Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Swiffer Wetjet Hardwood Floor Mopping and Cleaning Solution Refills, All Purpose Cleaning Product, Lavender Vanilla and Comfort Scent, 1.25 Liter, 2 Pack

Swiffer Wetjet Hardwood Floor Mopping and Cleaning Solution Refills, All Purpose Cleaning Product, Lavender Vanilla and Comfort Scent, 1.25 Liter, 2 Pack

Swiffer Wetjet Hardwood Floor Mopping and Cleaning Solution Refills, All Purpose Cleaning Product, Lavender Vanilla and Comfort Scent, 1.25 Liter, 2 Pack

How to clean the floors?

Keeping the house clean is one of the main tasks of a good housewife. How to clean the floors without harm to cover, this article will tell.

Regular full cleaning includes washing the floors.

To get started is to prepare. Free the area from small furniture on the floor (chairs, ottomans) and things lying on it (toys, etc.). In the presence of visible debris it is worth removing it with a vacuum cleaner or a broom slightly moistened with water. This will simplify wet cleaning.

Start washing from the far corner of the room. So you do not have to step on a freshly washed surface until it is completely dry. Pay attention to the corners and the joints between the flooring and baseboard.

Replace contaminated water with clean water as often as possible. If the cloth is too wet and the floor remains wet, divide the covering into zones, treating each of them with a damp cloth first, then a dry cloth.

If you use a mop for cleaning, make sure that its handle is at the level of the armpits. This size of the device reduces the load on the back and makes it easy to reach hard-to-reach places.

Try carefully to squeeze the cloth every time you lower it into the bucket.

To the floor sparkled clean and fragrant freshness, little ordinary water. There are many professional and folk remedies suitable for wet cleaning. However, when choosing products for removing dirt and disinfecting, it is important to consider the type of flooring, so as not to damage it.

For example, only delicate cleaning compositions are suitable for parquet and laminate. PH means should be neutral. Substances with abrasive particles are strictly prohibited.

Linoleum does not tolerate products containing alcohol. Powdered formulations are also undesirable. They can create light streaks on the surface.

Floor tiles should not be washed with liquid soap. Here, the best choice would be laundry soap or a special composition.

Regardless of the type of coating, it is not recommended to use whiteness and other chlorine-containing substances for regular washing. Universal folk remedy is the brine. It is prepared in the proportions of half a glass of money for a bucket of water. The surfaces after such washing become perfectly clean and shiny.

Another good option is vinegar. With this solution, you can clean any floor coverings, except stone (marble, granite, etc.).

Choosing a rag
Choosing the right fabric for cleaning the floor is equally important. Several options are especially popular:

Viscose. This material absorbs moisture well, but when in contact with water, the fabric becomes less durable. Twisting during spinning also significantly reduces the life of the material.
Fabric with cellulose in the composition is more reliable. In addition, it has excellent absorbent properties.
Synthetic material is one of the best options. Such rags dry quickly and remain in good condition for a long time.
Microfiber fibers penetrate the most inaccessible places and small cracks. They attract dirt to themselves, leaving the surface perfectly clean.
How to wash?
In order to thoroughly clean the floor at home or in an office space, without leaving stains or damage to the floor, it is important to consider its type.

Tiled floor
The tile needs careful care. It is unacceptable to use metal brushes. Wash tiled floor can only be a rag made of soft fabric, and serious dirt removed with special scrapers.

For cleaning, you can use a vacuum cleaner with a washing function, or you can wash the flooring in the usual way.

As for cleaning products, the use of special household chemicals intended for ceramic coatings will be correct here. An ordinary soap solution will also help to quickly achieve a clean floor . In conclusion, the tiles should be washed with clean water.

If the wooden floor is not painted, you can clean it from dirt with a cool solution of detergent. Do not squeeze the rag too hard. On the contrary, moisten the surface, and then go over it with a stiff brush. Then wipe the soaped wood with a damp cloth, and finally dry.

Dyed or varnished fiberboard wash only with a soft cloth. Cleaners are also permissible here, but you should not use a brush. The rag in this case is well wrung out.

This floor is a type of varnished wood. It is also washed with a carefully wrung cloth.

Although the protective coating almost does not let moisture into the wood structure, it is not recommended to wet such surfaces too often (no more than 1 time per week).

From laminate
Such flooring is worth protecting against stains and streaks. For regular cleaning suitable aqueous solution of liquid soap. Good in this case and shampoo. But the most successful choice would be washing powder in the form of a gel. Do not forget to change the water regularly to thoroughly wash the coating.

Another option for cleaning such surfaces is 9% vinegar dissolved in hot water. In such a combination, moisture instantly evaporates, eliminating the appearance of divorces.

If the contamination is strong enough, more detergent can be dissolved in water than usual. The foam should be applied to the contaminated area for 10 minutes. Then the foam should be washed off with clean water.

Do not use soda, alkali, ammonia and other aggressive agents to clean the laminate. Abrasive particles are also not allowed here. Regular cleaning of this floor can be done three times a week.

The main rule of cleansing linoleum - the most careful attitude. Do not use hot water, as well as the use of abrasive particles. You can use soap solutions and specialized detergents.

Such coatings are washed as needed. To maintain plasticity and prevent cracks, they are rubbed with vegetable oil. Drying oil can also be used.

Of stone
Stone coating unpretentious care. Wipe it once a week with a cloth moistened with water. Use household chemicals and other means with care. They can leave stains. In case of heavy contaminations, a delicate composition with a neutral pH balance can be diluted in water.

Cork floor is very hygroscopic. High humidity such surfaces is contraindicated. They absorb moisture in themselves, which affects their quality.

The main rule in this case - carefully squeeze the rag. You will not need specialized cleaning products. It is enough to dissolve ordinary soap in water. Abrasive substances cannot be used.

After mercury
How to clean the floor after a broken thermometer, everyone should know, because mercury is very dangerous. Upon impact, the substance disintegrates into small droplets in the form of balls, rolling on the room.

First of all, remove people and animals from the room. Close the windows , because the draft can contribute to an even greater distribution of mercury in the room.

Wear rubber gloves to protect your hands. A gauze bandage dipped in soda solution or in clean water is necessary for respiratory protection. Secure plastic bags on your feet (in the absence of shoe covers).

Carefully collect the mercury. Take a piece of paper or foil. Using it as a scoop, brush off the drops with a soft-bristled brush. Broom for this will not work. Hard villi can crush mercury even more. Another method is a cotton pad moistened in a 0.2% solution of potassium permanganate.

Collect the smallest particles with a rubber pear. In the absence of such a device, use scotch tape or adhesive plaster, but not a vacuum cleaner! Ordinary rag also will not work.

Put mercury together with a thermometer in a jar or other glass container. Pre-fill it with cool water or a solution of potassium permanganate.

Close the container. Put it away from sunlight and heating appliances (preferably on the balcony). Pack all used fixtures (cotton, scotch, rags, etc.) in a plastic bag. Then take it along with the can to the staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations or to another special institution. Air the room.

Do not throw mercury and thermometer into the garbage chute or into the sewer!

In conclusion, it is worth washing the floor. To do this, move the soap-soda solution. Leave the compound on the surface for a couple of hours. Then rinse the floor with clean water. Suitable for disinfecting surfaces and the solution "Whiteness". This composition is aged for about 15 minutes. Then it is washed off with clean water.

For 2 weeks, repeat this procedure daily. Also ventilate the room more often. Do not forget to take preventive measures to preserve your health (rinse your mouth, brush your teeth, take activated charcoal, etc.).

After repair
Wash off construction dirt after repairs can be difficult. In such cases, the floor will have to be washed three times.

First, wipe the surface with clean water, removing the main pollution.

Then clean the floor with soapy water. You can use and specialized detergents. In conclusion, wash the floor again with clean water, thoroughly washing away the cleaning composition.

If there are traces of plaster or whitewash on the surface, you can add some fine salt to the soap solution. If the floor is newly painted, it is better to clean it with water and vinegar.

Wash the laminate from the construction dust can vegetable oil. Add a couple of tablespoons of clean water and wipe the floor with the composition. Then rinse it with water and vinegar dissolved in it, and then again, but with clean water.

Another option - half a cup of kerosene on a bucket of water. After treating the floor with this composition, wash it with detergent. In conclusion, everything should be washed off with clean water. Vinegar will help to get rid of the unpleasant smell of kerosene.

The third recipe is potassium permanganate solution. It copes well with construction dust, but this method is only suitable for flooring of dark shades.

Remove stains
Tiled floors in the kitchen can be cleaned of fat in several ways. If you have a steam generator, apply it. Then wipe the surface with a damp and clean cloth.

You can wash off grease stains using household soap. First, treat the stains with a soaped sponge, and then wash off the soap with water. Copes with such contaminants and mustard powder. Diluted with water to a paste, it is applied to the stain for 10 minutes. Then the composition is cleaned with a damp sponge.

Vegetable oil and soda are another unusual stain removal option. To do this, the usual sunflower or other oil available in the house.

As for other types of pollution, they can also be scrubbed with the help of soap or professional household chemicals. Alcohol can even be used to clean the tile. To communicate with wooden surfaces more delicately. It is possible to clean the floor from stains with the help of special means.

Of the popular methods in this case, suitable raw potatoes or pharmaceutical talc.

Remove the stain of red wine by using an oil-based soap. Can also help drinking soda in combination with linseed oil.

Stains from diesel fuel on the floor of a house or apartment - a rare phenomenon. Such clothes are removed from clothes with the help of salt, baking soda, laundry soap, stain remover, lemon juice. If you still drip diesel fuel on the floor, wash it with a professional tool, based on the type of coating, or contact the experts.

If you are using a cockroach cleaner that is not enclosed in a special container, first rinse it off with a damp sponge. Then “walk” around this place with a cleaning compound, and then change the water and wash the floor again.

How to remove the smell?
To eliminate unpleasant odors and achieve freshness, it is not recommended to use chlorine-based substances.

You can add baking soda, a solution of vinegar or lemon juice to the water and wash the floor with this solution. Also, specialized household chemicals do a good job with this problem.

We add shine
To the floors in the apartment shone, you need to carefully care for them.

The tile can be rubbed to a shine with wool. Also make tile sparkle can citric acid and vinegar. You can also add shine to the wooden floor or parquet using a solution of table vinegar. Suitable for parquet water with glycerin, as well as polishing suede fabric.

Housekeeping Tips
Wet clean regularly. This allows you to easily maintain the freshness and brilliance of the flooring. Clean the surface of contamination immediately after their detection.

When washing, be sure to consider the type of floor covering.
