certain stage of the program, the compartment lid opens and the rinse aid falls on the dishes. The rinse is included in the detergent

means X-in-1, goes to the pan when the tablet is dissolved. The mechanism of its action is called Carry Over Technology: the non-ionic surfactants released already at the main washing stage “stick” to the dishes and walls of the dishwasher, forming a thin layer that begins to partially dissolve at the intermediate rinsing stage and continues to work actively at the main rinsing stage.

KS components to reduce water hardness

High water hardness extremely negatively affects the results of dishwashing: calcium and magnesium ions, whose presence water owes its rigidity, reduce the activity of the detergent. In addition, a limescale is formed on the dishes and dishwasher parts. The deposits of lime on the heating elements not only reduces the efficiency of their work and increases the cost of electricity, but also reduces the service life of the machine.

A measure of the hardness of water is the concentration of the so-called "hardness salts", measured in German (° d) or French (° f) degrees of hardness. It is estimated that the water hardness index in homes of 95% of Europeans is below 21 ° d.

To reduce the hardness of water in the dishwasher there are special devices (decalcifier), filled with ion-exchange resin granules. It replaces calcium and magnesium ions in salts of rigidity with sodium ions, the salts of which are perfectly soluble in water and are carried away from the machine with used detergent solution. However, after this, the salt must be restored (regenerated) so that the machine is ready for the next working cycle. To do this, in a container under the bottom of the machine from time to time pour special salt. It consists of highly pure sodium chloride (NaCl) of a strictly defined particle size distribution (most often sea salt evaporated in the form of crystals).

Substances that soften the water, are part of the multifunctional COP X-in-1. However, this is no longer sodium chloride, but an increased amount of phosphates and additional components such as phosphonates and polycarboxylates, which soften water instead of salt. In the normal mode of washing, the tablets provide water softening up to a hardness value of 21 ° d. And only if the water at the consumer’s house is even tougher, salt should be used in addition to the tablets.

Additional components of the COP

Unlike the first 3 in 1 CSs (they appeared on the market in 2003), modern X-in-1 products contain a whole range of new additives, such as, for example, the power booster detergent Power Booster, glass protection products and tableware with decor, as well as a silver corrosion inhibitor. Protection of glass is provided by divalent zinc ions Zn2 +, which fill irregularities on the surface of the glass and protect the glass from corrosion, prolonging the service life of glass products.

Silver protection is provided by the salts of nitrogen, which are part of the BTA component (benzotriazole). These salts cover the surface of silver with a protective film, excluding the interaction of the metal with sulfur compounds.

Fig. 3. The Evolution of Combined Means for Dishwashers

Moreover, the tablet now also contains a cleaner for the dishwasher itself. It consists of surfactants and some acids (for example, citric acid), through which deposits of minerals and fat are effectively removed from the internal surfaces of the machine.

The evolution of the CS for dishwashers has turned these tools into a perfect chemical complex (Fig. 3). So, if the “3 in 1” tablets were described by a fairly simple formula (white layer — salt, blue — detergent, bead — rinse), then in X-in-1 tablets of the new generation there is no such hard separation of functions between the red bead (red pill) and tablet layers. For example, the main component of the rinse aid (non-inogenic surfactant) is contained in the white layer, and its auxiliary components in the ball and the blue layer. Therefore, the action of all components of the COP begins at the same time, at the stage of the main wash (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. The action of the components of the COP during the cycle of the machine

The dissolution of the bead, which contains the enzyme protease as the main component, goes through the washing much faster than the dissolution of the rest of the tablet. This allows the enzyme to work in favorable conditions - at a lower temperature and in the absence of the inhibitory effect of oxygen-containing bleach.

As for the white and blue layers, in all X-in-1 tablets of the new generation both of them, as well as the red pill ball, contain both detergent and water-softening components. The distribution of these substances in all three parts of the tablet is necessary to stabilize poorly compatible ingredients.

The above-mentioned Power Buster function is provided by the presence of the enzyme amylase and the additional content of the enzyme protease in the blue layer. The main objectives of the Power Booster action amplifier are to improve the results of cleaning dishes, especially in the case of burnt food debris, as well as eliminating the need for soaking and pre-cleaning dishes by hand. Most of the additional components (to protect silver, glass, etc.), the number of which is different for different X-in-1 tablets of the new generation, are in the same blue tablet layer.

Mode "KS" dishwashers

The introduction of the COP in the practice of machine washing dishes was accompanied by a number of problems. The dishwasher cycles were designed for ordinary products, so it happened that the drying results were unsatisfactory, because the rinser KS dissolved before the last rinse of dishes began. On short programs, detergent

Fig. 5. DosageAssist compartment for placing CS in Bosch ActiveWater dishwashers

It remained on the dishes along with stains that it did not have time to wash off due to the inconsistency of the duration of the program with the dissolving period of the tablet.

To solve the problem, in some CSs, a tablet ball coating was applied with a special protective layer that slows down its dissolution. In parallel, the developers of dishwashers were looking for constructive solutions aimed at “teaching” them to recognize the fact of using the CS (ideally, without user intervention).

So, in the dishwashers produced by the German BSH concern (trademarks Bosch, Siemens, Neff, etc.), the dishwashing program automatically changes depending on the type of detergent used (Auto 3-in-1 function). The special sensor of the machine recognizes the presence in the dispenser of a tablet of a usual liquid rinse, without requiring pressing a special button or manually switching the lever, as in models from other manufacturers.

A feature of BSH dishwashers is that when working with the CS, the system does not shut down the water hardness (the flow of detergent solution through the decalcifier with ion exchange resin granules does not overlap), which allows you to successfully wash dishes using the COP even in hard water. Another problem was successfully resolved: previously, the CS tablet fell freely on the bottom of the washing chamber and could fall between two dishes, which would prevent its complete dissolution and adversely affect the washing results. New ActiveWater dishwashers eliminate this situation.

ation. During the washing process, the tablet enters a special compartment of DosageAssist, located on the upper box, and freely dissolves under the action of directed water jets (Fig. 5). The washing of dishes is carried out according to the efficiency class A due to the optimized and controlled dissolution of the CS.

In Miele dishwashers, to activate the Intelligent 3-in-1 function (working with the CS), you need to press a special button. The system of reducing the hardness of the water also continues to work, however, the consumption of salt when using the COP is reduced by about 25%.

The program Multi tab dishwashers Electrolux optimizes the operation of the machine when using the COP. When the Multi tab program is activated, pressing the corresponding button automatically shuts off the supply of liquid rinse aid, and the duration of dishwashing programs and water heating values ​​change in such a way as to achieve the best result of washing and drying on short and delicate programs. At the same time, the ion exchanger is set to the lowest level, and the indicators of the presence of salt and rinse aid are turned off (in machines from other manufacturers, the indicators are turned off manually).

The device for automatic recognition of the CS tablet (for example, the Multi tablet switch devices of Whirlpool dishwashers) is based on the principle of mechanical deformation of the elastic wall of the dispenser compartment into which the tablet is placed. Deforming under the weight of the tablet, the wall closes the contacts of the microswitch, which serves as a signal of the presence of a CS in the compartment [4].

Thus, the improvement of multifunctional combined dishwashing detergents in combination with constructive modification of the dishwashers themselves made it possible to take another step towards satisfying consumer requests related to the automation of this process.
