Monday, August 5, 2019

Tommee Tippee Simplee Diaper Pail Refill Cartridge - 180 Count per Pack - 4 Pack

What Does Your Baby's Poop Tell You?

Tommee Tippee Simplee Diaper Pail Refill Cartridge - 180 Count per Pack - 4 Pack

When your baby is born, you need to think about everything from what you eat to what you wear. One of them is your baby's “poop.. Every change from color to consistency increases even if you worry. We have received information from Dr. Erdem Uzunoglu, MD, Specialist on Child Health and Diseases , about changes in your baby's bowel movements.

Changes in your baby's poo should not always be tired of abuse; this can be caused by many reasons. It is also wrong to compare your baby's diapers with those of other babies. Because each baby may have different changes. Even your own baby's poo can vary from day to day. This change is especially noticeable as your baby changes to solid foods, as they eat.
First Stool: Meconium

You may experience unexpected situations when you start to change your baby's diaper. Especially in newborn babies, the stool may be black. This stool is called meconium and has accumulated in the bowel during the time your baby is in the womb. Your baby should be tired to remove meconium. This means that the baby's bowel is not blocked.

Your baby will remove all meconium from the intestine within the first 24 hours. Afterwards, you may temporarily encounter a yellow, juicy poop with a color close to dark green. Sometimes a snot liquid can also be seen in the poo.

Within a few days of temporary feces, your baby's poo will vary depending on what they eat. If breast milk is fed, golden yellow, sometimes watery and loose, particulate, can be crush consistency. If you feed your baby with food, then it will be more shaped and darker in color.
If it's Green ...

Occasionally, changes in the color of infants' poo can be interpreted as üt cold ”. However, when the speed of the intestines is high, this green color, which is connected to the excretion of bile from the small intestine, should be considered normal unless diarrhea occurs.
Transition to Solid Foods

When you switch to solid foods, your baby's poo will become more solid. However, it is normal for them to be darker and smelly. Infants who continue to be breastfed will have a softer poo compared to bottle-fed babies.

After the introduction of solid foods, the fecal properties may vary each time. The color of the poop will vary, especially with respect to the last meals. For example, if you give your baby carrot juice, the color of the poo may be orange.

Food taken in infants with poor digestive system may not change much. So don't be surprised to see the pieces of food in your baby's poo. In particular, those which are difficult to digest may emerge as a whole or in a fragmented manner.
Black Stool

If you give your baby iron supplements, it is normal for you to encounter black stools in your baby's diaper. In infants, sometimes the reaction between bacteria normally found in the digestive tract and iron sulfate can lead to black color in the stool. In this case you do not need to cut the iron supplement; iron does not cause digestive problems. If your baby does not take iron medications or is not fed with ready-made foods, you can consult your doctor if he is making a black poop.
When Dangerous?

Diarrhea is the most worrying of the changes in poop. If your baby often makes watery stools, you may suspect diarrhea. Sensitivity to certain foods may cause diarrhea.

Swallowing of salivary secretion increases during teething increases the fluidity in the intestinal contents. Consequently, the feces are runny, gelled and slightly more frequent. It should not be confused with diarrhea.

If your baby has had watery stools for more than 24 hours, has vomiting all the time, has blood in the stool, slimy tissue, and fever persists, you should call a doctor. The baby you think diarrhea should not be given medical treatment without doctor's consent. Otherwise, you may risk the baby's health.

Constipation is also one of the bowel problems that should be consulted to a doctor when symptoms are seen. Breast-fed infants have a low risk of constipation. This is because milk is the most appropriate food for the baby's intestines and digestion. However, constipation is more common in infants fed with food.

The most important symptoms of constipation are infrequent defecation and difficulty in pooping. Sparse constipation is not mentioned if it makes it easy to poop, even though it is sparse like every 2-3 days. Sometimes you may see blood in your baby's poo. Do not worry; If the poo is hard, depending on the strain, cracks may occur in the anus and bleeding may occur. In addition, abdominal pain and restlessness in your baby is also among the symptoms of constipation.

If you see any signs of constipation, you should consult your doctor immediately. Occasional constipation can usually be eliminated by some changes in nutrition. For example, you can change the food your baby eats, or add a few teaspoons of crushed plums or juice. Some body exercises may also work. For example, you can move her feet as if you were pedaling her on her back.

Tommee Tippee Simplee Diaper Pail Refill Cartridge - 180 Count per Pack - 4 Pack