Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Quick Shine Multi-Surface Floor Finish and Polish, 27 Fl. Oz. Bottle, 6 Pack

Quick Shine Multi-Surface Floor Finish and Polish, 27 Fl. Oz. Bottle, 6 Pack

Quick Shine Multi-Surface Floor Finish and Polish, 27 Fl. Oz. Bottle, 6 Pack

How to clean the floors: types of floors and means for cleaning them, as well as a master class floor mop in the apartment

No daily, weekly or general cleaning in the house is complete without a hygienic floor treatment. And how to properly clean the floors, depends on the specific type of flooring. Today we will talk about the rules of cleaning floors from various materials, consider the key features and give step-by-step instructions. But first, let's take a look at some important points.

Key floor cleaning requirements
The times when wooden floors were scraped with a scraper and poured with plenty of water are a thing of the past. In accordance with current standards of cleanliness, floors made of modern materials should be cleaned no more than two or three times a year, the rest of the time, wet cleaning is enough.

The required cleaning mode, as well as auxiliary means, is selected individually depending on the degree of contamination of the floor and the material from which it is made. Not only this or that cleaning chemistry can be used for washing, but also a washing vacuum cleaner, a mop with various nozzles, etc. In any case, you must follow a few simple rules that do not depend on the state and specific type of gender. Before you start cleaning, remove everything that can be removed from the floor and move it to another room. The fewer things left on the floor, the easier and faster to wash it. Clean the floor of dust and dirt with a wet broom or vacuum cleaner. When working with a broom movement should be on my own. First of all, the floor is cleaned under cabinets, sofas and other furniture. After cleaning each room, the water in the bucket must be changed. When the cleaning is finished, the bucket should be sanitized, and the mop head or rag should be washed in a washing machine in a hot cycle.

Washing a wooden floor
In this case, much depends on how exactly the floor boards were processed. So, if the wooden floor is painted, then it can be washed with water, adding to it:

vinegar and ammonia. The cheapest and most affordable method. As a rule, ammonia does not cause an allergic reaction, but it should be diluted carefully, be sure to protect the airways. The tool effortlessly quickly removes any types of dirt; most alkaline-based household chemicals.

On a note! If the floor is varnished, then it can be used the same means as for the floorboard or parquet. As for the unpainted boards, they need to be washed with a damp cloth so that they do not deform. To quickly remove serious dirt from the unpainted wooden floor, the right places should be treated with sawdust previously soaked in turpentine. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the place of pollution, left there for an hour and a half, and then swept away with a soft brush.

Master Class. Getting rid of ink stains on wooden floor

Here it is important not only the finish of the wooden floor, as mentioned earlier, but also how deep the stain is. Below you will find several useful ways to help you regardless of the depth of the spot.

Method No1. Dishwashing detergent
Step 1. Mix 1⁄2 teaspoons of dishwashing detergent with a small amount of warm water to prepare the cleaning solution.

Step 2. Mix the ingredients until a lot of lather appears.

Step 3. Dip a soft cloth rag into the resulting solution (more precisely, into the foam).

Step 4. Wipe the ink spot on the floor with a cloth.

Step 5. After that, take a damp damp cloth and remove the foam from the floor.

Step 6. Wipe the floor dry with a dry towel.

Step 7. See if the stain remains. If left, proceed to the next step.

Step 8. Prepare a piece of very thin steel wool (No0000), immerse it in liquid wax.

Step 9. Apply cotton to the place of pollution - it will remove only the top layer of the coating.

Step 10. If necessary, you can polish the floor or wax it.

Method No2. Soda
Step 1. The surface stain can also be removed with baking soda. Mix it with water to get a pasty substance. Soda mixes with water.
Step 2. Apply the paste to the stain, rub it. Try not to rub too hard, otherwise you may damage the finish. Rub the paste into the ink stain
Step 3. Wipe the stain with a soft cloth dipped in clean water to remove the paste. Paste is wiped with a wet rag.
Step 4. Repeat similar steps until the stain has completely disappeared. For large stains, this will have to be repeated at least several times. Repeat the whole
Step 5. At the end, dry the wooden floor completely. Wipe the floor dry Step 6. If necessary, you can rub the floor with wax.

Method No3. Removing stains from finishing
Please note! Remember: removing a stain that has penetrated the floor finish, you are also removing the finish itself. Consequently, at the end will require re-polishing the floor.
Step 1. Dampen a rag in white spirit, lightly wipe the place of contamination with it. The rag is wetted with white spirit
Step 2. Wipe the floor with a clean wet rag. If traces of the stain remain, then repeat the procedure, but this time use all the same thin steel wool. Using thin steel wool
Step 3. Wipe the desired area of ​​the floor with a cotton wool dipped in white spirit. Move along the fibers, act carefully to remove as little coverage as possible. Try to remove as little of the finish as possible.
Step 4. Wipe the floor with a clean cloth. Take a clean rag and wipe the floor with it
Step 5. At the end, it remains to polish the desired portion of the wooden floor. Polish the damaged area of ​​the floor

Method No4. The stain penetrated the tree. Preparation
Step 1. Apply a small amount of denatured alcohol to the desired area of ​​the floor. Stain is splashed with denatured alcohol
Step 2. Wipe the floor with a clean, soft cloth to remove dirt and dust.
Step 3. Sand the surface to remove the finish. Sand the surface
Step 4. Remove any debris from the surface. Garbage is removed
Step 5. Moisten a soft, clean cloth with white spirit. Take a clean soft cloth and dip it in white spirit
Step 6. Wipe the desired area with this cloth. Wipe the surface of the wood with this rag

Method No5. Household Chlorine Bleach
Step 1. Apply undissolved bleach to the stain using a clean, soft cloth. Apply insoluble bleach onto the stain with a soft, clean cloth.
Step 2. Wait 10 minutes for the wood to soak in bleach. Wait 10 minutes Step 3. Look at the spot. If it is still noticeable, repeat the procedure. Inspect the stain Step 4. Then thoroughly rinse the floor with clean water. Thoroughly rinse the floor surface with clean water. Step 5. Dry the surface with a clean, dry towel. Wipe the floor dry
Step 6. After a day, polish the wooden floor. After 24 hours, polish the floor

Method No6. Oxalic acid
Step 1. The oxalic acid shows the highest efficiency when removing stains of blue paint. It is advisable to use exactly warm acid. Oxalic acid
Step 2. Take about 100-120 g of oxalic acid crystals, dissolve in 1 liter of hot water. Dissolved acid in hot water.
Step 3. Apply the resulting solution to the contamination site using a clean, soft cloth. Apply a strong amount of acid to the soiled area with a soft, clean cloth.
Step 4. Allow the floor to become saturated with acid. It may take from 10 to 60 minutes, depending on how serious the stain is. The floor surface should be soaked with acid for 10-60 minutes.
Step 5. Thoroughly clean the stain with a hard brush. Take a stiff brush and clean the stain with it. Step 6. Rinse the floor thoroughly using clean water. Thoroughly rinse the floor surface
Step 7. After that, wipe the surface dry. Wipe the floor dry
Step 8. After 24 hours, re-polish the floor. After 24 hours, polish the floor

Method No7. Hydrogen peroxide (30%)
Step 1. In this case it is a very strong bleach, and therefore it should be used only in extreme cases, i.e. for very serious ink stains. The tool is sold in a set, in which there is also sodium hydroxide. Hydrogen peroxide
Step 2. Take a sponge, put it in clean water. Soak the sponge in clean water.
Step 3. Place the sponge on the stain to moisten the floor surface. Apply a wet sponge to the tree.
Step 4. Apply hydrogen peroxide and sodium hydroxide to the stain, pre-mixed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Try to apply the mixture evenly over the entire spot area. Apply the mixture evenly over the entire surface of the stain
Step 5. Next, wait for the required time (also indicated by the manufacturer). Wait for a while.
Step 6. Polish the desired portion of the wooden floor. Polish the damaged part of the floor.

Washing the parquet / parquet board. To begin, the parquet floor must be vacuumed using a soft brush. This will prevent scratching the coating. Working further, you should follow several rules. For wet cleaning it is necessary to use a telescopic mop with microfiber attachment. You can also use a mop with a sponge strip that holds water. The steam cleaner in this case can not be used, as well as abrasive cleaners. Washing the laminate To prevent dirt from accumulating on the laminate, it is recommended to clean it every day with a vacuum cleaner with a soft nozzle. Laminate Also note that the laminate is more resistant to moisture than parquet flooring, but it is better that the water still does not penetrate the joints. Required:

wash the floor a maximum of two or three times a week;
use a mop with a special microfiber nozzle;
use non-aggressive and non-abrasive agents; promptly remove strong contamination when

Washing the marble floor
Let's begin with the fact that natural stone has a very high "sensitivity" to detergents. Therefore, only dry cleaning is allowed - using a microfiber mop, for example, or a vacuum cleaner (but always with a soft brush). In addition, you need to adhere to the following principles:

wet cleaning can be done very rarely and then exceptionally clean water;
do not use scouring powders and soap;
in extreme cases, you can use a weak solution of household detergent having a neutral pH.

Note! The stores sell various cleaning products for marble coatings, and their use may vary by brand.

Rules for the care of the marble floor To on this floor did not appear pollution, scratches and stains, you need to make a lot of effort. Below are some preventive measures that are recommended.
Step 1. Put a nice large rug at the entrance that leads to the marble floor. Put a large quality rug
Step 2. It is not recommended to furnish a marble floor in those rooms where food is prepared or consumed. In a pinch, you can lay carpets here. Do not place marble in rooms intended for cooking and eating.
Step 3. In winter, do not walk on this floor with shoes covered with snow. Always remove snow-covered boots before stepping onto the marble floor.
Step 4. Salt corrode the marble and leave behind small recesses. Think about it if you have pets. Salt can corrode marble.
Step 5. Properly care for the protective layer of the marble floor. Yes, marble is characterized by high strength and excellent wear resistance, but at the same time it is a porous material. If the protective floor is erased, the coating will absorb everything that gets on it, and stains will remain on the surface.
