Saturday, June 22, 2019

2000 Flushes 208086 Blue Plus Bleach Antibacterial Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner 3.5 OZ Twin Pack (Pack of 1)

2000 Flushes 208086 Blue Plus Bleach Antibacterial Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner 3.5 OZ Twin Pack (Pack of 1)

2000 Flushes 208086 Blue Plus Bleach Antibacterial Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner 3.5 OZ Twin Pack (Pack of 1)

How to clean the toilet from rust

Many housewives try to achieve sterile cleanliness in rooms such as a bathroom and toilet. Rust can ruin the impression of even the most seemingly clean bathroom. Rust is found in tap water and is an insoluble impurity. It gradually forms plaque on surfaces in contact with running water. At first, a slightly visible yellow bloom appears, then the color becomes more saturated.
In the end, if the toilet or sink does not wash, the surface will be completely covered with rust. It should not be brought to such a state, because rust can and must be fought.

Cleaning plumbing
For many people, tidying up the plumbing in the house is not a problem, because the shops sell all kinds of household chemicals, as they say, for every budget. As a rule, in the fight against rust help the same household chemicals designed to remove limescale. Abrasive cleaners are effective and affordable, but stains are washed only after a good job.
Powdered products can scratch the surface of the toilet bowl, which will cause rust in the future.

Alkaline household chemicals, for example "Domestos" are considered to be more common. It is quite simple to use it, it is necessary to put quite a bit of substance on the contaminated area and leave it for some time, after which you should flush the water. Alkali, which is part of, removes rust stains well and does not damage the surface of the toilet bowl, and also has bactericidal properties. It should be noted that with strong pollution this method of cleaning is ineffective.
Acidic remedies are used in a similar way. They easily remove rust, but are also aggressive, so you should wear gloves when handling them.
Folk methods in the fight against rust

Ardent opponents of household chemicals cope with ugly drips as follows.

Organic acids, such as acetic, oxalic and citric, are used. It is very easy to remove rust, you just need to cover the problem areas with a cloth dipped in a solution and leave for some time.
Similarly, you can wash plumbing with inorganic acid.
Such well-known drinks like Coca-Cola, Fanta, or Sprite help to get rid of rust on plumbing fixtures. Pour the liter of a drink down the toilet and leave for one hour. When flushing, these drinks remove even fatty solutions that form on the walls of sewer pipes.
If the stains are not old, then toothpaste will help to cope with them. Enough 4 centimeters of paste to get rid of rust, albeit briefly.
Calcium and peroxide is in every home, they can be used to clean rust in a matter of minutes.
At home, baking soda, citric acid and vinegar are suitable for cleaning the toilet bowl and cistern. They cope with possible pollution not worse than the well-known household chemicals.

How to clean the toilet from rust and the reasons for its appearance
For a start, it is advisable to consider the possible causes of this problem.
To prevent the formation of yellow stripes on the toilet is within the power of any person. It is worth paying attention to the following nuances.
Water should not go to the duct, most likely the problem lies in the drain tank. In most cases, this is an easily removable problem; simply pushing the float lever located in the tank. But, in some cases, it is necessary to seek the help of a specialist or independently change the valve.
Another reason is old rusty pipes. In new homes there are no such problems, but in old residential premises it is advisable to change the rusty pipes to new, more modern ones.
The surface roughness contributes to the accumulation of particles of rust, limescale and urinary stone. When choosing plumbing better to prefer porcelain or earthenware.
Preventive measures, performed regularly, will keep the toilet and other sanitary facilities in the house clean. With such work special tablets cope, which should be placed in the toilet bowl. They gradually dissolve in water and prevent possible contamination.
Some tips on "How to clean the toilet from pollution"
It is necessary to clean the toilet with hand movements from top to bottom. If you do the opposite, the water in the toilet will be dirty, which contributes to the transfer of bacteria to already clean surfaces. Finish washing the toilet should be cleaning the outer surface and do not forget about the tank.
Oddly enough, effective is considered to be a glass cleaner. This method of cleaning the toilet is rather the final stage. Inside, the toilet should be flushed with clean water, and the outer walls and cistern should be wiped with a dry cloth.
These simple tools and rules will keep the bathroom and toilet clean and tidy. Sterility can be achieved, the main thing is to make every effort and the result will not keep you waiting for a long time.
