Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Havasu Nutrition Elderberry Capsules with Sambucus Nigra and Antioxidants for Added Benefits in Optimizing Immune Support for Men & Women, Non-GMO & Gluten Free, 60 Capsules

What is Elderberry? What are the benefits and harms?

Havasu Nutrition Elderberry Capsules with Sambucus Nigra and Antioxidants for Added Benefits in Optimizing Immune Support for Men & Women, Non-GMO & Gluten Free, 60 Capsules

Elderberry is a member of the Capriffoliaceae family. It is 4-8 meters tall, covered with long cracked shells, gray body, hollow, tubular branch; 6-12 cm in length and 4-8 cm in width, sharp, pointed, thin, pointed teeth, 5-7 leaflets, 25-30 cm in length, short-stemmed, ovoid, single-feather compound, mutual, rubbing leaves bad smell spilled in November; April-July, 5-8 arms umbrellas, 10-25 cm wide erect clusters, creamy white, slightly yellowing when aging, 5 mm tall, strong-smelling, blooming flowers; is a shrub or tree with reddish-beet stem, many in one, 6-10 mm in diameter, round, three-seeded, in September, when birds ripen, yielding bright black or reddish dark purple color.
Production is done by sowing seeds, steel or root separation. It grows in any kind of garden soil in a mild climate, sun-exposed or slightly shaded, but likes clay loam soils more.

Geography and History:
The gene center is Europe, Anatolia, West Asia and North Africa. Due to the 120 in the world, Sambucus genus with 3 species in Europe, representing 2 species found in Turkey. This type of Artvin, Bolu, Bursa, Elazig, Giresun, Istanbul, Izmir, Kirklareli, Rize, Sinop, Van in the province of 0-1700 meters in the bushes, forests and road sides are seen. It is grown as an ornamental plant in front of village houses in Western and Northern Anatolia regions.
The other species is Bodui elderberry (Sambucus ebulus L.); Amasya, Antalya, Balikesir, Bolu, Bursa, Giresun, Hatay, Isparta, Istanbul, Kastamonu, Kirklareli, Ordu, Van 150-2000 meters seen in the provinces, up to 2 meters in length, can produce up to 2 meters umbrellish white flowers and giving reddish dark purple spheroid fruits, It is a perennial herbaceous plant.
The name of the plant in history, “Real country pharmacy”; syrup made from fruits in autumn and drunk in winter is il medicine of the poor ”. Galenos, the founder of pharmacy science (131-201) advises him against colds and some other ailments. In the 17th century it is used to relieve cough and clean the organism.

Part and Composition Used:
Fruits, flowers, rarely leaves in the kitchen; In folk medicine, mainly dried flowers, ripe fruits and all parts of the tree are used.
When the flowers begin to blossom, the bud is in the form, the fruits ripen in autumn, leaves and branch shells used in folk medicine are collected in the summer.
Elderberry flowers include mucilage, essential oil, resin, tannin, phenol acids, flavonoids, potassium and sambunigrin; fruit flavonic and anthocyanic dyes, A, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin) and plenty of C (ascorbic acid) vitamins.

Elderberry Benefits:
Elderberry tree flowers, sweating in today's folk medicine, breast softener, antipyretic, flu, flu, cold, tonsils, varicella is used as a curative. But other parts of the tree are known for their health benefits: Fruits are sweating, diuretic, relieving constipation, free radical scavengers; leaves relieving constipation, diuretic, sweating, external wound healing and softening the skin; branch shells are considered diuretic and relieving constipation.
In history, roots have been used as vomiting and diarrhea.
80 gr shell 1 liter of water boiled 3 times a day to drink a glass of diuretic and constipation effect occurs.
It is applied to porous hemorrhoid nozzles formed from elderberry flowers. Marrow mouthwash is made with boiled elderberry water for mouth, teeth and throat pains.
The leaves and flowering branches of the plant are insect repellent. Can also be applied to the skin. Skin lotion is done with flowers.
In the homeopathy treatment method, the medicine obtained from the inner parts of the young, fresh branches of the plant is used as asthma remover and dry cough remover in children.
Live media experiments were carried out on the drying effect of water obtained from fruit from intestinal inflammation.

The leaves and branches of elderberry are slightly toxic (poisonous, harmful)! physicians and pharmacists.
Young branches are carved into the mouthpiece and simple musical instruments; small tools are made with the wood of mature trees.
It is used for coloring old branches and root shells, fruits and hair black. The leaves are green; fruit, leaves and shells, screed, scattered cyprus, violet mordants such as violet, dark purple, brown, brown-purple, yellow, dark yellow, mustard colors are obtained.

Applications in our country:
In Izmir-Bergama, water is boiled or brewed for sore throat and toothache, tuberculosis, cough, stomach discomfort, water is boiled for shortness of breath, roots are boiled, and water is boiled for yeast; in mumps and bloating, the leaves are beaten and mushy.
For hemorrhoids; In Istanbul, in Bursa-inegöl, fruits are swallowed 3 times on an empty stomach 3 times a day.
In Bursa, elderberry blossom, broad bean blossom, parsley root and caraway root are boiled and drunk together to remove kidney pains and pour sand.
In Tunceli, the spongy part of the trunk and the thick branches are separated from the wood and beaten with soap, put into paste and applied to boils.
In Aydın, leaves are softening; In Çanakkale, flowering shoots heal bronchitis; In Isparta-Uluborlu, flowers are brewed and drunk as cough suppressants.

Value in the Kitchen:
Elderberry berries can be eaten raw, as it is, but not very popular. Compote, marmalade, cake and pastry, jelly, ice cream, sherbet, juice and wine are made with them.
It accompanies game meat, chicken and fish dishes. He takes part in the construction of English ketchup.

Fruits are also evaluated by drying.
The flowers are made with fragrant syrups, vinegars, pastries, jams, creams; they are also found in dairy products as flavor and fragrance.
The leaves are evaluated to give the oils a natural green color.

Elderberry syrup
Ingredients: 1 kg elderberry, 1 liter of boiling water, 1 kg sugar.
Preparation: Put 1 kg of sugar in 1 liter of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Add 1 kg of washed elderberry and boil for 4 minutes. Extinguish the lid and let it rest for at least 2 hours. It is then filtered, re-boiled and filled into hot hot bottles. Drinking as a cough remover, especially in winter.

Havasu Nutrition Elderberry Capsules with Sambucus Nigra and Antioxidants for Added Benefits in Optimizing Immune Support for Men & Women, Non-GMO & Gluten Free, 60 Capsules