Monday, August 5, 2019

Munchkin Arm & Hammer Diaper Pail Snap with Seal and Toss Refill Bags, 6 Count

Poop problem in newborns

Munchkin Arm & Hammer Diaper Pail Snap with Seal and Toss Refill Bags, 6 Count

What did you say was a problem? Sir, some don't do it, some do it too much. All the trouble comes out of this situation. I never thought I'd write about it on this blog one day. I have a day to see. So are you ready for our poop adventures? And here we go:

After coming home with Ali, we thought that he was a human child and his poo habits would be like the big ones. Unfortunately, it wasn't. The first days he was pooping in a greenish color. That sounded strange. It's a poo-green thing. Before the babies are born, they begin to form their poop in a way that you do not want to know the details. After birth, this poop is thrown out as a pale green color. Then, especially if the mother is breastfeeding baby is expected to make a smooth poo. Our doctor said that in some babies 10 dirty diapers per day are considered normal. And what was our problem? Ali wasn't pooping. One day, two days, ten days, fifteen days. He seemed to have forgotten to poop. We were commiserating. In this case, adults say that the mother's milk is good for the baby. The scientific explanation is that since the baby uses every drop of breast milk, it can postpone the poo by 10 days. Ours went up to 15 days. Stresses raided the household. The first question of every family member who called by phone was, “Did Ali make a poo?” I was almost close to getting Alikakayaptımı.com.

May Allah give the baby the happiness of the mother who pooped after 10 days. We were very close to opening Alibugunkakayaptımı.com.

Posted by Berna Mutlu Aytekin on 29 April 2015

Im My baby is pushing and not pooing, what am I going to do? Yazık I write not to be one of the crying women / men. It was normal for a baby to breastfeed for 10 days. Our doctor could not poop at the end of 15 days without much difficulty, so our doctor could not conclude that he was not constipated. We parents think of babies as older adults, as I wrote above, and often expect them to go to the toilet. However, the intestinal system is not so advanced. Maybe they don't have to worry about going to the bathroom because it's breast milk. We don't call it constipation. Constipation is something else too. Before we go to the definition of constipation, let's look at the poop status of babies who use formula. According to the narrative of both scientific and scientific articles that I see around me, babies who take formula are much more likely to be constipated. See what the experts in the Baby Making Care Repair group I use most say:

“If the baby is being fed with food, the amount and content of the food is reviewed, and in infants who have switched to supplementary food, the baby's feeding style is reviewed and the solution is the right way.

If constipation is not the case that the baby does not poop, what is this constipation. If the baby is restless, if it is difficult to poop, the color of the butt and pushing to the extent of problems in the buttocks, then we can talk about the baby's constipation. Other than that, we do not call constipation for 10-15 days. We say my baby doesn't poop. We insist that those who say yani ah constipation, children's writing hayır are not only constipated but just don't poop. We do not allow them to intervene by force. What these interventions will explain below.

Ali's record is 15 days. Here, of course, I have a great lack. Although my son is only fed with breast milk, his mother does not allow any fiber-containing fiber to be found in his milk. I've been paying attention to what I've been eating since I realized the situation. When I eat whole wheat bread, Ali has no problems with poop. In the early summer, I had a solution by drinking red plum juice. Above all, a balanced diet. I hope I'll get into that order.

I would like to come to the issue of what not to do so that the child does not poop. This section is quite wrong and old methods are applied. It is very inconvenient to warn the baby with olive oil from the rectum in case of gas problems or not pooping. It is very inconvenient to give drops for easy removal of the gas. Your baby can't learn to poop. Giving olive oil from the mouth and giving grated nutmeg is also a wrong method from the past. If you give nutmeg, the nutrient that is combined with breast milk actually causes poisoning in your baby (side effect is numbness), so your child becomes numb. Olive oil sucking swallowing reflex in the lungs of your baby who knows nothing but the recipe is causing great troubles that is very dangerous.

The best gift for the holiday: the baby who finally pooped on the 15th day.

Posted by Berna Mutlu Aytekin on 17 July 2015

Let me talk about what to do to make the child poop. Plenty of foot massage works very well. Under the foot massages, you can stimulate the muscles in the butt area and activate your baby's straining reflex. In addition, sitting in warm water, turning his legs as if cycling again acts to stimulate the intestines. It is argued that keeping your belly warm has an effect on pooping, but it is certain that it removes the gas.

This was constipation and no pooing. And there's diarrhea. He's too dangerous. In this case, diarrhea newborns in the event of diarrhea in a very short time of 1.5 kg weight loss can live. Not to mention the poisonous diarrhea. In order to prevent diarrhea, I share with you an informative note of the Social Pediatrics Unit of Hacettepe University Hospitals Department of Child Health and Diseases. Nutritional, cleaning and diarrhea can be done in case of individual told.

Nutrition of Diarrhea Children

* If your child is less than 6 months old and does not yet receive additional food:

Increase breastfeeding.
Drink as much boiled chilled water as possible.

If your child is older than 6 months and receives additional food:

Encourage your child to eat and offer him food at least 6 times a day.
In short intervals, give energy and protein rich, soft, freshly prepared, puree foods (cheese, boiled egg, potato, yogurt, low-fat rice soup made with yogurt, rice porridge, boiled meat, grilled meatballs, pasta etc.).
Drink banana puree or freshly squeezed fruit juices as potassium-rich food.
Avoid sugary and fatty foods, do not eat. Do not give children such foods (chocolate, biscuits, wafers, nuts, cakes, soft drinks, oil, honey, jam, molasses).
Prepared fruit juices and cola drinks do not help your child with diarrhea.

To Protect Your Child From Diarrhea;

Give him only breast milk for the first six months.
When you're nine months old, get a measles vaccine.
Always wash your hands before preparing and feeding food to your child, after changing your child's diaper, after you leave the toilet yourself.
When washing your hands, turn the soap four times in your hand.
To reduce the risk of diarrhea, do not use a bottle while feeding your child.
Prepare your baby's food in easy-to-clean glass or porcelain dishes and eat with a spoon.
Never use food or drink that you are not sure of.
Do not feed raw vegetables and fruits without washing them with clean water.
Keep food in the refrigerator with your mouth closed.
Do not leave cooked food at room temperature for more than two hours. And don't feed them to your child.
If you are unsure of clean water, boil and cool your child to drink.

Obtain your drinking and utility water from a clean source and keep it closed in clean containers.

Diarrhea is a disease that can be fatal due to dehydration. To prevent water loss in your child with diarrhea, give water and watery foods (boiled chilled water, buttermilk, apple, peach, carrot juice, soups) more than usual.
After each poo, children under two years of age should drink one cup of tea and children over two years of age should drink one of the above-mentioned beverages.
Do not starve the child with diarrhea, continue feeding. Feed the diarrhea child frequently and little. Do not cut breast milk if it sucks. Breastfeed more often. Give your child an additional meal after two weeks of diarrhea.
Watch your child closely for signs of water loss, such as dry mouth and tongue, collapse of the eyes and eyes, lack of tears, and the gradual return of the abdominal skin when pulled and released.
Do not give your child with diarrhea antibiotics other than a doctor's advice. Diarrhea medications have no place in the treatment of childhood diarrhea.

Take your child to a health facility immediately if:
If there are signs of significant thirst or loss of water, your child's diarrhea does not improve within three days, he has frequent or excessive pooping, he has recurrent vomiting, eating and drinking is impaired, there is blood in his poo, and fever is high.

Hacettepe University Hospitals Department of Pediatrics Social Pediatrics Unit

I also share the recipe of Diarrhea Soup that you can prepare to stop diarrhea when you encounter such a situation. I hope you don't need it at all.

Diarrhea Soup
2 tablespoon yogurt
2 glasses of water on top
1 tablespoon of wheat starch (cuts diarrhea)
1 small potato (cuts diarrhea)
1 clove of garlic (antibiotic)
Half finely chopped onion (antibiotic)
Do not add oil!

We didn't have such a problem for Ali, I hope we don't. It is very scary that our babies that we have grown from gram to gram have weight loss with diarrhea. I hope your babies will always be happy and healthy. That's all I've learned and I'll tell you about. If you would like to make medication-free recommendations for newborn constipation diarrhea and treatment methods, please leave a comment on my post. Stay healthy.

Munchkin Arm & Hammer Diaper Pail Snap with Seal and Toss Refill Bags, 6 Count