Saturday, June 1, 2019

Seventh Generation Fragrance Free Dishwasher Detergent Pack, 45Count, 2 Pack

Seventh Generation Fragrance Free Dishwasher Detergent Pack, 45Count, 2 Pack
Seventh Generation Fragrance Free Dishwasher Detergent Pack, 45Count, 2 Pack

Salt for dishwasher: what is needed, how to apply + manufacturers rating

It is not enough to choose, purchase and install a dishwasher in the kitchen. To make it qualitatively wash off the leftover food from the cutlery, the automatic dishwasher needs detergents. And if the water poured into it is also distinguished by its hardness (high content of calcium and magnesium), then salt for a dishwasher of a special composition is required. Without this tool, the dishwasher will not last long.

Appointment salt for the dishwasher

Regardless of the composition of the water, it is not possible to operate the dishwasher without salt. Technique in any case will turn on and will work, but for a long time in this mode it will not last. Lime deposits are not immediately, but will inevitably lead to the failure of the existing heating elements.
Salt loading in the machine
Manufacturers recommend pouring salt into dishwashers, even if tap water is not hard. The salt solution in most machines is contained in a special container, but is gradually consumed.

Do not confuse salt with detergent tablets "2 in 1", "3 in 1", "5 in 1", etc. Often the first is already contained in the second. However, this is not a fact. Not all manufacturers add salt to their “soap” for a dishwasher. Many of them make separate formulations - one for washing dishes, and the other for softening water. In the labeling of funds and in the instructions of the PMM everything is described, it is worth exploring this extremely important information.

Salt intended for dishwashers performs several functions:

softens the water used when washing;
restores the supply of sodium in the ion exchanger;
relieves metal elements of washing equipment from scum (plaque);
improves the quality of washing;
protects dishes, and hence the person using it, from lime deposits.

All the reasons for the use of salt in one way or another are aimed at softening the water entering the machine. Filters can also be used for this purpose. However, they are expensive to install and operate, and do not always give the desired effect. Salt tablets and powders were specially developed for dishwashers to protect this technique from excess calcium and / or magnesium in the water supply.

In order to fully understand why it is necessary to use salt in a dishwasher, it is necessary to delve a little into chemistry. In the tap and well water contains a certain amount of ions of various metals and calcium. When heated, they fall in the form of sediment, which is gradually compressed and creates scum.

The biggest problem from such “lime” is its buildup on the heating element of the heating water. Such growths are formed on the tubes of electric heaters, not only in dishwashers, but also in washing machines and boilers. As a result of the buildup of scale, the heating element begins to spend more electricity to heat water, and then at some point a spiral burns out in it due to too high a temperature.

To avoid such problems, manufacturers of household dishwashers began to install a special ion exchanger in them. Its resin, consisting of sodium chloride, binds metal ions and prevents them from connecting to each other for precipitation in the form of lime scale. In this way, all unnecessary is discharged into the sewage system, and the water is softened.
Ion exchange technology in water
Sodium in the process of exchange taking place in water also leaves the ion exchanger. It must be forcibly replenished, otherwise at some point NaCl will be completely consumed.

In order to replenish the contents of the ion exchanger, sodium salt is added to the “automatic dishwasher”. Not for nothing, such salt compositions are also called regenerating or restoring. In fact, they are one of the mechanisms for extending the life of the heating element and the dishwasher as a whole.
All about salt products for PMM

Many manufacturers are engaged in the release of the considered salts and options for their packaging. The main feature of such compositions is high purity. They initially do not assume the content of dyes, phosphates, chlorine and flavors, almost completely consist of pure sodium chloride.
Types of packaging: tablets, powders and capsules

The sodium salt needed to soften the water is small, colorless crystals. Many products for dishwashers in just such a powdery form and sold.

The technology of their production is as follows:

extraction of common salt occurs (classic sodium + chlorine);
cleaning of the extracted from non-sodium mineral inclusions;
This powder is packed in bags for shipment to stores.

Everything is very simple. The main thing here is a high degree of purification. Any blotches of anything other than sodium are only harmful. All other chemical elements in heated water themselves become a source of scale. That is why it is strictly not recommended to use food iodized or sea salt for filling in the car.
Options for packing tools for PMM
Salt compositions for PMM are produced in the form of powders, tablets and capsules - they can contain only “regenerating salt” or go along with rinsing agent and detergent

When choosing compressed tablets, in which, in addition to salt, a “soap” was added immediately, special attention should be paid to the type of surfactants in the composition. It is best to take them with non-ionic (non-ionic) surfactants. They, unlike anionic analogues, are completely biodegradable and less aggressive.
Harm of impurities in the regenerating salt

Sodium-based salt regenerating agents have been specially developed for dishwashers. They are needed for proper, effective and safe operation of this equipment. Such salts contain only NaCl, which we all widely use in cooking.
Cooking salt as a substitute
Salt supplements consisting of sodium chloride, harmless to the human body - this is the classic table salt, which is a common food product

Danger can be only surfactants, not washed off with water from the dish when rinsing. But these substances are contained only in tablets with detergents. If the tableted or powdered salt is pure, then the drug is absolutely safe. In the process of washing dishes, it is completely dissolved and washed away without residue into the sewer.

The usual manufacturers of food salt for filling in the ion exchanger are not recommended by equipment manufacturers in their instructions. However, if it is well cleaned and has no impurities, then the application is quite possible. But it must be boiled. Before pouring salt into the dishwasher, you need to carefully read what is written on the package with it.
Cooked salt
As a substitute for branded salt compositions can not use the usual food analogue, because its content of iodides, carbonates or fluorides is more than 0.5%. The degree of purification permissible to use salt is 99.9%

Sea salt with iodine contained in it is absolutely not suitable for replacement. In this case, the abundance of additional ingredients will only worsen the position with scum. It is allowed to use only NaCl, purified from impurities by boiling. Only he does not harm the dishwasher and soften the water as expected.

To use other formulations and preparations from the range of household chemicals is not worth it. Sodium salt in them goes in small fractions and always has a lot of related ingredients.

If “EXTRA” is chosen for replacement, then it is recommended not to fall asleep into the ion exchanger, but pour it in the form of a water-salt solution 1: 1. This will avoid the formation of compressed lump inside. If it is formed, the water in the ion filter will stop flowing and soften.
Dosage and nuances of use

The amount of salt required and the rate of its consumption in PMM depend only on the hardness of the soapy water. The harder it is, the more drug is consumed. Moreover, it is difficult to guess this indicator; it constantly changes depending on the season of the year and the water utilities used to clean the contents of the water supply systems and technologies.
Salt container location
Backfilling (powder) and tab (tablets) of the regenerating salt are carried out in a special ion exchanger compartment, most often located at the bottom of the dish chamber - it is always indicated (+) in the machine manual

If the dishwasher is designed to use salt, then it has one of two things:

Water hardness sensor.
Lever for manual setting of this parameter.

The technology of using these devices is always described in the passport of the typewriter. Depending on the model, it may differ. Read the instructions before you turn on this washing technique, just will not hurt.

Most often, salt from the scale is recommended to fall asleep directly start washing. Moreover, it is often necessary not only to pour it, but also to fill it with water for better preliminary solubility.

The focus should be on the storage of this tool. Sodium salt is very hygroscopic, as it becomes saturated with moisture, it loses its effectiveness. It should be stored in a dry place and away from sunlight, otherwise the water will still remain hard, as was originally in the pipeline.
Rating brands and manufacturers

Practically every manufacturer of dishwashers in parallel produces salt and detergent compositions for them, or recommends using the salt version of a particular brand with a specific dosage directly in the instructions for the machine.
Brand salt from the scale
Prices for saline formulations sold vary by brand a little - if saving money does not come first, then it is best to purchase branded products recommended by the manufacturer of dishwasher equipment in the kitchen

It is difficult to make a full rating of salts for dishwashers with analysis of a variety of different parameters. Such a composition is practically pure sodium chloride (usually the mass fraction of NaCl in them is 99.5–99.7%). To invent something special is problematic here.

In this tool, according to the standards, there should be no additives, rinses, impurities and detergents. If there is something similar in the description of the composition, then it is not an active salt for the ion exchanger, but an ordinary dishwashing detergent in an automatic dishwasher of the type “3 in 1”, “5 in 1”, “ALL in 1”, etc. . Such tablets and powders are placed in a completely different compartment in the dishwasher.

The most optimal variant of the regenerating salt is large NaCl crystals. Powdered analog of fine grinding is consumed too quickly, it is better to avoid it in the store. It is necessary to search for a salt product in the form of granules with a size of at least 4–6 mm. Tablets are also good in this respect, but not in each ion exchanger they can be laid simultaneously in the required amount.
1st place - “Finish Calgonit”

First place is given to “Finish Calgonit” due to the almost complete absence of negative feedback from housewives on products under this brand. At a cost, this salt is in the middle price segment.
Salt for PMM "Finish Calgonit"
“Finish Calgonit” is distinguished by the high quality of NaCl purification and bulk granules, their characteristics are more corresponding to premium products.
2 place - “Sodasan”

Sodasan is not inferior to Finish Calgonit in purity of sodium chloride, but it costs a little more.
Salt for PMM
The brand “Sodasan” (this is not only salt) is produced by the famous company “Henkel”, which is the undoubted leader among the manufacturers of household chemicals for various purposes.
3rd place - “Somat”

“Somat” is distinguished by high purity of salt and the absence of any impurities in it. However, the crystals in the packaging of this manufacturer is less than the others.
Salt for PMM
Salt consumption for PMM “Somat” is slightly higher, and at the price it is almost equal to the first two competitors

The final third place, “Somat” is a classic middling.
4th place - "Eonite"

Under the brand "Eonit" on the market there are two variants of salts from the scale: "regenerating NATURAL" and "CLEANVON". The first product is positioned as made from natural raw materials, and the second - with a cleaning of 99.9%. But the naturalness of NaCl is a big question.
Salt for PMM
All such salt is produced by a single technology by evaporation. Here, rather, the advertising trick of a specific manufacturer, designed for gullible housewives, rather than some kind of innovation

The price of both options is closer to 100 rubles / 1.5 kg. Fourth place for the presence of different products in the line and budget cost.
5 place - “Top House”

Closes the top five rating «Top House». These are the biggest crystals among competitors, but the price is high. Enough of such salt in the ion exchanger for a long time.
Salt for PMM
If the dishwasher is used often and dishes are washed a lot, then this is a great option. However, with infrequent use of the dishwasher it is better to take a cheaper drug for scale

In all cases, a pack of salt 1.5 kg will have to pay about 100-250 rubles. The price depends on the region, the seller and the shares held with discounts.

If a cheaper product is offered under a different brand with a cost below 100 rubles, then it is worth taking it with caution. Cheapness here is the first sign of too small granules or a low degree of purification of sodium chloride. As a result, you will pay less for salt, but it will be quickly consumed or will damage the washing machine.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic

To simplify the selection of salt preparations for the MMP, we offer a small selection of video materials. They are described in detail about all the nuances of using salt.

What you need to know about salt compositions for automatic washing dishes:

Salt from the scale is a necessary and often a prerequisite for proper operation of the dishwasher. When buying such equipment, you must be ready to constantly purchase supplies for it in the form of detergents and salt tablets or powders. Without the latter, inside the PMM scale quickly begins to accumulate, which will inevitably lead to breakage of the automatic dishwasher.
