Saturday, June 22, 2019

Lysol Power & Fresh Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Country Scent, 48oz (2X24oz)

Lysol Power & Fresh Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Country Scent, 48oz (2X24oz)

Lysol Power & Fresh Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Country Scent, 48oz (2X24oz)

How to clean the toilet to white: proven tools and methods

Toilet in any apartment has a special place where cleanliness is needed. Constant doubts about the inadequacy of the efforts made from time to time ask questions: is the toilet really clean, how to clean the toilet to white, is it worth using cleaning products with disinfectant properties?

The main enemies of perfect whiteness toilet ↑
The main enemy, from the impact of which to rid the toilet is almost impossible - urinary stone, it is with each use is deposited on the walls.
The second pollutant is less common, and its appearance depends on the quality of water that residents of a house or apartment use. We are talking about limescale, the intensity of which is determined by the hardness of the water: the harder it is, the faster the layer of scurf will form and thicken on all surfaces that come into contact with water.

The bathroom should be clean and tidy.
The third factor that affects the appearance of the toilet bowl is the condition of the metal parts of the cistern and the pipe. If rubber gaskets do not completely overlap the drain, and metal parts were made of poor quality materials or have already worked their life, then the rust that forms on them tends to leak out of the tank to form a non-aesthetic strip where a thin stream of water flows from the drain tank.

The drain tank is poorly adjusted, so the water flowing out leaves traces of rust on the walls of the bowl.
How to avoid serious pollution ↑

With different types of pollution it is easier to cope at the stage of their appearance, and not to wait for the sediment to become too serious. In addition to various folk methods, there is a large selection of professional cleaning tools that allow you to effectively deal with dirt.
Having a regular brush and a cheap cleaner, provided they are used regularly, gives a wonderful result. Before cleaning the toilet, it is necessary to pour a cleaning agent into it, leave it for a while, and then just wipe it with a brush. Once a week it will be quite enough for the cup to maintain its original whiteness, if the water has a reduced or normal hardness. In the case of increased water hardness, preventive cleaning will have to be done more often.
On the shelves of hardware stores a large selection of prophylactic agents. Tablets for cistern destroy plaque from the incoming water, carry out preventive cleaning at each discharge. Tablets act as a disinfectant, have a pleasant smell, color.
An important factor of limescale pollution is an unregulated drain. Of course, if your toilet has two modes, it is good, but what to do if the tank is normal. There is a simple way to reduce the amount of drainage water. Place a plastic bottle in the tank and the drain will be reduced by as much as the volume of the container submerged in water.

With a simple brush and simple manipulations, you can maintain cleanliness.

Important! Despite the fact that household cleaners are safer than professional cleaners, you should still not neglect the precautions.
How to clean the toilet from urinary stone and limescale ↑
Assessment of the state of the object ↑
You need to decide whether your toilet is worth the effort to be spent on cleaning it. Sometimes it's easier to buy a new one, and the choice of plumbing is varied. Buying, installing a new device can cost you less than repairing an old one.
If you do not want to change the bowl for any reason, and its appearance is not hygienic, then we get down to business, determine how to wash the toilet will be cheaper. In most cases, methods for solving problems are divided into benign and radical.

Thanks to proven modern cleaning products, keeping a bathroom clean will not be difficult.
Gentle cleaning methods ↑
Connoisseurs know several ways to easily whiten a toilet using available tools at hand that are easy to find in any home.
A glass of 9% vinegar warmed to 40 degrees, poured into the bowl for several hours, can remove a significant portion of the dirt. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to add a little iodine or salt. Manipulate in the evening so that the solution stays in the object to be cleaned overnight. To fix the result, repeat the procedure several times.
Citric acid will be a worthy alternative to vinegar. For one cleaning, pour enough and leave for two hours the contents of two bags. Connoisseurs say that regular edible citric acid copes with lime pollution more quickly. To get the pristine toilet purity, it is enough to repeat the procedure 2-3 times.
Universal and well-known “Whiteness” is poured into the device, previously released from water using a plunger or cup. It is not recommended to pour whiteness into the toilet bowl, as it, actively releasing chlorine, adversely affects the body.
One of the easiest ways to wash a bathroom is baking soda. It is filled with a thick layer on the entire contaminated surface and left overnight. Soda is good because it does not produce toxic fumes when reacting with lime. In the morning, do not be afraid to go to the toilet, even a child.
Sparkling water that contains citric acid copes well with any pollution. Pour a few liters of drink into the drain tank, and in the morning you will not recognize its surface.
Do not forget about household chemicals enhanced action, it is specifically designed to solve complex problems. Recommendations for use can be found on the packaging.

Even with the use of benign tools, do not neglect the safety rules.
Cleaning with the use of "heavy artillery" ↑
If all previous attempts did not give a satisfactory result, then it is easier to flush the toilet using an electrolyte used in car batteries. This tool will relieve from all unwanted formations that have accumulated over many years, but you should not consider it a panacea for all ills. They need to be used carefully, avoiding getting to anywhere other than the toilet itself. This method is absolutely not suitable apartments with plastic pipes.
There is a tool for owners of plastic pipes, acting quite effectively, quickly. This is 5-7% orthophosphoric acid. In addition to the bowl itself, it is good to clean the tank with this acid. Pour a small amount of funds for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse with a brush. Do not forget about safety - orthophosphoric acid is very corrosive hands.

Whatever the shape of the toilet bowl, it is desirable that inside it looks something like this
If there is no particular desire to hold such specific events on your own, invite professionals from the cleaning company. They will successfully cope even with the tasks of increased complexity thanks to special equipment and chemical means more serious than household chemicals from the supermarket.
Periodic cleaning of the bathroom does not take much time, but it will help to avoid the hassles associated with the formation of deposits, so prevention is much better than radical methods.
