Saturday, June 1, 2019

Plink 9010 Garbage Disposer Cleaner and Deodorizer, Lemon, Set of 10

Plink 9010 Garbage Disposer Cleaner and Deodorizer, Lemon, Set of 10
Plink 9010 Garbage Disposer Cleaner and Deodorizer, Lemon, Set of 10

The best dishwasher detergent products

Dishwasher does not belong to the essentials in the kitchen, but recently it is gaining increasing popularity. Now every hostess is dreaming of her purchase. This is not surprising, because the modern unit greatly facilitates household chores.

Dishwashers are designed to take care of dishes from any materials (even porcelain), as well as save time and effort. They immediately wash a large amount of dirty dishes (depending on capacity). But in order for the equipment to always be in working condition, and the result pleased, it needs special care. We ranked the most effective dishwasher products from the most trusted manufacturers.
Best Dishwasher Tablets

Tablets - the most common form among the means for dishwashers. They are very convenient to use, as they combine several functions at once - cleaning the dirt from the surface of the dish, softening the water, caring for the machine. The tablets include salt, rinse and conditioner.

4 Lotta All in 1

Soluble shell, no strong smell
Country: Germany
Average price: 659 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Not the most common, but very high-quality tablets for washing dishes in the machines. In addition to the main components, they contain enzymes and oxygen-containing bleach, which ensures thorough and careful cleansing. The tool copes with strong dirt, grease, even in cold water, leaving no whitish stains on the surface of the dish. Tablets can be used for different glass and stainless steel dishes.

In this tool, users like soluble shell - it does not need to be removed before putting the tablets into the dishwasher. In reviews, there is often information that half a tablet is enough for a cycle, so even a small package lasts a very long time. All pollution is completely eliminated, there is no strong smell on the dishes, only a light and unobtrusive lemon scent.


soluble shell;
possibility of washing in cold water;
anti-scale protection of dishwasher elements;
careful cleaning and removal of strong pollution;
mirror gloss of ware;
economical consumption.


the whole tablet is too much, and dividing them in half is not very convenient.

Clean & Fresh All in 1

The best cleaning of any dishes
Country: Germany
Average price: 560 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Means of the German company Clean & Fresh is a tablet with a special formula that allows them to be used for washing any dishes: glass, silver, stainless steel, porcelain. The capsules themselves consist of several layers, each of which performs its own task. Green gives aroma and protects glass products from damage, white prevents scale and plaque on the machine itself, and blue reliably launders dishes. Enzymes that are included in the composition give shine and brilliance. Customer reviews indicate excellent results after application. Means copes with the strongest pollution, including grease. An important difference of Clean & Fresh is versatility. Tablets not only gently and at the same time effectively clean the dishes, but also take care of the equipment.


suitable for any dishes;
individual packing;
rapid dissolution;
good feedback;
unobtrusive lemon scent;
works in stages;
rinses, clears, protects from a scum.


not found.

BioMio Bio-total

The best composition, safety
Country: Denmark
Average price: 520 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The following tool is an example of excellent quality and absolute safety. Does not contain substances harmful to the body, softens water, relieves of strong pollution and unpleasant smell. Judging by the reviews, after applying BioMio dishes have a beautiful shine. Eucalyptus oil gives a pleasant light aroma. One tablet is enough for a large amount of dirty dishes, some buyers even divide them into several parts. This makes the tool very economical. Each capsule is protected by biodegradable packaging, which is very convenient to use. Suitable for washing dishes made of stainless steel or glass, designed for low temperatures.


convenient to use;
excellent result;
pleasant eucalyptus smell;
softening, rinsing;
reliable dishwasher protection.


not found.

Finish All in 1

The most popular tool
Country: Germany (produced in Poland)
Average price: 890 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The most popular among buyers means in the form of tablets is Finish. It is designed not only to wash dishes, but also to soften water, protection from scale. An important advantage is to give shine to clean dishes. Contains salt, rinse aid and a special anti-limescale ingredient. Consumer reviews say about the excellent result after using the "Finish", as well as the lack of chemical smell on the dishes. Due to the improved composition, these pills do not leave streaks, which is an added bonus. The tablet consists of three layers - each of them dissolves gradually and at the right time. The tool can be used for different materials - glass, stainless steel.


universal remedy;
good feedback;
no sharp odor;
clean dishes without stains;
give shine;
dissolve quickly even with short cycles;
soften water;
protect from scale and scale.



The best gel products for dishwashers

The gel is intended only for cleaning dishes and has no effect on the machine itself. Reliably removes even heavy dirt. Does not contain hard destructive substances (abrasives), and also softens water. Some gels, like tablets, prevent the formation of scale.
3 Clean Home

Best hypoallergenic gel
Country: Russia
Average price: 239 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Gel for dishwashers Clean Home from the Russian manufacturer may well compete in quality with more expensive and popular products. Due to the absence of chlorine and fragrances, it has hypoallergenic properties, does not leave any smell on the dishes. It not only copes with any pollution, but also provides a full care of the machine - by softening the water prevents the formation of scale. It is not necessary to use any additional funds.

The gel washes well the dishes even in cold water, is spent economically. Despite the fact that the brand Clean Home is still not widespread, many users already leave positive feedback about it.


no need to use additional funds;
high-quality cleaning of dishes even in cold water;
hypoallergenic composition, the absence of fragrances;
low cost and economical consumption.

Deficiencies in detergent could not be found.

Five plus Five Plus

Inexpensive, but high-quality tool
Country: Russia
Average price: 395 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Concentrated gel with antibacterial additives from the Russian manufacturer. Unlike most other gels, it does not require the use of additional agents; it has a complex effect: it launders dishes, softens water, and prevents the formation of scale on the elements of a dishwasher. The gel is suitable for use even in cold water. Effectively eliminates pollution, unpleasant odors, does not leave whitish stains. Special components that make up the glass and stainless steel glassware mirror gloss.

In the reviews, some users write that this tool they like more pills. Due to its liquid consistency, it is more convenient to dose according to the amount of dishes and the degree of contamination. The gel is quite economical, as functional as tablets.


no need to use additional funds;
suitable for washing with cold water;
leaves no streaks and gives the tableware a mirror shine;
convenient to dose.


Some users complain that the gel does not cope with particularly complex contaminants (for example, persistent tea bloom).

Top House All at 1

The most economical expense
Country: Germany
Average price: 680 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Top House All in 1 is deservedly becoming the best in the category of gel products for dishwashers. It is a tube of 720 ml, which lasts a long time. For use, you need to pour a small amount of funds into a special compartment. It instantly cleans and saves dishes from unpleasant odors. The German manufacturer manufactures this gel, taking into account the features of modern dishwashers and customer requirements. Complete disposal of dirt from Top House is possible even with a short cycle. The special formula prevents scale formation and also helps to reduce water consumption. Unlike most gels, this product has the function of salt, which softens the water. Another important advantage is the possibility of using at low temperatures.


acts as a rinse;
softens water;
anti-scale protection;
economical consumption;
effectively copes with any pollution;
special soft formula;
instant action.


high price.

The best dishwasher powder

Powder is the most economical and inexpensive dishwasher detergent that perfectly copes with its basic functions. But it does not soften the water, does not care for the equipment from the inside and does not rinse it, therefore it is desirable to combine most of the powders with other means.
3 Bravix

One of the most effective powders
Country: Germany
Average price: 589 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Many users believe that this inexpensive powder washes dishes even better than “Finish”. Its main advantages are economical consumption, no smell. On the dishes there are no stains, leaks, all the dirt is completely washed off. Due to the content of oxygen-containing bleach, white dishes are clarified, looks like new. The product is concentrated, so the consumption is very small. Some users claim that the two-kilogram package they have enough for almost a year, but it depends on the frequency of washing dishes and its volume.

One small drawback - the tool is not sold in all stores. And if you managed to find it, pay attention to one thing - Bravix powder is available in 1.8 kg bags and 2 kg boxes. Judging by the feedback from users, the difference is not only in packaging, but also in quality. All, without exception, are satisfied with the effectiveness of the powder in the package, and about the tool in the box there are only negative reviews.


economical consumption;
high-quality cleaning of dishes;
lack of smell;
low cost


not sold in all stores;
requires the use of additional funds;
powder in the box substandard.

Somat Standard

Optimal consumption
Country: Germany (produced in Russia, etc.)
Average price: 940 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The powder from the popular manufacturer Henkel is one of the most popular dishwasher products. It comes in a package with a convenient dispenser and pen. One application requires a small amount of powder, so the volume of one bottle is enough for 80-100 washes. Created only for washing dishes, not caring for appliances. To achieve the best result, you must add a rinse, salt and other additional funds. Despite the low cost, the tool copes well with its main task - cleaning dishes. And it is suitable even for low temperatures.


very economical consumption;
convenient dispenser;
unobtrusive scent;
reliable cleaning of dishes;
optimal composition;
easy application;
positive customer reviews.


does not wash stains from pans and pots;
requires the use of additional funds.


Safe composition
Country: Germany
Average price: 800 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

German powder for SODASAN dishwashers is an environmentally friendly means safe for humans. There are no harmful substances in its composition, but there are useful components, not only cleansing stains on the dishes, but also protecting against the occurrence of scale in the machine itself. When using this powder technique will last a long time. For effective washing at full load, only 15 g of the product is sufficient, so the consumption here will be minimal. A nice bonus is getting rid of divorces and adding shine. SODASAN will be a great helper for any hostess. The special composition allows the use of the tool even for washing children's dishes.


positive reviews;
economical spending;
safe composition;
washes even pans;
reliable cleansing;
quick action


requires the use of additional funds;
if it is wrong to calculate the remedy, a plaque will remain on the dishes.
