Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Elderberry Gummies for Adults & Kids (90 Gummies) - Kate Naturals. Perfect for Immune System Support & Metabolism. Has Vitamin C and Zinc. 1-Year Guarantee. Sambucus Nigra. Tasty Vitamin Alternative

Flu Symptoms and Treatment What is it?

Elderberry Gummies for Adults & Kids (90 Gummies) - Kate Naturals. Perfect for Immune System Support & Metabolism. Has Vitamin C and Zinc. 1-Year Guarantee. Sambucus Nigra. Tasty Vitamin Alternative

Influenza is also popularly known as rag disease. In the medical language, it is influenza. Influenza is an infectious disease caused by influenza viruses. It causes disease not only in animals but also in birds. Viruses are named according to the animal in which they change their structure and cause disease. They take names such as swine flu and bird flu.
In cases where body resistance is reduced, chronic bronchitis, renal failure, asthma, diabetes, anemia, heart disease, smoking, cancer, the disease is more severe in infants and the elderly.
Discomfort known as the common cold is not influenza. It is an infectious disease caused by different viruses. Contamination is again through the droplet. However, the symptoms are milder.

Findings, Symptoms and Complaints

A few days after infection, symptoms of the disease begin to appear. Sudden onset of fever, headache is present. Muscle pain, joint pain, weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, sore throat, runny nose, dry cough are other complaints. The fever begins to fall after 3 days Although the common symptoms are similar to the common cold, it is mild.
It can be fatal in children, elderly, diabetes, heart disease and kidney disease. Therefore it must be taken seriously. It may cause pneumonia, otitis media and sinusitis in these patients.

Medical treatment

The healing process of the flu, which is subject to the jokes that doctors can recover in one week with treatment and seven days without treatment, is a bit longer with factors such as deterioration of natural nutrition, decrease in the quality of food, air pollution and proliferation of confined spaces.
Resting in the flu is a must. Bed rest should be consumed with plenty of fluids. Nutrition should be balanced and regular. Seasonal fruits and vegetables should be consumed.
Paracetamol group antipyretics are given for fever. Painkillers (diclofenac, etc.) can be used for muscle, joint and headache. Aspirin should not be given to children and adolescents during viral infection.
Drugs that prevent the spread of the virus can be started according to the weight of the flu. These drugs with active substances such as oseltamivir, zanamivir do not start every patient. Patients over the age of 65, patients with weak immune system, an additional disease and patients with severe flu can be started. The drug can be started within 48 hours after the onset of symptoms. There are side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, rash, allergy.
The vaccine which protects against influenza influenza virus is recommended by the Ministry of Health. Influenza vaccination should not be given to those who are allergic to eggs, or those who are allergic to the previously administered vaccine. Vaccination is recommended for people over 65 years of age, with chronic-chronic disease (such as heart, lung, kidney), dialysis patients, and immunocompromised patients. Health personnel can be vaccinated because they are at risk.

Diet Changes

Vitamin C is very important for the immune system. It is not possible to protect from influenza by taking vitamin C alone. The immune system provides protection from viral infections, and proper nutrition has a significant effect on the immune system in getting rid of colds and influenza.
Since it contains vitamins A and E as well as vitamin C, fruits and vegetables keep the immune system ready to fight.
One way to increase fruit and vegetable intake is to include fruit or vegetable juice into your diet. It can be any fruit juice but 100% fruit juices should be preferred. External fruit juice drinks contain extra sugar and no calories. Fruit and vegetables are very useful during the season and fresh consumption, and orange and grapefruit are often cheaper in the cold winter months and are an excellent option for the flu season.
Fruit and vegetables should be consumed at every meal. Strawberries or sliced ​​bananas can be consumed at breakfast with whole grain cereal, and a glass of orange or grapefruit juice can be preferred as a beverage. For lunch, a sandwich prepared with tomato, avocado, cabbage and lettuce should be consumed with a bunch of grapes or an apple.
Dinner should be started with salad or vegetable soup. A large salad can also be consumed as dinner. For evening snacks, fruits such as oranges, apples and pears should be prepared in a bowl. Cut vegetables or fruits can be stored in the refrigerator, but it should be noted that some nutritional values ​​will be lost.

The nutritional list should be complemented with healthy protein and whole grains. Balanced foods such as lean meat, fish, poultry, low-fat milk, legumes and whole grains should be taken. Hazelnut and other nuts, lean meats, lean milk, eggs and legumes, such as protein sources are important and contain amino acids that form the components of the immune system.
Lean meat is consumed and zinc deficiency and iron deficiency, which will adversely affect the immune system, are avoided. If you have caught colds or flu, good nutrition is very important. Even when you are sick and anorexious, you should try to eat and try to take three meals a day. As with preservation, the fruit and vegetables should be eaten very much during the disease.

Lifestyle Changes

Humidification of the environment with a vaporizing device increases the fluidity of the secretions and provides better coughing. The humidifier filter should be changed daily. Cough is a defense mechanism created to eliminate inflammation. Cough suppressants such as dextromethorphan and codeine should not be used unless they are uncomfortable.
Some over-the-counter medications can soften the cough and make sputum easy to dispose of. Consultation with the pharmacist can be obtained.
Sometimes the flu can go down to the lungs and cause bronchitis and pneumonia. It can be coughed upside down to take advantage of gravity to remove the secretions accumulated in the lung. If lung involvement is frequent, the respiratory therapist should be consulted to facilitate expulsion of sputum.
An ointment containing camphor, menthol and eucalyptus oils, which are effective in releasing steam, may be useful in reducing the symptoms of influenza. The ointment containing these substances is applied to the neck and chest by massage. It can help to reduce nighttime complaints, especially in children aged 2-11 years.
It is useful to take a bath with warm water before going to bed at night and to reduce the water vapor complaints. Warm water with a temperature of 26 ° C is also useful in reducing high body temperature. Wash hands frequently. The hands are in contact with the germs during the day. The best way to get rid of them is to wash your hands thoroughly with soap under running water.
Sleep is the basis of the immune system. It should be listened with adequate and quality sleep. Most children and many adults complain that they cannot get enough sleep. It is known that people who cannot sleep adequately will get sick more quickly.
Protection is very important. People should wash their hands frequently, avoiding close contact with sick people and avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with their hands as much as possible. People with flu can stay at home to try to rest, cover their noses and mouths with the inside of their arms during coughing and sneezing and prevent the spread of the virus.

• Complaining different complaints from the beginning,
• High or persistent fever (38.3 ° C for colds, higher than normal fever at any level for 3-4 days for influenza),
• Yellow, green or bloody sputum (a harbinger of lung inflammation),
• Symptoms last more than 10 days,
• Steady pain in a certain place (ears, sinuses, head, chest),
• Yellow-white spots on the tonsils,
• Difficulty in eating, drinking or swallowing,
• Difficulty breathing,
• Mental disorders.


• Echinacea: It contains arabinogalactas that support the immune system. It is used as a preventive and therapeutic for upper respiratory tract infections. It is recommended to take semi-solid preparations containing at least 15% press water for a maximum of 8 weeks. It is also recommended to take 2-4 ml of tincture prepared from the roots and mix it in 1 glass of water 4-5 times a day for 2 weeks. It is recommended to consume tea together with preparations in the form of capsules or syrups containing standard extract prepared from root and above ground parts.
• Ginseng: In a study conducted on 227 volunteers, 100 mg of standardized Ginseng extract (G115 extract) was given daily for 12 weeks and all the study groups received flu vaccine at 4 weeks. At the end of 12 weeks, influenza and colds were less common in the extract group.
• Elderberry: 3-4 grams of flowers are brewed in 150 ml of boiled water for 5-10 minutes and filtered. Drink 1-2 teacups a day. A maximum of 10-15 grams of drug is used daily. Elderberry berries are also recommended for therapeutic purposes to prevent influenza. Tea prepared from dried fruits is brewed for 10-15 minutes and filtered.
• Rosehip: 2-5 grams of drog in 1 cup of boiled water with the mouth closed for 15-30 minutes infused and filtered. Drink 1 teacup 3-4 times a day, 30 minutes after meals.
• Currant: Vitamin C source. Grape juice is diluted with 1 cup hot water. Meals and dinners are drink 1 glass each.
• Sage: 2 grams of drog in a glass of boiled water with the mouth closed for 5-10 minutes infused and filtered. Drink 2-3 cups of tea each day. The prepared tea is also used as a mouthwash when it cools. Reduces excessive sweating in colds.
• Linden: 2 grams of linden flowers in a glass of boiled water with the mouth closed for 10-15 minutes infused and filtered. Drink one teacup 3-4 times a day.
• Cardamom fruit: 1-1.5 grams of powdered fruit is brewed in a glass of boiled water with the mouth closed for 10-15 minutes and filtered. Drink 2-3 cups of tea each day.
• Clove: It is antibacterial and pain relieving in mouth and throat infections. 1.-1.5 grams of powdered drog is brewed in a glass of boiled water with the mouth closed for 10-15 minutes and filtered. Drink 2-3 cups of tea each day.
• Anise: 1-2 anise fruits in a glass of boiled water with the mouth closed for 5-10 minutes infused and filtered. Colds, mouth and throat infections 2-3 times a day to drink one teacup.
• Hibiskus (Hibiscus sabdariffa): Hibiscus sabdariffa known as Okra flower (calyx) are used in parts. Relieves cold, flu and cold symptoms. 1.5-2 grams okra Flower infused in 150 ml of boiled water for 5-10 minutes and filtered. Drink 2-3 cups of tea each day.
• The teas prepared with cinnamon sticks, clove buds and thyme are also used in the treatment of colds and flu infections.


Sweating tea mixture: 35 grams Elderberry flowers, 25 grams Linden flowers, 10 grams Licorice root, 30 grams Rosehip pome fruit is prepared with the mixture. 1 teaspoon of drog mixture in a glass of boiled water with the mouth closed for 10 minutes infused and filtered. It is recommended to drink a few teacups on an empty stomach per day.
General infusion (hot brewing tea) method of preparation: 1 or 2 teaspoon 150 ml of boiling water is added on the drug, the mouth is brewed for 10 minutes and filtered. It should be prepared fresh. This general infusion preparation method is used for the following mixtures.
Mixture-1 (according to DRF, MEYER, Swedish Pharmacopoeia 6)
Elderberry flowers, 25 grams
Linden flowers, 25 grams
Mix-2 (according to DRF, MEYER, Swedish Pharmacopoeia 6)
Linden flowers, 30 grams
Elderberry flowers, 30 grams
Chamomile, 40 grams
Mix-3 (according to DRF, MEYER, Swedish Pharmacopoeia 6)
Linden flowers, 40 grams
Elderberry flowers, 30 grams
Mint leaves, 20 grams
Jaborandi leaves, 10 grams
Mix-4 (Diaphoretic tea according to German Pharmacopoeia)
Willow bark, 35 grams
Elderberry flowers, 30 grams
Thyme, 20 grams
Rose hip, 50 grams
Licorice root, 50 grams
Hibiscus flowers, 50 grams
Mixture-5 (herbal tea against colds according to German standard records)
Linden flowers, 30 grams
Elderberry flowers, 30 grams
Meadow beard flowers (Filipendula ulmaria), 20 grams
Rose hip, 20 grams

Elderberry Gummies for Adults & Kids (90 Gummies) - Kate Naturals. Perfect for Immune System Support & Metabolism. Has Vitamin C and Zinc. 1-Year Guarantee. Sambucus Nigra. Tasty Vitamin Alternative